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how to create npc that will use queue system/ countdown / start the event


g_room1-3,64,185,3	script	RFYL Event	668,{		// We need to use attachnpctimer because the mes command below 		// needs RID attach		attachnpctimer;		initnpctimer;		npctalk "We will start in a short time, give me 15 seconds";		end;	OnTimer15000:		npctalk "Ok 5 seconds more";		end;	OnTimer6000:		npctalk "4";		end;	OnTimer7000:		npctalk "3";		end;	OnTimer8000:		npctalk "2";		end;	OnTimer9000:		npctalk "1";		end;	OnTimer10000:		stopnpctimer;		mes "[Man]";		mes "Ok Let us start the RFYL Event";		mes "Good Luck to all participants!";		monster "g_room1-3",64,185,"Poring",1002,4,"NPCNAME::OnLabel";		for (set .@i, 0; .@i < .mobnumber; set .@i, .@i + 1){		set .@mobGID, monster "g_room1-3",64,185,"Killer Poring",1002,4;		unitattack .@mobGID, getcharid(3);		}		close;		detachnpctimer;		// and remember attachnpctimer and detachnpctimer can only be used 		// while the NPC timer is not running!	}			
can anyone make a NPC script that will set players into specific map into a limited amount of players can enter, and will countdown to disable npc right after the room is full or in a 3 minutes time.
example steps:
1. enable npc for queue or in a 3 minutes time. I preferred 3 minutes time.
2. then once full or 3mins. time is elapsed, disabled npc for entering then
inside the said room:
3. a 1 minute pause/ countdown again before starting the event. so the players will get ready.
4. then 3-4 monsters will be summon inside room that will automatically attack the players.
5.then the last man/character standing will be the winner. will be given the item reward.
On the above script, i got an error on line 38 == need ' ( '..... i dont know where to put..
can you please revised this? iwant this script to be like in the Example steps i mentioned above.. thanks.
on the script, the npc will only start countdown when i click it. but i want it to start the count down when the room is full or 3 minutes time elapsed.
hope you can help me!

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