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Marathon event problem


//===== eAthena Script =======================================//= Euhéméria Marathon//===== By: ==================================================//= AeriePinkPanther//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 1.0//===== Compatible With: =====================================//= eAthena SVN 14000+//===== Description: =========================================//= RaceWay with traps//============================================================event,97,98,5	script	Marathon Event	989,{	warp "ars_dun31.gat" ,37,78;}ars_dun31,43,82,1	script	Azheila#ep7	951,{set @name$,"Azheila";if($@ep7mara==0)  { 	mes "[" + @name$ + "]";	mes "Well " + strcharinfo(0) + ",";	mes "You can now participate in the Marathon of Euhéméria!";	close;}if($@ep7mara==1)  { 	mes "[" + @name$ + "]";	mes "Well " + strcharinfo(0) + ",";	mes "You can register at this time.";	close;}if($@ep7mara>=2)  { 	mes "[" + @name$ + "]";	mes "Well " + strcharinfo(0) + ",";	mes "The marathon is over, you can watch the race talking to Xzian.";	close;}OnBG:	waitingroom "Marathon - WaitingRoom",3,"EP7_mara::OnBGJoin",1;	end;}//========================================================================================================ars_dun31,79,78,0	script	#arsdun31a	45,1,1,{		set @name$,"Inscripitons";	if ($@ep7mara == 0)  goto sub1;	if ($@ep7mara == 1)  goto sub2;	if ($@ep7mara >= 2)  goto sub3;		sub1:				mes "[" + @name$ + "]";		mes "You can't register yet.";		close;	sub2:		mes "[" + @name$ + "]";		mes "Would you sign?";		next;		menu "Yes !",submenu1,"No",-;			close;		submenu1:			if(checkcart() == 1 || (countitem(12016)>0) || (countitem(662)>0) || checkriding() == 1){				mes "[" + @name$ + "]";				mes "You must don't have a Cart, a Peco, the Authoritative Badges and Speed Potion with you.";				close;}			if ($@ep7_Maranb >= 10) {mes "[" + @name$ + "]";mes "Sorry, but there are already 10 registered!";close;}			setarray $MaraJoueur$[$@ep7_Maranb],strcharinfo(0);			set $@ep7_Maranb,$@ep7_Maranb+1;			mes "[" + @name$ + "]";			mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + " here you are registered! !"; 			close2;				mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just registered!",1,0x66FF00;			sc_end SC_ALL;			set @ep7_JMarapl,1;			warp "ars_dun31",73,114;			end;	sub3:				mes "[" + @name$ + "]";		mes "The marathon is over, so you can't register.";		close;	}//_________________________________________________________________//___________________Marathon : Script ____________________________//_________________________________________________________________-	script	EP7_mara	-1,{OnInit://=================================================//Configure//=================================================	//Rewards, last one is for the record	setarray $@MaraRec[0],675,675,675,675,675,675,675,675,675,675,675; 	setarray $@MaraNb[0],150,100,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10,800; //=================================================	//Temps	stopnpctimer;	setnpctimer 0;		if ($MaraRecord == 0){	set $MaraRecord,50000;}	//Fenêtre	donpcevent "Azheila#ep7::OnBG";	//Ligne de Départ	setcell "ars_dun31",81,130,73,130,cell_walkable,0; //non walkable : Ligne de Départ	//Variables	set $@ep7mara,0; //off 1= inscriptions en cours / 2= event en cours	set $@ep7_Maranb,0; //Nb de joueurs à l'inscription à zéro	set $@MaranEnd,0; //Nb d'arrivées à zéro	//NPC	disablenpc "#arsdun31a";	end;	OnBGJoin:	if( $@ep7mara == 1 || $@ep7mara == 2 ) {end;}	if( $EP7Annonce == 0 ) {mapannounce "ars_dun31","The Marathon Euhéméria has just started, you have two minutes to register!",1,0xFF6600;}	if( $EP7Annonce == 1 ) {announce "The Marathon Euhéméria has just started, you have two minutes to register!",0,0xFF6600;}	//Inscriptions Ouvertes	set $@ep7mara,1;	//Noms des derniers participants	deletearray $MaraJoueur$[0],9; //Suppr les 10 noms participants	deletearray $MaranEnd$[0],9; //Suppr les 10 noms arrivées	deletearray $MaranTime[0],9; //Suppr les 10 temps	deletearray $MaranTimeS[0],9; //temps	//Vers les inscriptions	enablenpc "#arsdun31a";	sleep2 120000; //2 Minutes pour s'inscrire		mapannounce "ars_dun31","Entries are closed, we will soon begin!",bc_map,"0xFF3333",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;	set $@ep7mara,2; //Inscriptions closes	sleep2 15000;	mapannounce "ars_dun31","5",bc_map,"0xFF3333",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;	sleep2 1000;	mapannounce "ars_dun31","4",bc_map,"0xFF3333",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;	sleep2 1000;	mapannounce "ars_dun31","3",bc_map,"0xFF3333",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;	sleep2 1000;	mapannounce "ars_dun31","2",bc_map,"0xFF3333",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;	sleep2 1000;	mapannounce "ars_dun31","1",bc_map,"0xFF3333",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;	sleep2 1000;	mapannounce "ars_dun31","Let's go !",bc_map,"0xFF3333",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;	setcell "ars_dun31",81,130,73,130,cell_walkable,1; //walkable : Ligne de Départ	initnpctimer;	sleep2 10000;	mapannounce "ars_dun31","You have 20 minutes to finish the race!",bc_map,"0xFF3333",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;	end;//=========================================OnTimer300000:	mapannounce "ars_dun31","15 minutes left!",bc_map,"0xFF3333",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;	end;OnTimer600000:	mapannounce "ars_dun31","10 minutes left!",bc_map,"0xFF3333",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;	end;OnTimer900000:	mapannounce "ars_dun31","5 minutes left!",bc_map,"0xFF3333",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;	end;OnTimer1200000:	mapannounce "ars_dun31","Let's go !",bc_map,"0xFF3333",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;	sleep2 5000;	areawarp "ars_dun31",0,400,400,0,"ars_dun31",31,78;	sleep2 5000;	donpcevent "EP7_mara::OnInit";	end;	//=========================================OnPCLoginEvent:	getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0;	if ( @map$ == "ars_dun31" && @ep7_JMarapl == 0) {dispbottom "You don't follow the rules.";warp "ars_dun31",31,78;end;}	end;OnPCDieEvent: //Point de respawn//=========================================OnEnd:	setarray $MaranTime[$@MaranEnd],getnpctimer(0);//Temps	end;	}//_________________________________________________________________//___________________Marathon : Arène _____________________________//_________________________________________________________________//Entréears_dun31,73,246,5	script	#arsdun31b	45,2,2,{if (@ep7_JMarapl == 1) {		mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just arrived at [1] Point of Passage.",0,0x00CCFF;		mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" : You must perform 8 Stadium Tours.",0,0x9966CC|bc_self;		dispbottom "Magicians turn you into Peco.";		set @ep7_JMarapl,2;		set @ep7_JMaratour,1;		disguise 1369;		end;			}if (@ep7_JMarapl == 2) {end;}	dispbottom "You don't follow the rules.";warp "ars_dun31",31,78;end;}//=========================================//Tourars_dun31,59,225,5	script	#arsdun31c	45,1,1,{if (@ep7_JMaratour == 8) {dispbottom "You've already made your point eight turns.";end;}if (@ep7_JMarapl == 2) {		set @ep7_JMaratour,@ep7_JMaratour+1;		dispbottom ""+strcharinfo(0)+" : You will be in your ["+@ep7_JMaratour+"] Round !";		warp "ars_dun31",59,230;			end;}	dispbottom "You don't follow the rules.";warp "ars_dun31",31,78;end;}//=========================================//Sortiears_dun31,74,185,5	script	#arsdun31d	45,1,1,{if (@ep7_JMaratour == 8 && @ep7_JMarapl == 2) {		undisguise;		set @ep7_JMarapl,3;		mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just arrived at [2] Point of Passage.",0,0x00CCFF;		warp "ars_dun31",74,181;			end;}	dispbottom "You have not done your 8 laps.";end;}//_________________________________________________________________//___________________Marathon : Planches __________________________//_________________________________________________________________//Sortiears_dun31,149,189,5	script	#arsdun31e	45,3,3,{if (@ep7_JMarapl == 3) {		set @ep7_JMarapl,4;		mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just arrived at [3] Point of Passage.",0,0x00CCFF;		end;}if (@ep7_JMarapl == 4) {end;}	dispbottom "You don't follow the rules.";warp "ars_dun31",31,78;end;}//_________________________________________________________________//___________________Marathon : Montée ____________________________//_________________________________________________________________ars_dun31,194,245,5	script	#arsdun31f	45,1,1,{if (@ep7_JMarapl == 4) {		set @ep7_JMarapl,5;		mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just arrived at [4] Point of Passage.",0,0x00CCFF;		end;}if (@ep7_JMarapl == 5) {end;}	dispbottom "You don't follow the rules.";warp "ars_dun31",31,78;end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,229,261,5	script	#ep7piege1a	-1,5,5,{OnTouch:	set @rand, rand(100);	if(@rand <= 80) {end;}	dispbottom "Vous venez de chuter ! Il va falloir remonter !";	warp "ars_dun31",202,249;	end;}ars_dun31,262,236,4	duplicate(#ep7piege1a)	#ep7piege1b	-1,5,5ars_dun31,282,259,4	duplicate(#ep7piege1a)	#ep7piege1c	-1,5,5ars_dun31,282,191,4	duplicate(#ep7piege1a)	#ep7piege1d	-1,5,5//_________________________________________________________________//___________________Marathon : Glace  ____________________________//_________________________________________________________________ars_dun31,277,171,5	script	#arsdun31g	45,1,1,{if (@ep7_JMarapl == 5) {		set @ep7_JMarapl,6;		mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just arrived at [5] Point of Passage.",0,0x00CCFF;		dispbottom "Magicians turn you in Seal.";		disguise "1317";		end;}if (@ep7_JMarapl == 6) {end;}	dispbottom "You don't follow the rules.";warp "ars_dun31",31,78;end;}//=================================================================//ars_dun31,262,135,5	script	#ep7piege2a	-1,9,9,{//OnTouch:	//	set @rand, rand(100);//	if(@rand <= 75) {end;}//	sc_start SC_MATKFood,120000,10;//	dispbottom "Vous venez de tomber dans une crevasse !";//	specialeffect 108;//	end;//}//ars_dun31,239,115,4	duplicate(#ep7piege2a)	#ep7piege2b	-1,9,9//ars_dun31,223,105,4	duplicate(#ep7piege2a)	#ep7piege2c	-1,9,9//ars_dun31,253,88,4	duplicate(#ep7piege2a)	#ep7piege2d	-1,9,9//ars_dun31,272,42,4	duplicate(#ep7piege2a)	#ep7piege2e	-1,9,9//_________________________________________________________________//___________________Marathon : Descente __________________________//_________________________________________________________________ars_dun31,246,25,5	script	#arsdun31h	45,1,1,{if (@ep7_JMarapl == 6) {		set @ep7_JMarapl,7; //Global		set @ep7_JMaraDS,1; //Portes pour la descente		mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just arrived at [6] Point of Passage.",0,0x00CCFF;		end;}if (@ep7_JMarapl == 7) {end;}	dispbottom "You don't follow the rules.";warp "ars_dun31",31,78;end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,240,53,5	script	#ep7piege3a	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 1) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [1] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,225,45,5	script	#ep7piege3b	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 2) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [2] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,212,34,5	script	#ep7piege3c	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 3) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [3] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,200,25,5	script	#ep7piege3d	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 4) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [4] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,189,29,5	script	#ep7piege3e	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 5) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [5] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,179,40,5	script	#ep7piege3f	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 6) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [6] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,173,52,5	script	#ep7piege3g	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 7) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [7] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,161,50,5	script	#ep7piege3h	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 8) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [8] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,156,36,5	script	#ep7piege3i	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 9) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [9] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,146,32,5	script	#ep7piege3j	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 10) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [10] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,134,33,5	script	#ep7piege3k	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 11) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [11] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,128,46,5	script	#ep7piege3l	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 12) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [12] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,131,57,5	script	#ep7piege3m	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 13) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [13] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,141,68,5	script	#ep7piege3n	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 14) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [14] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,137,84,5	script	#ep7piege3o	-1,3,3,{OnTouch:	if (@ep7_JMaraDS == 15) {	set @ep7_JMaraDS,@ep7_JMaraDS+1;dispbottom "You just passed the [15] Gate.";end;}	dispbottom "You must pass the gates in order!";end;}//_________________________________________________________________//___________________Marathon : Château ___________________________//_________________________________________________________________ars_dun31,170,104,5	script	#arsdun31i	45,3,3,{if (@ep7_JMarapl == 7 && @ep7_JMaraDS == 16) {		set @ep7_JMarapl,8;		mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just arrived at [7] Point of Passage.",0,0x00CCFF;		undisguise;		end;}if (@ep7_JMarapl == 8) {end;}	dispbottom "You don't follow the rules.";warp "ars_dun31",31,78;end;}//=================================================================-	script	EP7_MaraBomb	-1,{OnInit:	monster "ars_dun31",170,124,"Bomb Poring",3908,3,"EP7_MaraBomb::OnDie1";	monster "ars_dun31",159,154,"Bomb Poring",3908,3,"EP7_MaraBomb::OnDie2";	monster "ars_dun31",186,177,"Bomb Poring",3908,3,"EP7_MaraBomb::OnDie3";	monster "ars_dun31",202,192,"Bomb Poring",3908,3,"EP7_MaraBomb::OnDie4";	monster "ars_dun31",180,142,"Bomb Poring",3908,3,"EP7_MaraBomb::OnDie5";	monster "ars_dun31",216,178,"Bomb Poring",3908,3,"EP7_MaraBomb::OnDie6";	set $@monster_ep7Mara1,3;	set $@monster_ep7Mara2,3;	set $@monster_ep7Mara3,3;	set $@monster_ep7Mara4,3;	set $@monster_ep7Mara5,3;	set $@monster_ep7Mara6,3;	end;OnDie1:	set $@monster_ep7Mara1, $@monster_ep7Mara1-1;	if($@monster_ep7Mara1==0) {sleep2 8000; set $@monster_ep7Mara1,3;	monster "ars_dun31",170,124,"Bomb Poring",3908,3,"EP7_MaraBomb::OnDie1";}end;OnDie2:	set $@monster_ep7Mara2, $@monster_ep7Mara2-1;	if($@monster_ep7Mara2==0) {sleep2 8000; set $@monster_ep7Mara2,3;	monster "ars_dun31",159,154,"Bomb Poring",3908,3,"EP7_MaraBomb::OnDie2";}end;OnDie3:	set $@monster_ep7Mara3, $@monster_ep7Mara3-1;	if($@monster_ep7Mara3==0) {sleep2 8000; set $@monster_ep7Mara3,3;	monster "ars_dun31",186,177,"Bomb Poring",3908,3,"EP7_MaraBomb::OnDie3";}end;OnDie4:	set $@monster_ep7Mara4, $@monster_ep7Mara4-1;	if($@monster_ep7Mara4==0) {sleep2 8000; set $@monster_ep7Mara4,3;	monster "ars_dun31",202,192,"Bomb Poring",3908,3,"EP7_MaraBomb::OnDie4";}end;OnDie5:	set $@monster_ep7Mara5, $@monster_ep7Mara5-1;	if($@monster_ep7Mara5==0) {sleep2 8000; set $@monster_ep7Mara5,3;	monster "ars_dun31",180,142,"Bomb Poring",3908,3,"EP7_MaraBomb::OnDie5";}end;OnDie6:	set $@monster_ep7Mara6, $@monster_ep7Mara6-1;	if($@monster_ep7Mara6==0) {sleep2 8000; set $@monster_ep7Mara6,3;	monster "ars_dun31",216,178,"Bomb Poring",3908,3,"EP7_MaraBomb::OnDie6";}end;	}//_________________________________________________________________//___________________Marathon : Portes ____________________________//_________________________________________________________________ars_dun31,236,179,5	script	#arsdun31j	45,1,1,{if (@ep7_JMarapl == 8) {		set @ep7_JMarapl,9;		mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just arrived at [8] Point de Passage.",0,0x00CCFF;		warp "ars_dun31",51,39;		end;}if (@ep7_JMarapl == 9) {end;}	dispbottom "You don't follow the rules.";warp "ars_dun31",31,78;end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,67,46,5	script	#ep7piege5a	45,1,1,{OnTouch:	set @rand, rand(100);	if(@rand <= 60) {specialeffect 108;sc_start SC_FREEZE,4000,0;end;}	if(@rand <= 75) {specialeffect 109;sc_start SC_CONFUSION,5000,0;end;}	warp "ars_dun31",90,40;end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,67,41,5	script	#ep7piege5b	45,1,1,{OnTouch:	set @rand, rand(100);	if(@rand <= 40) {specialeffect 108;sc_start SC_FREEZE,4000,0;end;}	if(@rand <= 65) {specialeffect 109;sc_start SC_CONFUSION,5000,0;end;}	warp "ars_dun31",90,40;end;}//=================================================================ars_dun31,67,36,5	script	#ep7piege5c	45,1,1,{OnTouch:	set @rand, rand(100);	if(@rand <= 60) {specialeffect 108;sc_start SC_FREEZE,4000,0;end;}	if(@rand <= 100) {specialeffect 109;sc_start SC_CONFUSION,5000,0;end;}	}//=================================================================ars_dun31,67,32,5	script	#ep7piege5d	45,1,1,{OnTouch:	set @rand, rand(100);	if(@rand <= 60) {specialeffect 108;sc_start SC_FREEZE,4000,0;end;}	if(@rand <= 100) {specialeffect 109;sc_start SC_CONFUSION,5000,0;end;}	}//_________________________________________________________________//___________________Marathon : Fin _______________________________//_________________________________________________________________ars_dun31,36,125,5	script	#arsdun31k	45,1,1,{if (@ep7_JMarapl == 9) {		if ($@ep7_MaranEnd >= 10) {mes "[" + @name$ + "]";mes "Sorry, but there have been [10] arrived !";close2;warp "ars_dun31",31,78;end;}		setarray $MaranEnd$[$@MaranEnd],strcharinfo(0); //Nom		donpcevent "EP7_mara::OnEnd";	getitem $@MaraRec[$@MaranEnd],$@MaraNb[$@MaranEnd];	set .@MaraplaceT,$@MaranEnd+1;	mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+$MaranEnd$[$@MaranEnd]+" has just arrived at ["+ .@MaraplaceT +"] Place !",0,0x00CCFF;	warp "ars_dun31",31,78;	//Calcul du Temps	set $MaranTimeS[$@MaranEnd], $MaranTime[$@MaranEnd]/1000;	//Si Record	if($MaranTime[$@MaranEnd] < $MaraRecord) {	set $MaraRecNom$,$MaranEnd$[$@MaranEnd];	set $MaraRecord,$MaranTime[$@MaranEnd];	set $MaraRecordS,$MaranTimeS[$@MaranEnd];	getitem $@MaraRec[10],$@MaraNb[10];	sleep2 5000;	mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+$MaranEnd$[$@MaranEnd]+" just beat the record time of Marathon with ["+$MaraRecordS+"] seconds !",0,0x00CCFF;	}	//Passage au suivant	set $@MaranEnd,$@MaranEnd+1;			end;}	dispbottom "You are not following the rules.";warp "ars_dun31",31,78;end;}//set @ep7_JMarapl,1; = 0 rien / 1 = inscriptions / 2 = arène / 3 = planches//_________________________________________________________________//___________________Marathon : Panneaux __________________________//_________________________________________________________________ars_dun31,43,74,3	script	Informations#ep7a	857,{set @name$,"Informations";	mes "[" + @name$ + "]";	mes "Hello sir, may I help you ?";	next;	switch( select("Participants:Classement:Spectator:Record:Quitter") ){	case 1: 	mes "^FF0000~ Participants of the Marathon of Euhéméria ~^000000";	mes "- First Participant : ^4d4dff - " + $MaraJoueur$[0] + "^000000 -";	mes "- Second Participant : ^4d4dff - " + $MaraJoueur$[1] + "^000000 -";	mes "- Third Participant : ^4d4dff - " + $MaraJoueur$[2] + "^000000 -";	mes "- Fourth Participant : ^4d4dff - " + $MaraJoueur$[3] + "^000000 -";	mes "- Fifth Participant : ^4d4dff - " + $MaraJoueur$[4] + "^000000 -";	mes "- Sixth Participant : ^4d4dff - " + $MaraJoueur$[5] + "^000000 -";	mes "- Seventh Participant : ^4d4dff - " + $MaraJoueur$[6] + "^000000 -";	mes "- Eighth Participant : ^4d4dff - " + $MaraJoueur$[7] + "^000000 -";	mes "- Ninth Participant : ^4d4dff - " + $MaraJoueur$[8] + "^000000 -";	mes "- Tenth Participant : ^4d4dff - " + $MaraJoueur$[9] + "^000000 -";	close2;	set @ep7_JMarapl,9;	end;	case 2: 	mes "^FF0000~ Winners of the Marathon of Euhéméria ~^000000";	mes "- 1 : ^4d4dff - " + $MaranEnd$[0] + "^000000 / ^4d4dffTime : "+$MaranTimeS[0]+" secondes^000000 -";	mes "- 2 : ^4d4dff - " + $MaranEnd$[1] + "^000000 / ^4d4dffTime : "+$MaranTimeS[1]+" secondes^000000 -";	mes "- 3 : ^4d4dff - " + $MaranEnd$[2] + "^000000 / ^4d4dffTime : "+$MaranTimeS[2]+" secondes^000000 -";	mes "- 4 : ^4d4dff - " + $MaranEnd$[3] + "^000000 / ^4d4dffTime : "+$MaranTimeS[3]+" secondes^000000 --";	mes "- 5 : ^4d4dff - " + $MaranEnd$[4] + "^000000 / ^4d4dffTime : "+$MaranTimeS[4]+" secondes^000000 --";	mes "- 6 : ^4d4dff - " + $MaranEnd$[5] + "^000000 / ^4d4dffTime : "+$MaranTimeS[5]+" secondes^000000 --";	mes "- 7 : ^4d4dff - " + $MaranEnd$[6] + "^000000 / ^4d4dffTime : "+$MaranTimeS[6]+" secondes^000000 --";	mes "- 8 : ^4d4dff - " + $MaranEnd$[7] + "^000000 / ^4d4dffTime : "+$MaranTimeS[7]+" secondes^000000 --";	mes "- 9 : ^4d4dff - " + $MaranEnd$[8] + "^000000 / ^4d4dffTime : "+$MaranTimeS[8]+" secondes^000000 --";	mes "- 10 : ^4d4dff - " + $MaranEnd$[9] + "^000000 / ^4d4dffTime : "+$MaranTimeS[9]+" secondes^000000 --";	close;//===========================================	case 3:	mes "[" + @name$ + "]";	mes "Where do you want to go ?";	next;	switch( select("Entrance:Start/Finish:Arena:Lake:Zeppelin-Ascent:Zeppelin-Ice:Castle:Doors:Cancel") ){	case 1:close2;warp "ars_dun31",32,79;end;	case 2:close2;warp "ars_dun31",50,121;end;	case 3:close2;warp "ars_dun31",69,217;end;	case 4:close2;warp "ars_dun31",169,228;end;	case 5:close2;warp "ars_dun31",261,199;end;	case 6:close2;warp "ars_dun31",200,79;end;	case 7:close2;warp "ars_dun31",172,152;end;	case 8:close2;warp "ars_dun31",74,40;end;	case 9:close;}//===========================================	case 4:  	mes "[" + @name$ + "]";	mes "The record is currently held by "+$MaraRecNom$+".";	mes "With a time: "+$MaraRecordS+" seconds.";	close;//===========================================	case 5: close;}}ars_dun31,51,123,4	duplicate(Informations#ep7a)	Informations#ep7b	857ars_dun31,173,234,4	duplicate(Informations#ep7a)	Informations#ep7c	857ars_dun31,267,203,4	duplicate(Informations#ep7a)	Informations#ep7d	857ars_dun31,194,80,4	duplicate(Informations#ep7a)	Informations#ep7e	857ars_dun31,202,150,4	duplicate(Informations#ep7a)	Informations#ep7f	857ars_dun31,72,47,4	duplicate(Informations#ep7a)	Informations#ep7g	857ars_dun31,68,224,4	duplicate(Informations#ep7a)	Informations#ep7h	857

i got the error on this script. can someone fix it for me ? this is the log....


[Error]: script error in file 'npc/ro/event/marathon.txt' line 237 column 3    parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function   234:                 dispbottom "Magicians turn you into Peco.";   235:                 set @ep7_JMarapl,2;   236:                 set @ep7_JMaratour,1;*  237:                 disguise 1369;        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^   238:                 end;}   239:   240: if (@ep7_JMarapl == 2) {end;}[Error]: script error in file 'npc/ro/event/marathon.txt' line 331 column 3    parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function   328:                 set @ep7_JMarapl,6;   329:                 mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just arrived at [5] Point of Passage.",0,0x00CCFF;   330:                 dispbottom "Magicians turn you in Seal.";*  331:                 disguise "1317";        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^   332:                 end;}   333:   334: if (@ep7_JMarapl == 6) {end;}


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- disguise "1317";+ disguise 1317;



[Error]: script error in file 'npc/ro/event/marathon.txt' line 238 column 3    parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function   235:                 dispbottom "Magicians turn you into Peco.";   236:                 set @ep7_JMarapl,2;   237:                 set @ep7_JMaratour,1;*  238:                 disguise 1369;        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^   239:                 end;   240:         }   241:[Error]: script error in file 'npc/ro/event/marathon.txt' line 333 column 3    parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function   330:                 set @ep7_JMarapl,6;   331:                 mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just arrived at [5] Point of Passage.",0,0x00CCFF;   332:                 dispbottom "Magicians turn you in Seal.";*  333:                 disguise 1317;        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^   334:                 end;}   335:   336: if (@ep7_JMarapl == 6) {end;}

I think same problem sir..

use atcommand "@disguise 1317"

- disguise "1317";+ atcommand "@disguise 1317";

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- disguise "1317";+ disguise 1317;



[Error]: script error in file 'npc/ro/event/marathon.txt' line 238 column 3    parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function   235:                 dispbottom "Magicians turn you into Peco.";   236:                 set @ep7_JMarapl,2;   237:                 set @ep7_JMaratour,1;*  238:                 disguise 1369;        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^   239:                 end;   240:         }   241:[Error]: script error in file 'npc/ro/event/marathon.txt' line 333 column 3    parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function   330:                 set @ep7_JMarapl,6;   331:                 mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just arrived at [5] Point of Passage.",0,0x00CCFF;   332:                 dispbottom "Magicians turn you in Seal.";*  333:                 disguise 1317;        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^   334:                 end;}   335:   336: if (@ep7_JMarapl == 6) {end;}

I think same problem sir..

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I am wondering if disguise command is included on your SVN. I checked the eAthena script commands and it seems like the disguise command is there -_-

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I am wondering if disguise command is included on your SVN. I checked the eAthena script commands and it seems like the disguise command is there -_-


lol. i am pretty sure my server running default hercules sir :)

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- disguise "1317";+ disguise 1317;



[Error]: script error in file 'npc/ro/event/marathon.txt' line 238 column 3    parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function   235:                 dispbottom "Magicians turn you into Peco.";   236:                 set @ep7_JMarapl,2;   237:                 set @ep7_JMaratour,1;*  238:                 disguise 1369;        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^   239:                 end;   240:         }   241:[Error]: script error in file 'npc/ro/event/marathon.txt' line 333 column 3    parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function   330:                 set @ep7_JMarapl,6;   331:                 mapannounce "ars_dun31",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has just arrived at [5] Point of Passage.",0,0x00CCFF;   332:                 dispbottom "Magicians turn you in Seal.";*  333:                 disguise 1317;        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^   334:                 end;}   335:   336: if (@ep7_JMarapl == 6) {end;}

I think same problem sir..

use atcommand "@disguise 1317"

- disguise "1317";+ atcommand "@disguise 1317";


now its works :) thx bro

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