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Costume Item Requesting (H)


First of all my friend is requesting a script like this.. here's the link of the topic in rAthena " link "


by the way guys! she;s asking if you can help her to edit this script that will required an specific item to change the Headgear into Costume Headgear



Here the script :

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------// 	Script Name : Headgear to Costume converter >> Costume to Headgear converter// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Description :// - Allows a user to convert the equipped headgear (on Top, Mid or Low) into a//   costume item. It will remove any card and refine of the Item.// - Allows a user to restore the equipped costume headgear (on Top, Mid or Low)//     into its original form. It will not return any card or refine of the item.// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------	script	Costume Clown	-1,{	mes "[Clown]";	mes "Here you can convert your headgears into a Costume Headgear or restore to its Original form.";	switch(select("I want to convert.:I want to restore.:No thanks.")) {	case 1:			next;			mes "Please, select what to convert.";			mes "Remember, cards and refine will be removed.";			next;				setarray .@Position$[1],"Top","Mid","Low";				setarray .@Position[1],     1,    9,   10;				set .@Menu$,"";			for( set .@i, 1; .@i < 5; set .@i, .@i + 1 )			{				if( getequipisequiped(.@Position[.@i]) )				set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + .@Position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@Position[.@i]) + "]";				set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + ":";			}			set .@Part, .@Position[ select(.@Menu$) ];			if( !getequipisequiped(.@Part) )			{				mes "[Clown]";				mes "Your not wearing anything there...";				close;			}			mes "[Clown]";			mes "You want to Costume your " + getitemname(getequipid(.@Part)) + "?";			next;			if( select("Yes, proceed:No, I am sorry.") == 2 )			{				mes "[Clown]";				mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?";				mes "Alright, I can understand.";				close;			}			costume .@Part; // Convert the Headgear			mes "[Clown]";			mes "Done, enjoy your costume headgear.";			close;	case 2:			next;			mes "Please, select what to restore.";			mes "Remember, I will only restore it back without refine and cards.";			next;				setarray .@Position$[1],"Top","Mid","Low";				setarray .@Position[1],     13,    12,   11;				set .@Menu$,"";			for( set .@i, 1; .@i < 5; set .@i, .@i + 1 )			{				if( getequipisequiped(.@Position[.@i]) )				set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + .@Position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@Position[.@i]) + "]";				set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + ":";			}			set .@Part, .@Position[ select(.@Menu$) ];			if( !getequipisequiped(.@Part) )			{				mes "[Clown]";				mes "Your not wearing anything there...";				close;			}			mes "[Clown]";			mes "You want to restore your " + getitemname(getequipid(.@Part)) + "?";			next;			if( select("Yes, proceed:No, I am sorry.") == 2 )			{				mes "[Clown]";				mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?";				mes "Alright, I can understand.";				close;			}			a = getequipid(.@Part);						delitem a,1;			getitem a,1;						mes "[Clown]";			mes "Done, enjoy your restored headgear.";			close;	case 3:		mes "[Clown]";		mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services.";		close;	}}// --------------------------------------------------------------------------// Use duplicates to put your npc on different cities// --------------------------------------------------------------------------prontera,155,181,4	duplicate(Costume Clown)	Costume Clown#1	715


Thank you so much if you help us! we appreciate it so much! 

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add this checking in your script,

if( select("Yes, proceed:No, I am sorry.") == 2 )			{				mes "[Clown]";				mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?";				mes "Alright, I can understand.";				close;			}						if ( countitem(7227) < 100 ) { // Check the required item								mes "[Clown]";								mes "100TCG is Required...";								close;						}			a = getequipid(.@Part);						delitem 7227,100;						delitem a,1;			getitem a,1;

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