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Gold Room bug eathena npc


here's the script

//  _______   __      ____	  ____ 	    __	__  ____    __  __    __   __ __      __   __  ____    _      ____       // /__  __/  / /     / __       / __     / / / / /__    / / /_/ __/ /_ / // /     / /__/ / /__    / /__  / __   _____//   / /    / /_    / /_/ /     / / / /   / / / / ____/ / / / __  /_  __// // /     / _  _ / ____/ / / // / / /_/ / / __  //  / /    / __   / ____/     / / / /   / / / / / __  / / / / /   / /   _  /     / // /// / __  / /  __/ / ____/ / /  /_/// / /    / / / / / /__	      / /_/ /_  / /_/ / / /_/ / / / / /   / /   __/ /     / // /// / /_/ / / _   / /__	  / ////_/    /_/ /_/  ____/      _______/ ____/  ____/ /_/ /_/   /_/    __/     /_//_///  ____/ /_/ _ ____/ /_///=============================================================================////   Gold Room Advance Script - Mining Gold for wealth - Please Leave Credit   //=============================================================================//POWERED by: rudolp//[The Quality Maker]//Time Finished :6:28 PM 6/7/2009//Please Report any bug and suggestions.//===== Compatible With: =================================================================//= Any eAthena Version//=============Gold Room Settings===================//This should always be enable for a better Gold Room System.//==================================================ordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	noskillordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	nomemoordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	nobranchordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	noloot ordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	noexpordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	nodropordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	novendingordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	nowarpordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	nowarptoordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	noreturn//=================================================ordeal_1-2,0,0,0	script	Gold Room	-1,{OnInit://No. of Mine Guardian.//For golden peko it is default to 100 and 4 seconds~2 seconds spawn rate.	set .guardian,50;//Type of guardian. 0 = normal 1 = extreme	set .@guardiantype,0;	if(.@guardiantype == 0){		monster "ordeal_1-2",0,0,"Taga Bantay",2001,.guardian,"";			}else{		monster "ordeal_1-2",0,0,"Taga Bantay",2002,.guardian,"";	}end;OnNPCKillEvent://===== Configurations: ========================================================================//Max gold can a player get after killing 1 golden peko (default 5 note:this will increase if luk bonus is enable).	set .@maxgaingold,5;//Apply gold penalty. 0 = no 1 = yes	set .@penalty1,1;//The Maximum no. of gold Penalty.	set .@maxpenalty1,3;//Apply speed & HP penalty. 0 = no 1 = yes 	set .@penalty2,1;//Gold limitation penalty must be enable	set .@maxgold,200;//The maximum no. of hp penalty by %.	set .@maxpenalty2,10;//Enable luk bonus. 0=no 1=yes	set .@lukbonus,0;//If luk Bonus is enable,luk divider default 49 w/ 99 max parameter. Note: the quotient of your max parameter and .@lukdiv must not grater than 5 to avoid over mining.	set .@lukdiv,49;//Show Server Name. 0=no 1=yes	set .@showservername,1;//Name of your Server	set .@servername$,"[The Quality Maker]";//=========================================================================================if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0) == -1) goto L_Finish;if (@mapname$ == "ordeal_1-2"){	set @bonus,0;	set @deduction,0;	set @gain,rand (.@maxgaingold);//Luk bonus	if (.@lukbonus != 0){		set @bonus,readparam(bLuk)/.@lukdiv;	}//Gold Penalty	if (.@penalty1 != 0){		set @deduction,rand(.@maxpenalty1);		if(@deduction == 0) set @deduction,1;		}	set @gain, @gain + @bonus - @deduction;	set gold, gold + @gain ;//Displaying Gained Gold	if(.@showservername != 0){		if(gold%5 == 0){ //Show Server Name every 10 gold gain.			dispbottom "===============Brought to you by===============";			dispbottom "==============" + .@servername$ +"==============";		}	}	if(@gain){ 		dispbottom "-|You got: " +@gain+ " gold| - |Total: " +gold+ " gold|- ";	}else{		dispbottom "-|You got: NOTHING! |- ";	}	if (.@penalty2 != 0){		if (gold >= .@maxgold/2 && gold <=.@maxgold/2+20){			 sc_start	SC_DECREASEAGI,240000,10;	 			}else if(gold >.@maxgold){			sc_start	SC_CURSE,240000,10;		 	percentheal (.@maxpenalty2*-1),(.@maxpenalty2*-1);		 	heal -50,0; //For him to die		}	}	if(paid == 0){		mapannounce "ordeal_1-2"," x( "+strcharinfo(0)+" is a cheater!",bc_map;		dispbottom "Go out you bastard!";		set gold,0;		warp "prontera", 173, 160;	}		end;}OnPCDieEvent: if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0) == -1) goto L_Finish;if (@mapname$ == "ordeal_1-2"){		dispbottom "Holy Shit you died!";		dispbottom "All of your gold will gone!";		set alive, 0;		set paid, 0;		end;}L_Finish:close;}//===============================================//warper//===============================================ordeal_1-2,154,156,5	script	Gold Miner	813,{	mes "[Gold Miner]";	if(gold >=50){		goto wa;	}	mes "Want to go now?";	mes "Your gold is just "+gold+" you can still get more.";	close;wa:	mes "Want to go now?";	 if(select("Yes", "No") == 1) {		set alive,1;        		warp "prontera", 173, 160;    	}	close;} prontera,165,158,5	script	Gold Room Warperer#pront	813,{	set @name$,"prontera";	callfunc "goldmain";	end;}aldebaran,133,116,4	script	Gold Room Warperer#alde	813,{	set @name$,"aldebaran";	callfunc "goldmain";	end;}alberta,23,247,4	script	Gold Room Warperer#alb	813,{	set @name$,"alberta";	callfunc "goldmain";	end;}payon,151,182,4	script	Gold Room Warperer#pay	813,{	set @name$,"payon";	callfunc "goldmain";	end;}geffen,115,74,4	script	Gold Room Warperer#gef	813,{	set @name$,"geffen";	callfunc "goldmain";	end;}function	script	goldmain	{	if (getgmlevel() >= 90){		mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	if(sex != 0){		mes "Hello Sir what can I do for you?";	}else{		mes "Hello Maam what can I do for you?";	}	next;	menu "Enter Mining Site",start,"Please close the mine Site. Now!",-,"Please Open the mine Site. Now!",G_open,"Nothing",C_s;	next;	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mapannounce "ordeal_1-2","Excuse me Miners.",bc_map;	mes "Ok.";	next;	mapannounce "ordeal_1-2",strcharinfo(0) +" wants to close the Gold Room for a while",bc_map;	mes "Just a second I will just ask them to";	mes "go out in the mining site";	next;	mapannounce "ordeal_1-2","Please settle your things and move quitely",bc_map;	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes ".............";	mes "........";	next;	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "Ok your done";	set .opengoldroom,1;	areawarp "ordeal_1-2",21,286,286,22,"prontera", 173, 160;	close;	}	if(.opengoldroom == 0){		goto start;	}else{		mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";		mes "Sorry!";		mes "The Mining Site is closed.";		close;	}G_open:	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "Ok.";	mes "Mining Site is Already Available.";	announce " Gold Room is open for public!",bc_map;	set .opengoldroom,0;close;start:	if ( alive == 0){		set gold,0;	}	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "What do you want?";	next;	menu "To the Gold Room",-,"Exchange Gold",exchange,"Nothing",C_s;	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "Hmm..";	mes "It cost 100,000z";    	mes "Would you like to go now to the gold room?";    	if(select("Yes", "No") == 1) {		if(@name$ == "prontera") savepoint "prontera", 173, 160;		if(@name$ == "aldebaran") savepoint "aldebaran",166, 163;		if(@name$ == "alberta") savepoint "alberta",16, 246;		if(@name$ == "payon") savepoint "payon",160, 179;		if(@name$ == "geffen") savepoint "geffen",124, 85;		if (Zeny < 100000) goto nomoney;		set Zeny, Zeny - 100000;		set alive, 1;		set paid, 1;        		warp "ordeal_1-2", 156, 155;		    	}    	close;nomoney:	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "Sorry insufficient balance";	close;exchange:	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "Hmm...let me see";	mes "You have " +gold+ ".";	if (gold == 0) goto nogold; 	mes "Ok get this.";	next;        if (checkweight(969,gold) == 0) goto L_OverWeight;	getitem 969, gold;	set gold, 0;	emotion e_gg;	close;L_OverWeight:	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "Sorry your overweight";	close;nogold:	close;C_s:	close;}//============================================================//===========================================================//========================================//warps you may edit this one for your convenience//========================================ordeal_1-2,73,265,0	warp	ord500	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,129,194,0	warp	ord501	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,130,194,0	warp	ord502	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,178,193,0	warp	ord503	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,290,130,0	warp	ord504	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,241,281,0	warp	ord505	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,66,25,0 	warp	ord506	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,202,129,0	warp	ord509	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,105,154,0	warp	ord510	1,1,prontera,173,160//============Spawns=================ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0	monster	Golden Pecopeco	1369,100,40000,20000,0

when i try to exchange gold npc says i already got 969 of golds o-o but i don't go to Gold ROom

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