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thor patcher does not download patch




I have a problem with the thor patcher.

When i create a patch and upload it , i add it to plist.txt.

But when i start the patcher it doesnt download it... eveything is setup fine as far as i know , cuz when i change plist.txt to p2list.xt it says it can find it.


its like it doesnt read it or what ever.

The notice.html is shown , everything... i have setup the checksum for client update , that works fine.


//Thor Patcher remote config file[Main]//Allow patching or not?allow=true//Should patcher ignore everything else and finish patch immediately?Force_Start=false//if not, what message should appear?policy_msg=Server is taking a nap.//file_url - patch files should ALL put here.// This config entry will override the one in embed config.// o HTTP://         http://domain.com/dir/// o FTP://         ftp://domain.com/dir///     o With <Username> [Password] [Port]//	ftp://username:[email protected]:port/dir///     o Note: username is required if want put password, otherwise everything is optional.file_url=http://sgcp1.net63.net/patcher/patcher2/data/[Patch]//use CheckSum tool, hash for client & patcher// used to make sure exe is up to date//  (leave empty to disable this feature)ClientSum=PatcherSum=//This is compressed file for patcher & client update// To make these work, ClientSum and/or PatcherSum can't be empty// Note: these files should put same place as patch file (file_url in internal config)//Relative address, not FULL URL!ClientPath=PatcherPath=// Patch list filePatchList=plist.txt[Stars]// Shining o.O (Anyways, its for start button clones)// Since orignal client has check sum.. why not for clones? XD//How many? (it should same as amount of start button clone, but of course it's your choice)clients=0// _sum - checksum, use CheckSum tool.//client1_sum=// _Name - Filename of exe//client1_Name=// _Path - Path for file [Compressed]//client1_Path=[Misc]//Set a limit for fragment, when reach this limit, patcher will ask user to defragFragmentLimit=50



// Thor Patcher Internal Config File// Note: any entry leaves as blank will use default value// True = 1// False = 0// Note that true or 1 both works fine (that's why I put "=")[URL]//base_url - everything except patch files will read from here//The address should point to a directory with / at end//// example://  http://domain.com/patch///    NOT//  http://domain.com/patch//base_url=http://sgcp1.net63.net/patcher/patcher2///notice_file - [Relative Address]//You should able to access this file by combine base_url & notice_filenotice_file=notice.html//core_file - [Relative Address]//this internal config file only store whats required,//but core_file is a remote config file that stores on your web hostcore_file=/main.ini//TimeOut - timeout of connection in seconds//0 is default setting, leave it as 0 unless you know what you are doing!TimeOut=0//=============================// File below is on local disk//=============================[Local]//status_file - [Relative Address]//It used to store information such as last patch id etc,status_file=dro.dat//grf_file - [Relative Address]grf_file=dro.grf//client_file - [Relative Address]//It's GAME EXE not patcher'sclient_file=DiversityRO.exe//client_parameter - [Self Explained]client_parameter=-1sak1//-----------------------------------------------------------------------////  Below are advanced settings, it is not required for patcher to work////-----------------------------------------------------------------------//=============================// Custom Skin controls//=============================[Skin]//windows_autosize - if set to 1, window size will automatically change depend on content sizewindows_autosize=true//windows_mode - How should windows presented?// None - Borderless window// Single - Window cannot resized// Sizeable - ... what it says, however it can not resize when windows_autosize set to true / 1window_style=single// Width and Height of window//windows_autosize set to 0 for this to work// Min: 1 Max: 10000 (I don't think you would need that big)window_width=window_height=// If set to true, user able to drag window by click images (background)// recommended to true especially for boarderless windowwindow_handle_move=true// Image for background (DOES NOT READ FROM DIRECTORY OF PATCHER, the config packer will put image inside patcher too)// Support  : jpg bmp// Note     : patcher determine image format by filename extension, use with care!background_file=images/bg.jpg//New style of progress bar, it used image.NewProgressBar=False//Image of progress bar(only when ProgressBar set to true, currently only BMP & JPG supported)ProgressBar_back=ProgressBar_front=// how big is progress bar? (only when NewProgressBar set to false)progress_bar_width=progress_bar_height=// Position of progress barprogress_bar_left=progress_bar_top=//Custom progress bar color//Use hexadecimal of RGB [eg. #4C7D7E]//Color for back of progress bar.progress_bar_backcolor=progress_bar_backcolor_end=//Color for front of progress bar.progress_bar_barcolor=progress_bar_barcolor_end=// Status message width (the one shows what patcher currently doing)// no heightstatus_width=// Text alignment// Left , Center , Rightstatus_alignment=center// Positionstatus_left=status_top=//Color for status, in hexadecimal of RGB [eg. #123456]status_color=// control notice (News box? Mini web browser? you name it)notice_width=notice_height=notice_left=notice_top=// For start buttonstart_normal=images/start1.pngstart_hover=images/start2.pngstart_down=images/start3.pngstart_left=start_top=// For Exit buttonexit_normal=images/Exit1.pngexit_hover=images/Exit2.pngexit_down=images/Exit3.pngexit_left=exit_top=// for cancel buttoncancel_normal=images/cancel1.pngcancel_hover=images/cancel2.pngcancel_down=images/cancel3.pngcancel_left=cancel_top=// How many custom buttons you want to create?// Can create up to 255 buttons (Plenty enough)buttons=2// - Custom buttons -//As you can see below, it's not that hard to make custom buttons//the number after "button" is id(depends on how many you set in buttons)// Again, note that all image files will be embed into patcher.// _normal - image file when button is in normal statusbutton1_normal=images/forum1.png// _hover - image file when user hover on itbutton1_hover=images/forum2.png// _down - image file when user mouse down on itbutton1_down=images/forum3.png// _left/_top - position of buttonbutton1_left=16button1_top=170// _mode - mode for button// 0 = open URL// 1 = Launch file/program// 2 = Message box// 3 = Reservedbutton1_mode=0// _action - depend on what you set in _mode, this may vary// ex. _mode = 0 , _action=http://google.com// which makes user open that URL address after click that buttonbutton1_action=http://somesite.tk//2// _normal - image file when button is in normal statusbutton2_normal=images/site1.png// _hover - image file when user hover on itbutton2_hover=images/site2.png// _down - image file when user mouse down on itbutton2_down=images/site3.png// _left/_top - position of buttonbutton2_left=90button2_top=170// _mode - mode for button// 0 = open URL// 1 = Launch file/program// 2 = Message box// 3 = Reservedbutton2_mode=0// _action - depend on what you set in _mode, this may vary// ex. _mode = 0 , _action=http://google.com// which makes user open that URL address after click that buttonbutton2_action=http://somesite.tk[Star Clone]//Start button clone, I name it star clone because it's better name XD// How many buttons you wanted?// Again, up to 255buttons=0// very similar to custom buttons// _normal - image file when button is in normal status//button1_normal=// _hover - image file when user hover on it//button1_hover=// _down - image file when user mouse down on it//button1_down=// _left/_top - position of button//button1_left=//button1_top=// _file - Client file//button1_file=//_parameter - Client parameter//button1_parameter=-1sak1[BGM]//Background music, leave empty to disable (mp3/mid)//Side note: Personally, I don't like background music in this kind situation, so think about players.bgm=//Loop play backgroun music? (play over and over)//Does not work for MIDIBGMLoop=False//Change volume XD (1-100) [No 0.. pointless] [MP3 ONLY]// Recommended value: 40-60 [Respect player's ears please]// Default: 100Volume=100//Note: This will override "bgm" entry when set!//When set, patcher will scan all mp3 in specific directory (use relative path)//It will random choose one when launch//eg. ./BGM/BGMDir=[Misc]//Set to true if you want patcher allow to start game when unable to connect webserverContinue On Connection Fail=False//What will the window title called?Title=Somesite Patcher

Thanks in advance

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