Kaze 0 Posted January 25, 2014 Hola! Tengo un problema en agregar un Grupo en groups.conf Le agrego todo, la id, el name, el level, los comandos, los permisos, etc.. Le pongo ID 20 y level 20, nombre "GM Eventos". Cuando se lo agrego a una cuenta, el group id 20. Tiene los mismos comandos que una cuenta normal. He reiniciado el server y también hecho @reloadatcommand Pero sigue igual... Acá dejo mi Group.conf: groups: ({ id: 20 name: "GM Eventos" inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) level: 20 commands: { identifyall: true killable: [true, false] monster: true monstersmall: true monsterbig: true summon: true size: true duel: true accept: true reject: true invite: true leave: true alive: true cleanmap: true cleanarea: true raisemap: true raise: true disguise: true undisguise: true npctalk: true broadcast: true localbroadcast: true kami: true kamib: true kamic: true lkami: true killmonster2: true kill: true nuke: true doommap: true mute: true mutearea: true unmute: true jail: true jailfor: true unjail: true kick: true ban: true unban: true block: true unblock: true charban: true charunban: true party: true changeleader: true partyoption: true partyrecall: true partyspy: true guild: true breakguild: true changegm: true guildstorage: true disguiseguild: true undisguiseguild: true sizeguild: true guildrecall: true guildspy: true pettalk: true commands: true charcommands: true help: true rates: true uptime: true showdelay: true exp: true mobinfo: true iteminfo: true whodrops: true time: true jailtime: true hominfo: true homstats: true showexp: true showzeny: true whereis: true refresh: true noask: true noks: true autoloot: true alootid: true autoloottype: true request: true channel: true pvpon: true pvpoff: true gvgon: true gvgoff: true skillon: true skilloff: true day: true night: true sound: true snow: true clouds: true clouds2: true fog: true fireworks: true sakura: true leaves: true clearweather: true mapflag: true addwarp: true storagelist: true cartlist: true itemlist: true who: true who2: true who3: true whomap: true whomap2: true whomap3: true users: true where: true accinfo: [true, false] storage: [true, false] identify: [true, false] auction: [true, false] blvl: [true, false] jlvl: [true, false] str: [true, false] agi: [true, false] vit: [true, false] int: [true, false] dex: [true, false] luk: [true, false] stpoint: [true, false] skpoint: [true, false] monsterignore: [true, false] hide: [true, false] mount: [true, false] mount2: [true, false] heal: [true, false] zeny: [true, false] cash: [true, false] points: [true, false] fakename: true recall: true tonpc: [true, false] killer: [true, false] allstats: [true, false] allskills: [true, false] resetstat: [true, false] resetskill: [true, false] reset: [true, false] feelreset: [true, false] jobchange: [true, false] speed: [true, false] changesex: [true, false] spiritball: true clone: true slaveclone: true evilclone: true item: [true, false] itembound: [true, false] refine: [true, false] go: [true, false] repairall: [true, false] storeall: [true, false] save: [true, false] memo: [true, false] load: [true, false] jump: true warp: [true, false] jumpto: true follow: true } log_commands: true permissions: { can_trade: false all_equipment: true skill_unconditional: true item_unconditional: true view_hpmeter: true view_equipment: true any_warp: true receive_requests: true }},{ id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */ name: "Player" level: 0 inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) commands: { /* no commands by default */ commands: true charcommands: true help: true rates: true uptime: true exp: true mobinfo: true iteminfo: true whodrops: true time: true hominfo: true homstats: true autoloot: true alootid: true autotrade: true breakguild: true who: true noks: true noask: true changeleader: true changegm: true pettalk: true homtalk: true die: true showexp: true refresh: true duel: true accept: true reject: true invite: true leave: true } permissions: { /* without this basic permissions regular players could not trade or party */ can_trade: true can_party: true }},{ id: 1 name: "Super Player" inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */ level: 0 commands: { /* informational commands */ commands: true charcommands: true help: true rates: true uptime: true showdelay: true exp: true mobinfo: true iteminfo: true whodrops: true time: true jailtime: true hominfo: true homstats: true showexp: true showzeny: true whereis: true /* feature commands */ refresh: true noask: true noks: true autoloot: true alootid: true autoloottype: true autotrade: true request: true go: true breakguild: true channel: true langtype: true } permissions: { }},{ id: 2 name: "Support" inherit: ( "Super Player" ) level: 1 commands: { version: true where: true jumpto: true who: true who2: true who3: true whomap: true whomap2: true whomap3: true users: true broadcast: true localbroadcast: true } log_commands: true permissions: { receive_requests: true view_equipment: true }},{ id: 3 name: "Script Manager" inherit: ( "Support" ) level: 1 commands: { tonpc: true hidenpc: true shownpc: true loadnpc: true unloadnpc: true npcmove: true addwarp: true } log_commands: true permissions: { any_warp: true }},{ id: 4 name: "Event Manager" inherit: ( "Support" ) level: 1 commands: { monster: true monstersmall: true monsterbig: true killmonster2: true cleanarea: true cleanmap: true item: [true, true] zeny: [true, true] disguise: [true, true] undisguise: [true, true] size: [true, true] raise: true raisemap: true day: true night: true skillon: true skilloff: true pvpon: true pvpoff: true gvgon: true gvgoff: true allowks: true me: true marry: true divorce: true refreshall: true } log_commands: true permissions: { can_trade: false any_warp: true }},{ id: 5 name: "VIP" inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can */ level: 0 commands: { rates: true who: true } permissions: { /* no permissions by default */ }},{ id: 10 name: "Law Enforcement" inherit: ( "Support" ) level: 2 commands: { hide: true follow: true kick: true disguise: true fakename: true option: true speed: true warp: true kill: true recall: true ban: true block: true jail: true jailfor: true mute: true storagelist: true cartlist: true itemlist: true stats: true } log_commands: true permissions: { join_chat: true kick_chat: true hide_session: true who_display_aid: true hack_info: true any_warp: true view_hpmeter: true }},{ id: 99 name: "Admin" level: 99 inherit: ( "Support", "Law Enforcement" ) commands: { /* not necessary due to all_commands: true */ } log_commands: true permissions: { join_chat: true kick_chat: true can_trade: true can_party: true all_skill: false all_equipment: true skill_unconditional: true use_check: true use_changemaptype: true all_commands: true channel_admin: true can_trade_bounded: true item_unconditional: true /* all_permission: true */ }}) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 evilpuncker 504 Posted January 25, 2014 try it: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=8JztJ8z8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tengo un problema en agregar un Grupo en groups.conf
Le agrego todo, la id, el name, el level, los comandos, los permisos, etc..
Le pongo ID 20 y level 20, nombre "GM Eventos".
Cuando se lo agrego a una cuenta, el group id 20.
Tiene los mismos comandos que una cuenta normal.
He reiniciado el server y también hecho @reloadatcommand
Pero sigue igual...
Acá dejo mi Group.conf:
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