i want to make a specific announcement in my server every hour. i have 3 messages to broadcast every 1 hour.
i want each message to be announced once in 3 hours. eg if i i have message A, B and C. then 1st hour message A is announced , 2nd hour message B is announced and 3rd hour message C is announced and then the 4th hour again message A is announced and so on.
hello hercules
i want to make a specific announcement in my server every hour. i have 3 messages to broadcast every 1 hour.
i want each message to be announced once in 3 hours. eg if i i have message A, B and C. then 1st hour message A is announced , 2nd hour message B is announced and 3rd hour message C is announced and then the 4th hour again message A is announced and so on.
Please help me with such a script.
Thank you
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