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Lhz,Thanatos Quest [ Help ]


How can i make the lhz and thanatos quest work? o-o what warper i need because my warper can warp the player in Lhz o thana o-o

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is the Biolab and Thanatos Quest is Automatic/Already in the SVN? if i want to use the biolab and thana quest i will just remove the NPC warps? and disable the @warp to biolab and thanatos towers?

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i think it is.. because i used this system also..

u just need to add in npc/mapflag/nowarpto.txt






(i believe the default for this map is (no @warp usage) but check it, so there is no regret.)

to avoid warping in that map

Edited by leloush

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i will just remove the NPC warps?

show your warper npc

some people use toasty warper ... some people use warper script inside SVN ... we dunno which one you are using



disable the @warp to biolab and thanatos towers?

like leloush said

add nowarpto mapflag to all those maps so players can't warp to those maps

remember that GM99 can bypass nowarpto mapflag so try it with normal player account

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here is my script can you please remove the biolab warps and thanatos tower warps in this script? this is Toasty Warper Script xD 

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------//Toasty Warper 1.32// by ToastOfDoom//-------------------------------------------------------------------------//Changelog://1.32 --------------------------------------------------------------------//- Changed default 'Upper' value to allow for 3rd class. (Thanks Annie)//1.31 --------------------------------------------------------------------//- Reverted BaseJob check back to jobLookup method but uses BaseJob instead//  of Class. Best of both methods. Saves on post processing calculations//  but still allows for an elegant way of writing script (don't need a //  bunch of exceptions)//1.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------//- Changed OnStart labels to OnStartNPC to prevent mystery errors.//- Removed jobLookup and replaced with BaseJob check with simple //  adjustment for dancers. (Cheers to AnnieRuru for reminding me)//- Changed the way Upper status was checked.//- Changed the way WoE status was checked.//- Commented out defaultly missing moc_filds.//- Modified mapserver console output when script loads.//1.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------//- Added a index lookup for maps (.map_<mapname> = index)//- Implemented user count for nodes (stored in .userCount_#[%])//- Added settings to turn on/off user count for nodes and maps//  (in OnInit: .showNodeUserCount, .showMapUserCount)//- Optimised the overflow test function so it wouldn't sleep so much//  (ie..no longer takes so much time to execute)//1.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------//- Renamed some NPCs cause 'warper' was too common and was causing problems//- Chucked out the old cost system and replaced with a new multi-//  modification structure. Thus old bug with cost not passing on pass 1st//  sub menu no longer exists.//- Now can dynamically adjusts available maps/menus according to://     - "gm": 0: allows everyone//             0+: only allows people above or equal to set gmlevel//             0-: only allows people below or equal to set gmlevel//     - "woe": 1:active when woe inactive//              2:active when woe active//              3:active regardless of woe setting//     - "job": works exactly the same as the 'job' setting in item_db//     - "upper": same as 'upper' setting in item_db//     - "gender": same as 'sex' setting in item_db//     - "blvl": works the same as 'gm' but with base level instead//     - "flag": when passed a variable name, it check if variable is //               empty as the condition to allow access.//     - "function": like with 'flag' but instead of a variable, it uses a//                   function name. Will pass the following parameters://                      Node: "Node", <nodeID>, <nodeName>  //                      Map: "Map", <mapID>, <mapTitle>, <mapName>, <mapX>, <mapY>, <mapCost>//- Other modifiers added: "zeny", "mapUsers"//- Shortened some of the map names to get them to fit better//1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------//- Added menu check in OnInit that checks if a menu may exceed maximum//  menu length. Hardcoded to print a warning at 2000 characters to//  compensate for changes in length due to number of map users. Client//  will crash if exceeds 2047.//0.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------//- Fixed npc duplication problem//- Added last warp functionality (edit .numLastWarps in OnInit to adjust//  number of listed warps)//- Colour-coded some things in the menu//0.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------//- Fixed bad lookup names for x/y coords for warp (thanks BrianL)//- Removed 'Back' option for root node//- Added ablilty to define basic zeny cost to individual nodes and/or maps//0.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------//- Initial Release//--------------------------------------------------------------------------	script	toastywarperbase	-1,{	function StartNode;	function EndNode;	function AddMap;	function SetArrayValue;	function GetArrayValue;	function WipeArray; //can't use cleararray =P	function ComputeMenu;	function ShowMenu;	function SelectMap;	function AddLastWarpsNode;	function ConvertStringToChrArray;	function GenerateMapSaveString;	function AddMapToList;	function ListMaps;	function InitialiseMapData;	function PrepLastWarpsMenu;	function TestMenus;	function CountAllUsers;	OnStartNPC:	set @gotoCount, 0;	//make sure it doesn't overflow and crash later on.	if(getgmlevel() >= .gmAccessLvl) {		mes "Would to like to test all the menus for overflow error?";		next;		if(prompt("Yes:No") == 1) {			TestMenus();		}	}	mes "Welcome!!";		if(.showNodeUserCount)		CountAllUsers();		next;	set .@selectedMap, ShowMenu();	SelectMap(.@selectedMap);	end;	function ShowMenu {		setarray .@stack$[0], ".menu_0$";	//traversed menu stack		while(1) {			set .@currentMenu$, .@stack$[getarraysize(.@stack$) - 1];			set .@menuStr$, ComputeMenu(.@currentMenu$);			if(getstrlen(.@menuStr$) >= 2047) { //graceful close if menu string overflows(2047)				debugmes "TOASTYWARPER - ERROR: Menu (" + getd(.@currentMenu$ + "[0]") + ") has overflowed: " + getstrlen(.@menuStr$) + " chars.";				mes "An error has occurred. Please notify the GMs";				close;			}			set .@menu, select(.@menuStr$);			set .@selectedItem, atoi(getd(.@currentMenu$ + "[" + (.@menu + 1) + "]"));			if(.@selectedItem == 0) {				//back				if(getarraysize(.@stack$) <= 1) {					set .@i, -1;					break;				}				setarray .@stack$[getarraysize(.@stack$) - 1], "";			} else				if(.@selectedItem <= .mapOffset) {					setarray .@stack$[getarraysize(.@stack$)], ((.@selectedItem == .mapOffset)?"@menu_lastwarps$":".menu_" + .@selectedItem + "$");				} else {					//leaf node - map					set .@i, .@selectedItem - .mapOffset;					break;				}		}		return .@i;	}	function CountAllUsers {		//".userCount_#[%]"		set .@i, .nodeCount;		while(.@i > 0) {			set .@nodePtr$, ".menu_" + .@i + "$";			set .@userCount, 0;			set .@k, 2;			while(getd(.@nodePtr$ + "[" + .@k + "]") != "") {				set .@selectedItem, atoi(getd(.@nodePtr$ + "[" + .@k + "]"));				if(.@selectedItem <= .mapOffset) {					//node					set .@userCount, .@userCount + ((.@selectedItem != .mapOffset)?							(getd(".userCount_" + (.@selectedItem / 128) + "[" + (.@selectedItem % 128))):							0); //make sure it's not the lastwarp menu				} else {					//map					set .@selectedItem, .@selectedItem - .mapOffset;					set .@a$, "_" + (.@selectedItem / 128) + "$[" + (.@selectedItem % 128) + "]";					set .@mapMap$, getd(".maps_map" + .@a$);					set .@mapUsers$, getd(".maps_mapUsers" + .@a$);					set .@userCount, .@userCount + getmapusers((.@mapUsers$ == "")?.@mapMap$:.@mapUsers$);				}				set .@k, .@k + 1;			}			setd(".userCount_" + (.@i / 128) + "[" + (.@i % 128) + "]", .@userCount);			set .@i, .@i - 1;		}	}		//Dynamic generation of menus happens in here!!!	function ComputeMenu { //menu_pointer		//default precomputed string (here for memory's sake)		//return getd(getarg(0) + "[1]");		set .@i, 2;		set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 3;				while(getd(getarg(0) + "[" + .@i + "]") != "") {			set .@selectedItem, atoi(getd(getarg(0) + "[" + .@i + "]"));			set .@player_job, getd(".jobLookUp_" + BaseJob);						set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 1;			if(.@selectedItem <= .mapOffset) {				//node - category				set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 1;				if(.@selectedItem == .mapOffset) {					//lastwarp					set .@output$, .@output$ + "Last Warp";				} else {					set .@enable, 1;					set .@a$, "_" + (.@selectedItem / 128) + "[" + (.@selectedItem % 128) + "]";					set .@b$, "_" + (.@selectedItem / 128) + "$[" + (.@selectedItem % 128) + "]";					set .@nodeName$, getd(".menu_" + .@selectedItem + "$[0]");					set .@gm, getd(".menus_gm" + .@a$);					set .@woe, getd(".menus_woe" + .@a$);					set .@job, getd(".menus_job" + .@a$);					set .@upper, getd(".menus_upper" + .@a$);					set .@gender, getd(".menus_gender" + .@a$);					set .@blvl, getd(".menus_blvl" + .@a$);					set .@flag$, getd(".menus_flag" + .@b$);					set .@function$, getd(".menus_function" + .@b$);					set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@gm >= 0)?(getgmlevel() >= .@gm)(getgmlevel() + .@gm) <= 0));					set .@enable, .@enable && (.@woe & ((agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) + 1) > 0);					set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@job & (1 << .@player_job)) > 0);					set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@upper & pow(2, Upper)) > 0);					set .@enable, .@enable && (.@gender == Sex || .@gender == 2);					set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@blvl >= 0)?(BaseLevel >= .@blvl):(BaseLevel + .@blvl <= 0));					set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@flag$ != "")?getd(.@flag$):1);					if(.@function$ != "")	//used if here cause logical operators won't shortcircuit and thus will execute really bad code						set .@enable, .@enable && callfunc(.@function$, "Node", .@selectedItem, .@nodeName$);					set .@userCount, getd(".userCount" + .@a$);											set .@output$, .@output$ + ((.@enable)?(.@nodeName$ + 							((.showNodeUserCount)?(" [^0000FF" + .@userCount + "^000000]"):"")):"");												set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 2;				}				set .@output$, .@output$ + ":";			} else {				//leaf node - map				set .@selectedItem, .@selectedItem - .mapOffset;				set .@enable, 1;				set .@a$, "_" + (.@selectedItem / 128) + "[" + (.@selectedItem % 128) + "]";				set .@b$, "_" + (.@selectedItem / 128) + "$[" + (.@selectedItem % 128) + "]";				set .@mapName$, getd(".maps_name" + .@b$);				set .@mapMap$, getd(".maps_map" + .@b$);				set .@zeny, getd(".maps_zeny" + .@a$);				set .@gm, getd(".maps_gm" + .@a$);				set .@woe, getd(".maps_woe" + .@a$);				set .@job, getd(".maps_job" + .@a$);				set .@upper, getd(".maps_upper" + .@a$);				set .@gender, getd(".maps_gender" + .@a$);				set .@blvl, getd(".maps_blvl" + .@a$);				set .@mapUsers$, getd(".maps_mapUsers" + .@b$);				set .@flag$, getd(".maps_flag" + .@b$);				set .@function$, getd(".maps_function" + .@b$);								set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@gm >= 0)?(getgmlevel() >= .@gm)(getgmlevel() + .@gm) <= 0));				set .@enable, .@enable && (.@woe & ((agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) + 1) > 0);				set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@job & (1 << .@player_job)) > 0);				set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@upper & pow(2, Upper)) > 0);				set .@enable, .@enable && (.@gender == Sex || .@gender == 2);				set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@blvl >= 0)?(BaseLevel >= .@blvl):(BaseLevel + .@blvl <= 0));				set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@flag$ != "")?getd(.@flag$):1);				if(.@function$ != "") {	//used if here cause logical operators won't shortcircuit and thus will execute really bad code					set .@mapX, getd(".maps_x" + .@a$);					set .@mapY, getd(".maps_y" + .@a$);					set .@enable, .@enable && callfunc(.@function$, "Map", .@selectedItem, .@mapName$, .@mapMap$, .@mapX, .@mapY, .@zeny);				}								set .@numUsers, getmapusers((.@mapUsers$ == "")?.@mapMap$:.@mapUsers$);												set .@output$, .@output$ + ((.@enable)?					("- " + .@mapName$ + 					((.showMapUserCount)?(" [^0000FF" + .@numUsers + "^000000]"):"") + 					((.@zeny > 0)?(" - " + .@zeny + "z"):"")):"") + ":";									set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 2;			}			set .@i, .@i + 1;			set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 1;		}		return .@output$ + ((getarg(0) != ".menu_0$") ? "Back" : "");	}		function SelectMap { // <mapID>		set .@name$, GetArrayValue(".maps_name", getarg(0), 1);		set .@map$, GetArrayValue(".maps_map", getarg(0), 1);		set .@x, GetArrayValue(".maps_x", getarg(0));		set .@y, GetArrayValue(".maps_y", getarg(0));		set .@users, getmapusers(.@map$);		set .@cost, GetArrayValue(".maps_zeny", getarg(0));		mes "^0000FF" + .@name$ + "^000000 has ^0000FF" + .@users + "^000000 player" + ((.@users != 1)?"s":"") + " at the moment.";		if(.@cost > 0) {			mes "It costs ^0000FF" + .@cost + "z^000000 to warp here.";			if(Zeny < .@cost) {				mes " ";				mes "^FF0000You do not have enough zeny to warp here.^000000";				mes "Please come back when you do.";				close2;				return;			}		}		mes "Would you like to warp there now?";		set .@menu, select("Yes:No");		close2;		if(.@menu == 1) {			AddMapToList(getarg(0) + 1);			PrepLastWarpsMenu();			set Zeny, Zeny - .@cost;			warp .@map$, .@x, .@y;		}		return;	}	OnPCLoginEvent:		set @toasty_stackStart, 0;		ConvertStringToChrArray(toasty_mapSave$, "@toasty_savedMaps");		InitialiseMapData();		end;	OnInit:		set .gotoLimit, 2000;	//lower this if you get infinite loop errors		set .numLastWarps, 10;	//max 64		set .gmAccessLvl, 80;		set .mapOffset, 1000; //increase if total number of nodes exceed		set .showNodeUserCount, 1;	//enables|disables display of number of users on nodes		set .showMapUserCount, 1;	//enables|disables display of number of users on maps				//used for data compression in last warp storage (DON'T TOUCH)		setarray .char$[0],			"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",			"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I",			"J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R",			"S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",			"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i",			"j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r",			"s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",			"{", "|";		setarray .mapModifiers$[0], "", "zeny", "gm", "woe", "job", "upper", "gender", "blvl", "mapUsers", "flag", "function";		setarray .tempModPtrs$[0], ".@badData$", ".@node_zeny", ".@node_gm", ".@node_woe", ".@node_job", ".@node_upper", ".@node_gender", ".@node_blvl", ".@node_mapUsers$", ".@node_flag$", ".@node_function$";		//define index lookups for modifiers		while(.@i < getarraysize(.mapModifiers$)) {			setd(".modifier_" + .mapModifiers$[.@i], .@i);			set .@i, .@i + 1;		}		//define index lookups for jobs		setarray .@jobLookup_0[0], Job_Novice, Job_SuperNovice;		setarray .@jobLookup_1[0], Job_Swordman;		setarray .@jobLookup_2[0], Job_Mage;		setarray .@jobLookup_3[0], Job_Archer;		setarray .@jobLookup_4[0], Job_Acolyte;		setarray .@jobLookup_5[0], Job_Merchant;		setarray .@jobLookup_6[0], Job_Thief;		setarray .@jobLookup_7[0], Job_Knight;		setarray .@jobLookup_8[0], Job_Priest;		setarray .@jobLookup_9[0], Job_Wizard;		setarray .@jobLookup_10[0], Job_Blacksmith;		setarray .@jobLookup_11[0], Job_Hunter;		setarray .@jobLookup_12[0], Job_Assassin;		setarray .@jobLookup_14[0], Job_Crusader;		setarray .@jobLookup_15[0], Job_Monk;		setarray .@jobLookup_16[0], Job_Sage;		setarray .@jobLookup_18[0], Job_Alchemist;		setarray .@jobLookup_19[0], Job_Bard, Job_Dancer;		setarray .@jobLookup_21[0], Job_Taekwon;		setarray .@jobLookup_22[0], Job_Star_Gladiator;		setarray .@jobLookup_23[0], Job_Soul_Linker;		setarray .@jobLookup_24[0], Job_Gunslinger;		setarray .@jobLookup_25[0], Job_Ninja;		set .@i, 0;		while(.@i < 25) {			set .@jobsPtr$, ".@jobLookup_" + .@i;			set .@k, getarraysize(getd(.@jobsPtr$));			while(.@k > 0) {				set .@k, .@k - 1;				setd(".jobLookUp_" + getd(.@jobsPtr$ + "[" + .@k + "]"), .@i);			}			set .@i, .@i + 1;		}				callsub(LoadData);	end;	LoadData:		//reset data;		set .nodeCount, 0;		set .mapCount, 1;		cleararray(.buildStack$[0], "", 128);		setarray .buildStack$[0], ".menu_0$";		//default mod values		setarray .stack_zeny[0], 0;		setarray .stack_gm[0], 0;		setarray .stack_woe[0], 3;		setarray .stack_job[0], 0x03FFFFFF;		setarray .stack_upper[0], 119;		setarray .stack_gender[0], 2;		setarray .stack_blvl[0], 0;		setarray .stack_mapUsers$[0], "";		setarray .stack_flag$[0], "";		setarray .stack_function$[0], "";		set .stackLevel, 1;		set .gotoCount, 0;		sleep(1);		set .@startLoadTime, gettimetick(0);		AddLastWarpsNode();		StartNode("Towns");			AddMap("Alberta", "alberta", 28, 234);			AddMap("Aldebaran", "aldebaran", 140, 131);			AddMap("Amatsu", "amatsu", 198, 84);			AddMap("Ayothaya", "ayothaya", 150, 163);			AddMap("Comodo", "comodo", 209, 143);			AddMap("Einbech (Mining Village);", "einbech", 70, 95);			AddMap("Einbroch", "einbroch", 64, 200);			AddMap("Geffen", "geffen", 119, 59);			AddMap("Gonryun", "gonryun", 160, 121);			AddMap("Hugel", "hugel", 96, 145);			AddMap("Izlude", "izlude", 128, 114);			AddMap("Jawaii", "jawaii", 213, 230);			AddMap("Lighthalzen", "lighthalzen", 158, 92);			AddMap("Louyang", "louyang", 210, 108);			AddMap("Lutie", "xmas", 147, 134);			AddMap("Moscovia", "moscovia", 214, 183);			AddMap("Morroc", "morocc", 156, 93);			AddMap("Nameless Island", "nameless_n", 256, 215);			AddMap("Niflheim", "niflheim", 85, 154);			AddMap("Payon", "payon", 152, 75);			AddMap("Prontera", "prontera", 155, 183);			AddMap("Rachel", "rachel", 130, 137);			AddMap("Thor Camp", "thor_camp", 254, 90);			AddMap("Veins", "veins", 216, 123);			AddMap("Yuno", "yuno", 157, 51);			AddMap("Umbala", "umbala", 145, 155);		EndNode();		StartNode("Fields");			StartNode("Amatsu Fields");				AddMap("Amatsu Field 1", "ama_fild01", 190, 197);			EndNode();			StartNode("Ayothaya Fields");				AddMap("Ayothaya Field 1", "ayo_fild01", 173, 134);				AddMap("Ayothaya Field 2", "ayo_fild02", 212, 150);			EndNode();			StartNode("Comodo Fields");				AddMap("Comodo Field 1", "cmd_fild01", 180, 178);				AddMap("Comodo Field 2", "cmd_fild02", 231, 160);				AddMap("Comodo Field 3", "cmd_fild03", 191, 172);				AddMap("Comodo Field 4", "cmd_fild04", 228, 194);				AddMap("Comodo Field 5", "cmd_fild05", 224, 203);				AddMap("Comodo Field 6", "cmd_fild06", 190, 223);				AddMap("Comodo Field 7", "cmd_fild07", 234, 177);				AddMap("Comodo Field 8", "cmd_fild08", 194, 175);				AddMap("Comodo Field 9", "cmd_fild09", 172, 172);			EndNode();			StartNode("Einbroch Fields");				AddMap("Einbroch Field 1", "ein_fild01", 142, 225);				AddMap("Einbroch Field 2", "ein_fild02", 182, 141);				AddMap("Einbroch Field 3", "ein_fild03", 187, 228);				AddMap("Einbroch Field 4", "ein_fild04", 185, 173);				AddMap("Einbroch Field 5", "ein_fild05", 216, 173);				AddMap("Einbroch Field 6", "ein_fild06", 195, 148);				AddMap("Einbroch Field 7", "ein_fild07", 272, 220);				AddMap("Einbroch Field 8", "ein_fild08", 173, 214);				AddMap("Einbroch Field 9", "ein_fild09", 207, 174);				AddMap("Einbroch Field 10", "ein_fild10", 196, 200);			EndNode();			StartNode("Geffen Fields");				AddMap("Geffen Field 0", "gef_fild00", 46, 199);				AddMap("Geffen Field 1", "gef_fild01", 213, 204);				AddMap("Geffen Field 2", "gef_fild02", 195, 212);				AddMap("Geffen Field 3", "gef_fild03", 257, 192);				AddMap("Geffen Field 4", "gef_fild04", 188, 171);				AddMap("Geffen Field 5", "gef_fild05", 166, 263);				AddMap("Geffen Field 6", "gef_fild06", 248, 158);				AddMap("Geffen Field 7", "gef_fild07", 195, 191);				AddMap("Geffen Field 8", "gef_fild08", 186, 183);				AddMap("Geffen Field 9", "gef_fild09", 221, 117);				AddMap("Geffen Field 10", "gef_fild10", 178, 218);				AddMap("Geffen Field 11", "gef_fild11", 136, 328);				AddMap("Geffen Field 12", "gef_fild12", 240, 181);				AddMap("Geffen Field 13", "gef_fild13", 235, 235);				AddMap("Geffen Field 14", "gef_fild14", 211, 185);			EndNode();			StartNode("Gonryun Fields");				AddMap("Gonryun Field 1", "gon_fild01", 220, 227);			EndNode();			StartNode("Hugel Fields");				AddMap("Hugel Field 1", "hu_fild01", 268, 101);				AddMap("Hugel Field 2", "hu_fild02", 222, 193);				AddMap("Hugel Field 3", "hu_fild03", 232, 185);				AddMap("Hugel Field 4", "hu_fild04", 252, 189);				AddMap("Hugel Field 5", "hu_fild05", 196, 106);				AddMap("Hugel Field 6", "hu_fild06", 216, 220);				AddMap("Hugel Field 7", "hu_fild07", 227, 197);			EndNode();			StartNode("Lighthalzen Fields");				AddMap("Lighthalzen Field 1", "lhz_fild01", 240, 179);				AddMap("Lighthalzen Field 2", "lhz_fild02", 185, 235);				AddMap("Lighthalzen Field 3", "lhz_fild03", 240, 226);			EndNode();			StartNode("Louyang Field");				AddMap("Louyang Field 1", "lou_fild01", 229, 187);			EndNode();			StartNode("Lutie Field");				AddMap("Lutie Field 1", "xmas_fild01", 115, 145);			EndNode();			StartNode("Manuk Fields");				AddMap("Manuk Field 1", "man_fild01", 200, 210);				AddMap("Manuk Field 2", "man_fild02", 206, 219);			EndNode();			StartNode("Mjolnir Fields");				AddMap("Mjolnir Field 1", "mjolnir_01", 204, 120);				AddMap("Mjolnir Field 2", "mjolnir_02", 175, 193);				AddMap("Mjolnir Field 3", "mjolnir_03", 208, 213);				AddMap("Mjolnir Field 4", "mjolnir_04", 179, 180);				AddMap("Mjolnir Field 5", "mjolnir_05", 181, 240);				AddMap("Mjolnir Field 6", "mjolnir_06", 195, 270);				AddMap("Mjolnir Field 7", "mjolnir_07", 235, 202);				AddMap("Mjolnir Field 8", "mjolnir_08", 188, 215);				AddMap("Mjolnir Field 9", "mjolnir_09", 205, 144);				AddMap("Mjolnir Field 10", "mjolnir_10", 245, 223);				AddMap("Mjolnir Field 11", "mjolnir_11", 180, 206);				AddMap("Mjolnir Field 12", "mjolnir_12", 196, 208);			EndNode();			StartNode("Moscovia Fields");				AddMap("Okrestnosti of Moscovia Field 1", "mosk_fild01", 82, 104);				AddMap("Okrestnosti of Moscovia 2", "mosk_fild02", 131, 147);			EndNode();			StartNode("Niflheim Fields");				AddMap("Niflheim Field 1", "nif_fild01", 215, 229);				AddMap("Niflheim Field 2", "nif_fild02", 167, 234);			EndNode();			StartNode("Odin Temple");				AddMap("Odin Temple 1", "odin_tem01", 298, 167);				AddMap("Odin Temple 2", "odin_tem02", 224, 149);				AddMap("Odin Temple 3", "odin_tem03", 266, 280);			EndNode();			StartNode("Payon Forests");				AddMap("Payon Forest 1", "pay_fild01", 158, 206);				AddMap("Payon Forest 2", "pay_fild02", 151, 219);				AddMap("Payon Forest 3", "pay_fild03", 205, 148);				AddMap("Payon Forest 4", "pay_fild04", 186, 247);				AddMap("Payon Forest 5", "pay_fild05", 134, 204);				AddMap("Payon Forest 6", "pay_fild06", 193, 235);				AddMap("Payon Forest 7", "pay_fild07", 200, 177);				AddMap("Payon Forest 8", "pay_fild08", 137, 189);				AddMap("Payon Forest 9", "pay_fild09", 201, 224);				AddMap("Payon Forest 10", "pay_fild10", 160, 205);				AddMap("Payon Forest 11", "pay_fild11", 194, 150);			EndNode();			StartNode("Prontera Fields");				AddMap("Prontera Field 0", "prt_fild00", 184, 235);				AddMap("Prontera Field 1", "prt_fild01", 190, 206);				AddMap("Prontera Field 2", "prt_fild02", 240, 206);				AddMap("Prontera Field 3", "prt_fild03", 190, 143);				AddMap("Prontera Field 4", "prt_fild04", 307, 252);				AddMap("Prontera Field 5", "prt_fild05", 239, 213);				AddMap("Prontera Field 6", "prt_fild06", 185, 188);				AddMap("Prontera Field 7", "prt_fild07", 193, 194);				AddMap("Prontera Field 8", "prt_fild08", 187, 218);				AddMap("Prontera Field 9", "prt_fild09", 210, 183);				AddMap("Prontera Field 10", "prt_fild10", 195, 149);				AddMap("Prontera Field 11", "prt_fild11", 198, 164);			EndNode();			StartNode("Rachel Fields");				AddMap("Rachel Field 1", "ra_fild01", 192, 162);				AddMap("Rachel Field 2", "ra_fild02", 235, 166);				AddMap("Rachel Field 3", "ra_fild03", 202, 206);				AddMap("Rachel Field 4", "ra_fild04", 202, 208);				AddMap("Rachel Field 5", "ra_fild05", 225, 202);				AddMap("Rachel Field 6", "ra_fild06", 202, 214);				AddMap("Rachel Field 7", "ra_fild07", 263, 196);				AddMap("Rachel Field 8", "ra_fild08", 217, 201);				AddMap("Rachel Field 9", "ra_fild09", 87, 121);				AddMap("Rachel Field 10", "ra_fild10", 277, 181);				AddMap("Rachel Field 11", "ra_fild11", 221, 185);				AddMap("Rachel Field 12", "ra_fild12", 175, 200);				AddMap("Rachel Field 13", "ra_fild13", 174, 197);			EndNode();			StartNode("Sograt Deserts");				AddMap("Sograt Desert 1", "moc_fild01", 219, 205);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 2", "moc_fild02", 177, 206);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 3", "moc_fild03", 194, 182);				//AddMap("Sograt Desert 4", "moc_fild04", 184, 217);				//AddMap("Sograt Desert 5", "moc_fild05", 203, 213);				//AddMap("Sograt Desert 6", "moc_fild06", 213, 208);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 7", "moc_fild07", 224, 170);				//AddMap("Sograt Desert 8", "moc_fild08", 229, 177);				//AddMap("Sograt Desert 9", "moc_fild09", 195, 198);				//AddMap("Sograt Desert 10", "moc_fild10", 209, 168);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 11", "moc_fild11", 198, 216);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 12", "moc_fild12", 156, 187);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 13", "moc_fild13", 185, 263);				//AddMap("Sograt Desert 14", "moc_fild14", 209, 219);				//AddMap("Sograt Desert 15", "moc_fild15", 223, 188);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 16", "moc_fild16", 206, 228);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 17", "moc_fild17", 208, 238);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 18", "moc_fild18", 209, 223);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 19", "moc_fild19", 85, 97);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 20", "moc_fild20", 85, 97);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 21", "moc_fild21", 85, 97);				AddMap("Sograt Desert 22", "moc_fild22", 85, 97);			EndNode();			StartNode("Splendide Fields");				AddMap("Splendide Field 1", "spl_fild01", 175, 186);				AddMap("Splendide Field 2", "spl_fild02", 236, 184);				AddMap("Splendide Field 3", "spl_fild03", 188, 204);			EndNode();			StartNode("Umbala Fields");				AddMap("Umbala Field 1", "um_fild01", 217, 206);				AddMap("Umbala Field 2", "um_fild02", 223, 221);				AddMap("Umbala Field 3", "um_fild03", 237, 215);				AddMap("Umbala Field 4", "um_fild04", 202, 197);			EndNode();			StartNode("Veins Fields");				AddMap("Veins Field 1", "ve_fild01", 186, 175);				AddMap("Veins Field 2", "ve_fild02", 196, 370);				AddMap("Veins Field 3", "ve_fild03", 222, 45);				AddMap("Veins Field 4", "ve_fild04", 51, 250);				AddMap("Veins Field 5", "ve_fild05", 202, 324);				AddMap("Veins Field 6", "ve_fild06", 150, 223);				AddMap("Veins Field 7", "ve_fild07", 149, 307);			EndNode();			StartNode("Yuno Fields");				AddMap("Yuno Field 1", "yuno_fild01", 189, 224);				AddMap("Yuno Field 2", "yuno_fild02", 192, 207);				AddMap("Yuno Field 3", "yuno_fild03", 221, 157);				AddMap("Yuno Field 4", "yuno_fild04", 226, 199);				AddMap("Yuno Field 5", "yuno_fild05", 223, 177);				AddMap("Yuno Field 6", "yuno_fild06", 187, 232);				AddMap("Yuno Field 7", "yuno_fild07", 231, 174);				AddMap("Yuno Field 8", "yuno_fild08", 196, 203);				AddMap("Yuno Field 9", "yuno_fild09", 183, 214);				AddMap("Yuno Field 10", "yuno_fild10", 200, 124);				AddMap("Yuno Field 11", "yuno_fild11", 195, 226);				AddMap("Yuno Field 12", "yuno_fild12", 210, 304);			EndNode();		EndNode();		StartNode("Dungeons");			StartNode("Abbey, Cursed Monastery");				AddMap("Abbey, Cursed Monastery - Lvl 1", "abbey01", 51, 14);				AddMap("Abbey, Cursed Monastery - Lvl 2", "abbey02", 150, 11);				AddMap("Abbey, Cursed Monastery - Lvl 3", "abbey03", 120, 10);			EndNode();			StartNode("Abyss Lakes");				AddMap("Abyss Lakes - Lvl 1", "abyss_01", 192, 207);				AddMap("Abyss Lakes - Lvl 2", "abyss_02", 275, 270);				AddMap("Abyss Lakes - Lvl 3", "abyss_03", 116, 27);			EndNode();			StartNode("Amatsu Dungeon");				AddMap("Amatsu Dungeon - Lvl 1", "ama_dun01", 228, 11);				AddMap("Amatsu Dungeon - Lvl 2", "ama_dun02", 34, 41);				AddMap("Amatsu Dungeon - Lvl 3", "ama_dun03", 119, 14);			EndNode();			StartNode("Anthell");				AddMap("Anthell - Lvl 1", "anthell01", 35, 262);				AddMap("Anthell - Lvl 2", "anthell02", 168, 170);			EndNode();			StartNode("Beach Dungeon");				AddMap("Beach Dungeon - Lvl 1", "beach_dun", 266, 67);				AddMap("Beach Dungeon - Lvl 2", "beach_dun2", 255, 244);				AddMap("Beach Dungeon - Lvl 3", "beach_dun3", 23, 260);			EndNode();			StartNode("Ayothaya Dungeons");				AddMap("Ancient Shrine Maze", "ayo_dun01", 275, 19);				AddMap("Inside Ancient Shrine", "ayo_dun02", 24, 26);			EndNode();			StartNode("Byalan Dungeon");				AddMap("Byalan Dungeon - Lvl 1", "iz_dun00", 168, 168);				AddMap("Byalan Dungeon - Lvl 2", "iz_dun01", 253, 252);				AddMap("Byalan Dungeon - Lvl 3", "iz_dun02", 236, 204);				AddMap("Byalan Dungeon - Lvl 4", "iz_dun03", 32, 63);				AddMap("Byalan Dungeon - Lvl 5", "iz_dun04", 26, 27);			EndNode();			StartNode("Clock Tower");				AddMap("Clock Tower - Lvl 1", "c_tower1", 199, 159);				AddMap("Clock Tower - Lvl 2", "c_tower2", 148, 283);				AddMap("Clock Tower - Lvl 3", "c_tower3", 65, 147);				AddMap("Clock Tower - Lvl 4", "c_tower4", 56, 155);				AddMap("Clock Tower - Basement 1", "alde_dun01", 297, 25);				AddMap("Clock Tower - Basement 2", "alde_dun02", 127, 169);				AddMap("Clock Tower - Basement 3", "alde_dun03", 277, 178);				AddMap("Clock Tower - Basement 4", "alde_dun04", 268, 74);			EndNode();			StartNode("Coal Mines");				AddMap("Coal Mines - Lvl 1", "mjo_dun01", 52, 17);				AddMap("Coal Mines - Lvl 2", "mjo_dun02", 381, 343);				AddMap("Coal Mines - Lvl 3", "mjo_dun03", 302, 262);			EndNode();			StartNode("Culverts");				AddMap("Culverts - Lvl 1", "prt_sewb1", 131, 247);				AddMap("Culverts - Lvl 2", "prt_sewb2", 19, 19);				AddMap("Culverts - Lvl 3", "prt_sewb3", 180, 169);				AddMap("Culverts - Lvl 4", "prt_sewb4", 100, 92);			EndNode();			StartNode("Einbroch Dungeons");				AddMap("Einbroch Dungeons - Lvl 1", "ein_dun01", 22, 14);				AddMap("Einbroch Dungeons - Lvl 2", "ein_dun02", 292, 290);			EndNode();			StartNode("Gefenia");				AddMap("Gefenia - Lvl 1", "gefenia01", 40, 103);				AddMap("Gefenia - Lvl 2", "gefenia02", 203, 34);				AddMap("Gefenia - Lvl 3", "gefenia03", 266, 168);				AddMap("Gefenia - Lvl 4", "gefenia04", 130, 272);			EndNode();			StartNode("Geffen Dungeon");				AddMap("Geffen Dungeon - Lvl 1", "gef_dun00", 104, 99);				AddMap("Geffen Dungeon - Lvl 2", "gef_dun01", 115, 236);				AddMap("Geffen Dungeon - Lvl 3", "gef_dun02", 106, 132);				AddMap("Geffen Dungeon - Lvl 4", "gef_dun03", 203, 200);			EndNode();			StartNode("Glast Heim");				AddMap("Glast Heim - Entrance", "glast_01", 375, 304);				AddMap("Glast Heim - Castle 1", "gl_cas01", 199, 29);				AddMap("Glast Heim - Castle 2", "gl_cas02", 104, 25);				AddMap("Glast Heim - Chivalry 1", "gl_knt01", 150, 15);				AddMap("Glast Heim - Chivalry 2", "gl_knt02", 157, 287);				AddMap("Glast Heim - Churchyard", "gl_chyard", 147, 15);				AddMap("Glast Heim - Culvert 1", "gl_sew01", 258, 255);				AddMap("Glast Heim - Culvert 2", "gl_sew02", 108, 291);				AddMap("Glast Heim - Culvert 3", "gl_sew03", 171, 283);				AddMap("Glast Heim - Culvert 4", "gl_sew04", 68, 277);				AddMap("Glast Heim - St.Abbey", "gl_church", 156, 7);				AddMap("Glast Heim - Staircase Dungeon", "gl_step", 12, 7);				AddMap("Glast Heim - UG Cave 1", "gl_dun01", 133, 271);				AddMap("Glast Heim - UG Cave 2", "gl_dun02", 224, 274);				AddMap("Glast Heim - UG Prison 1", "gl_prison", 14, 70);				AddMap("Glast Heim - UG Prison 2", "gl_prison1", 150, 14);			EndNode();			StartNode("Gonryun Dungeon");				AddMap("Gonryun Dungeon - Lvl 1", "gon_dun01", 153, 53);				AddMap("Gonryun Dungeon - Lvl 2", "gon_dun02", 28, 113);				AddMap("Gonryun Dungeon - Lvl 3", "gon_dun03", 68, 16);			EndNode();			StartNode("Hidden Dungeon");				AddMap("Hidden Dungeon - Lvl 1", "prt_maze01", 176, 7);				AddMap("Hidden Dungeon - Lvl 2", "prt_maze02", 94, 9);				AddMap("Hidden Dungeon - Lvl 3", "prt_maze03", 23, 8);			EndNode();			StartNode("Ice Dungeon");				AddMap("Ice Dungeon - Lvl 1", "ice_dun01", 157, 14);				AddMap("Ice Dungeon - Lvl 2", "ice_dun02", 151, 155);				AddMap("Ice Dungeon - Lvl 3", "ice_dun03", 149, 22);				AddMap("Ice Dungeon - Lvl 4", "ice_dun04", 33, 158);			EndNode();			StartNode("Juperos Dungeons");				AddMap("Juperos Dungeons - Lvl 1", "juperos_01", 53, 247);				AddMap("Juperos Dungeons - Lvl 2", "juperos_02", 37, 63);				AddMap("Juperos Dungeons - Core", "jupe_core", 150, 285);			EndNode();			StartNode("Kiel Dungeons");				AddMap("Kiel Dungeons - Lvl 1", "kh_dun01", 28, 226);				AddMap("Kiel Dungeons - Lvl 2", "kh_dun02", 41, 198);			EndNode();			StartNode("Lighthalzen Dungeons");				AddMap("Lighthalzen Dungeons - Lvl 1", "lhz_dun01", 150, 288);				AddMap("Lighthalzen Dungeons - Lvl 2", "lhz_dun02", 150, 18);				AddMap("Lighthalzen Dungeons - Lvl 3", "lhz_dun03", 140, 130);			EndNode();			StartNode("Louyang Dungeons");				AddMap("The Royal Tomb", "lou_dun01", 218, 196);				AddMap("Inside the Royal Tomb", "lou_dun02", 282, 20);				AddMap("Suei Long Gon", "lou_dun03", 165, 38);			EndNode();			StartNode("Magma Dungeon");				AddMap("Magma Dungeon - Lvl 1", "mag_dun01", 126, 68);				AddMap("Magma Dungeon - Lvl 2", "mag_dun02", 47, 30);			EndNode();			StartNode("Moscovia Dungeons");				AddMap("Les Forest", "mosk_dun01", 132, 124);				AddMap("Temny Forest", "mosk_dun02", 155, 123);				AddMap("Dremuci Forest", "mosk_dun03", 122, 130);			EndNode();			StartNode("Orc Dungeon");				AddMap("Orc Dungeon - Lvl 1", "orcsdun01", 32, 170);				AddMap("Orc Dungeon - Lvl 2", "orcsdun02", 21, 185);			EndNode();			StartNode("Payon Dungeon");				AddMap("Payon Dungeon - Lvl 1", "pay_dun00", 21, 183);				AddMap("Payon Dungeon - Lvl 2", "pay_dun01", 19, 33);				AddMap("Payon Dungeon - Lvl 3", "pay_dun02", 19, 63);				AddMap("Payon Dungeon - Lvl 4", "pay_dun03", 155, 159);				AddMap("Payon Dungeon - Lvl 5", "pay_dun04", 201, 204);			EndNode();			StartNode("Pyramids");				AddMap("Pyramids - Lvl 1", "moc_pryd01", 192, 9);				AddMap("Pyramids - Lvl 2", "moc_pryd02", 10, 192);				AddMap("Pyramids - Lvl 3", "moc_pryd03", 100, 92);				AddMap("Pyramids - Lvl 4", "moc_pryd04", 181, 11);				AddMap("Pyramids - Basement 1", "moc_pryd05", 94, 96);				AddMap("Pyramids - Basement 2", "moc_pryd06", 192, 8);			EndNode();			StartNode("Rachel Sanctuary");				AddMap("Rachel Sanctuary - Lvl 1", "ra_san01", 140, 11);				AddMap("Rachel Sanctuary - Lvl 2", "ra_san02", 32, 21);				AddMap("Rachel Sanctuary - Lvl 3", "ra_san03", 4, 149);				AddMap("Rachel Sanctuary - Lvl 4", "ra_san04", 204, 218);				AddMap("Rachel Sanctuary - Lvl 5", "ra_san05", 150, 9);			EndNode();			StartNode("Sphinx");				AddMap("Sphinx - Lvl 1", "in_sphinx1", 288, 9);				AddMap("Sphinx - Lvl 2", "in_sphinx2", 149, 81);				AddMap("Sphinx - Lvl 3", "in_sphinx3", 210, 54);				AddMap("Sphinx - Lvl 4", "in_sphinx4", 10, 222);				AddMap("Sphinx - Lvl 5", "in_sphinx5", 100, 99);			EndNode();			StartNode("Sunken Ship");				AddMap("Sunken Ship - Lvl 1", "treasure01", 69, 24);				AddMap("Sunken Ship - Lvl 2", "treasure02", 102, 27);			EndNode();			StartNode("Thanatos Tower");				AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 1", "tha_t01", 150, 39);				AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 2", "tha_t02", 150, 136);				AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 3", "tha_t03", 220, 158);				AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 4", "tha_t04", 59, 143);				AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 5", "tha_t05", 62, 11);				AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 6", "tha_t06", 89, 221);				AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 7", "tha_t07", 35, 166);				AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 8", "tha_t08", 93, 148);				AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 9", "tha_t09", 29, 107);				AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 10", "tha_t10", 159, 138);				AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 11", "tha_t11", 19, 20);				AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 12", "tha_t12", 130, 52);			EndNode();			StartNode("Thor Volcano");				AddMap("Thor Volcano - Lvl 1", "thor_v01", 21, 228);				AddMap("Thor Volcano - Lvl 2", "thor_v02", 75, 205);				AddMap("Thor Volcano - Lvl 3", "thor_v03", 34, 272);			EndNode();			StartNode("Toy Factory");				AddMap("Toy Factory - Lvl 1", "xmas_dun01", 205, 15);				AddMap("Toy Factory - Lvl 2", "xmas_dun02", 129, 133);			EndNode();			StartNode("Turtle Dungeon");				AddMap("Turtle Dungeon - Entrance", "tur_dun01", 154, 49);				AddMap("Turtle Dungeon - Lvl 1", "tur_dun02", 148, 261);				AddMap("Turtle Dungeon - Lvl 2", "tur_dun03", 132, 189);				AddMap("Turtle Dungeon - Lvl 3", "tur_dun04", 100, 192);			EndNode();			StartNode("Umbala Dungeons");				AddMap("Carpenter's Shop in the Tree", "um_dun01", 42, 31);				AddMap("Passage to a Foreign World", "um_dun01", 48, 30);				AddMap("Hvergermil's Fountain", "yggdrasil01", 204, 78);			EndNode();		EndNode();		StartNode("Guild Dungeons");			AddMap("Baldur Guild Dungeon", "gld_dun01", 119, 93);			AddMap("Luina Guild Dungeon", "gld_dun02", 39, 161);			AddMap("Valkyrie Guild Dungeon", "gld_dun03", 50, 44);			AddMap("Britoniah Guild Dungeon", "gld_dun04", 116, 45);		EndNode();		StartNode("Castles");			StartNode("Aldebaran Castles");				AddMap("Neuschwanstein(Aldebaran)", "alde_gld", 48, 83, "mapUsers", "aldeg_cas01");				AddMap("Hohenschwangau(Aldebaran)", "alde_gld", 95, 249, "mapUsers", "aldeg_cas02");				AddMap("Nuenberg(Aldebaran)", "alde_gld", 142, 85, "mapUsers", "aldeg_cas03");				AddMap("Wuerzburg(Aldebaran)", "alde_gld", 239, 242, "mapUsers", "aldeg_cas04");				AddMap("Rothenburg(Aldebaran)", "alde_gld", 264, 90, "mapUsers", "aldeg_cas05");			EndNode();			StartNode("Geffen Castles");				AddMap("Repherion(Geffen)", "gef_fild13", 214, 75, "mapUsers", "gefg_cas01");				AddMap("Eeyolbriggar(Geffen)", "gef_fild13", 308, 240, "mapUsers", "gefg_cas02");				AddMap("Yesnelph(Geffen)", "gef_fild13", 143, 240, "mapUsers", "gefg_cas03");				AddMap("Bergel(Geffen)", "gef_fild13", 193, 278, "mapUsers", "gefg_cas04");				AddMap("Mersetzdeitz(Geffen)", "gef_fild13", 305, 87, "mapUsers", "gefg_cas05");			EndNode();			StartNode("Payon Castles");				AddMap("Bright Arbor(Payon)", "pay_gld", 121, 233, "mapUsers", "payg_cas01");				AddMap("Scarlet Palace(Payon)", "pay_gld", 295, 116, "mapUsers", "payg_cas02");				AddMap("Holy Shadow(Payon)", "pay_gld", 317, 293, "mapUsers", "payg_cas03");				AddMap("Sacred Altar(Payon)", "pay_gld", 140, 160, "mapUsers", "payg_cas04");				AddMap("Bamboo Grove Hill(Payon)", "pay_gld", 204, 266, "mapUsers", "payg_cas05");			EndNode();			StartNode("Prontera Castles");				AddMap("Kriemhild(Prontera)", "prt_gld", 134, 65, "mapUsers", "prtg_cas01");				AddMap("Swanhild(Prontera)", "prt_gld", 240, 128, "mapUsers", "prtg_cas02");				AddMap("Fadhgridh(Prontera)", "prt_gld", 153, 137, "mapUsers", "prtg_cas03");				AddMap("Skoegul(Prontera)", "prt_gld", 111, 240, "mapUsers", "prtg_cas04");				AddMap("Gondul(Prontera)", "prt_gld", 208, 240, "mapUsers", "prtg_cas05");			EndNode();			StartNode("Schwaltzvalt Castles");				AddMap("Himinn(Schwaltzvalt)", "sch_gld", 293, 100, "mapUsers", "schg_cas01");				AddMap("Andlangr(Schwaltzvalt)", "sch_gld", 288, 252, "mapUsers", "schg_cas02");				AddMap("Viblainn(Schwaltzvalt)", "sch_gld", 97, 196, "mapUsers", "schg_cas03");				AddMap("Hljod(Schwaltzvalt)", "sch_gld", 137, 90, "mapUsers", "schg_cas04");				AddMap("Skidbladnir(Schwaltzvalt)", "sch_gld", 71, 315, "mapUsers", "schg_cas05");			EndNode();			StartNode("Arunafeltz Castles");				AddMap("Mardol(Arunafeltz)", "aru_gld", 158, 272, "mapUsers", "arug_cas01");				AddMap("Cyr(Arunafeltz)", "aru_gld", 83, 47, "mapUsers", "arug_cas02");				AddMap("Horn(Arunafeltz)", "aru_gld", 68, 155, "mapUsers", "arug_cas03");				AddMap("Gefn(Arunafeltz)", "aru_gld", 299, 345, "mapUsers", "arug_cas04");				AddMap("Bandis(Arunafeltz)", "aru_gld", 292, 107, "mapUsers", "arug_cas05");			EndNode();		StartNode("Other");			AddMap("Casino", "cmd_in02", 179, 129);		EndNode();		debugmes "TOASTYWARPER - Map Data Loaded: " + .mapCount + " maps, " + (gettimetick(0) - .@startLoadTime) + "ms";		cleararray(.buildStack$[0], "", 128);		//debugmes "gotos: " + .gotoCount;		sleep(1);	end;	//-----------------------------------------------------------	//TEST FUNCTIONS	//-----------------------------------------------------------	function TestMenus {		sleep2(1);		set @gotoCount, 1;		while(.@i < .nodeCount) {						set .@nodePtr$, ".menu_" + .@i + "$";			set .@menu$, ComputeMenu(.@nodePtr$);			if(getstrlen(.@menu$) >= 2000) {				set .@check, 1;				mes "Menu (" + getd(.@nodePtr$ + "[0]") + ") may overflow (" + getstrlen(.@menu$) + " chars)";			}			set .@i, .@i + 1;			set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 2;			sleep2(@gotoCount >= .gotoLimit);			set @gotoCount, @gotoCount * (@gotoCount < .gotoLimit);		}		if(.@check == 0)			mes "No overflows detected";		next;	}	//-----------------------------------------------------------	//TREE MAPPING FUNCTIONS	//-----------------------------------------------------------	function AddLastWarpsNode {		set .@parentNodePtr$, .buildStack$[.stackLevel - 1];				//add to parent node		setd(.@parentNodePtr$ + "[1]", getd(.@parentNodePtr$ + "[1]") + "Last Warp" + ":");		setd(.@parentNodePtr$ + "[" + getarraysize(getd(.@parentNodePtr$)) + "]", .mapOffset);		//infinte loop check		set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 3;		sleep(.gotoCount >= .gotoLimit);		set .gotoCount, .gotoCount * (.gotoCount < .gotoLimit);	}	function StartNode {		set .@header$, getarg(0, "");		set .nodeCount, .nodeCount + 1;		set .@nodePtr$, ".menu_" + .nodeCount + "$";		set .@parentNodePtr$, .buildStack$[.stackLevel - 1];		//clear the node just in case there was something in it		cleararray(getd(.@nodePtr$), "", 128);		//add to parent node		setd(.@parentNodePtr$ + "[1]", getd(.@parentNodePtr$ + "[1]") + .@header$ + ":");		setd(.@parentNodePtr$ + "[" + getarraysize(getd(.@parentNodePtr$)) + "]", .nodeCount);		setd(.@nodePtr$ + "[0]", .@header$);		//carry down node data		set .@node_zeny, .stack_zeny[.stackLevel - 1];		set .@node_gm, .stack_gm[.stackLevel - 1];		set .@node_woe, .stack_woe[.stackLevel - 1];		set .@node_job, .stack_job[.stackLevel - 1];		set .@node_upper, .stack_upper[.stackLevel - 1];		set .@node_gender, .stack_gender[.stackLevel - 1];		set .@node_blvl, .stack_blvl[.stackLevel - 1];		set .@node_mapUsers$, .stack_mapUsers$[.stackLevel - 1];		set .@node_flag$, .stack_flag$[.stackLevel - 1];		set .@node_function$, .stack_function$[.stackLevel - 1];		//check for modifiers		set .@i, 1;		while((getarg(.@i, "") + "") != "" && (getarg(.@i + 1, "") + "") != "") {			set .@modIndex, getd(".modifier_" + getarg(.@i));			setd(.tempModPtrs$[.@modIndex], getarg(.@i + 1));						set .@i, .@i + 2;			set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 1;		}		set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 1;				setarray .buildStack$[.stackLevel], .@nodePtr$;	//add to stack		//push data to stack		setarray .stack_zeny[.stackLevel], .@node_zeny;		setarray .stack_gm[.stackLevel], .@node_gm;		setarray .stack_woe[.stackLevel], .@node_woe;		setarray .stack_job[.stackLevel], .@node_job;		setarray .stack_upper[.stackLevel], .@node_upper;		setarray .stack_gender[.stackLevel], .@node_gender;		setarray .stack_blvl[.stackLevel], .@node_blvl;		setarray .stack_mapUsers$[.stackLevel], .@node_mapUsers$;		setarray .stack_flag$[.stackLevel], .@node_flag$;		setarray .stack_function$[.stackLevel], .@node_function$;		//store node applicable mods		set .@a$, "_" + (.nodeCount / 128) + "[" + (.nodeCount % 128) + "]";		set .@b$, "_" + (.nodeCount / 128) + "$[" + (.nodeCount % 128) + "]";		setd(".menus_gm" + .@a$, .@node_gm);		setd(".menus_woe" + .@a$, .@node_woe);		setd(".menus_job" + .@a$, .@node_job);		setd(".menus_upper" + .@a$, .@node_upper);		setd(".menus_gender" + .@a$, .@node_gender);		setd(".menus_blvl" + .@a$, .@node_blvl);		setd(".menus_flag" + .@b$, .@node_flag$);		setd(".menus_function" + .@b$, .@node_function$);		set .stackLevel, .stackLevel + 1;		//infinte loop check		set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 3;		sleep(.gotoCount >= .gotoLimit);		set .gotoCount, .gotoCount * (.gotoCount < .gotoLimit);	}	function EndNode {		set .stackLevel, .stackLevel - 1;		set .@nodePtr$, .buildStack$[.stackLevel];		setd(.@nodePtr$ + "[1]", getd(.@nodePtr$ + "[1]") + "Back");	//add back option to menu		setarray .buildStack$[.stackLevel], "";	//remove from stack		//pop the stack		setarray .stack_zeny[.stackLevel], .@node_zeny;		setarray .stack_gm[.stackLevel], 0;		setarray .stack_woe[.stackLevel], 0;		setarray .stack_job[.stackLevel], 0x0FFFFFFF;		setarray .stack_upper[.stackLevel], 8;		setarray .stack_gender[.stackLevel], 2;		setarray .stack_blvl[.stackLevel], 0;		setarray .stack_mapUsers$[.stackLevel], "";		setarray .stack_flag$[.stackLevel], "";		setarray .stack_function$[.stackLevel], "";		//infinte loop check		set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 2;		sleep(.gotoCount >= .gotoLimit);		set .gotoCount, .gotoCount * (.gotoCount < .gotoLimit);	}	function AddMap {		set .@nodePtr$, .buildStack$[.stackLevel - 1];		if(getmapusers(getarg(1)) >= 0) { //makes sure it's a real map			//add to map arrays (basically 4x SetArrayValue calls..but put inline to prevent infinite loop error)			set .@a$, "_" + (.mapCount / 128) + "[" + (.mapCount % 128) + "]";			set .@b$, "_" + (.mapCount / 128) + "$[" + (.mapCount % 128) + "]";			setd ".maps_name" + .@b$, getarg(0);			setd ".maps_map" + .@b$, getarg(1);			setd ".maps_x" + .@a$, getarg(2);			setd ".maps_y" + .@a$, getarg(3);			//carry down node data			set .@node_zeny, .stack_zeny[.stackLevel - 1];			set .@node_gm, .stack_gm[.stackLevel - 1];			set .@node_woe, .stack_woe[.stackLevel - 1];			set .@node_job, .stack_job[.stackLevel - 1];			set .@node_upper, .stack_upper[.stackLevel - 1];			set .@node_gender, .stack_gender[.stackLevel - 1];			set .@node_blvl, .stack_blvl[.stackLevel - 1];			set .@node_mapUsers$, .stack_mapUsers$[.stackLevel - 1];			set .@node_flag$, .stack_flag$[.stackLevel - 1];			set .@node_function$, .stack_function$[.stackLevel - 1];			//check for modifiers			set .@i, 4;			while((getarg(.@i, "") + "") != "" && (getarg(.@i + 1, "") + "") != "") {				set .@modIndex, getd(".modifier_" + getarg(.@i));				setd(.tempModPtrs$[.@modIndex], getarg(.@i + 1));				set .@i, .@i + 2;				set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 1;			}			set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 1;						//store map applicable modifiers			setd(".maps_zeny" + .@a$, .@node_zeny);			setd(".maps_gm" + .@a$, .@node_gm);			setd(".maps_woe" + .@a$, .@node_woe);			setd(".maps_job" + .@a$, .@node_job);			setd(".maps_upper" + .@a$, .@node_upper);			setd(".maps_gender" + .@a$, .@node_gender);			setd(".maps_blvl" + .@a$, .@node_blvl);			setd(".maps_mapUsers" + .@b$, .@node_mapUsers$);			setd(".maps_flag" + .@b$, .@node_flag$);			setd(".maps_function" + .@b$, .@node_function$);			//add to parent node			setd(.@nodePtr$ + "[1]", getd(.@nodePtr$ + "[1]") + "- " + getarg(0) + ":");			setd(.@nodePtr$ + "[" + getarraysize(getd(.@nodePtr$)) + "]", .mapCount + .mapOffset);			//set index lookup for map			setd(".map_" + getarg(1), .mapCount); 						set .mapCount, .mapCount + 1;		} else {			debugmes("TOASTYWARPER - BADMAP: " + getarg(0) + " - " + getarg(1));		}		//infinte loop check		set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 3;		sleep(.gotoCount >= .gotoLimit);		set .gotoCount, .gotoCount * (.gotoCount < .gotoLimit);	}	//-----------------------------------------------------------	//INFINITE ARRAY FUNCTIONS	//-----------------------------------------------------------	function SetArrayValue {// <arrayname>, <index>, <value>{, <isString> = 0}		//debugmes("setarrayvalue: " + (getarg(0) + "_" + (getarg(1) / 128) + "[" + (getarg(1) % 128) + "]"));		setd getarg(0) + "_" + (getarg(1) / 128) + (getarg(3, 0)?"$":"") + "[" + (getarg(1) % 128) + "]", getarg(2);		return;	}	function GetArrayValue {	// <arrayname>, <index>{, <isString> = 0}		//debugmes("getarrayvalue: " + getarg(0) + "_" + (getarg(1) / 128) + (getarg(2, 0)?"$":"") + "[" + (getarg(1) % 128) + "]");		return getd(getarg(0) + "_" + (getarg(1) / 128) + (getarg(2, 0)?"$":"") + "[" + (getarg(1) % 128) + "]");	}	function WipeArray {		//<arrayname>, <num_indices>{{, <value> = 0}, <isString> = 0}		set .@count, getarg(1) / 128 + 1;		for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@count; set .@i, .@i + 1)			cleararray(getd(getarg(0) + "_" + .@i + (getarg(3, 0)?"$":"") + "[0]"), getarg(2, 0), 128);		return;	}	//-----------------------------------------------------------	//LAST WARPS STORAGE FUNCTIONS	//-----------------------------------------------------------	function PrepLastWarpsMenu {		set @menu_lastwarps$[0], "Last Warps";		while(.@i < 128 && .@count < .numLastWarps) {			set .@map, @toasty_savedMaps[(@toasty_stackStart + .@i) % 128] - 1;			if(.@map > 0 && .@map < .mapCount) {				set .@mapName$, getd(".maps_name_" + (.@map / 128) + "$" + "[" + (.@map % 128) + "]");				set @menu_lastwarps$[.@count + 2], .@map + .mapOffset;				set .@count, .@count + 1;				set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@mapName$ + ":";			}			set .@i, .@i + 1;		}		set @menu_lastwarps$[1], .@menu$ + "Back";		return;	}	function InitialiseMapData {		while(.@i < getarraysize(@toasty_savedMaps)) {			setd("@toasty_map" + @toasty_savedMaps[.@i], (@toasty_savedMaps[.@i] > 0)?.@i + 1:0);			set .@i, .@i + 1;		}		PrepLastWarpsMenu();		return;	}	function AddMapToList { //<mapIndex>		set .@map, getarg(0);		if(getd("@toasty_map" + .@map) > 0) {			if(@toasty_savedMaps[getd("@toasty_map" + .@map) - 1] == .@map) { //double checking				set @toasty_savedMaps[getd("@toasty_map" + .@map) - 1], 0;			}		}		set @toasty_stackStart, (@toasty_stackStart + 127) % 128;		set @toasty_savedMaps[@toasty_stackStart], .@map;		setd("@toasty_map" + .@map, @toasty_stackStart + 1);		set toasty_mapSave$, GenerateMapSaveString();		return;	}	function ListMaps { //debug		while(.@i < 128 && .@count < .numLastWarps) {			if( @toasty_savedMaps[(@toasty_stackStart + .@i) % 128] > 0) {				set .@count, .@count + 1;				set .@out$, .@out$ + @toasty_savedMaps[(@toasty_stackStart + .@i) % 128] + ", ";			}			set .@i, .@i + 1;		}		return .@out$;	}	function GenerateMapSaveString {		while(.@i < 128 && .@count < .numLastWarps) {			set .@index, (@toasty_stackStart + .@i) % 128;			if( @toasty_savedMaps[(@toasty_stackStart + .@i) % 128] > 0) {				set .@count, .@count + 1;				set .@out$, .@out$ + .char$[(@toasty_savedMaps[.@index] % 64)] + .char$[(@toasty_savedMaps[.@index] / 64)];			}			set .@i, .@i + 1;		}		return .@out$;	}	function ConvertStringToChrArray {		if ( getstrlen( getarg(0) ) > 128 ) return 0;			set .@charsize, getarraysize(.char$);			set .@str$, getarg(0);			set .@len, getstrlen(.@str$);			sleep2 1;			do {				set .@range[0], .@charsize;				set .@range[1], 0;				//ignore repetiton, it keeps the gotos down				set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2;				set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2;				set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2;				set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2;				set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2;				set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2;				set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2;				set .@charIndex, (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2 + (.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"));				set .@temp$, .@temp$ + .char$[.@charIndex];				set .@arr[.@i / 2], .@arr[.@i / 2] + .@charIndex * (1 + 63 * (.@i % 2));				set .@i, .@i + 1;			} while( .@i < .@len );			sleep2 1; //used alot of gotos..sleep for good measure			deletearray getd(getarg(1));			copyarray getd(getarg(1)), .@arr, .@len / 2;			return .@len / 2;	}	end;}phtownall,202,189,4	script	Warper#toasty	952,{	doevent "toastywarperbase::OnStartNPC";}rachel.gat,122,148,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty2-2	952alberta,110,137,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty3-1	952aldebaran,147,117,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty4-1	952amatsu,190,86,1	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty5-1	952ayothaya,147,123,6	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty6-1	952comodo,206,77,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty7-1	952einbech,196,83,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty8-1	952einbroch,182,172,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty9-1	952einbroch,243,189,2	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty9-2	952hugel,88,151,5	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty10-1	952lighthalzen,165,94,6	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty11-1	952geffen,116,59,0	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty12-1	952izlude,122,94,3	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty13-1	952xmas,149,136,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty14-1	952morocc,156,95,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty15-1	952payon,148,228,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty16-1	952yuno,160,170,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty17-1	952moc_fild04.gat,207,331,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty18-1	952izlu2dun.gat,104,82,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty19-1	952mjolnir_02.gat,85,363,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty20-1	952prt_fild05.gat,273,215,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty21-1	952glast_01.gat,370,308,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty22-1	952yuno_fild03.gat,37,135,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty23-1	952gef_fild10.gat,71,339,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty24-1	952pay_arche.gat,39,135,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty25-1	952moc_ruins.gat,64,166,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty26-1	952moc_fild19.gat,106,97,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty27-1	952alb2trea.gat,73,101,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty28-1	952tur_dun01.gat,148,239,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty29-1	952gonryun,162,122,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty30-1	952louyang,221,120,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty31-1	952umbala,95,164,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty32-1	952moscovia,220,198,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty33-1	952veins,217,127,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty34-1	952rachel,133,115,4	duplicate(Warper#toasty)	Warper#toasty35-1	952 



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