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SSL Restrictions


Hello Friends


I have a server which is start recently.


I also purchased a SSL Certificate yesterday. I tried adding the certificate to the website and i was successful too. But, what followed was something very unexpected.


My forums could not connect. My patcher also stopped connecting to the website.Then i learnt that the thor patcher doesnt connect to https websites.then i learnt that my ssl was not a wildcard ssl. so i thought i ll use the ssl only for my website.


but the problem still remains. my patcher doesn't connect to the website. if i type https:// followed by my domain name the website opens but if i dont add https:// then also my website opens but my purpose of securedness is not solved.


so is there any way so tht my ssl is applied to the website and still my patcher connects to the website??


Please help me out on this.

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actually it was creating problem to the sub domain too. even my forums couldnt be opened. i heard there is sm thing called .htaccess? can any 1 tell me about it?

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thor does not support https period. if you want it to work make a subdomain without https enabled and link it to thor.  play arround with the configuration as well. it sometimes acts weird in some cases in the config.ini depending on your host and how you have your webserver setup you may need to do this. if you are using shared hosting somewhere you have the ability to create a site without https. if you host it yourself using nginx or any other webserver you can configure your site to not use https. i use cpanel and all i do is make a subdomain and not assign ssl to it. notice that if you want security for your patches you can also use fp.

This applies to config.ini that gets embeded in the patcher.

<<<This >>>>

<<<<<<<Insead of this>>>>>>

also make sure that main.ini in your host points to the correct location for were you store your patches.
//file_url - patch files should ALL put here.
// This config entry will override the one in embed config.
// o HTTP:
//         http://domain.com/dir/
// o FTP:
//         ftp://domain.com/dir/
//     o With <Username> [Password] [Port]
//	ftp://username:password@domain.com:port/dir/
//     o Note: username is required if want put password, otherwise everything is optional.
file_url=http://yourro.com/status/data/ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<this line is important. play with it until it works same concept as above.


Edited by sikiro

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