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Status Change : Chance and Duration


yet someone can help me, i was wodering how to do this right, please take a look on code below, can some on please explain to me what this code do ?

	case SC_FREEZE:		sc_def = st->mdef*100;		sc_def2 = st->luk*10 + SCDEF_LVL_DIFF(bl, src, 99, 10);		tick_def = 0; //No duration reduction#ifdef RENEWAL		tick_def2 = status_get_luk(src) * -10; //Caster can increase final duration with luk#else		tick_def2 = 0; //No duration reduction#endif

well for what i have seen on search engine in this forum or in other forums, its always come to end of no where to have conclusion...
i have done various test and searching, but i still can't get it, my server has lv 250/120, max stat is 250, but the freeze and some other status change duration is to long and i cant understand it, and too i want pre-renewal taste of ailment status if you want a desc of how pre-re ailment status work please take a look on spoiler,


Since official status resistances will soon be fully official on rAthena, I thought I'll write a guide about them, so players can adjust their builds accordingly.

General Info
I'll focus this guide on only the formulas and the special cases that previously weren't well known already. In the formulas "src" stands for source of the status change and "tar" stands for target of the status change. Usually source is the person who did cast a skill to give a status change, however, it can also be yourself for example when an item you equipped curses you. Status changes that have no source can't be resisted at all (for example NPC given ones).
Chance is written in 1000 = 100%. So if the resulting value is "1" that would mean there is a 0.1% chance to get afflicted.
Duration is in milliseconds (1000ms = 1 seconds).

Stone Curse
- Chance = BaseChance - BaseChance * tarMDEFItem / 100 + srcBaseLevel - tarBaseLevel - tarLuk
- Duration is always 20000ms (second phase)

Notes: The only thing that has changed is that base levels and Luk have an effect on the chance. As the reduction from Luk is a linear -0.1% per Luk, it has a huge impact on lower base chances.

- Chance = BaseChance - BaseChance * tarMDEFItem / 100 + srcBaseLevel - tarBaseLevel - tarLuk
- Duration = BaseDuration - BaseDuration * tarMDEFItem / 100 + 10 * srcLuk
- Default base duration = 12000ms

Notes: Chance the same as for stone curse. Interesting here is that the duration can't be reduced by the target's Luk, but instead the duration can be increased by the source's Luk. In other words, a Wizard with high Luk can make you freeze longer. The amount is pretty neglectable, though (at 100 Luk it will only be 1 second longer). Due to the strong nature of Luk on lower base chances, just 1 Luk is enough to resist the self-freeze from Ice Falchion, which effectively means you can only be frozen by it, if you have 0 Luk (Cursed).

Stun / Silence / Bleeding
- Chance = BaseChance - BaseChance * tarVit / 100 + srcBaseLevel - tarBaseLevel - tarLuk
- Duration = BaseDuration - BaseDuration * tarVit / 100 - 10 * tarLuk
- Default duration: 5000ms (Stun), 30000ms (Silence) and 120000ms (Bleeding)

Notes: To achieve full resistance to the status change you need a combincation of Vit and Luk. The lower the base chance, the more effective Luk gets, while on higher base chances Vit is more important.

- Chance = BaseChance - BaseChance * tarInt / 100 + srcBaseLevel - tarBaseLevel - tarLuk
- Duration = BaseDuration - BaseDuration * tarInt / 100 - 10 * tarLuk
- Default duration: 30000ms

Notes: Same as above, just that Vit is replaced by Int. Due to the nature of Luk's high effect on low base chances, you can perfectly resist Alice Doll's self-sleep with only 1 Luk. Similar to freeze, you need to be cursed to be affected by it at all.

Poison / Heavy Poison
- Chance = BaseChance - BaseChance * tarVit / 100 + srcBaseLevel - tarBaseLevel - tarLuk
- Duration against monsters: 30000 - 20000 * tarVit / 100
- Duration against players: 60000 - 45000 * tarVit / 100 - 100 * tarLuk

Notes: Resistance is similar to stun, silence and bleeding, however duration works a bit differently. Poison duration on monster is 30000ms which can be reduced to 10000ms. For players the duration is 60000ms which can be reduced to 15000ms, but can be reduced strongly by Luk as well (10 Luk = 1 second less duration).

- Chance = BaseChance - BaseChance * (tarInt + tarVit) / 200 + srcBaseLevel - tarBaseLevel - tarLuk
- Duration = BaseDuration - BaseDuration * (tarInt + tarVit) / 200 - 10 * tarLuk
- Default duration: 30000ms

Notes: No surprises for blind. The resistance is a combination of Int and Vit and 100 Int / 100 Vit would half the chance/duration and you need both at 100 to perfectly resist it. Again, you also have a linear reduction to the chance from Luk.

- Chance = BaseChance - BaseChance * tarLuk / 100 + srcBaseLevel - tarLuk
- Duration = BaseDuration - BaseDuration * tarVit / 100 - 10 * tarLuk
- Default duration: 30000ms
- If you have 0 Luk, you are immune to curse

Notes: Curse is particularly interesting, because it's very hard to resist. Not only do you need Luk to reduce the base chance, the chance to be inflicted by it also increases by 0.1% every base level of the caster (or yourself in case of cursed equips). That mean you'd always need more Luk than the source's base level to actually reduce the base chance rather than increase it. This is particularly important for Muramasa and Cursed Brooch. If you don't get any Luk the chance to be inflicted at level 99 will be 9.8% higher than on level 1! It is probably easier to just drop the duration of curse to a minimum. Keep in mind that you will still be inflicted by curse in that case, the duration will however be only 1ms. Since curse is hard to resist and drops Luk to 0, it is also the key to remove full status resistances of other status changes. One special case is that if your Luk is 0, you can't be cursed. You can achieve 0 Luk by having a class with a low Luk job bonus and equipping a Green Maiden Card or certain other equips that reduce Luk when equipped (e.g. Ledger of Death).

- Chance = BaseChance - BaseChance * (tarStr + tarInt) / 200 - srcBaseLevel + tarBaseLevel + tarLuk
- Duration = BaseDuration - BaseDuration * (tarStr + tarInt) / 200 - 10 * tarLuk
- Default duration: 30000ms

Notes: The formula is very "confusing" here. If you look closely, you see that the sign is reversed the effect of base level and Luk. That means confusion works best if the source is low level and the target is high level and the more Luk the target has, the higher the chance that the target is afflicted with confusion. This, combined with the fact that you need a combination of Str and Int for resistance (similar to how it works for Blind), makes confusion alongside with curse very hard to resist. Unlike curse however, Luk has a negative impact. Targets will either be very weak to curse (low Luk) or to confusion (high Luk).

for a test teach me how SC_FREEZE will work like this

- Chance = BaseChance - BaseChance * tarMDEFItem / 100 + srcBaseLevel - tarBaseLevel - tarLuk
- Duration = BaseDuration - BaseDuration * tarMDEFItem / 100 + 10 * srcLuk
- Default base duration = 12000ms

Notes: Chance the same as for stone curse. Interesting here is that the duration can't be reduced by the target's Luk, but instead the duration can be increased by the source's Luk. In other words, a Wizard with high Luk can make you freeze longer. The amount is pretty neglectable, though (at 100 Luk it will only be 1 second longer). Due to the strong nature of Luk on lower base chances, just 1 Luk is enough to resist the self-freeze from Ice Falchion, which effectively means you can only be frozen by it, if you have 0 Luk (Cursed).

Edited by Litro

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