MuriloStrike 0 Posted March 26, 2014 Pessoal, será algum bug ou algo que eu fiz de errado? pois eu estou tentando botar os atributos maximos do player como 800, mais não passa de 400, já configurei o player.txt, em max_parameter botei 800, mais só fica pela metade, o que pode ser? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted March 26, 2014 posta o players.conf aqui e vc reiniciou o emulador após a mudança? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuriloStrike 0 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) ta aqui o meu player.conf //--------------------------------------------------------------// Hercules Battle Configuration File// Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]>// Made in to plainer English by Ancyker//--------------------------------------------------------------// Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)// Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)// Note 3: Value is a bit field.//--------------------------------------------------------------// Players' maximum HP rate? (Default is 100)hp_rate: 100// Players' maximum SP rate? (Default is 100)sp_rate: 100// Whether or not cards and attributes of the left hand are applied to the right hand attack (Note 1)// (It is 'yes' on official servers)left_cardfix_to_right: yes// The amount of HP a player will respawn with, 0 is default.// (Unit is in percentage of total HP, 100 is full heal of HP, 0 is respawn with 1HP total.)restart_hp_rate: 0// The amount of SP a player will respawn with, 0 is default.// (Unit is in percentage of total SP, 100 is full heal of SP, 0 is respawn with 1SP total.)restart_sp_rate: 0// Can a normal player by-pass the skill tree? (Note 1)player_skillfree: no// When set to yes, forces skill points gained from 1st class to be put into 1st class// skills, and forces novice skill points to be put into the basic skill. (Note 1)player_skillup_limit: yes// Quest skills can be learned? (Note 1)// Setting this to yes can open an exploit on your server!quest_skill_learn: no// When skills are reset, quest skills are reset as well? (Note 1)// Setting this to yes can open an exploit on your server!// NOTE: If you have quest_skill_learn set to yes, quest skills are always reset.quest_skill_reset: no// You must have basic skills to be able to sit, trade, form a party or create a chatroom? (Note 1)basic_skill_check: yes// When teleporting, or spawning to a map, how long before a monster sees you if you don't move? (time is in milliseconds)// That is, when you go to a map and don't move, how long before the monsters will notice you.// When moving, attacking or doing similar actions, the effect ends instantly.// Value is also affected by 'invincible_time_inc' mapflagplayer_invincible_time: 5000// The time interval for HP to restore naturally. (in milliseconds)natural_healhp_interval: 6000// The time interval for SP to restore naturally. (in milliseconds)natural_healsp_interval: 8000// Automatic healing skill's time interval. (in milliseconds)natural_heal_skill_interval: 10000// The maximum weight for a character to carry when the character stops healing naturally. (in %)natural_heal_weight_rate: 50// Maximum atk speed. (Default 190, Highest allowed 199)max_aspd: 199// Same as max_aspd, but for 3rd classes. (Default 193, Highest allowed 199)max_third_aspd: 199// Maximum walk speed rate (200 would be capped to twice the normal speed)max_walk_speed: 300// Maximum HP. (Default is 1000000)max_hp: 1000000// Maximum SP. (Default is 1000000)max_sp: 1000000// Max limit of char stats. (agi, str, etc.)max_parameter: 800// Same as max_parameter, but for 3rd classes.max_third_parameter: 800// Same as max_parameter, but for baby classes.max_baby_parameter: 800// Same as max_parameter, but for baby 3rd's.max_baby_third_parameter: 800// Max armor def/mdef// NOTE: This setting have no effect if server is run on Renewal Mode (RENEWAL)// NOTE: does not affects skills and status effects like Mental Strength// If weapon_defense_type is non-zero, it won't apply to max def.// If magic_defense_type is non-zero, it won't apply to max mdef.max_def: 99// Def to Def2 conversion bonus. If the armor def/mdef exceeds max_def,// the remaining is converted to vit def/int mdef using this multiplier// (eg: if set to 10, every armor point above the max becomes 10 vit defense points)over_def_bonus: 0// Max weight carts can hold.max_cart_weight: 9999// Prevent logout of players after being hit for how long (in ms, 0 disables)?prevent_logout: 10000// Display the drained hp/sp values from normal attacks? (Ie: Hunter Fly card)show_hp_sp_drain: yes// Display the gained hp/sp values from killing mobs? (Ie: Sky Deleter Card)show_hp_sp_gain: yes// If set, when A accepts B as a friend, B will also be added to A's friend// list, otherwise, only A appears in B's friend list.// NOTE: this setting only enables friend auto-adding; auto-deletion does not work yetfriend_auto_add: yes// Are simultaneous trade/party/guild invite requests automatically rejected?invite_request_check: yes// Players' will drop a 'Skull' when killed?// 0 = Disabled// 1 = Dropped only in PvP maps// 2 = Dropped in all situationsbone_drop: 2// Do mounted (on Peco) characters increase their size// 0 = no// 1 = only Normal Classes on Peco have Big Size// 2 = only Baby Classes on Peco have Medium Size// 3 = both Normal Classes on Peco have Big Size// and Baby Classes on Peco have Medium Sizecharacter_size: 0// Idle characters can receive autoloot?// Set to the time in seconds where an idle character will stop receiving// items from Autoloot (0: disabled).idle_no_autoloot: 0// Minimum distance a vending/chat room must be from a NPC in order to be placed// Default: 3 (0: disabled).min_npc_vendchat_distance: 3// Super Novice's fury is enabled to increments of 10%, such as at 10.0%, 20.0% - 80.0%, 90.0%// Changing snovice_call_type config to 1 enables its use at 0%, for maxed super novices.// default: 0snovice_call_type: 0// How the server should measure the character's idle time? (Note 3)// 0x001 - Walk Request// 0x002 - UseSkillToID Request ( targetted skill use attempt )// 0x004 - UseSkillToPos Request ( aoe skill use attempt )// 0x008 - UseItem Request ( including equip/unequip )// 0x010 - Attack Request// 0x020 - Chat Request ( whisper, party, guild, bg, etca )// 0x040 - Sit/Standup Request// 0x080 - Emotion Request// 0x100 - DropItem Request// 0x200 - @/#Command Request// Please note that at least 1 option has to be enabled.// Be mindful that the more options used, the easier it becomes to cheat features that rely on idletime (e.g. checkidle()).// Default: walk ( 0x1 ) + useskilltoid ( 0x2 ) + useskilltopos ( 0x4 ) + useitem ( 0x8 ) + attack ( 0x10 ) = 0x1Fidletime_criteria: 0x1F e sim, eu reiniciei! Alguém????? Edited March 27, 2014 by MuriloStrike Adicionado Spoiler e CODE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pan 87 Posted March 27, 2014 Se bem me lembro, pelo menos nos clientes pré-renovação havia um limite imposto no próprio hexed, e só com um tipo especial chamado XRay era possível burlar esse limite. Provavelmente deve haver alguma limitação nos novos clientes que estão saindo também. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted March 27, 2014 eu uso client de 2014 e meus atributos são 600 e funcionam normalmente, não sei qual deve ser o seu problema :/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pan 87 Posted March 27, 2014 eu uso client de 2014 e meus atributos são 600 e funcionam normalmente, não sei qual deve ser o seu problema :/Você sabe qual o limite de alteração de stats? @MuriloStrike Como que está o seu PACKETVER? E qual o hexed que você está usando? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JulioCF 105 Posted March 28, 2014 Nunca ouvi falar desse limite e já fiz assim extravagante sem X-Ray D: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuriloStrike 0 Posted March 29, 2014 (edited) Estranho, desabilitei o Renewal e funcionou... eu irei tentar trocar de hexed e ver os resultados, alguém tem os links dos hexeds e lua files de 2014? pois só encontro de 2013 para baixo. Edited March 29, 2014 by MuriloStrike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted March 30, 2014 Estranho, desabilitei o Renewal e funcionou... eu irei tentar trocar de hexed e ver os resultados, alguém tem os links dos hexeds e lua files de 2014? pois só encontro de 2013 para baixo. vai em pc.c procura por: int pc_maxparameterincrease(struct map_session_data* sd, int type) { int base, final, status_points = sd->status.status_point; base = final = pc->getstat(sd, type); while (final <= pc_maxparameter(sd) && status_points >= 0) {#ifdef RENEWAL // renewal status point cost formula status_points -= (final < 100) ? (2 + (final - 1) / 10) : (16 + 4 * ((final - 100) / 5));#else status_points -= ( 1 + (final + 9) / 10 );#endif final++; } final--; return final > base ? final-base : 0;} altere para: int pc_maxparameterincrease(struct map_session_data* sd, int type) { int base, final, status_points = sd->status.status_point; base = final = pc->getstat(sd, type); while (final <= pc_maxparameter(sd) && status_points >= 0) {#ifndef RENEWAL // renewal status point cost formula status_points -= (final < 100) ? (2 + (final - 1) / 10) : (16 + 4 * ((final - 100) / 5));#else status_points -= ( 1 + (final + 9) / 10 );#endif final++; } final--; return final > base ? final-base : 0;} e recompile 1 JulioCF reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuriloStrike 0 Posted March 31, 2014 certo! obrigado ai! pode botar como resolvido!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuriloStrike 0 Posted April 5, 2014 Olá novamente, pensei que estava resolvido mais não está, pessoal, pelo meu costume de aumentar stats com o +dex+, /str+ e etc... eu consigo passar dos 400 normalmente, mais si for aumentar os atributos manualmente, ele é barrado quando chega em 400, mas com o Renewal desativado é normal, chega em 400 e passa de boa, mais com ele ativado não passa, eu quero renewal no meu serv, acho legal, alguem tem outra solução? Obs: com a solução do evilpuncker passa de 400, mais com o comando /str+ e etc... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted April 5, 2014 cara isso é muito estranho, qual a data do client q vc tá usando? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuriloStrike 0 Posted April 5, 2014 eu estou usando uma data que eu criei seguindo esses passos: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted April 5, 2014 quis dizer a data do hexed ex: 2014-02-05bRagexe Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuriloStrike 0 Posted April 5, 2014 kkkkk, malz 2012-04-10aRagexeRE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted April 5, 2014 posta seu mmo.h aqui só pra mim tirar uma dúvida de outra coisa, e vc não se interessaria em usar um client mais recente? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuriloStrike 0 Posted April 5, 2014 (edited) mmo.h: // Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.// See the LICENSE file// Portions Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams#ifndef _COMMON_MMO_H_#define _COMMON_MMO_H_#include "cbasetypes.h"#include "../common/db.h"#include <time.h>// server->client protocol version// 0 - pre-?// 1 - ? - 0x196// 2 - ? - 0x78, 0x79// 3 - ? - 0x1c8, 0x1c9, 0x1de// 4 - ? - 0x1d7, 0x1d8, 0x1d9, 0x1da// 5 - 2003-12-18aSakexe+ - 0x1ee, 0x1ef, 0x1f0, ?0x1c4, 0x1c5?// 6 - 2004-03-02aSakexe+ - 0x1f4, 0x1f5// 7 - 2005-04-11aSakexe+ - 0x229, 0x22a, 0x22b, 0x22c// 20061023 - 2006-10-23aSakexe+ - 0x6b, 0x6d// 20070521 - 2007-05-21aSakexe+ - 0x283// 20070821 - 2007-08-21aSakexe+ - 0x2c5// 20070918 - 2007-09-18aSakexe+ - 0x2d7, 0x2d9, 0x2da// 20071106 - 2007-11-06aSakexe+ - 0x78, 0x7c, 0x22c// 20080102 - 2008-01-02aSakexe+ - 0x2ec, 0x2ed , 0x2ee// 20081126 - 2008-11-26aSakexe+ - 0x1a2// 20090408 - 2009-04-08aSakexe+ - 0x44a (dont use as it overlaps with RE client packets)// 20080827 - 2008-08-27aRagexeRE+ - First RE Client// 20081217 - 2008-12-17aRagexeRE+ - 0x6d (Note: This one still use old Char Info Packet Structure)// 20081218 - 2008-12-17bRagexeRE+ - 0x6d (Note: From this one client use new Char Info Packet Structure)// 20090603 - 2009-06-03aRagexeRE+ - 0x7d7, 0x7d8, 0x7d9, 0x7da// 20090617 - 2009-06-17aRagexeRE+ - 0x7d9// 20090922 - 2009-09-22aRagexeRE+ - 0x7e5, 0x7e7, 0x7e8, 0x7e9// 20091103 - 2009-11-03aRagexeRE+ - 0x7f7, 0x7f8, 0x7f9// 20100105 - 2010-01-05aRagexeRE+ - 0x133, 0x800, 0x801// 20100126 - 2010-01-26aRagexeRE+ - 0x80e// 20100223 - 2010-02-23aRagexeRE+ - 0x80f// 20100413 - 2010-04-13aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b// 20100629 - 2010-06-29aRagexeRE+ - 0x2d0, 0xaa, 0x2d1, 0x2d2// 20100721 - 2010-07-21aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d// 20100727 - 2010-07-27aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d// 20100803 - 2010-08-03aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d, 0x827, 0x828, 0x829, 0x82a, 0x82b, 0x82c, 0x842, 0x843// 20101124 - 2010-11-24aRagexeRE+ - 0x856, 0x857, 0x858// 20110111 - 2011-01-11aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d// 20110928 - 2011-09-28aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d// 20111025 - 2011-10-25aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d// 20120307 - 2012-03-07aRagexeRE+ - 0x970#ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20120410#endif // PACKETVER//Uncomment the following line if your client is ragexeRE instead of ragexe (required because of conflicting packets in ragexe vs ragexeRE).//#define ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE#ifdef ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE #define PACKETVER_RE #undef ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE#endif // DISABLE_PACKETVER_RE// Client support for experimental RagexeRE UI present in 2012-04-10 and 2012-04-18#if defined(PACKETVER_RE) && ( PACKETVER == 20120410 || PACKETVER == 20120418 )#define PARTY_RECRUIT#endif // PACKETVER_RE && (PACKETVER == 20120410 || PACKETVER == 10120418)// Comment the following line to disable sc_data saving. [Skotlex]#define ENABLE_SC_SAVING#if PACKETVER >= 20070227// Comment the following like to disable server-side hot-key saving support. [Skotlex]// Note that newer clients no longer save hotkeys in the registry!#define HOTKEY_SAVING#if PACKETVER < 20090603 // (27 = 9 skills x 3 bars) (0x02b9,191) #define MAX_HOTKEYS 27#elif PACKETVER < 20090617 // (36 = 9 skills x 4 bars) (0x07d9,254) #define MAX_HOTKEYS 36#else // >= 20090617 // (38 = 9 skills x 4 bars & 2 Quickslots)(0x07d9,268) #define MAX_HOTKEYS 38#endif // 20090603#endif // 20070227#define MAX_INVENTORY 100//Max number of characters per account. Note that changing this setting alone is not enough if the client is not hexed to support more characters as well.#define MAX_CHARS 9//Number of slots carded equipment can have. Never set to less than 4 as they are also used to keep the data of forged items/equipment. [Skotlex]//Note: The client seems unable to receive data for more than 4 slots due to all related packets having a fixed size.#define MAX_SLOTS 4//Max amount of a single stacked item#define MAX_AMOUNT 30000#define MAX_ZENY 1000000000//Official Limit: 2.1b ( the var that stores the money doesn't go much higher than this by default )#define MAX_BANK_ZENY 2100000000#define MAX_FAME 1000000000#define MAX_CART 100#define MAX_SKILL 1478#define MAX_SKILL_ID 10015 // [Ind/Hercules] max used skill ID//Update this max as necessary. 55 is the value needed for Super Baby currently//Raised to 84 since Expanded Super Novice needs it.#define MAX_SKILL_TREE 84#define DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED 150#define MIN_WALK_SPEED 20 /* below 20 clips animation */#define MAX_WALK_SPEED 1000#define MAX_STORAGE 600#define MAX_GUILD_STORAGE 600#define MAX_PARTY 12#define MAX_GUILD (16+10*6) // Increased max guild members +6 per 1 extension levels [Lupus]#define MAX_GUILDPOSITION 20 // Increased max guild positions to accomodate for all members [Valaris] (removed) [PoW]#define MAX_GUILDEXPULSION 32#define MAX_GUILDALLIANCE 16#define MAX_GUILDSKILL 15 // Increased max guild skills because of new skills [Sara-chan]#define MAX_GUILDLEVEL 50#define MAX_GUARDIANS 8 // Local max per castle. [Skotlex]#define MAX_QUEST_OBJECTIVES 3 // Max quest objectives for a quest#define MAX_START_ITEMS 32 // Max number of items allowed to be given to a char whenever it's created. [mkbu95]// for produce#define MIN_ATTRIBUTE 0#define MAX_ATTRIBUTE 4#define ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 0#define MIN_STAR 0#define MAX_STAR 3#define MAX_STATUS_TYPE 5#define WEDDING_RING_M 2634#define WEDDING_RING_F 2635//For character names, title names, guilds, maps, etc.//Includes null-terminator as it is the length of the array.#define NAME_LENGTH (23 + 1)//For item names, which tend to have much longer names.#define ITEM_NAME_LENGTH 50//For Map Names, which the client considers to be 16 in length including the .gat extension.#define MAP_NAME_LENGTH (11 + 1)#define MAP_NAME_LENGTH_EXT (MAP_NAME_LENGTH + 4)#define MAX_FRIENDS 40#define MAX_MEMOPOINTS 3// Size of the fame list arrays.#define MAX_FAME_LIST 10// Limits to avoid ID collision with other game objects#define START_ACCOUNT_NUM 2000000#define END_ACCOUNT_NUM 100000000#define START_CHAR_NUM 150000// Guilds#define MAX_GUILDMES1 60#define MAX_GUILDMES2 120// Base Homun skill.#define HM_SKILLBASE 8001#define MAX_HOMUNSKILL 43#define MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS 52 // [orn] Increased to 60 from 16 to allow new Homun-S.#define HM_CLASS_BASE 6001#define HM_CLASS_MAX (HM_CLASS_BASE+MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS-1)// Mail System#define MAIL_MAX_INBOX 30#define MAIL_TITLE_LENGTH 40#define MAIL_BODY_LENGTH 200// Mercenary System#define MC_SKILLBASE 8201#define MAX_MERCSKILL 40#define MAX_MERCENARY_CLASS 61// Elemental System#define MAX_ELEMENTALSKILL 42#define EL_SKILLBASE 8401#define MAX_ELESKILLTREE 3#define MAX_ELEMENTAL_CLASS 12#define EL_CLASS_BASE 2114#define EL_CLASS_MAX (EL_CLASS_BASE+MAX_ELEMENTAL_CLASS-1)struct HPluginData;enum item_types { IT_HEALING = 0, IT_UNKNOWN, //1 IT_USABLE, //2 IT_ETC, //3 IT_WEAPON, //4 IT_ARMOR, //5 IT_CARD, //6 IT_PETEGG, //7 IT_PETARMOR,//8 IT_UNKNOWN2,//9 IT_AMMO, //10 IT_DELAYCONSUME,//11 IT_CASH = 18, IT_MAX};// Questlog statesenum quest_state { Q_INACTIVE, ///< Inactive quest (the user can toggle between active and inactive quests) Q_ACTIVE, ///< Active quest Q_COMPLETE, ///< Completed quest};/// Questlog entrystruct quest { int quest_id; ///< Quest ID unsigned int time; ///< Expiration time int count[MAX_QUEST_OBJECTIVES]; ///< Kill counters of each quest objective enum quest_state state; ///< Current quest state};struct item { int id; short nameid; short amount; unsigned int equip; // Location(s) where item is equipped (using enum equip_pos for bitmasking). char identify; char refine; char attribute; short card[MAX_SLOTS]; unsigned int expire_time; char favorite; unsigned char bound; uint64 unique_id;};struct point { unsigned short map; short x,y;};enum e_skill_flag{ SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT, SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY, SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED, SKILL_FLAG_UNUSED, /* needed to maintain the order since the values are saved, can be renamed and used if a new flag is necessary */ SKILL_FLAG_PERM_GRANTED, // Permanent, granted through someway (e.g. script). /* */ /* MUST be the last, because with it the flag value stores a dynamic value (flag+lv) */ SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0, // Temporary skill overshadowing permanent skill of level 'N - SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0',};enum e_mmo_charstatus_opt { OPT_NONE = 0x0, OPT_SHOW_EQUIP = 0x1, OPT_ALLOW_PARTY = 0x2,};enum e_item_bound_type { IBT_MIN = 0x1, IBT_ACCOUNT = 0x1, IBT_GUILD = 0x2, IBT_PARTY = 0x3, IBT_CHARACTER = 0x4, IBT_MAX = 0x4,};struct s_skill { unsigned short id; unsigned char lv; unsigned char flag; // See enum e_skill_flag};struct script_reg_state { unsigned int type : 1;/* because I'm a memory hoarder and having them in the same struct would be a 8-byte/instance waste while ints outnumber str on a 10000-to-1 ratio. */ unsigned int update : 1;/* whether it needs to be sent to char server for insertion/update/delete */};struct script_reg_num { struct script_reg_state flag; int value;};struct script_reg_str { struct script_reg_state flag; char *value;};// For saving status changes across sessions. [Skotlex]struct status_change_data { unsigned short type; //SC_type int val1, val2, val3, val4; unsigned int tick; //Remaining duration.};struct storage_data { int storage_amount; struct item items[MAX_STORAGE];};struct guild_storage { int dirty; int guild_id; short storage_status; short storage_amount; struct item items[MAX_GUILD_STORAGE]; unsigned short lock;};struct s_pet { int account_id; int char_id; int pet_id; short class_; short level; short egg_id;//pet egg id short equip;//pet equip name_id short intimate;//pet friendly short hungry;//pet hungry char name[NAME_LENGTH]; char rename_flag; char incuvate;};struct s_homunculus { //[orn] char name[NAME_LENGTH]; int hom_id; int char_id; short class_; short prev_class; int hp,max_hp,sp,max_sp; unsigned int intimacy; //[orn] short hunger; struct s_skill hskill[MAX_HOMUNSKILL]; //albator short skillpts; short level; unsigned int exp; short rename_flag; short vaporize; //albator int str; int agi; int vit; int int_; int dex; int luk; int8 spiritball; //for homun S [lighta]};struct s_mercenary { int mercenary_id; int char_id; short class_; int hp, sp; unsigned int kill_count; unsigned int life_time;};struct s_elemental { int elemental_id; int char_id; short class_; int mode; int hp, sp, max_hp, max_sp, matk, atk, atk2; short hit, flee, amotion, def, mdef; int life_time;};struct s_friend { int account_id; int char_id; char name[NAME_LENGTH];};#ifdef HOTKEY_SAVINGstruct hotkey { unsigned int id; unsigned short lv; unsigned char type; // 0: item, 1: skill};#endifstruct mmo_charstatus { int char_id; int account_id; int partner_id; int father; int mother; int child; unsigned int base_exp,job_exp; int zeny; int bank_vault; short class_; unsigned int status_point,skill_point; int hp,max_hp,sp,max_sp; unsigned int option; short manner; unsigned char karma; short hair,hair_color,clothes_color; int party_id,guild_id,pet_id,hom_id,mer_id,ele_id; int fame; // Mercenary Guilds Rank int arch_faith, arch_calls; int spear_faith, spear_calls; int sword_faith, sword_calls; short weapon; // enum weapon_type short shield; // view-id short head_top,head_mid,head_bottom; short robe; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; unsigned int base_level,job_level; short str,agi,vit,int_,dex,luk; unsigned char slot,sex; uint32 mapip; uint16 mapport; struct point last_point,save_point,memo_point[MAX_MEMOPOINTS]; struct item inventory[MAX_INVENTORY],cart[MAX_CART]; struct storage_data storage; struct s_skill skill[MAX_SKILL]; struct s_friend friends[MAX_FRIENDS]; //New friend system [Skotlex]#ifdef HOTKEY_SAVING struct hotkey hotkeys[MAX_HOTKEYS];#endif bool show_equip, allow_party; unsigned short rename; unsigned short slotchange; time_t delete_date; /* `account_data` modifiers */ unsigned short mod_exp,mod_drop,mod_death; unsigned char font;};typedef enum mail_status { MAIL_NEW, MAIL_UNREAD, MAIL_READ,} mail_status;struct mail_message { int id; int send_id; char send_name[NAME_LENGTH]; int dest_id; char dest_name[NAME_LENGTH]; char title[MAIL_TITLE_LENGTH]; char body[MAIL_BODY_LENGTH]; mail_status status; time_t timestamp; // marks when the message was sent int zeny; struct item item;};struct mail_data { short amount; bool full; short unchecked, unread; struct mail_message msg[MAIL_MAX_INBOX];};struct auction_data { unsigned int auction_id; int seller_id; char seller_name[NAME_LENGTH]; int buyer_id; char buyer_name[NAME_LENGTH]; struct item item; // This data is required for searching, as itemdb is not read by char server char item_name[ITEM_NAME_LENGTH]; short type; unsigned short hours; int price, buynow; time_t timestamp; // auction's end time int auction_end_timer;};struct party_member { int account_id; int char_id; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; unsigned short class_; unsigned short map; unsigned short lv; unsigned leader : 1, online : 1;};struct party { int party_id; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; unsigned char count; //Count of online characters. unsigned exp : 1, item : 2; //&1: Party-Share (round-robin), &2: pickup style: shared. struct party_member member[MAX_PARTY]; };struct map_session_data;struct guild_member { int account_id, char_id; short hair,hair_color,gender,class_,lv; uint64 exp; int exp_payper; short online,position; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; struct map_session_data *sd; unsigned char modified;};struct guild_position { char name[NAME_LENGTH]; int mode; int exp_mode; unsigned char modified;};struct guild_alliance { int opposition; int guild_id; char name[NAME_LENGTH];};struct guild_expulsion { char name[NAME_LENGTH]; char mes[40]; int account_id;};struct guild_skill { int id,lv;};struct hChSysCh;struct guild { int guild_id; short guild_lv, connect_member, max_member, average_lv; uint64 exp; unsigned int next_exp; int skill_point; char name[NAME_LENGTH],master[NAME_LENGTH]; struct guild_member member[MAX_GUILD]; struct guild_position position[MAX_GUILDPOSITION]; char mes1[MAX_GUILDMES1],mes2[MAX_GUILDMES2]; int emblem_len,emblem_id; char emblem_data[2048]; struct guild_alliance alliance[MAX_GUILDALLIANCE]; struct guild_expulsion expulsion[MAX_GUILDEXPULSION]; struct guild_skill skill[MAX_GUILDSKILL]; /* used on char.c to state what kind of data is being saved/processed */ unsigned short save_flag; short *instance; unsigned short instances; struct hChSysCh *channel; /* HPM Custom Struct */ struct HPluginData **hdata; unsigned int hdatac;};struct guild_castle { int castle_id; int mapindex; char castle_name[NAME_LENGTH]; char castle_event[NAME_LENGTH]; int guild_id; int economy; int defense; int triggerE; int triggerD; int nextTime; int payTime; int createTime; int visibleC; struct { unsigned visible : 1; int id; // object id } guardian[MAX_GUARDIANS]; int* temp_guardians; // ids of temporary guardians (mobs) int temp_guardians_max;};struct fame_list { int id; int fame; char name[NAME_LENGTH];};enum fame_list_type { RANKTYPE_BLACKSMITH = 0, RANKTYPE_ALCHEMIST = 1, RANKTYPE_TAEKWON = 2, RANKTYPE_PK = 3, //Not supported yet};enum { //Change Guild Infos GBI_EXP =1, // Guild Experience (EXP) GBI_GUILDLV, // Guild level GBI_SKILLPOINT, // Guild skillpoints GBI_SKILLLV, // Guild skill_lv ?? seem unused};enum { //Change Member Infos GMI_POSITION =0, GMI_EXP, GMI_HAIR, GMI_HAIR_COLOR, GMI_GENDER, GMI_CLASS, GMI_LEVEL,};enum { GD_SKILLBASE=10000, GD_APPROVAL=10000, GD_KAFRACONTRACT=10001, GD_GUARDRESEARCH=10002, GD_GUARDUP=10003, GD_EXTENSION=10004, GD_GLORYGUILD=10005, GD_LEADERSHIP=10006, GD_GLORYWOUNDS=10007, GD_SOULCOLD=10008, GD_HAWKEYES=10009, GD_BATTLEORDER=10010, GD_REGENERATION=10011, GD_RESTORE=10012, GD_EMERGENCYCALL=10013, GD_DEVELOPMENT=10014, GD_MAX,};//These mark the ID of the jobs, as expected by the client. [Skotlex]enum { JOB_NOVICE, JOB_SWORDMAN, JOB_MAGE, JOB_ARCHER, JOB_ACOLYTE, JOB_MERCHANT, JOB_THIEF, JOB_KNIGHT, JOB_PRIEST, JOB_WIZARD, JOB_BLACKSMITH, JOB_HUNTER, JOB_ASSASSIN, JOB_KNIGHT2, JOB_CRUSADER, JOB_MONK, JOB_SAGE, JOB_ROGUE, JOB_ALCHEMIST, JOB_BARD, JOB_DANCER, JOB_CRUSADER2, JOB_WEDDING, JOB_SUPER_NOVICE, JOB_GUNSLINGER, JOB_NINJA, JOB_XMAS, JOB_SUMMER, JOB_MAX_BASIC, JOB_NOVICE_HIGH = 4001, JOB_SWORDMAN_HIGH, JOB_MAGE_HIGH, JOB_ARCHER_HIGH, JOB_ACOLYTE_HIGH, JOB_MERCHANT_HIGH, JOB_THIEF_HIGH, JOB_LORD_KNIGHT, JOB_HIGH_PRIEST, JOB_HIGH_WIZARD, JOB_WHITESMITH, JOB_SNIPER, JOB_ASSASSIN_CROSS, JOB_LORD_KNIGHT2, JOB_PALADIN, JOB_CHAMPION, JOB_PROFESSOR, JOB_STALKER, JOB_CREATOR, JOB_CLOWN, JOB_GYPSY, JOB_PALADIN2, JOB_BABY, JOB_BABY_SWORDMAN, JOB_BABY_MAGE, JOB_BABY_ARCHER, JOB_BABY_ACOLYTE, JOB_BABY_MERCHANT, JOB_BABY_THIEF, JOB_BABY_KNIGHT, JOB_BABY_PRIEST, JOB_BABY_WIZARD, JOB_BABY_BLACKSMITH, JOB_BABY_HUNTER, JOB_BABY_ASSASSIN, JOB_BABY_KNIGHT2, JOB_BABY_CRUSADER, JOB_BABY_MONK, JOB_BABY_SAGE, JOB_BABY_ROGUE, JOB_BABY_ALCHEMIST, JOB_BABY_BARD, JOB_BABY_DANCER, JOB_BABY_CRUSADER2, JOB_SUPER_BABY, JOB_TAEKWON, JOB_STAR_GLADIATOR, JOB_STAR_GLADIATOR2, JOB_SOUL_LINKER, JOB_GANGSI, JOB_DEATH_KNIGHT, JOB_DARK_COLLECTOR, JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT = 4054, JOB_WARLOCK, JOB_RANGER, JOB_ARCH_BISHOP, JOB_MECHANIC, JOB_GUILLOTINE_CROSS, JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT_T, JOB_WARLOCK_T, JOB_RANGER_T, JOB_ARCH_BISHOP_T, JOB_MECHANIC_T, JOB_GUILLOTINE_CROSS_T, JOB_ROYAL_GUARD, JOB_SORCERER, JOB_MINSTREL, JOB_WANDERER, JOB_SURA, JOB_GENETIC, JOB_SHADOW_CHASER, JOB_ROYAL_GUARD_T, JOB_SORCERER_T, JOB_MINSTREL_T, JOB_WANDERER_T, JOB_SURA_T, JOB_GENETIC_T, JOB_SHADOW_CHASER_T, JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT2, JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT_T2, JOB_ROYAL_GUARD2, JOB_ROYAL_GUARD_T2, JOB_RANGER2, JOB_RANGER_T2, JOB_MECHANIC2, JOB_MECHANIC_T2, JOB_BABY_RUNE = 4096, JOB_BABY_WARLOCK, JOB_BABY_RANGER, JOB_BABY_BISHOP, JOB_BABY_MECHANIC, JOB_BABY_CROSS, JOB_BABY_GUARD, JOB_BABY_SORCERER, JOB_BABY_MINSTREL, JOB_BABY_WANDERER, JOB_BABY_SURA, JOB_BABY_GENETIC, JOB_BABY_CHASER, JOB_BABY_RUNE2, JOB_BABY_GUARD2, JOB_BABY_RANGER2, JOB_BABY_MECHANIC2, JOB_SUPER_NOVICE_E = 4190, JOB_SUPER_BABY_E, JOB_KAGEROU = 4211, JOB_OBORO, JOB_REBELLION = 4215, JOB_MAX,};//Total number of classes (for data storage)#define CLASS_COUNT (JOB_MAX - JOB_NOVICE_HIGH + JOB_MAX_BASIC)enum { SEX_FEMALE = 0, SEX_MALE, SEX_SERVER};enum weapon_type { W_FIST, //Bare hands W_DAGGER, //1 W_1HSWORD, //2 W_2HSWORD, //3 W_1HSPEAR, //4 W_2HSPEAR, //5 W_1HAXE, //6 W_2HAXE, //7 W_MACE, //8 W_2HMACE, //9 (unused) W_STAFF, //10 W_BOW, //11 W_KNUCKLE, //12 W_MUSICAL, //13 W_WHIP, //14 W_BOOK, //15 W_KATAR, //16 W_REVOLVER, //17 W_RIFLE, //18 W_GATLING, //19 W_SHOTGUN, //20 W_GRENADE, //21 W_HUUMA, //22 W_2HSTAFF, //23 MAX_WEAPON_TYPE, // dual-wield constants W_DOUBLE_DD, // 2 daggers W_DOUBLE_SS, // 2 swords W_DOUBLE_AA, // 2 axes W_DOUBLE_DS, // dagger + sword W_DOUBLE_DA, // dagger + axe W_DOUBLE_SA, // sword + axe};enum ammo_type { A_ARROW = 1, A_DAGGER, //2 A_BULLET, //3 A_SHELL, //4 A_GRENADE, //5 A_SHURIKEN, //6 A_KUNAI, //7 A_CANNONBALL, //8 A_THROWWEAPON //9};enum e_char_server_type { CST_NORMAL = 0, CST_MAINTENANCE = 1, CST_OVER18 = 2, CST_PAYING = 3, CST_F2P = 4,};enum e_pc_reg_loading { PRL_NONE = 0x0, PRL_CHAR = 0x1, PRL_ACCL = 0x2,/* local */ PRL_ACCG = 0x4,/* global */ PRL_ALL = 0xFF,};/* packet size constant for itemlist */#if MAX_INVENTORY > MAX_STORAGE && MAX_INVENTORY > MAX_CART#define MAX_ITEMLIST MAX_INVENTORY#elif MAX_CART > MAX_INVENTORY && MAX_CART > MAX_STORAGE#define MAX_ITEMLIST MAX_CART#else#define MAX_ITEMLIST MAX_STORAGE#endif// sanity checks...#if MAX_ZENY > INT_MAX#error MAX_ZENY is too big#endif#endif /* _COMMON_MMO_H_ */ e eu me interesso sim em usar clientes mais novos, só que eu não encontro os luas files referente a eles. Edited April 5, 2014 by MuriloStrike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted April 5, 2014 como eu suspeitava altere: //#define ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE para #define ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE pois vc está usando um client RE e recompile e veja se o problema persiste Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuriloStrike 0 Posted April 5, 2014 (edited) okay! irei ver! bom, ainda está a mesma coisa, eu reparei que quando chega em 405 (usando os comandos) aparece o botão para poder aumentar os stats, mais quando chega em 400 fica a mesma coisa. e em questão do hexed, qual você me aconselha usar? Pois estou achando que o problema vai estar no hexed. Edited April 5, 2014 by MuriloStrike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted April 5, 2014 2013-12-23cRagexe é bastante estável, diffa ele com o NEMO atualizado e use as lu[a/b]s desse project e deve funcionar perfeitamente PS: no mmo.h vc coloca 20131223 e coloca os // de volta no ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuriloStrike 0 Posted April 5, 2014 (edited) okay! irei testar novamente! evil, essa pasta data que contém nesse project, posso usar ela de boa? Edited April 5, 2014 by MuriloStrike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuriloStrike 0 Posted April 6, 2014 (edited) pronto, já baixei tudo, abriu sem erro, mais está dando o seguinte erro: failed to authenticate (5011) esse erro é ao se logar, e quando vou olhar no map,login e char server, não aparece nada... já revirei o google atrás dessa solução e nada... para diffar usei o NEMO e marquei todas as recomendadas... Edited April 6, 2014 by MuriloStrike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilpuncker 504 Posted April 6, 2014 roda o client com o ROCred e desabilita a opção de restaurar a janela de login Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuriloStrike 0 Posted April 6, 2014 (edited) aff, agora está dando rejected from server (30) e o failed to authenticate (5011) e o estranho é que não aparece nenhum erro no servidor... Edited April 6, 2014 by MuriloStrike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites