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SQL Rejected error


So I have tried to fix this for hours with no success, I keep getting this error when I try to load the server I am using a vps Centos 6.5




[Info]: Connect Character DB server.... (Character Server)[Status]: Using item database as SQL: 'no'[Status]: Using monster database as SQL: 'no'[Status]: Using monster skill database as SQL: 'no'[Info]: Logging item transactions to table 'picklog'.[Info]: Logging commands to table 'atcommandlog'.[Info]: Connecting to the Map DB Server....[SQL]: Access denied for user 'mybadadmin'@'167.xxx.xxx.xxx' (using password: YES)[Debug]: at inter.c:1007[SQL]: Access denied for user 'mybadadmin'@'167.xxx.xxx.xxx' (using password: YES)[Debug]: at loginlog_sql.c:116[SQL]: Access denied for user 'mybadadmin'@'167.xxx.xxx.xxx' (using password: YES) 




my configure files look like this.




// Character Server configuration file.// Note: "Comments" are all text on the right side of a double slash "//"// Whatever text is commented will not be parsed by the servers, and serves// only as information/reference.// Server Communication username and password.userid: XXXXXpasswd: XXXXX// Server name, use alternative character such as ASCII 160 for spaces.// NOTE: Do not use spaces or any of these characters which are not allowed in//	   Windows filenames /:*?"<>|//	   ... or else guild emblems won't work client-side!// server_name:// Wisp name for server: used to send wisp from server to players (between 4 to 23 characters)// wisp_server_name:// Login Server IP// The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.// NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on// a machine with multiple interfaces.//login_ip:// The character server listens on the interface with this IP address.// NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces// while using the same ports for each server.//bind_ip:// Login Server Portlogin_port: XXXX// Character Server IP// The IP address which clients will use to connect.// Set this to what your server's public IP address is.// char_ip:// Character Server Portchar_port: XXXX 






// Hercules InterServer (settings shared/used by more than 1 server) configuration.// Options for both versions// Log Inter Connections, etc.?log_inter: 1// Inter Log Filenameinter_log_filename: log/inter.log// Level range for sharing within a partyparty_share_level: 15// SQL version options only// You can specify the codepage to use in your mySQL tables here.// (Note that this feature requires MySQL 4.1+)//default_codepage:// For IPs, ideally under linux, you want to use localhost instead of Under windows, you want to use  If you see a message like// "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)"// and you have localhost, switch it to Global SQL settings// overridden by local settings when the hostname is defined there// (currently only the login-server reads/obeys these settings)sql.db_hostname: 167.XXX.XXX.XXX (this is my wan ip)sql.db_port: 3306sql.db_username: my sql usernamesql.db_password: my sql passwordsql.db_database: my ragnarok databasesql.codepage:// MySQL Character SQL serverchar_server_ip: 167.XXX.XXX.XXX (this is my wan ip)char_server_port: 3306char_server_id: my sql usernamechar_server_pw: my sql passwordchar_server_db: my ragnarok database// MySQL Map SQL Servermap_server_ip: 167.XXX.XXX.XXX (this is my wan ip)map_server_port: 3306map_server_id: my sql usernamemap_server_pw: my sql passwordmap_server_db: my ragnarok database// MySQL Log SQL Databaselog_db_ip: 167.XXX.XXX.XXX (this is my wan ip)log_db_port: 3306log_db_id: my sql usernamelog_db_pw: my sql passwordlog_db_db: My log databaselog_codepage:log_login_db: loginlog// == MySQL Reconnect Settings// ===========================// - mysql_reconnect_type// - 1: when mysql disconnects during runtime, the server tries to reconnect mysql_reconnect_count times and,// -- if unsuccessful, the server is shut down// - 2: when mysql disconnects during runtime it tries to reconnect indefinitelymysql_reconnect_type:2// - mysql_reconnect_count// - number of reconnect attempts the server should do when the database disconnects during runtime// - only used when mysql_reconnect_type is 1mysql_reconnect_count:1// DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BEYOND THIS LINE UNLESS YOU KNOW YOUR DATABASE DAMN WELL// this is meant for people who KNOW their stuff, and for some reason want to change their// database layout. [CLOWNISIUS]// ALL MySQL Database Table names//Sharedinterreg_db: interregglobal_acc_reg_num_db: global_acc_reg_num_dbglobal_acc_reg_str_db: global_acc_reg_str_db// Char Database Tableschar_db: charhotkey_db: hotkeyscdata_db: sc_datacart_db: cart_inventoryinventory_db: inventorycharlog_db: charlogstorage_db: storageskill_db: skillinterlog_db: interlogmemo_db: memoguild_db: guildguild_alliance_db: guild_allianceguild_castle_db: guild_castleguild_expulsion_db: guild_expulsionguild_member_db: guild_memberguild_skill_db: guild_skillguild_position_db: guild_positionguild_storage_db: guild_storageparty_db: partypet_db: petfriend_db: friendsmail_db: mailauction_db: auctionquest_db: questhomunculus_db: homunculusskill_homunculus_db: skill_homunculusmercenary_db: mercenarymercenary_owner_db: mercenary_ownerragsrvinfo_db: ragsrvinfoelemental_db: elementalaccount_data_db: account_dataacc_reg_num_db: acc_reg_num_dbacc_reg_str_db: acc_reg_str_dbchar_reg_str_db: char_reg_str_dbchar_reg_num_db: char_reg_num_db// Map Database Tablesitem_db_db: item_dbitem_db_re_db: item_db_reitem_db2_db: item_db2mob_db_db: mob_dbmob_db2_db: mob_db2mob_skill_db_db: mob_skill_dbmob_skill_db2_db: mob_skill_db2mapreg_db: mapregautotrade_merchants_db: autotrade_merchantsautotrade_data_db: autotrade_datanpc_market_data_db: npc_market_data// == SQL item, mob, mob skill databases// =====================================// Note: the following databases may get out of date at times, or not be// thoroughly tested (if at all, since they're auto-generated). As such it is// not advisable to rely on them other than for informative reasons (Control// Panels, websites, etc.)// Unless you know what you're doing, please consider using their txt version.// Note2: It is perfectly legit (and recommended) to use txt databases in// Hercules, while still loading the SQL tables we provide to be used// exclusively by your Control Panel or Website.// Use SQL for item_db? (not recommended)use_sql_item_db: no// Use SQL for mob_db? (not recommended)use_sql_mob_db: no// Use SQL for mob_skill_db? (not recommended)use_sql_mob_skill_db: noimport: conf/import/inter_conf.txt 






default settings



Any ideas?

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Access denied for user 'mybadadmin'@'167.xxx.xxx.xxx' (using password: YES) 

that means you have input wrong password in inter-server.conf


P.S: If you have mysql installed in that vps only, its better to use instead of wan ip.

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Just an additional note for users who are using off-loaded MySQL databases:


Make sure the account you're logging into the MySQL database with has permission to connect to it remotely. For example, granting permission to 'user'@'localhost' does not immediately grant permission to 'user'@''. This can be appropriated by granting permission to 'user'@'%' or 'user'@'<static remote address>'.

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