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@monster that spawns random location


Is it possible to have an @monster that spawns the monster on a random location on a Map like: @monster2 argiope prontera then it will spawn on different location of the map.. is it possible?

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-	script	OnInit	-1,{end;OnInit:	bindatcmd "monster2", "AtCommands::OnMonster2", <GM Level>, 99;end;}-	script	AtCommands	-1,{end;OnMonster2:	if(getarraysize(.@atcmd_parameters$) == 1) {		set .@mobid,.@atcmd_parameters$[0];		monster ""+strcharinfo(3)+"",0,0,""+strmobinfo(1, .@mobid)+"",.@mobid,1;	} else if(getarraysize(.@atcmd_parameters$) == 2) {		set .@mobid,.@atcmd_parameters$[0];		set .@map$,.@atcmd_parameters$[1];		monster ""+.@map$+"",0,0,""+strmobinfo(1, .@mobid)+"",.@mobid,1;	} else if(getarraysize(.@atcmd_parameters$) == 3) {		set .@mobid,.@atcmd_parameters$[0];		set .@amount,.@atcmd_parameters$[1];		if(!.@amount) set .@amount,1;		set .@map$,.@atcmd_parameters$[2];		monster ""+.@map$+"",0,0,""+strmobinfo(1, .@mobid)+"",.@mobid,.@amount;	} else {		message strcharinfo(0), "Wrong command format. Possible formats:";		message strcharinfo(0), " - @monster2 <Mob ID> <amount> <map>";		message strcharinfo(0), " - @monster2 <Mob ID> <map>";		message strcharinfo(0), " - @monster2 <Mob ID>";		message strcharinfo(0), "@monster2 failed.";	}end;} 


 It could basically work like that, but I'm not good of a coder and I don't know how to check if a monster ID or a map is valid. There will be a console message when someone enters invalid values I assume. Don't forget to change gm level if you use it

Edited by Sunzuki

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