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Problem with Flux and Webhost


HI to all,


i have downloaded and uploaded the FluxCP for Hercules. I have try to install it to my webhost but i have no idea because its not work.. I have set up ma Root Server IP + Ports in the servers.php but everytime i try to install it, the page say me that the User can't connect to the ip.. But its not shown my Root Server IP, its shows a other? Maybe is this my web host ip? I have no idea please help me :)




servers.php :

<?phpreturn array(	// Example server configuration. You may have more arrays like this one to	// specify multiple server groups (however they should share the same login	// server whilst they are allowed to have multiple char/map pairs).	array(		'ServerName'     => 'Server Name',		// Global database configuration (excludes logs database configuration).		'DbConfig'       => array(			//'Socket'     => '/tmp/mysql.sock',			//'Port'       => 3306,			//'Encoding'   => 'utf8', // Connection encoding -- use whatever here your MySQL tables collation is.			'Convert'    => 'utf8',				// -- 'Convert' option only works when 'Encoding' option is specified and iconv (http://php.net/iconv) is available.				// -- It specifies the encoding to convert your MySQL data to on the website (most likely needs to be utf8)			'Hostname'   => '144.xx.xx.xx( My Root IP)',			'Username'   => 'TestPage01',			'Password'   => '******** ( My PW )',			'Database'   => '******** ( My DB )',			'Persistent' => true,			'Timezone'   => null // Example: '+0:00' is UTC.			// The possible values of 'Timezone' is as documented from the MySQL website:			// "The value can be given as a string indicating an offset from UTC, such as '+10:00' or '-6:00'."			// "The value can be given as a named time zone, such as 'Europe/Helsinki', 'US/Eastern', or 'MET'." (see below continuation!)			// **"Named time zones can be used only if the time zone information tables in the mysql database have been created and populated."		),		// This is kept separate because many people choose to have their logs		// database accessible under different credentials, and often on a		// different server entirely to ensure the reliability of the log data.		'LogsDbConfig'   => array(			//'Socket'     => '/tmp/mysql.sock',			//'Port'       => 3306,			//'Encoding'   => null, // Connection encoding -- use whatever here your MySQL tables collation is.			'Convert'    => 'utf8',				// -- 'Convert' option only works when 'Encoding' option is specified and iconv (http://php.net/iconv) is available.				// -- It specifies the encoding to convert your MySQL data to on the website (most likely needs to be utf8)			'Hostname'   => '144.xx.xx.xx( My Root IP)',			'Username'   => 'TestPage01',			'Password'   => '******** ( My PW )',			'Database'   => '******** ( My DB )',			'Persistent' => true,			'Timezone'   => null // Possible values is as described in the comment in DbConfig.		),		// Login server configuration.		'LoginServer'    => array(			'Address'  => '144.xx.xx.xx( My Root IP)',			'Port'     => 6900,			'UseMD5'   => true,			'NoCase'   => true, // Hercules account case-sensitivity; Default: Case-INsensitive (true).			'GroupID'  => 0,    // Default account group ID during registration.			//'Database' => 'ragnarok'		),		'CharMapServers' => array(			array(				'ServerName'      => 'Server Name',				'Renewal'         => false,				'MaxCharSlots'    => 9,				'DateTimezone'    => null, // Specifies game server's timezone for this char/map pair. (See: http://php.net/timezones)				//'ResetDenyMaps'   => 'sec_pri', // Defaults to 'sec_pri'. This value can be an array of map names.				//'Database'        => 'ragnarok', // Defaults to DbConfig.Database				'MaxBaseLevel'    => 99,				'ExpRates' => array(					'Base'        => 100, // Rate at which (base) exp is given					'Job'         => 100, // Rate at which job exp is given					'Mvp'         => 100  // MVP bonus exp rate				),				'DropRates' => array(					// The rate the common items (in the ETC tab, besides card) are dropped					'Common'      => 100,					'CommonBoss'  => 100,					// The rate healing items (that restore HP or SP) are dropped					'Heal'        => 100,					'HealBoss'    => 100,					// The rate usable items (in the item tab other then healing items) are dropped					'Useable'     => 100,					'UseableBoss' => 100,					// The rate at which equipment is dropped					'Equip'       => 100,					'EquipBoss'   => 100,					// The rate at which cards are dropped					'Card'        => 100,					'CardBoss'    => 100,					// The rate adjustment for the MVP items that the MVP gets directly in their inventory					'MvpItem'     => 100				),				'CharServer'      => array(					'Address'     => '144.xx.xx.xx( My Root IP)',					'Port'        => 6122				),				'MapServer'       => array(					'Address'     => '144.xx.xx.xx( My Root IP)',					'Port'        => 5122				),				// -- WoE days and times --				// First parameter: Starding day 0=Sunday / 1=Monday / 2=Tuesday / 3=Wednesday / 4=Thursday / 5=Friday / 6=Saturday				// Second parameter: Starting hour in 24-hr format.				// Third paramter: Ending day (possible value is same as starting day).				// Fourth (final) parameter: Ending hour in 24-hr format.				// ** (Note, invalid times are ignored silently.)				'WoeDayTimes'   => array(					//array(0, '12:00', 0, '14:00'), // Example: Starts Sunday 12:00 PM and ends Sunday 2:00 PM					//array(3, '14:00', 3, '15:00')  // Example: Starts Wednesday 2:00 PM and ends Wednesday 3:00 PM				),				// Modules and/or actions to disallow access to during WoE.				'WoeDisallow'   => array(					array('module' => 'character', 'action' => 'online'),  // Disallow access to "Who's Online" page during WoE.					array('module' => 'character', 'action' => 'mapstats') // Disallow access to "Map Statistics" page during WoE.				)			)		)	));?>






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'Hostname' => '144.xx.xx.xx( My Root IP)',



is the IP of your SQL Database , where the Flux needs to install the Flux CP_ Tables


so be sure tha this IP points to your GameServer SQL Databases


and that the user got correct permission to access this Databases

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