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id increase the skills of homunculu


Hello guys today I have a problem in adding custom skills for homunculus. The ids of the ability of the homunculus begins 8001 and ends 8043. I added a custom skill with id 8044 placing this custom skill in homun_skill_tree.txt and it worked 100%, but when I add another custom skill in homun_skill_tree.txt with id 8045 does not she appears. Strongly suspect that the emulator has a limit on the ids of the homunculus skills. I would like to know how to increase this number id so I can add more custom skill for homunculus...


I have tried to increase in:

src -> common -> mmo.h


#define MAX_HOMUNSKILL 80 // original 43


// but failed to appear for skill was without the homunculu


tried in:


#define HM_SKILLRANGEMIN 755 //750 original
//but failed to appear for skill was without the homunculu
Can someone help me?
Edited by Jolteo

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