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Euphy's Card Trader Categories




Can anyone help me modify Euphy's Card Trader script to add more card categories like Category 1,2 3 & 4 instead of just having normal and MvP cards?


//===== rAthena Script =======================================//= Card Trader//===== By: ==================================================//= Euphy//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 1.1 //===== Compatible With: =====================================//= rAthena SVN//===== Description: =========================================//= Exchange cards for points.//============================================================ prontera,165,196,6	script	Card Trader	90,{	mes "[Card Trader]";	mes "Hi, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!";	mes "What can I do for you?";	next;	switch(select(" > Information: > Trade in cards: > Point shop (^0055FF"+getd(.Points$)+"^000000): > Leave")) {	case 1:		mes "[Card Trader]";		mes "Do you find that you've got";		mes "useless cards lying around?";		mes "I'll be glad to take them off";		mes "your hands!";		next;		mes "[Card Trader]";		mes "I'll give you ^0055FF"+.Points[0]+" Point"+((.Points[0] == 1)?"":"s")+"^000000 for each";		mes "card you give me, and";		mes "^0055FF"+.Points[1]+" Points^000000 for MVP cards.";		mes "You can trade those points";		mes "for items later on.";		mes "How does that sound?";		emotion e_cash;		close;	case 2:		mes "[Card Trader]";		mes "Select the cards you";		mes "want to trade in.";		if (.Level) {			mes " ";			mes "They must be dropped";			mes "by monsters of level";			mes .Level+" and above.";		}		deletearray @sold_nameid[0],getarraysize(@sold_nameid);		callshop "card_shop",2;		npcshopattach "card_shop";		end;	case 3:		mes "[Card Trader]";		mes "You have ^0055FF"+getd(.Points$)+"^000000 Point"+((getd(.Points$) == 1)?".":"s.");		callshop "card_shop",1;		npcshopattach "card_shop";		end;	case 4:		mes "[Card Trader]";		mes "*yawn*";		mes "See you later!";		emotion e_yawn;		close;			} OnSellItem:	mes "Cards to sell:";	mes "-----------------------------------";	for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(@sold_nameid); set .@i,.@i+1)		if (@sold_nameid[.@i] > 4000 && @sold_nameid[.@i] < 4700) {			if (.Level) {				query_sql("SELECT `LV` FROM `mob_db` WHERE `DropCardid` = "+@sold_nameid[.@i],.@lv);				if (.@lv < .Level) {					dispbottom getitemname(@sold_nameid[.@i])+" is under the minimum level.";					continue;				}			}			set .@card_id[getarraysize(.@card_id)], @sold_nameid[.@i];			set .@card_amt[getarraysize(.@card_amt)], @sold_quantity[.@i];			set .@mvp, compare(.MVP$,""+@sold_nameid[.@i]);			mes ((.@mvp)?"  ^FF0000":"  ^777777")+@sold_quantity[.@i]+"x "+getitemname(@sold_nameid[.@i])+"^000000";			set .@card_total, .@card_total+(@sold_quantity[.@i]*((.@mvp)?.Points[1]:.Points[0]));		}	deletearray @sold_nameid[0], getarraysize(@sold_nameid);	deletearray @sold_quantity[0], getarraysize(@sold_quantity);	if (!.@card_id) {		mes "  ^777777(none)^000000";		emotion e_swt;		close;	}	mes " ";	mes "---------- Total: ^0055FF"+.@card_total+" pt.^000000 -------";	next;	if(select(" > ^0055FFComplete trade...^000000: > ^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) {		mes "[Card Trader]";		mes "Oh, okay...";		emotion e_hmm;		close;	}	for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.@card_id); set .@i,.@i+1)		delitem .@card_id[.@i],.@card_amt[.@i];	setd .Points$, getd(.Points$)+.@card_total;	mes "[Card Trader]";	mes "All done!";	emotion e_ho;	close; OnBuyItem:	for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set .@i,.@i+1)		for(set .@j,0; .@j <getarraysize(.Shop); set .@j,.@j+2)			if (@bought_nameid[.@i] == .Shop[.@j]) {				set .@cost, .@cost+(.Shop[.@j+1]*@bought_quantity[.@i]);				break;			}	if (.@cost > getd(.Points$)) {		mes "[Card Trader]";		mes "You don't have enough Points.";		emotion e_omg;	}	else {		mes "Items purchased:";		mes "-----------------------------------";		for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set .@i,.@i+1) {			getitem @bought_nameid[.@i], @bought_quantity[.@i];			mes "  ^777777"+@bought_quantity[.@i]+"x "+getitemname(@bought_nameid[.@i])+"^000000";		}		mes " ";		mes "---------- Total: ^0055FF"+.@cost+" pt.^000000 -------";		setd .Points$, getd(.Points$)-.@cost;		emotion e_cash;	}	deletearray @bought_nameid[0], getarraysize(@bought_nameid);	deletearray @bought_quantity[0], getarraysize(@bought_quantity);	close; OnInit:	set .Level,0;		   // Minimum monster level to trade corresponding cards.	set .Points$,"#Card_Points";	// Variable to store points.	setarray .Shop[0],		// Card Shop items: <ID>,<point cost>	  4001,1,4004,1,4033,1,4196,1,4197,25,4054,50,4174,75,4047,100;	setarray .Points[0],1,5;	// Points per <normal card>,<MVP card>	set .MVP$,			// List of MVP cards.	  "4121,4123,4128,4131,4132,4134,4135,4137,4142,4143,4144,4145,4146,4147,4148,4168,4236,"+	  "4241,4263,4276,4302,4305,4318,4324,4330,4342,4357,4359,4361,4363,4365,4399,4403,4407";		npcshopdelitem "card_shop",909;	for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.Shop); set .@i,.@i+2)		npcshopadditem "card_shop",.Shop[.@i],.Shop[.@i+1];	end;}-	shop	card_shop	-1,909:-1


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