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Homunculus Issues


// Homunculus setting (Note 3)// Activates various 'quirks' that makes them behave unlike normal characters.// 0x001: Can't be targetted by support skills (except for their master)// 0x004: Mobs will always go after them instead of players until attacked// 0x008: Copy their master's speed on spawn/map-change// 0x010: They display luk/3+1 instead of their actual critical in the//	    stat window (by default they don't crit)// 0x020: Their Min-Matk is always the same as their max// 0x040: Skill re-use delay is reset when they are vaporized.hom_setting: 0x1C 

Now, this setting was originally 1D, and I changed it to 1C.


Now I have a few questions/issues.


1) Changing it to 1C should mean that 0x004, 0x008, and 0x010 should be enabled, and that 0x001 is disabled.  Even with 0x001 disabled, Homunculus cannot be targeted by support skills from anyone.  Is there any way to fix this?


2) 0x010 says it states that Homunculus will display a Critical value based on their Luk/3+1.  In Parenthesis, it says "by default, they don't crit".  Is setting this option supposed to let them crit? or does this only display the value and have no affect on actual gameplay?  If it does not cause Homunculus to crit, is there any way to do so based on the calculated crit rate?  I assume Homunculus are treated just like or similar to the way monsters are.  To my understanding, monsters do not critically hit except when NPC_CRITICALSLASH is invoked.  Is there any way to make it so that when a Homunculus attacks, it has a chance to perform (based on the Luk/3+1 crit rate) NPC_CRITICALSLASH as a monster would to perform a critical hit?  battle.conf's "who can have criticals?" was set to 17 (Players and Mercenary).  Changed to 25 to include Homunculus.  Will test when I get the chance to.


3) A homunculus' DEF value goes up by 200+ at level ups, which are reverted when relogging to what I imagine is the correct value.


4) Homunculus S Eleanor is not gaining Spirit Spheres regardless of which Stance she seems to be in.  Due to this, she cannot use any of her skills.


5) Although Eleanor should have enough Agility, she's unable to reach the ASPD cap currently set.  Her aspd climbed fairly quickly to get to 195, but never quite got to 196, despite the extra 30 levels since getting 195..

Edited by darkwolf7786

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