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Script help


Hi everyone. Does anyone know how to fix this script?


Here are the things that I need for this script..


1st: I want this script pick a card from the system and in every 2 hours it will change to another card. picking a card should be random and all the cards in the system should be available.


2nd: While the time is not up yet the picked card can be seen from the NPC and it will just change to another card when 2 hours is up. 


prontera,150,150,5	script	Sample	89,{mes "No available cards at the moment.";close; OnClock0000:OnClock0200: OnClock0400:OnClock0600:OnClock0800:OnClock1000:OnClock1200:OnClock1400:OnClock1600:OnClock1800:OnClock2000:OnClock2200:OnStart:.number = rand(1,494); // this are the number of cards available in the system.@cards = query_sql("SELECT `card_id`,`card_names`,`cedi_points`,`id` FROM `cards` WHERE `id` = "+.number+"",@ccards,@cnames,@cpoints,@cid) ;for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@cards; .@i++ ) if( .number == @cid[.@i] ) {mes "I'm missing a " +@cnames[.@i]+ ". I can offer " +@cpoints[.@i]+ " premium points in return.";close;}}




I hope that anyone understand what I mean. Please help me. Thanks...

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I understand the 1st part but I don't quite get the 2nd part.


Or if I do understand it correctly, I don't think there's a way to floor an item longer than the duration in the conf files.

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Please fix this script. The only thing that I want to this script is to make the selected card from the query with corresponding points to stay in the NPC for about 5 minutes and after that the NPC will change the card to a different card...


The script that I have is making it pick a random cards every time that I click the NPC which is not what I want.


Here is the new script..


prontera,150,150,5	script	Sample	89,{.number = rand(1,494);.@cards = query_sql("SELECT `cards`,`card_name`,`points`,`id` FROM `cards` WHERE `id` = "+.number+"",.@ccards,.@cnames$,.@cpoints,.@cid) ;if( .number == .@cid ) {Talk: npctalk "I'm missing a " +.@cnames$+ ". I can offer " +.@cpoints+ " premium points in return. # "+.number+" ";}}



Please help me with this.

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Here is how i would do it, but be aware i didn't test it. So possibly have to fix slight mistakes. But you should be able to abstract what you need from it.

prontera,150,150,5	script	Sample	89,{	// if the random card id was never set or the timer exceeds 5 minutes, create a new random card id and reinit the timer.	if(.randCID == 0 || ((getnpctimer(0) / 1000) / 60) >= 5) {		.randCID = rand(1,494);		initnpctimer;	} 	npctalk "I'm missing a "  + .allCNames$[.randCID] +  ". I can offer "  + .allCPoints[.randCID] +  " premium points in return.";		end;		// Setup a internal database of all the cards.	OnInit:		.@[member=start] = 0;		.@end = 128;				// Fetch all cards from the database with workaround for the 128 entry limit.		for(.@i = 1; .@i <= 4; .@i++)	{			if(.@i > 1) {				.@[member=start] = (.@i - 1) * 128;				.@end = .@i * 128; 			}						.@cardQuery = query_sql("SELECT `cards`,`card_name`,`points`,`id` FROM `cards`",.@ccards,.@cnames$,.@cpoints,.@cids) + " LIMIT " +  .@[member=start] +  "," + .@end);			for(.@y = 0; .@y < getarraysize(.@ccards); .@y++) {				.allCards[.@cids[.@y]] = .@ccards[.@y];				.allCNames$[.@cids[.@y]] = .@cnames$[.@y];				.allCPoints[.@cids[.@y]] = .@cpoints[.@y];			}		}		end;}
Edited by Winterfox

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