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Client Resources

34 files

  1. s1 Lykos - Free Thor Patcher

    s1 Lykos - Free Thor Patcher
    The file includes..
    Fully Coded Patcher
    PSD File
    Thor's Web Requirements
    Thor Patcher's Tools




  2. Thor Patcher

    Please do not send me private message as my response would be in lowest priority.
 UPDATE IMPORTANT NOTICE: Not only this release is beta, there are few important changes need to note of: You now may modify the icon, code sign after pack configuration data. Some configuration entries are deprecated. Additionally, as you can tell, script support is coming...
    System Requirement: Windows 2000 or higher.
    Pack into single/multi grf file(s) [0x200]
    Automatically generates GRF if not exist
    RGZ support
    Customizable skin & language entries
    Background music
    No extra dll, not even config file is needed when distribute.
    Embed config file and resource data (images for background/buttons)
    Custom Button
    Remote config file
    Self update and client update [supports multi client exe update(Up to 255)]
    ConfigGenerator - Packs configuration and resources into the patcher or generate as a binary config pack.
    ThorMaker - make patch files into thor file, there two options file & grf, when choose file, the patcher will extract file into disk, and grf simply put in GRF. [Please do not pack GRF, instead you should pack the actual data.]
    CheckSum - Simply a crc32 tool, used to make sure patcher & client/game exe is up to date
    Internal Config and Remote Config:
    Internal config is simply the one embed inside patcher, store basic information required to run
    Remote config, is on web server (of course), it used configure extended features.




  3. Thor Patcher(by Rufi)

    Just a little contribution to the community of hercules.
    (Includes PSD file & already set the codes and positioning)
    you can remove the name of mine. just dont sell it in any way.




  4. Ragnarok File Manager

    Do not remove the application from the RO File Manager folder.
    This Ragnarok File Manager was made by using VB.NET 2010.
    If you are having problems on fixing your client side data files and scripting your items this application will help you big time.
    You can add scripts as many as you want at the same time. Then compile everything with 1-click.
    Manage your scripts on the following txt files:

    item_db2.txt and item_db.txt

    Transfer one or more client side data files into your designated path.
    Auto creation of job folder that is being used on weapon files.
    Auto detect and add if the sprite and act file with specific gender does not have gender on its file name.
    item_bonus database and item_db guide.
    Smart guide optional function on creating item scripts. For you to know the only required fields. (Recommended)
    Supports both hercules and rathena item_db.
    Flexible database. You can add more records to be used in item scripting.

    List of tables that you can edit
    Item_Loc_Tbl (If you want to mix equipment locations for card purposes.)
    Item_Upper_Tbl (If you want to mix job bitmasks.)
    Job_Tbl (If you want to mix job bitmasks for item job requirement purposes.)
    The other tables that's not mentioned must not be touched.

    Do not erase or edit the default record of the database.
    Easy to use.

    I am planning to include the other server and client side scripting.
    Software Requirements:
    .Net Framework 4.0
    MS Access (If you want to edit the database.)

    Important: Do not erase the database. You can add new data but DO NOT REMOVE or edit the default data.
    when you see <Don't Touch> means don't touch, cause the system use this string as breakpoint.




  5. Advanced GRF Tool Suite

    File Name: Advanced GRF Tool Suite
    File Submitter: rosfus
    File Submitted: 14 Jan 2014
    File Category: Client Resources
    RO client GRF file although with high compression ratio compression feature, but not a perfect key protection mechanisms that currently most of the characteristics of SF headdress and articles are free to copy the data , resulting in almost every Ragnarok Private Server client configuration are the same . Therefore, in order to protect the fruits of hard work Ragnarok Private Server workers, Advanced GRF system came into being.
    The version of the file system on the basis of GRF2.0 original structure, embedded advanced symmetric key encryption algorithm, the file is no longer open GRF GRF just unpacked using a program can unlock, but need only produce who did not know a key to open GRF file.
    Advanced GRF Tool Suite package contains four programs:
    Advanced GRF Tool (Advanced GRF production tools , and support for the production and unpack files RGZ),
    Advanced GRF automatic updater (kRO imitate official updater production, shouldering Advanced GRF file automatic update task ),
    Advanced GRF offline updater , Advanced GRF automatically updated Configurator (can easily customize Advanced GRF updater for each parameter),
    Advanced GRF client DLL (and with it, the client ordinary supports Advanced GRF files).

    This program is release in 2007. Very popular in China. Supports all Ragnarok Online versions prior 2013.12.23. Sometimes antivirus software will prompt DLL has a virus, but I guarantee that it is safe.

    Package directory structure

    Advanced GRF Tool Suite
    -- AGRF&RGZ Tool
    -- AGRFTool.exe
    -- zlib.dll
    -- AGRF Patch Offline Updater
    -- AGRFOfflineUpdater.exe
    -- exit.bmp
    -- skin.bmp
    -- start.bmp
    -- zlib.dll
    -- AGRF Patch Updater
    -- UpdRes
    -- exit.bmp
    -- site.bmp
    -- skin.bmp
    -- start.bmp
    -- AGRFUpdater.exe
    -- zlib.dll
    -- AGRF Patch Updater Configure
    -- AGRFUpdaterConfig.exe
    -- AGRF Client DLL
    -- cps.dll
    -- zlib.dll
    -- Web Sample
    -- board.gif
    -- patch_allow.txt
    -- patch_execute.txt
    -- patch2014.txt
    -- rosfus2014.html
    -- serverclose.html
    -- style.css InterFace

    Button Description
    Create New GRF file
    Open Open GRF file
    Close Close GRF file
    Extract The selected projects will be unpacked (containing the unpacked files and all solutions buns menu)
    Add Add File (Contains directories and add submenus from GRF file)
    Delete Delete selected items
    Repack The current re-GRF file compression
    Key GRF file key set
    RGZ Open RGZ pack / unpack function
    Exit Exit the program

    Level: set the compression ratio GRF file. Divided into four grades: default, fastest, best compression ratio, not compressed. This option can be set at any time.

    Keyword: filter out the project in line with the string input box.

    Advanced GRF update Configurator
    Files setting: Reference document settings.
    Updater: Select Advanced GRF automatic updates can be.
    CPS DLL: Select Advanced GRF client cps.dll file.
    Offline: select Advanced GRF Offline Updater.
    Updater settings: Advanced GRF automatic update settings.
    Open Setting: Open the configuration file.
    Save Setting: Save the configuration file.

    Profile type 3 radio buttons are used to select the currently opened or saved, depending on the configuration file name reference file.
    The two buttons in case you want to use the complete set of reference documents.
    Updater_Title Automatic Updater title . ( example : RoSF.us Online Upper)
    Updater_Resource_Dir Automatic updater resource directory. (relative directory does not contain /example: UpdRes)
    Updater_Skin_BMP Skin file is automatically updated. (stored in the resource directory of the file name, the same example: skin.bmp)
    Updater_Start_BMP Button to start the game auto updater file . (example: start.bmp)
    Updater_Site_BMP Button to access the site automatically updates the file . (example: site.bmp)
    Updater_Exit_BMP Automatic updater file eject button. (example: exit.bmp)
    Http_Domain Web domain. (without http:// without domain final / example: www.sina.com.cn)
    Http_Path Web absolute path. (path in front with / does not contain the domain name. cases: /ropatch)
    Http_Notice Announcements page file name. (without the path example: ro_notice.html)
    Http_Close Announcements page file name down for maintenance. (without the path example: ro_close.html)
    Http_List List of update files. (without the path example: ro_list.txt)
    Http_Allow Startup configuration file name. (without the path example: ro_allow.txt)
    FTP_Domain Patch file to download FTP domain. (without ftp://, without domain final / Example: ftp.rosf.us)
    FTP_Path FTP path. (path in front with / does not contain the domain name. cases :/ropatch)
    FTP_UID FTP login user name. (anonymous login can be left blank )
    FTP_PWD FTP login password. (anonymous login can be left blank )
    Offline_Caption Offline Updater title.
    Offline_Version Offline Updater version.
    PatchInfo Update schedule automatic updates to save the file. (without the path example: Ropatch.inf)
    GrfFile GRF file needs to be updated. (without the path example: sdata.grf)
    AGrfKey Key GRF file. (No encryption can be left blank. Values ​​in this column after saving and reopening will become a string of numbers, if you want to re-edit the settings, do not forget to re- enter the correct key again.)
    ExeFile Client launcher file name. (without the path example: Sakexe.exe)
    ExeParam Client initiates startup parameters. (example : 1sak1)
    SiteUrl Updater "Access Sites" button site URL. (includes all URL example :. http://www.sina.com.cn/index.htm)
    Button1URL Similar to the three buttons in the top right corner of the kRO the updater . Specify the corresponding web page URL.
    Button2URL Same
    Button3URL Same
    ConfigPassword Password to open the configuration file. If you set a password to open the configuration file will be asked to enter a password, otherwise it is impossible to open the configuration file. When no password can be left blank.

    These are automatically updated, a common configuration file offline and update the client cps.dll.
    Note: Definition Offline Updater some configuration items is somewhat different.
    The following are three configuration files required for the project and project significance.
    Updater: Updater_Title, Updater_Resource_Dir,Updater_Skin_BMP, Updater_Start_BMP, Updater_Site_BMP, Updater_Exit_BMP,Http_Domain, Http_Path, Http_Notice, Http_Close, Http_List, Http_Allow,FTP_Domain, FTP_Path, FTP_UID, FTP_PWD, PatchInfo, GrfFile, AGrfKey, ExeFile,ExeParam, SiteUrl, Button1URL, Button2URL, Button3URL
    Updater: Updater_Skin_BMP ( directory skin.bmp current ), Updater_Start_BMP ( the current directory start.bmp),Updater_Exit_BMP ( directory exit.bmp current ), Http_List ( Offline Updater updates the list of files in a list format with automatic Update List Updater), Offline_Caption, Offline_Version, PatchInfo, GrfFile, AGrfKey, ExeFile.
    Updater directory format: The updater, configuration files , zlib.dll, 3个bmp files , gpf \ rgz update files , update the list of files can beplaced in the same directory.
    Cps.dll: AGrfKey
    Advanced GRF client DLL
    Just copy the DLL client to the client directory, overwriting the original cps.dll file.
    Automatically update the file,RGZ and GPF File Production
    Update files are typically asked that the x.exe x.lub or other files, not in the directory "data\" .
    All files contained in the directory "data\"
    RGZ Production

    Will need to send files to the client , the client's directory structure into an empty folder, for example: F:\AutomaticUpdatesRGZ\
    Select AGRTool in RGZ button to [Open] the production program interface. Example by just doing a directory to select resources and output directories . Well -defined file name.
    After the completion point of all [Zip] button.

    GPF Production
    Will need to send to the client data.grf files , according to data directory structure into an empty folder, for example: F:\AutomaticUpdatesGPF\data\, please remember gpf document root directory is defined data, rather than ro root.
    On AGRTool click [Create] button to create an empty gpf file and define the file name and then click the [ADD] button to select the directory for storing files earlier . Below , please note that the program's title is Create a file name and path.

    Special features encryption
    If you need to encrypt data files, please click [Key] button in the program interface checked Security Mode, and enter the password .

    Special features compression
    There are four levels of compression can be selected, in general we have chosen is Default, but my personal preference is the Best Compression ie the best compression ratio.

    After completing all the above steps, click [Repack] button to complete the update files produced.
    Click here to download this file




  6. Item DB Converter

    A tool that converts the old Athena item_db format to the new Hercules format.
    1. Select item_db.txt or item_db2.txt file to convert.
    2. Press 'Process' button.
    3. You may Copy-Paste the output to your existing item_db/2.conf or you may choose to save the output as a file.
    * .net Framework 4.0




  7. LuaDec for Lua 5.1.4 (A Easy and Super Powerful Lub->Lua Decompiler)

    LuaDec for Lua 5.1.4 (A Super Powerful Lub->Lua Decompiler)
    step 1: Copy you lub file to the root directory.
    step 2: Using Notepad to edit “RUN ME.bat”, change the lub file name as you copyied
    example: luadec accessoryid.lub > accessoryid.lua
    step 3: Save “RUN ME.bat” and close Notepad, run “RUN ME.bat”, you can find a decompiled lua file appear in the root directory.




  8. latest msgstringtable.txt from Chinese client

    Latest msgstringtable.txt from Chinese client




  9. RO Client Package for Private Server

    Basically this package allow you to start build up your 1st client.
    Many of us call this "data" folder.
    Data folder is what you looking for before making your server grf.
    File is packed using 7zip (Ultra) for just 40.3MB. (normal size = 328MB)
    Folder "Tools" in this package is not part of "data" folder.
    Client Side Translation Project
    Texture Translation Project




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