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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I have a little feeling that with this post you lost your chances to negotiate instead of force it. If was with a different person, you had lost your prize when you said "don't try to do a giveawat if you don't even have time available to do it". It's 22 to reclaim, 29 justified waiting days + 16 waiting days. Without counting the days she warn that was off, you didn't even wait what she waited for the winner. And, for life, depending on the draw or contest/tender, you have 5 to 7 business days to claim the prize or the vacancy.
  2. 2 points
    People get busy; we all have lives outside of these boards (believe it or not), and it should be expected that our real-world responsibilities and obligations take precedence over our business online. You obviously had your own priorities (in this case, your health), and were unable to contact Daifuku in a timely manner to redeem your prize. Fortunately, she was still willing to work with you instead of choosing a runner-up. Considering that she had been willing to be flexible with you a month after the fact, you should have been similarly acquiescent when she had contacted you a few days after the date she said she'd respond by — but instead, you harassed her to the point that she ultimately rescinded her giveaway. I haven't posted here in years, but seeing this post was triggering. To say that Hercules deserves better is ridiculous and insulting. Hercules holds a high standard for staff members; Daifuku wouldn't have earned her position if she wasn't of good moral character, untalented, or undeserving. If anything, Daifuku deserves better than to be treated like some sort of servant. Did you lose anything of value by entering her giveaway? Did you lose sleep while you were waiting for a response? I'd hope not. Maybe evaluate how you communicate with people when they are doing something out of their own free will and generosity — especially when it's at no cost to you.
  3. 1 point
    As you see on the video above, the compiler works PERFECTLY fine on Windows for Hercules. I think this small and very easy to use thing will be very helpful for people which care about their storage, and bandwidth. Idea Create a package of code compiler for the emulator, which took up little space, and will as portable as possible, it will not require installation, and which can be stored on a USB flash drive. Download Link: MEGA or Google Drive (189MB) How to use? Like on Linux, but on windows (thx to Cygwin) Download, extract, run start_console.cmd cd D:\path\to\your\emulator make clean && ./configure && make server wait when compilation will finish ./run-server.bat make sure that your SQL server is working fine (if you don't have any install, or take OpenServer from RO offline pack) If you wish to run a server outside the Cygwin environment, you need a lot of dlls copy-paste from /bin/ folder to emulator I give up to finish it and fix rAthena compiler issue (because the issue with CMake files, they are weird), because I have no time and it's out of my interest. Extra Notes Request: please, someone who can fix the rAthena to make work with this release. 189MB compiler is very helpful, because not need to download 1.9GB for lite MSBuild, and ~8-9GB for Visual Studio. Feel the difference. Note: cygwin always slower than original native code. Note: rAhena can't compile with -stl=c++11, use -stl=gnu++11 Note: even with this -stl=gnu+11 you will get a crash a char-server, if you are a developer, try to debug it by yourself and fix, this is rAthena issue, not a package issue. Note: tested: hercules, eathena, brathena, 3ceam -> works fine without any issues, even in gdb mode.
  4. 1 point

    Modified chain lightning

    so basically just went over every thing in chainlightning 1 day and i can modify it without screwing up the game So for the gif above you need to remove everything about NJ_SYURIKEN then lets continue back into the skill.c case WL_CHAINLIGHTNING: clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); skill->addtimerskill(src,tick+status_get_amotion(src),bl->id,0,0,NJ_SYURIKEN,skill_lv,0,flag); skill->addtimerskill(src,tick+status_get_amotion(src),bl->id,0,0,NJ_SYURIKEN,skill_lv,0,flag); skill->addtimerskill(src,tick+status_get_amotion(src),bl->id,0,0,NJ_SYURIKEN,skill_lv,0,flag); skill->addtimerskill(src,tick+status_get_amotion(src),bl->id,0,0,NJ_SYURIKEN,skill_lv,0,flag); skill->addtimerskill(src,tick+status_get_amotion(src),bl->id,0,0,NJ_SYURIKEN,skill_lv,0,flag); skill->addtimerskill(src,tick+status_get_amotion(src),bl->id,0,0,NJ_SYURIKEN,skill_lv,0,flag); break; by repeating the addtimerskill line, we can multiply the amount of times we send off a chain reaction, so im throwing 6 sets of shurikens, originally it was this : case WL_CHAINLIGHTNING: clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); skill->addtimerskill(src,tick+status_get_amotion(src),bl->id,0,0,WL_CHAINLIGHTNING_ATK,skill_lv,0,flag); break; I changed WL_CHAINLIGHTNING_ATK to NJ_SYURIKEN like we will for every entry for this source post also you should have removed any previous syurikens so it was empty except in skill.h and battle c ( might need to remove it from battle.c) case NJ_SYURIKEN: case WL_CHAINLIGHTNING_ATK: skill->attack(BF_MAGIC, src, src, target, skl->skill_id, skl->skill_lv, tick, (9-skl->type)); skill->toggle_magicpower(src, skl->skill_id); struct map_session_data *sd = BL_UCAST(BL_PC, src); int cr = (pc->checkskill(sd, WL_CHAINLIGHTNING) / 2); //cr is amount of bounces if (skl->type < (cr + skl->skill_lv - skl->skill_lv) && skl->x < 3) { struct block_list *nbl = battle->get_enemy_area(src, target->x, target->y, (skl->type>2)?3:4, //area BL_CHAR|BL_SKILL, target->id); if (nbl == NULL) skl->x++; else skl->x = 0; //tick is time just modify digit over 50 for visible results skill->addtimerskill(src, tick + 100, (nbl?nbl:target)->id, skl->x, 0, NJ_SYURIKEN, skl->skill_lv, skl->type + 1, skl->flag); } break; so i added a easy variable to change as you want if you wanna balance it, int cr = skill level * 25, if you can do this you can probably whip something else up ... i changed the formula so it negated itself because it was cause problems otherwise tick + time, i dont touch tick and keep the digit over 50 area is just modified to be bigger then the original... i just leave it as it is since it doesnt really bother me, but if you set it to 1:1 then it wont move so much but obviously shorter range you can keep playing with it but this is all you need switch(skl->skill_id){ case NJ_SYURIKEN: case WL_CHAINLIGHTNING_ATK: case WL_TETRAVORTEX_FIRE: case WL_TETRAVORTEX_WATER: case WL_TETRAVORTEX_WIND: case WL_TETRAVORTEX_GROUND: // SR_FLASHCOMBO case SR_DRAGONCOMBO: case SR_FALLENEMPIRE: case SR_TIGERCANNON: case SR_SKYNETBLOW: copy everything editor note : the copy_skill thing is actually what a rogue with plagirize would copy, sooo if you get hit by the bolt of the skill where the damage i dealt, youll be copying the WL_CHAINLIGHTINING as an icon case NJ_SYURIKEN: case WL_CHAINLIGHTNING_ATK: copy_skill = WL_CHAINLIGHTNING; break; case NJ_SYURIKEN: case WL_CHAINLIGHTNING_ATK: dmg.dmotion = clif->skill_damage(src,bl,tick,dmg.amotion,dmg.dmotion,damage,1,NJ_SYURIKEN,-2,BDT_SKILL); break; you gonna need to change everything in the battle.c too but if you delete it it will just be 100% magic damage I added like 40 of those chains and this is what it looks like i just realized i was using chain lightning for the gifs, but the idea was to use it with the throw shuriken skill ... thats why we changed everything ... and we turned shuriken into the _ATK part of chain attack so we have the animation attached.... so you need to make a new skill and copy chainlightning completly.... so just make a new skill call it NJ_SHURIKENPRE and copy chain lightning then make NJ_SYURKEN copy CHAINLIGHTNING_ATK
  5. 1 point
    Hello community, I'm here to say that I'm really disappointed with Daifuku. Between all the users that participated I was the one who won it, but I never got the prize. Now here are the facts: Daifuku posted on May 2 the winner (me), but I got sick in May (yes, literally the whole month sick) and I only saw I won around day 24 of May. I then contacted him through Discord to claim the prize, he replied me he was on vacation and would be back around 22 of June. I waited till now and did not get the prize. I understand we all have personal issues, but I at least expected you to be kind and say that you'd give the prize anyways, which you did not. Now I'm really impressed to see that he actually DELETED the topic "Graphics Giveaway" of which he created. and by the way, on his last post on that topic he said that he would hold ANOTHER "Graphics giveaway" this month. Unbelievable...You do not deserve to be in this position of Graphic Moderator. Hercules deserves better than you, Daifuku. Screenshots:
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