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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Eu acho que é isto que você está procurando, não testei mas provavelmente está funcionando, só aplicar o arquivo '.diff' no seu emulador ou abrir ele com um bloco de notas e ver onde foram feitas as modificações e fazer manualmente, se por acaso não estiver funcionando avisa ai, por que eu só vi se o código estava compilando e ele está. OnPickUpEvent_by_Cretino.diff Exemplo de como usar: @Edit Acabei de testar e está funcionando 100%, boa sorte.
  2. 1 point
    Segue exemplo: *countitem(<item id>) *countitem("<item name>") This function will return the number of items for the specified item ID that the invoking character has in the inventory. mes("[Item Checker]"); mes("Hmmm, it seems you have "+countitem(Apple)+" apples"); close; Like getitem(), this function will also accept an 'english name' from the database as an argument.
  3. 1 point

    Hercules Battlegrounds

    No offence to the creator Smoke, as he did a great effort putting this all together, but there are outstanding issues which make it not possible to use in a production server. Being curious, just did some more testing with it, and the guild system (I believe that's what causes it) actually creates this issue where sometimes the sword cursor doesn't appear (need to refresh to get it to show, seems random chance it actually appears), meaning your players would need to have /ns activated all the time to play. So please, any future posters - unless you know how to edit the plugin (and therefore source code) itself, don't download it. And nobody request support as nobody is going to help you.
  4. 1 point
    just posting the code again in case anyone needs it (okay it is really broken since I do not have the original ) -- Load the original file. As you might have guessed you can also load your translated file here instead -- (just make sure the "tbl" array contains your item info)dofile("System/iteminfo.lub") -- Now as a simple example . I am simply going to change name of Red Potion to Crimson Potion. -- But you can add anything in the same way. Format is same as the original one, just -- the table name is different tbl_custom = { [501] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Crimson Potion", unidentifiedResourceName = "»¡°£Æ÷¼Ç", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "A potion made from", "grinded Red Herbs that", "restores ^000088about 45 HP^000000.", "^ffffff_^000000", "Weight: ^7777777^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Crimson Potion", identifiedResourceName = "»¡°£Æ÷¼Ç", identifiedDescriptionName = { "^000088HP Recovery Item^000000", "A potion made from", "grinded Red Herbs that", "restores ^000088about 45 HP^000000.", "^ffffff_^000000", "Weight: ^7777777^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 } ,} -- Now for a helper function because i hate repetitions -- It adds items from curTable if it is not present in refTable function itemAdder(curTable, refTable) for ItemID,DESC in pairs(curTable) do if refTable == nil or refTable[ItemID] == nil then result, msg = AddItem(ItemID,DESC.unidentifiedDisplayName,DESC.unidentifiedResourceName,DESC.identifiedDisplayName,DESC.identifiedResourceName, DESC.slotCount, DESC.ClassNum) if not result then return false, msg end for k,v in pairs(DESC.unidentifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemUnidentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result then return false, msg end end for k,v in pairs(DESC.identifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemIdentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result then return false, msg end end end end return true, "good" end -- And the newly designed main function function main() result, msg = itemAdder(tbl_custom, nil) -- add custom items (including official overrides) if result then result, msg = itemAdder(tbl, tbl_custom) -- add non-overridden official items end return result, msgend
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