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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Hello Community, This is the official topic for my plugin collection. Here's the changes: Initial: * @hatless (hide at will your headgear) Added later: bonus bLastStand (allow player to survive killing blow at a given chance) bonus bCopycat (allow player to auto-cast the last skill used on him back to the caster) bonus bAtkEmoticon (allow player to automatically use emoticon when attacking, being attacked or both) @mobalive (simplification of mobsearch that only shows if mob is alive or dead) bonus bAreaSkill (y% chance for skill (skill_id) n to be AoE in y*y cells) bonus bHealAttack (gives the player the ability to cast healing attacks on enemies regardless of undead element, causing damage) bonus bSCDamage (Increase damage on enemy inflicted with status effect n by x%.) bonus bSCExchange (This bonus gives the player a chance to instead of being inflicted by a status (SC_BLIND, SC_FREEZE, etc) to a new one.) bonus bDeathKeepBuffs (Allow for status to remain when player is killed.) bonus bAvoidTrap (N% chance to avoid activating a trap when stepping on it.) bonus bNoAreaMagic (Reduce area target magic damage in n%.) bonus bNoSingleMagic (Reduce single target magic damage in n%.) bonus bElementDamage (Increase player damage of element n by x%) Repository: https://github.com/yanpitangui/HPM-Plugins I plan to add more conversions from Epoque Expansion Pack as plugins. Thanks.
  2. 1 point

    Aethelingaeg's Plugin Collection

    Thank you for your feedback! It was a encoding problem. I updated it and replaced it with a english message.
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