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  1. 4 points
    Hello everyone, As you may already have seen from the 2024.03 release notes in GitHub ( https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/releases/tag/v2024.03 ), Hercules' GitHub wiki has been moved to a new platform, powered by mkdocs and available at: https://docs.herc.ws/ This change aims to make the Hercules documentation generally better since the mkdocs-powered documentation does bring a better navigation, search capabilities and editing options. With that we can, hopefully, cover the gap that many have felt after we switched from MediaWiki to GitHub Wiki, while also providing some extras (like the ability to easily have a local copy). With the new mkdocs-powered document, we have: (compared to GH Wiki) - A bit more control over the sections, no longer a single side bar with everything - Extended markdown syntax for editing docs content - Better searching, as results are shown as you type - It is now possible to properly include image in the docs, without workarounds Contributions are highly appreciated and should be made through Pull Requests to the new hercules-docs repository ( https://github.com/HerculesWS/hercules-docs ). You may find general guidance on how to run the docs locally and edit it in the Editing the Docs page ( https://docs.herc.ws/contributing/editing-the-docs/ ) The content of the new repository was copied from the GitHub wiki (which was originally the MediaWiki content and had several contributions over the years), and reorganized into a few sections. Additionally, everything was converted to Markdown, so we should generally get an ok experience. The conversion of MediaWiki pages to Markdown was made through an automated tool (pandoc) so we should still expect some things to not be perfectly right, a few noticeable cases are: - Linking between pages are likely to be broken - Some syntax highlighting may not be in the most presentable format - Several images are still missing Fixing those will require manual work to replicate the images, update links, etc. Why not return to MediaWiki? This question has shown up a few times in our Discord, and I think it is worth linking to the topic when the move happened back then: TLDR; Maintaining MediaWiki together with IPB (our forum software) is complicated. Huge thanks to Haru for making this idea come true! Please let us know if you have questions, comments or suggestions for the new docs.
  2. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Pack made by ToZorMan. Don't forget to like/react. ❤️
  3. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Pack made by ToZorMan. Don't forget to like/react. ❤️
  4. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Pack made by ToZorMan. Don't forget to like/react. ❤️
  5. 2 points
    Pack v2022: Current Version: 27 December 2021 Update 2023-10-01 - latest versions can be found there: https://discord.gg/p2kvabm https://ragnarokservice.top/ Download Links (~4.5GB): Download from Mirror #1 or Download from Mirror #2 or Download from Mirror #3 Important: Please make someone mirror these files. Or make a donation to me and I will make a mirror by myself. What is that? This is a newbie package that contains 1 click solution for launching Hercules emulator with a single click. This package only for education. Do not use this package anywhere in production. This package good demonstration of how everything should be configured by yourself to make it work. We can find here a good guide on how to configure everything by yourself: http://herc.ws/board/topic/16521-how-to-setup-offline-server-for-personal-development-use/ What inside the package? You have 7 folders: 01_emulator = here emulators (pre-compiled and pre-configured) for RENEWAL or classic PRERE mechanics 02_client_side = here is your client-side what need to copy-paste to your clean kRO client 03_openserver = here is Open Server (MySQL server where stored your game database and which required by the emulator) 04_useful_tools = here are different useful tools that you usually will need when will work with the emulator or databases 05_misc_repos = here are repositories from which it has built the client-side, and exe patched. 06_cmder = this is a tool will be good for you to update the emulator to the latest version (and other files in misc_repos) 07_clean_kRO_client = this is a clean kRO client (2018 somewhere in march updated), need for you to run your own RO copy. How to use all of this? extract files inside 01_emulator, 02_client_side, 03_openserver, 07_clean_kRO_client Now, what emulator version do you need? Latest (current official servers) (renewal mechanic (suras, dorams, etc classes)) or classic PRE-re (champion, high wizard, high priest)? Now if for example, you use PRERE mechanic (where is high wizard class, paladin, lord knights, and no 3rd classes) your steps are next: a.) go to 02_client_side\FOR_PRERE_EMULATOR\ b.) select all files in this folder (FOR_PRERE_EMULATOR) and copy (CTLR+C) c.) now go to 07_clean_kRO_client/clean_kRO_client/ folder and copy files here (overwrite if windows explorer will ask to do that). d.) now you need to run OpenServer (it's a server that stores all your player's data inside the database, required by the emulator) and run it. e.) Click on Red Flag -> Run the server, make sure in your tray you got Green Flag. f.) Now go to 01_emulator\hercules_PRERE\ and run: run-server.bat g.) Now go to your 07_clean_kRO_client/clean_kRO_client/ and run: 2018-04-18bRagexeRE_patched.exe Your emulator, your database, and the client are running. Now you can try to login into the game. About Accounts: How to make a GM account or how to access the database? For that, you need to click on Green Flag -> Advanced -> PHPMYADMIN In the login field of PHPMyAdmin enter: "root", in the password field enter nothing. (no password) Press enter or login, and you will be in the database. Databases well structured, so mostly always you need not edit too much there. How to make a GM account? You opened PHPMYADMIN. Now select your database, and find in this database table called: "login" Open this table, and find your account name, and you will see column "group_id". Edit number in this column (group_id) to 99. 0-99 = your GM level. 99 = super admin with all privilegies, 0 = simple player with no privieleges. Okay, everything working for me, what can I do next? My short answer: http://herc.ws/board/ Read all topics, read different guides, read info about NPCs Read info how to add NPCs, how to enable them, how to disable them Read /doc/ folder files inside your emulator folder Read wiki pages: https://herc.ws/wiki/Main_Page Do experiments and do not afraid to destroy everything or remove them. Just do mistakes and errors, it's how people learning something new, through mistakes. DO not afraid to do a lot of mistakes and ask questions. People will help you if you will try to help yourself first and will make good questions with some research before posting messages. What tools can I use for making everything much easier for me? Tools that you MUST have: - Grf Editor - Server Database Editor - VSCode / Notepad++ / Sublime Text / Atom (any of these editors and select always C syntax highlight for opened files) I want to play with my friends on my server The solution that you will find by the link below is a terrible solution. But usable for a small group of people who for education only want to launch their server ONLINE (for others). This is SUPER bad, and never do that, (it's weird, after the only time you will understand why). But if you still asking here is the link: https://gist.github.com/anacondaq/3eae8e4afb5d3c3880d08b95b2c54b78 =============================================== I want make a donation as a gesture of goodwill: =============================================== Ask administrators here: http://herc.ws/board/ If they accept donations or not, I found no donation link. Optionally you can always support the next guys: 4144 for massive help to the current RO scene at all by his hard work. AnnieRuru for a lot of scripts, helping newbies on the forums http://herc.ws/board/staff/ - all these guys zackdreaver for a lot of efforts on a translation project and to all guys, scripters, mappers, etc players who spend their time, their efforts just for you to make everything free what you see here. Sorry if I didn’t mention someone. I need help with <something> There are a lot of talented developers, software developers, scripters, mappers, spriters, and many other people in this community. Check the link: https://herc.ws/board/forum/49-paid-services/ Also, I accept all questions related to the basic newbie stuff on the topic. Do not hesitate to ask even super stupid questions. But before asking something, try to do a very simple thing: Open google, in the search bar enter: "site:herc.ws" Then write your question or problem Hit enter and check all links that you see, maybe someone already solved your problem earlier. Alternatively: if you will not be annoying, and will be respectful, I can help with some newbie stuff in the discord channel about the package: https://discord.gg/p2kvabm Changelog: - 2021-04-10 - build from scratch new version with everything new (2020 game client, latest translation, fixed bugs, tons of features and improvements) - 20200419 - upgraded emulators, fixed problems with emulators, SQL files, and so on, upgraded full kRO, tools, misc Repos, client-files not touched. Added Discord channel for newbies support. - 20200307 - updated emulator, recompiled, uploaded to google drive. Client or db-server files not changed. - 20200203 - updated emulator, rest files not touched, if you want to upgrade your emulator, just download the 01_emulator.rar folder, and use it instead of your old one. I'm Ukrainian in Ukraine. Russia has begun a war against my country, and doing right now is genocide. Destroying cities, even mine own, killing thousands of people, civil people, burning to the ground cities. If you wish to support me in this challenging time (I will try to re-route part of this money to people I know to help them under these awful conditions). You can donate personally for me for my needs by the link: https://nowpayments.io/donation/anacondaq (crypto). Alternatively, you can send money to help Ukraine citizens to the official fond https://www.comebackalive.in.ua/ or to: https://help.gov.ua/
  6. 2 points
    Introducing xPanel: Your Ultimate Solution for Managing Your Ragnarok Online Server Ready to take your Ragnarok Online server to the next level? Introducing xPanel, the ultimate tool for administering and customizing your gaming experience. Key Features: 🚀 Powered by Laravel: xPanel harnesses the power and efficiency of Laravel on the backend, providing a robust and reliable administration experience. 🎨 Sleek Design with VueJS and TailwindCSS: Experience a modern and user-friendly interface thanks to VueJS and TailwindCSS. xPanel offers an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing design. 🔧 Limitless Customization: Tailor xPanel to your specific needs with flexible customization tools. Create the gaming experience you've always envisioned! 🛡️ Reinforced Security: Keep your server secure with advanced security features, guarding against backdoors and online threats. 🌐 Fully Responsive: Access and manage your server from any device, anywhere. xPanel is designed to work seamlessly on desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Be one of the first to experience the power of xPanel! Join our Discord and discover how xPanel can transform your Ragnarok Online administration experience. https://discord.gg/BjcQjafax7 Elevate your Ragnarok Online server with xPanel!
  7. 1 point
    Hi everyone! In the last few years I have been continuing the development of roBrowser. I implemented many features and effects and also searched the internet for every roBrowser fork and tried to merge and finish every development that was made outside of the main repo. The client became pretty playable compared to other versions, but there is much to be done and I am short handed on people. Some awesome guys already joined and implemented/working on much needed stuff, but there is more required. I am writing to gain some attention and perhaps someone could help us in getting the client in shape. If you are not interested in development, but you can help us in acquiring information about assets/layouts/"how to do it", that would be also a huge help! I have to spend hours listening to effect sounds and watch animations and on top of all translate their names from korean/latin1 gibberish to get exactly what we need and it is a really tiring task. If you are interested in none of those, but you have roBrowser on your server (that is unfortunately pretty outdated now), check out our version and consider using it. Everyone can use this fork and anyone can join the effort. There is only one request I have: if you implement/fix something, don't forget to open a pull request, so everyone can benefit The repository is located here: https://github.com/MrAntares/Ragna.roBrowser And finally some screenshots that contain things we implemented/fixed, but keep in mind, everything is WIP and many things are still missing: - Pushcart and related GUIs and other features like Forging, Brewing, Arrow Crafting, Alt+M shortcuts, Weapon sounds, Critical and combo damage display, Taming, and many more - Status effects (coloring) - Map Effects - Hard coded skill and item effects and of course sounds - Sprite based effects - Minimap icons - Skillbar cooldown display (as of yet the old style, but the clock style is also in the barrel) It also works on mobile and we try to improve the experience by adding UI elements/features that support us in the handheld environment, like - Full screen button in the top left corner - Exit battle mode/ open chat on the bottom left side of the ChatBox
  8. 1 point
    Yes, you are right about the cause. Your case seems to be causing a similar effect of a server crash, when it gets terminated in an abnormal situation. I am not sure if there is really something that can be done in this case... while you could create a script command to force saving the character data for this case, you would still have it open for others. I think the best option would be to: 1. When doing a production server normal shutdown, always do it properly. Kick all players (even better: do something to prevent them from logging back in) and wait some time (I think ~5 minutes would be more than enough). I think if map server is shut down separately first, it will send all data to char, but this is something that would need to be done manually 2. If there was a server crash, which could cause those dupes, you probably need to either review your logs of the last few minutes and check if actions are needed, or rollback to a recent backup if you think it would be safer
  9. 1 point

    GvG flag on in Clan

    That's weird... cvc was implemented together with the clan system, not having cvc would mean you don't have the clan system too. I do recommend updating though, since it is there since 2017. But here is the PR that introduced it: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/1718
  10. 1 point

    GvG flag on in Clan

    This seems somewhat undocumented, but there is a "cvc" mapflag that should make a clan vs clan. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/stable/src/map/map.c#L5428 does that work for you? or there is a specific reason why you need to use gvg?
  11. 1 point

    Endless Tower w/ difficulty

    Is that from rA? does areamonster there sets this variable? this does not happen in herc: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/stable/doc/script_commands.txt#L695 Ah, the answer went up and I didn't saw it 😅 Glad you got it working
  12. 1 point

    Classes Sprite Bible

    I am not sure if I am posting in the correct category. I apologize if not. 😅 Only included here are sprites inside the Classes folder that has gibberish characters on it. This does not include 4th jobs and some jobs that have English names. This also does not include weapons, NPCs and mobs. I also removed the “_³²” and “_¿©” for male and female respectively after each names. The list also does not follow the order inside the folder. Classes Path: data.grf > data > sprite > Àΰ£Á· > ¸öÅë ³² - Male ¿© - Female Novices: Ãʺ¸ÀÚ - Novice ½´ÆÛ³ëºñ½º - Super Novice / Expanded Super Novice 1st Jobs: ¼ºÁ÷ÀÚ - Acolyte ¼ºÁ÷ÀÚ_h - Acolyte ±Ã¼ö - Archer ¸¶¹ý»ç - Magician »óÀÎ - Merchant °Ë»ç - Swordsman µµµÏ - Thief 2-1 Jobs: ÇÁ¸®½ºÆ® - Priest ÇÁ¸®½ºÆ®_h - Priest ¼ºÅõ»ç - Priest ÇåÅÍ - Hunter ÇåÅÍ_h - Hunter À§Àúµå - Wizard À§Àúµå_h - Wizard Á¦Ã¶°ø - Blacksmith Á¦Ã¶°ø_h - Blacksmith ±â»ç - Knight ±â»ç_h - Knight ¾î¼¼½Å - Assassin ¾î¼¼½Å_h - Assassin 2-2 Jobs: ¸ùÅ© - Monk ¸ùÅ©_h - Monk ¹Ùµå - Bard ¹Ùµå_h - Bard ¹«Èñ - Dancer ¹«Èñ_h - Dancer ¼¼ÀÌÁö - Sage ¼¼ÀÌÁö_h - Sage ¿¬±Ý¼ú»ç - Alchemist ¿¬±Ý¼ú»ç_h - Alchemist Å©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ - Crusader Å©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ_h - Crusader ·Î±× - Rogue ·Î±×_h - Rogue Transcendent 2-1 Jobs: ÇÏÀÌÇÁ¸® - High Priest ¼ºÅõ»ç2 - High Priest ½º³ªÀÌÆÛ - Sniper ÇÏÀÌÀ§Àúµå - High Wizard È­ÀÌÆ®½º¹Ì½º - Whitesmith ·Îµå³ªÀÌÆ® - Lord Knight ¾î½Ø½ÅÅ©·Î½º - Assassin Cross Transcendent 2-2 Jobs: èÇÇ¿Â - Champion Ŭ¶ó¿î - Clown Áý½Ã - Gypsy ÇÁ·ÎÆä¼­ - Professor Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌÅÍ - Creator Æȶóµò - Paladin ½ºÅäÄ¿ - Stalker 3-1 Jobs: ¾ÆÅ©ºñ¼ó - Archbishop ·¹ÀÎÁ® - Ranger ¿ö·Ï - Warlock ¹ÌÄÉ´Ð - Mechanic ·é³ªÀÌÆ® - Rune Knight ±æ·Îƾũ·Î½º - Guillotine Cross 3-2 Jobs: ½´¶ó - Sura ¹Î½ºÆ®·² - Minstrel ¿ø´õ·¯ - Wanderer ¼Ò¼­·¯ - Sorcerer Á¦³×¸¯ - Genetic °¡µå - Royal Guard ½¦µµ¿ìüÀ̼­ - Shadow Chaser Expanded Jobs: °Ç³Ê - Gunslinger ´ÑÀÚ - Ninja űǼҳâ - Taekwon ±Ç¼º - Star Gladiator ¼Ò¿ï¸µÄ¿ - Soul Linker ¼ºÁ¦ - Star Emperor ¼Ò¿ï¸®ÆÛ - Soul Reaper -------------------------------------------------- Cash Mounts Novices: ³ëºñ½ºÆ÷¸µ - Poring Novice ½´ÆÛ³ëºñ½ºÆ÷¸µ - Poring Super Novice / Expanded Super Novice 1st: º¹»ç¾ËÆÄÄ« - Alpaca Acolyte ŸÁ¶±Ã¼ö - Ostrich Archer ¿©¿ì¸¶¹ý»ç - Nine Tail Magician »óÀθäµÅÁö - Savage Merchant ÆäÄÚ°Ë»ç - Peco Peco Swordsman Ä̺£·Î½ºµµµÏ - Galleon Thief 2-1: ÇÁ¸®½ºÆ®¾ËÆÄÄ« - Alpaca Priest ŸÁ¶ÇåÅÍ - Ostrich Hunter ¿©¿ìÀ§Àúµå - Nine Tail Wizard Á¦Ã¶°ø¸äµÅÁö - Savage Blacksmith »çÀÚ±â»ç - King Lion Knight Ä̺£·Î½º¾î½ê½Å - Galleon Assassin 2-2: ¸ùÅ©¾ËÆÄÄ« - Alpaca Monk ŸÁ¶¹Ùµå - Ostrich Bard ŸÁ¶¹«Èñ - Ostrich Dancer ¿©¿ì¼¼ÀÌÁö - Nine Tail Sage ¿¬±Ý¼ú»ç¸äµÅÁö - Savage Alchemist »çÀÚÅ©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ - King Lion Crusader Ä̺£·Î½º·Î±× - Galleon Rogue T2-1: ÇÏÀÌÇÁ¸®½ºÆ®¾ËÆÄÄ« - Alpaca High Priest ŸÁ¶½º³ªÀÌÆÛ - Ostrich Sniper ¿©¿ìÇÏÀÌÀ§Àúµå - Nine Tail High Wizard È­ÀÌÆ®½º¹Ì½º¸äµÅÁö - Savage Whitesmith »çÀڷε峪ÀÌÆ® - King Lion Lord Knight Ä̺£·Î½º¾î½ê½ÅÅ©·Î½º - Galleon Assassin Cross T2-2: èÇǿ¾ËÆÄÄ« - Alpaca Champion ŸÁ¶Å©¶ó¿î - Ostrich Clown ŸÁ¶Â¤½Ã - Ostrich Gypsy ¿©¿ìÇÁ·ÎÆä¼­ - Nine Tail Professor Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌÅ͸äµÅÁö - Savage Creator »çÀÚÆȶóµò - King Lion Paladin Ä̺£·Î½º½ºÅäÄ¿ - Galleon Stalker 3-1: ¾ÆÅ©ºñ¼ó¾ËÆÄÄ« - Alpaca Archbishop ŸÁ¶·¹ÀÎÁ® - Ostrich Ranger ¿©¿ì¿ö·Ï - Nine Tail Warlock ¹ÌÄɴиäµÅÁö - Savage Mechanic »çÀڷ鳪ÀÌÆ® - King Lion Rune Knight Ä̺£·Î½º±æ·Îƾũ·Î½º - Galleon Guillotine Cross 3-2: ½´¶ó¾ËÆÄÄ« - Alpaca Sura ŸÁ¶¹Î½ºÆ®·² - Ostrich Minstrel ŸÁ¶¿ø´õ·¯ - Ostrich Wanderer ¿©¿ì¼Ò¼­·¯ - Nine Tail Sorcerer Á¦³×¸¯¸äµÅÁö - Savage Genetic »çÀڷξⰡµå - King Lion Royal Guard Ä̺£·Î½º½¦µµ¿ìüÀ̼­ - Galleon Shadow Chaser Expanded: űǼҳâÆ÷¸µ - Poring Taekwon µÎ²¨ºñ´ÑÀÚ - Poison Toad Ninja ÆäÄÚ°Ç³Ê - Bike Gunslinger (Peco Peco in older version) ±Ç¼ºÆ÷¸µ - Poring Star Gladiator µÎ²¨ºñ¼Ò¿ï¸µÄ¿ - Poison Toad Soul Linker ÇØżºÁ¦ - Haetae Star Emperor ÇØżҿ︮ÆÛ - Haetae Soul Reaper -------------------------------------------------- Skill/Combat Mounts ÆäÄÚÆäÄÚ_±â»ç - Peco Peco Knight ÆäÄÚÆäÄÚ_±â»ç_h - Peco Peco Knight ·ÎµåÆäÄÚ - Armored Peco Peco Lord Knight ·é³ªÀÌÆ®»Ú¶ì - Ferus Rune Knight ·é³ªÀÌÆ®»Ú¶ì2 - Black Ferus Rune Knight ·é³ªÀÌÆ®»Ú¶ì3 - White Ferus Rune Knight ·é³ªÀÌÆ®»Ú¶ì4 - Blue Ferus Rune Knight ·é³ªÀÌÆ®»Ú¶ì5 - Red Ferus Rune Knight ·¹ÀÎÁ®´Á´ë - Warg Ranger ¸¶µµ±â¾î - Magic Gear Mechanic ¸¶µµ¾Æ¸Ó - Magic Gear Mechanic (jRO) ±¸ÆäÄÚÅ©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ - Peco Peco Crusader ½ÅÆäÄÚÅ©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ - Grand Peco Crusader ½ÅÆäÄÚÅ©·ç¼¼ÀÌ´õ_h - Grand Peco Crusader ÆäÄÚÆȶóµò - Armored Grand Peco Paladin ±×¸®Æù°¡µå - Gryphon Royal Guard -------------------------------------------------- Others: ¹«Èñ_¿©_¹ÙÁö - Pants Dancer ±Ç¼ºÀ¶ÇÕ - Floating Star Gladiator ¼ºÁ¦À¶ÇÕ - Floating Star Emperor Costumes: »êŸ - Christmas ¿©¸§ - Summer ¿©¸§2 - Summer 2 °áÈ¥ - Wedding Åνõµ - Wedding ÇѺ¹ - Hanbok ¿ÁÅä¹öÆнºÆ® - Oktoberfest GMs: ¿î¿µÀÚ - Gamemaster ¿î¿µÀÚ2 - Gamemaster 2 Mercenaries: °Ë¿ëº´ - Mercenary Fencer (Male) â¿ëº´ - Mercenary Spearman (Male) È°¿ëº´ - Mercenary Bowman (Female) ================================================== Hairstyles Path (Norman): data.grf > data > sprite > Àΰ£Á· > ¸Ó¸®Åë Doram Path (Classes): data.grf > data > sprite > µµ¶÷Á· > ¸öÅë Doram Path (Hairstyles): data.grf > data > sprite > µµ¶÷Á· > ¸Ó¸®Åë ================================================== GitHub Gist https://gist.github.com/LuffyKudo/bc8a14aab36975cd04a069dafc5d691a
  13. 1 point

    Google Translate Plugin

    @tararais Thank you very much for all the tips. It will help me with a lot of things I haven't planned yet. I still have this project in my head, but I believe that I will soon try to put it into practice. I had already thought about exactly that. 🙂
  14. 1 point
    Its been a while guys.. Herc still active?
  15. 1 point

    Google Translate Plugin

    You also have "free" options: LibreTranslate - Github (I have used it, its surprisingly quick but lacks on understanding - deepl for instance understand a lot better the context) but is free Free G translate - github (I haven't personally used it - however people seem very happy with it) Also, as of today, you have options available like LLaMa3-70B or LLaMa3-8B (which is very cost-effective and easy to run). You could develop a plugin that set's a multi-lingual chatroom, you could structure the translation service using a series of microservices. This way, you can isolate the translation tasks from the main game processes, ensuring heavy translation loads dont impact performance, each microservice would handle a part of the translation process independenly, making the system highly scalable imo. instead of using traditional HTTP requests, which can slow down interactions, use WebSockets. a more stable connection between the player client and your translation server. you can also cache the most commonly used translations to retrieve them instantly reducing the need to process the same thing over and over again, you can easily handle interpretation for the variations with NLP (NLTK - is very good). After a while you'd have enough data to scale your system more efficiently
  16. 1 point
    Well, the short answer is: It depends. But let's go for the long answer: RO is a game that uses client/server model, and the server (in our case, Hercules) is the one which holds most of the game logic. What this mean is, pretty much everything only happens in the game because the server tells the client to do so. To name a few examples: - When you click to walk, Hercules is the one saying the client it can walk, and Hercules is the one letting other knows the player is walking - A monster spawn only happens because Hercules is creating it and just letting the client knows the monster is there - An attack (and a skill) only happens because Hercules calculated it and told the client that it happened - A NPC is only shown in the screen because Hercules created it and told the client about its existence - A Quest is received by the player because, for example, a NPC in Hercules added a quest to the player, and thus Hercules told the client about that So, as you can see, pretty much everything requires something on Hercules side to work. The client also plays some part on this: - There are hardcoded limits of which IDs can be used - For example, an item which has an ID > 32k would only work on clients that supports IDs above 32k - Certain IDs for monsters/NPCs/etc won't be properly recognized in certain client versions - There are some hardcoded logic on how skills works or shows up - For example, the old, ground-based effect of bard/dancer performances doesn't show in 2019 clients and newer (unless you use a patch to restore the old code in client). The ground effect would still happen (Because Hercules is controlling it), but the player would see nothing in the ground. - UI elements are part of the client, so an older client may not have certain windows - But depending on the window, Hercules also needs to implement the network code to allow that window to work (e.g. Achievements, RoDEX, Equipment switch, etc) Going back to your example about 4th jobs. Having a 2022 client means: 1. The visual effect for the 4th job skills are there 2. If the server says your job is one of the 4th jobs, you will see the sprite and it will be treated as a player sprite 3. You can see the new attributes window 4. You can see the new AP bar But: 1. You don't have job change quests (Hercules must have the NPCs, which we don't as of April/2024) 2. You don't have a working skill tree and skills (Hercules must have the skill trees and skills coded, which we don't as of April/2024) 3. You don't have the effect of the new attributes being applied to your damage (Hercules must have new formulas for it, which we don't as of April/2024) So: Base client: kRO 2023 08 04 This means your resource files (sprites, luas, textures, maps, etc. the "visual" content and config files are from how kRO looked like in 2023-08-04). For example, if a new hat is released in 2023-05, you will have the .spr file in your data.grf (but you can't get it in game if Hercules doesn't have it) Client exe: 2022-04-06_Ragexe_1648707856 This means that your client will process client sided things as kRO did in 2022-04-06, this means it will be affected by client limitations from this date, and it will only load files that were expected at that time. For example: - if a new UI was released in 2023, you won't see it in a 2022 client, because the code was not there yet. (even if you have the images for that UI in your data.grf, you don't have the code to actually use them) - if there is a new map format released in 2023 (map format meaning the structure of the files in the data.grf), this map file won't work here. On the other hand, if a map was released in 2023 using a structure that is compatible with a 2022 client, you can use it just fine. Generally, having too different dates between Client exe and Base client may give you issues, because: 1. You have incompatible lua files (usually worked around by using translation projects) 2. You have new resources that are not compatible with your client (usually worked around by replacing the files or avoiding certain things) Hercules: v2024.03 This is Hercules release date. This just means this is the state of Hercules code as of March/2024. Hercules makes a new release every month, which may include bug fixes, new features, some custom code for something Hercules thinks is worth having, etc. You can see the changelog here: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/stable/CHANGELOG.md This date has pretty much nothing to do with the other 2. The only thing that it may suggest is that a 2018 Hercules will probably not work with a 2020 client, because we couldn't even imagine what 2020 client would look like when developing code in 2018. But a 2024 Hercules doesn't mean it supports features from 2024 official servers, nor that a 2024 client would flawlessly work in Hercules. Currently, Hercules v2024.03 is a mix of content: 1. NPC/quest/job/monsters wise, I think we are around kRO 2015 2. Our client support is better, I think a 2022 client should work fine most of the time (some buttons won't work, though -- e.g. Equipment Switch is not there) Hope this clarifies a bit
  17. 1 point
    It is in data/luafiles514/lua files/service_korea (_korea may be something else depending on how your client is patched and how your clientinfo looks like, but usually it is a country name)
  18. 1 point

    Bluff Mapping

    Hello Everyone 🖐️ for those who are interested, I made a few maps and I am still working on others you can find all my work on my: 🌐DISCORD or here 🛒 BLUFFSHOP I create videos to present my creations : 📽️BLUFF MAPPING Thank you to everyone who support my work 🔥
  19. 1 point
    Do you have very old clients or emulators lying around? Maybe that old hard drive with RO stuff? How about those old CD-Rs on the shelf? Or are you simply a RO data hoarder? WE WANT YOU! Hi, I’m vit. I’m developing along with o oldinroplayer a *Ragnarok Online Cross-Episode Database*, called RagnaDB. It’s a db in which you’re able to choose a specific episode and we’ll show you all the info precisely as it was back in the day. The idea is for it to be the “one RO database to rule them all”. For this to exist, there’s a great deal of historical research and digital data scavenging involved. Since we’re committed to historical accuracy, we’re on a journey to finding old files (client and server) to feed the db with, as well as (old) reliable sources for data validation. If you were waiting for the right moment to shine and looking for a group of people who will truly appreciate and see value in those dozens of RO gigabytes collecting dust like no one ever had, this is the moment! We’ll love to have you! If any of the words above piqued your interest, you’re more than welcome here. Join our Discord to hear about the latest updates or just hang around! Our Discord: https://discord.gg/cueAdED64N RagnaDB: https://ragnadb.com/
  20. 1 point

    Where can I find a Complete Client?

  21. 1 point
    Elurair Patching Launcher (RO Patcher Lite+ROCred Merge) About Universal auto-patcher for all your updating needs combined with a launcher, which is fully skinnable, highly customizable and easy on resources. It is free of any cost and works on every 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft* Windows* platform. How this came to be: Future of ROCred and RO Patcher Lite Known Issues None. FAQ Q: Does the patcher support encrypted GRFs? A: Yes, common GRF encryption schemes are supported. Q: Can I use the Patcher part without the Launcher part? A: Yes, the Launcher mechanics and UI can be disabled in configuration. Q: Can I use the Launcher part without the Patcher part? A: Yes, remove all Patcher sections from the configuration. Download & Website http://ai4rei.net/p/skal (discord available for real-time support) License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License.
  22. 1 point
    You need to configure this https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/conf/api/api-server.conf Later, search on your lua files the services, like service_korea, ExternalSettings_kr.lub. Make sure to put your public ip address + the default port of API (7121).
  23. 1 point

    StarliteRO (PSD ONLY)

    File Name: StarliteRO (PSD ONLY) File Submitter: Mysterious File Submitted: 14 Aug 2013 File Category: Web Resources Hello everyone! As per this topic, I thought it'd be nice of me to release this design for free to the community. However, keep in mind that this is only a PSD and it is not CODED. Guidelines: I rather you keep my logo or "Designed and Created by Mysterious" in the footer. You may redistribute this file as long as I get consent and proper credits are given! Enjoy! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Click here to download this file
  24. 1 point

    Custom Headgear to Costume?

    I think clients from 2019 and up supports up to ID 2 billion, even for costumes. I am not sure which client you are using, but newer clients should be the only real option.
  25. 1 point

    Version 0.2


    This is a fix for an existing plugin "storagecounteitem" which does not work with the newer storage architecture. I have simply changed the iterators for storage traversal. Original Author: Tranquility Original Plugin:
  26. 1 point

    Is there any "TRUE" classics anymore?

    Yes, the majority like the classic but we didn't forget the past majority is trying to revive the game by improving it over time. I am more impressed by the servers that trying to find a way to create REAL changes that have the potential to make RO even better. Coz obviously the majority are just doing it for money especially those who have the resources to do it. I really think that separates me from most of the RO I know, because I do it to have better RO and monetization is the least. (Of course it is subjective) Just too bad only a few can appreciate it for now. Or maybe my reach is not that enough. But someday I know it will be appreciated by many...
  27. 1 point

    kRO 4th Class Sprites

    Version 1.0.0


    kRO Oficial 4th Class Sprites Includes all 4th job sprites + each class mount.
  28. 1 point

    Hokage Sprite

    Version 1.0


    112 Frames Custom Job "Hokage" Based on Minato Namikaze of Naruto Series
  29. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    I just learn how to make it sprite Headgear Enjoy!
  30. 1 point
    RAGP Extractor About Rudimentary command-line tool to extract RAGP files (such as the assets in Ragnarok: Valkyrie Uprising). Usage unragp <file> Extracts <file> into current directory. Known Issues Because I wrote it on a whim to check out Ragnarok: Valkyrie Uprising game resources, there are no error messages. Either the program ends in OK or NG. Download Find attached. Source for reference: https://github.com/ai4rei/unragp License CC0 1.0 Universal 2021-12-27ragp-1.0.zip
  31. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Resize , convert , slice , sort and rename the image to fit Ragnarök Login Background Drag and drop the image you want on the program , there will be a new folder created Next to the image , data , put it in your GRF Require .Net Framwork 4.7.2 I know there is other tools, however it didn't work for me, and I am bored of debugging every time I want to create a login background Source Code: https://github.com/sader1992/Sader-Ragnarok-Login-Background https://sader1992.com/
  32. 1 point


  33. 1 point

    Custom Skill Effect

    Yesterday I tried to change the look of Skill and the same thing happens here. But when I use the @effect 89 command it appears, but the Skill when it is used shows the old one. I believe the name of the str file is another, because I changed the name from stormgust.str to stormgust--.str and still keeps getting the old hahahaha Skill. The change is cool. I tried to find where the texture connection occurs with Skill to see the file name but I haven’t been able to yet. Sorry for my bad ingles (google translator). EDIT: I managed to make Modern Lord of Vermillion 1.0.0 work, maybe it helps who’s trying too. In my case my data.grf determined the Skill in data\texture\effect\lord_of_vermillion\lord_of_vermillion.str so just create the lord_of_vermillion folder and within changed the name of Skill lord.str to lord_of_vermillion.str CONCLUSION: we will have to find where Skill is depending on your data.grf unfortunately I haven’t found the file that makes this link yet, because it would be easier to know the current name of each Skill(I don’t even know if such file exists hahaha). EDIT: I found my Storm Gust. On my data.grf was called storm_min.str. I switched the files and it worked here now.
  34. 1 point

    Vendor Control (rewrite)

    same problem here, but i fixed. change walktoxy_timer to walk_toxy_timer in all file .c
  35. 1 point

    Cluckers npc/custom/events

    need to stretch my scripting skills a little bit, too long since I done any scripting https://gist.github.com/AnnieRuru/4a87e0ab7451e671d0e3056aedd2a086
  36. 1 point

    Version 1.4.0


    Special Room (s_room) Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself. It is a customized room that can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, etc ... The trade in this map is permanently prohibited. [I have not yet tested the map .. I have finished recently so .. Any mistake, please let me know.] Att, TioAkima
  37. 1 point

    [w0w] Advanced Maps Project

    Probably my most ambitious and personal project. I often met on my way interesting places in the world of RO, to which it was impossible to get. Then I began to find such places with the help of the BrowEdit program and make them available for visiting. As the project expanded, I decided to allow shooting and use skills from the hills on the maps, where this feature was disabled (or Gravity was too lazy busy), add plants and trees, create comfortable climbs and so on. I suggest you watch a promo video that clearly explains my idea. .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. At the moment, almost ready the locations of the Schwartzwald and Arunafeltz for the release, there is a reserve for many other locations. Since the appearance of the video, there have been some changes, so the final result may be different. Below I attach screenshots from BrowEdit "before" and "after" and gif files with changes of territories on the finished mini-maps. Some screenshots of my work: From the important places are opened: the airport in Veins, the left exit from Einbroch, the northern Einbroch railway station on Ein_Field04, the industrial zone on Ein_Field02, the border post between Ein_Field04 and Ein_Field05, the fortress on the map of Yuno_Field12, the entrance to the tower of Thanatos on Hu_Field01, the arch with a fountain on Ein_Fild09, the bridge in Lhz_Field02, the road from Ra_Fild06 to Ein_Field03 and more. Mini-maps changes (if any map is missing, it means everything is fine with it): .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. P>S> Since the map of Ein_Field05 won in the nomination of the most extended territory - a small comic video showing progress in its honor: CODE: Warps lines below: //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= New Warps for AMP //===== By: ================================================== //= w0wZukuBg //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= New Warps for AMP //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= The NPC's were born. [w0wZukuBg] //============================================================ //======================================================= // ein_fild //======================================================= ein_fild02,134,123,0 warp newein01 1,1,ein_fild02,118,134 ein_fild02,121,131,0 warp newein02 1,1,ein_fild02,137,123 ein_fild02,223,137,0 warp newein03 1,1,ein_fild02,223,148 ein_fild02,223,145,0 warp newein04 1,1,ein_fild02,220,137 ein_fild02,186,226,0 warp newein05 1,1,ein_fild02,204,224 ein_fild02,201,224,0 warp newein06 1,1,ein_fild02,183,229 ein_fild04,385,181,0 warp newein07 1,1,ein_fild05,36,185 ein_fild05,33,185,0 warp newein08 1,1,ein_fild04,382,181 ein_fild05,35,167,0 warp newein09 1,1,ein_fild04,382,181 ein_fild05,120,292,0 warp newein10 1,1,ein_fild05,120,300 ein_fild05,120,297,0 warp newein11 1,1,ein_fild05,120,289 ein_fild06,231,81,0 warp newein12 1,1,ein_fild06,231,67 ein_fild06,231,70,0 warp newein13 1,1,ein_fild06,231,84 ein_fild03,245,55,0 script Lift-E02 139,2,2,{ OnTouch: mes "Lift up?"; next; if(select("Yes","Stay")==1) warp "ein_fild03",201,41; close; } ein_fild03,204,43,0 script Lift-E01 139,2,2,{ OnTouch: mes "Lift down?"; next; if(select("Yes","Stay")==1) warp "ein_fild03",248,53; close; } //======================================================= // ra_fild //======================================================= ra_fild09,362,76,0 warp newra01 1,1,lhz_fild01,15,79 lhz_fild01,12,79,0 warp newra02 1,1,ra_fild09,359,76 //======================================================= // ra_fild -> ein_fild //======================================================= ein_fild03,19,181,0 warp newraein01 1,1,ra_fild06,374,223; ra_fild06,377,223,0 warp newraein02 1,1,ein_fild03,22,181; //======================================================= // hu_fild //======================================================= hu_fild02,378,244,0 warp newhu01 1,1,hu_fild03,22,253 hu_fild03,19,253,0 warp newhu02 1,1,hu_fild02,375,244 hu_fild02,378,194,0 warp newhu03 1,1,hu_fild03,22,205 hu_fild03,19,205,0 warp newhu04 1,1,hu_fild02,375,194 hu_fild02,375,303,0 warp newhu05 1,1,hu_fild03,22,308 hu_fild03,19,308,0 warp newhu06 1,1,hu_fild02,372,303 hu_fild02,378,125,0 warp newhu07 1,1,hu_fild03,22,129 hu_fild03,19,129,0 warp newhu08 1,1,hu_fild02,375,125 //======================================================= // ve_fild //======================================================= ve_fild03,327,294,0 warp newve01 1,1,ve_fild04,34,322 ve_fild04,31,322,0 warp newve02 1,1,ve_fild03,324,294 ve_fild03,316,251,0 warp newve03 1,1,ve_fild04,42,295 ve_fild04,39,295,0 warp newve04 1,1,ve_fild03,312,251 //======================================================= // einbroch //======================================================= einbech,50,223,0 warp neweinb01 1,1,einbech,50,230 einbech,50,227,0 warp neweinb02 1,1,einbech,50,220 einbech,37,223,0 warp neweinb03 1,1,einbech,37,230 einbech,37,227,0 warp neweinb04 1,1,einbech,37,220 //======================================================= // veins //======================================================= veins,296,335,0 warp newve05 1,1,veins,290,342 veins,293,342,0 warp newve06 1,1,veins,275,352 veins,278,352,0 warp newve07 1,1,veins,296,332 //======================================================= // lighthalzen //======================================================= lighthalzen,241,163,0 warp newlhzs01 1,1,lighthalzen,265,163 lighthalzen,262,163,0 warp newlhzs02 1,1,lighthalzen,238,163 lighthalzen,282,327,0 warp newlhzs03 1,1,lhz_fild01,278,19 lhz_fild01,278,16,0 warp newlhzs04 1,1,lighthalzen,282,324 //======================================================= // juperos_ //======================================================= juperos_01,96,220,0 warp newjup01 1,1,juperos_01,152,183 juperos_01,149,185,0 warp newjup01-1 1,1,juperos_01,93,217 //======================================================= // jawaii //======================================================= jawaii,138,182,4 script Stairs#ja1 111,{ mes "[Stairs]"; mes "Want to go up or go down?"; next; switch(select("Up","Down")) { case 1: warp "jawaii",136,183; close; case 2: warp "jawaii",140,180; close; } close; }
  38. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Enables to use kamishi's hair palette pack and ignores the color of the eye and ... some of the fur 20 hair styles (10 male and 10 female) If there are any issues with my work feel free to notify me leave a like if you like my work (helps me motivate and share :3)
  39. 1 point

    w0w: My Custom Items

    File Name:w0w_custom_collectionFile Submitter: w0wZukuBgFile Submitted: 24 June 2018File Category: Spriting & PaletteDownload Link: Click here to download .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. butterfly_wings [x5 new] Look at the old butterfly wing and at it. Now again on the old and on the new. Why is my butterfly wing looks like a wing, not a human ear? = D I would be happy if you would prefer my work for replacement. battle_manuals [x5 new] Recolor to diversify the rates. bubble_gums [x5 new] Recolor to diversify the rates. bullets [x6 new] Just additional sprites of bullets based on standard. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Poison and Shadow property. card_sprites [x3 new] Now rare cards will really decorate your inventory (: 1 - for miniboss cards 2 - for yellow MVP cards 3 - for red MVP cards w0w_items [x6 new] 1 - Armor Charm [ID 2656] - make it's own sprite instead of the Gravity... 2 - Very Old Card Album [ID custom] - just an idea, make an item sprite according to second collection picture. 3 - Animal Detector [ID custom] - the idea came from the game BG&E. 4 - Venatu Doll [ID custom] - it can be an item for pet/mercenary activation or just a doll. 5 - Camera [ID custom] - the file includes small ingame illustration of camera. 6 - Condenced Blue Potion [ID custom] - nuff said ~ gemmed_sallet [new] Could not wait any longer, just add a ingame hat animation made by myself instead of Gravity :3 dullahan [white eyes] In one of the client updates the sprite Dullahan was changed. Since then, his eyes have disappeared. Gravity did not comment on what had happened. Very much I ask to check up this monster on your server and to replace a sprite in case of need. >>>>> w0w_cardbmp [x6 new] You can use this art work for any purpose, for example, you can make it a card on your server. sl_icons [x2 new] Two new icons for SL_GUNNER and SL_NINJA skillsSince the icons use Chinese characters, thenfor the SL_GUNNER, the 枪 means a gunand for the SL_NINJA I left the character out of skill Final Strike .•°'°•. skating_grf [new] Just added edited santa costume sprite for imitation of skating (based on 여름 summer clothes sprite v1).You may see the sample of skating in my custom map Xpalace preview: Link here blood_tears [new] My first attempt to make a custom version of any weapon. The basis was taken Blood Tears [id 1271]. .•°'°•. ~ Don't claim my or Gravity's work as yours and etc ~
  40. 1 point

    R>Old Hunter Job Change Quest

    my signature ... click on the right heart ... old rubbish -> eAthena-TXT-9909[Stable].rar
  41. 1 point

    Version 1.2 BUG FIXES


    [Utility] Extra Mob Drops So what exactly is this script? Allows Extra drops on specified mob (Zeny, Item, CashPoints) based on certain drop rate %. Edit the "OnInit:" of values to get extra items / zeny / cashpoints upon killing a certain mob you specified. Format: Poring(1002) Zeny: 5000 Cash: 10 Item: Red Potion (501) Amount of Red Potion: 6 Enjoy Hercules! (PS: Also works for rAthena xD)
  42. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    illust's for a system of daily rewards, created by me, based on the official theme of ragnarok online. It works with the script [rathena]: Daily_Reward_System PS: If you like it, and give me reputation, it's important to me and encourages me to continue with my work! best regards, ZelosAvalon
  43. 1 point

    Capping Perfect Dodge Altogether

    I'm pretty sure that'll cap your perfect dodge to 3. Instead, try changing the all the return statements to this return (short)cap_value(flee2,10,300);
  44. 1 point

    Version 1.01


    File Name: Advanced GRF Tool Suite File Submitter: rosfus File Submitted: 14 Jan 2014 File Category: Client Resources Introduction RO client GRF file although with high compression ratio compression feature, but not a perfect key protection mechanisms that currently most of the characteristics of SF headdress and articles are free to copy the data , resulting in almost every Ragnarok Private Server client configuration are the same . Therefore, in order to protect the fruits of hard work Ragnarok Private Server workers, Advanced GRF system came into being. The version of the file system on the basis of GRF2.0 original structure, embedded advanced symmetric key encryption algorithm, the file is no longer open GRF GRF just unpacked using a program can unlock, but need only produce who did not know a key to open GRF file. Advanced GRF Tool Suite package contains four programs: Advanced GRF Tool (Advanced GRF production tools , and support for the production and unpack files RGZ), Advanced GRF automatic updater (kRO imitate official updater production, shouldering Advanced GRF file automatic update task ), Advanced GRF offline updater , Advanced GRF automatically updated Configurator (can easily customize Advanced GRF updater for each parameter), Advanced GRF client DLL (and with it, the client ordinary supports Advanced GRF files). This program is release in 2007. Very popular in China. Supports all Ragnarok Online versions prior 2013.12.23. Sometimes antivirus software will prompt DLL has a virus, but I guarantee that it is safe. Package directory structure Advanced GRF Tool Suite | -- AGRF&RGZ Tool | -- AGRFTool.exe -- zlib.dll | -- AGRF Patch Offline Updater | -- AGRFOfflineUpdater.exe -- exit.bmp -- skin.bmp -- start.bmp -- zlib.dll | -- AGRF Patch Updater | -- UpdRes | -- exit.bmp -- site.bmp -- skin.bmp -- start.bmp -- AGRFUpdater.exe -- zlib.dll | -- AGRF Patch Updater Configure | -- AGRFUpdaterConfig.exe | -- AGRF Client DLL | -- cps.dll -- zlib.dll -- Web Sample | -- board.gif -- patch_allow.txt -- patch_execute.txt -- patch2014.txt -- rosfus2014.html -- serverclose.html -- style.css InterFace Button Description Create New GRF file Open Open GRF file Close Close GRF file Extract The selected projects will be unpacked (containing the unpacked files and all solutions buns menu) Add Add File (Contains directories and add submenus from GRF file) Delete Delete selected items Repack The current re-GRF file compression Key GRF file key set RGZ Open RGZ pack / unpack function Exit Exit the program Compression Level: set the compression ratio GRF file. Divided into four grades: default, fastest, best compression ratio, not compressed. This option can be set at any time. Filter Keyword: filter out the project in line with the string input box. Advanced GRF update Configurator Relation Files setting: Reference document settings. Updater: Select Advanced GRF automatic updates can be. CPS DLL: Select Advanced GRF client cps.dll file. Offline: select Advanced GRF Offline Updater. Updater settings: Advanced GRF automatic update settings. Open Setting: Open the configuration file. Save Setting: Save the configuration file. Profile type 3 radio buttons are used to select the currently opened or saved, depending on the configuration file name reference file. The two buttons in case you want to use the complete set of reference documents. Description Updater_Title Automatic Updater title . ( example : RoSF.us Online Upper) Updater_Resource_Dir Automatic updater resource directory. (relative directory does not contain /example: UpdRes) Updater_Skin_BMP Skin file is automatically updated. (stored in the resource directory of the file name, the same example: skin.bmp) Updater_Start_BMP Button to start the game auto updater file . (example: start.bmp) Updater_Site_BMP Button to access the site automatically updates the file . (example: site.bmp) Updater_Exit_BMP Automatic updater file eject button. (example: exit.bmp) --- Http_Domain Web domain. (without http:// without domain final / example: www.sina.com.cn) Http_Path Web absolute path. (path in front with / does not contain the domain name. cases: /ropatch) Http_Notice Announcements page file name. (without the path example: ro_notice.html) Http_Close Announcements page file name down for maintenance. (without the path example: ro_close.html) Http_List List of update files. (without the path example: ro_list.txt) Http_Allow Startup configuration file name. (without the path example: ro_allow.txt) --- FTP_Domain Patch file to download FTP domain. (without ftp://, without domain final / Example: ftp.rosf.us) FTP_Path FTP path. (path in front with / does not contain the domain name. cases :/ropatch) FTP_UID FTP login user name. (anonymous login can be left blank ) FTP_PWD FTP login password. (anonymous login can be left blank ) --- Offline_Caption Offline Updater title. Offline_Version Offline Updater version. --- PatchInfo Update schedule automatic updates to save the file. (without the path example: Ropatch.inf) GrfFile GRF file needs to be updated. (without the path example: sdata.grf) AGrfKey Key GRF file. (No encryption can be left blank. Values ​​in this column after saving and reopening will become a string of numbers, if you want to re-edit the settings, do not forget to re- enter the correct key again.) ExeFile Client launcher file name. (without the path example: Sakexe.exe) ExeParam Client initiates startup parameters. (example : 1sak1) --- SiteUrl Updater "Access Sites" button site URL. (includes all URL example :. http://www.sina.com.cn/index.htm) Button1URL Similar to the three buttons in the top right corner of the kRO the updater . Specify the corresponding web page URL. Button2URL Same Button3URL Same --- ConfigPassword Password to open the configuration file. If you set a password to open the configuration file will be asked to enter a password, otherwise it is impossible to open the configuration file. When no password can be left blank. These are automatically updated, a common configuration file offline and update the client cps.dll. Note: Definition Offline Updater some configuration items is somewhat different. The following are three configuration files required for the project and project significance. Automatic Updater: Updater_Title, Updater_Resource_Dir,Updater_Skin_BMP, Updater_Start_BMP, Updater_Site_BMP, Updater_Exit_BMP,Http_Domain, Http_Path, Http_Notice, Http_Close, Http_List, Http_Allow,FTP_Domain, FTP_Path, FTP_UID, FTP_PWD, PatchInfo, GrfFile, AGrfKey, ExeFile,ExeParam, SiteUrl, Button1URL, Button2URL, Button3URL Offline Updater: Updater_Skin_BMP ( directory skin.bmp current ), Updater_Start_BMP ( the current directory start.bmp),Updater_Exit_BMP ( directory exit.bmp current ), Http_List ( Offline Updater updates the list of files in a list format with automatic Update List Updater), Offline_Caption, Offline_Version, PatchInfo, GrfFile, AGrfKey, ExeFile. Offline Updater directory format: The updater, configuration files , zlib.dll, 3个bmp files , gpf \ rgz update files , update the list of files can beplaced in the same directory. Cps.dll: AGrfKey Advanced GRF client DLL Just copy the DLL client to the client directory, overwriting the original cps.dll file. Automatically update the file,RGZ and GPF File Production RGZ Update files are typically asked that the x.exe x.lub or other files, not in the directory "data\" . GPF All files contained in the directory "data\" AGRFTool RGZ Production Will need to send files to the client , the client's directory structure into an empty folder, for example: F:\AutomaticUpdatesRGZ\ Select AGRTool in RGZ button to [Open] the production program interface. Example by just doing a directory to select resources and output directories . Well -defined file name. After the completion point of all [Zip] button. GPF Production Will need to send to the client data.grf files , according to data directory structure into an empty folder, for example: F:\AutomaticUpdatesGPF\data\, please remember gpf document root directory is defined data, rather than ro root. On AGRTool click [Create] button to create an empty gpf file and define the file name and then click the [ADD] button to select the directory for storing files earlier . Below , please note that the program's title is Create a file name and path. Special features encryption If you need to encrypt data files, please click [Key] button in the program interface checked Security Mode, and enter the password . Special features compression There are four levels of compression can be selected, in general we have chosen is Default, but my personal preference is the Best Compression ie the best compression ratio. Repack After completing all the above steps, click [Repack] button to complete the update files produced. Click here to download this file
  45. 1 point


    LuaDec for Lua 5.1.4 (A Super Powerful Lub->Lua Decompiler) step 1: Copy you lub file to the root directory. step 2: Using Notepad to edit “RUN ME.bat”, change the lub file name as you copyied example: luadec accessoryid.lub > accessoryid.lua step 3: Save “RUN ME.bat” and close Notepad, run “RUN ME.bat”, you can find a decompiled lua file appear in the root directory.
  46. 1 point

    setting up aura

    srsly, i used to play old server who had auras at lvl255 on eathena, why so dificult for herc.ws or rathena?
  47. 1 point

    Suggestion to Prevent BOT

    The biggest mistake of any "anti-bot" feature is saying about that in public, or adding that to the sources without encryption. Why? Because one of the opencore developers here, at our community, and all "old fags" know them. The only one solution to block bots, it's find a way to make traffic ecnryption. (Sure, i'm talking about packet based bots (opencore, other differnt rops plugins). But mostly, players, and i'm sure 90% of the different adminds, don't hear about dll based (loaded via cps.dll) bots with the very easy logic what playing via ragnarok window.
  48. 1 point

    Suggestion to Prevent BOT

    Mask everything? even there are checks like that, bots can still login? O_O yes, that is why we can't really block them 100% since they came out Make some hooks which send a completely unique packet id(over a range like from 0x1000 to 0x1111) with some data, which in return, client should return a data which contains encrypted player's data like IP/Mac and validate it server side. Can Assure you 99.9% Botters cannot bot because of this system(unless the system is leaked to the experts and they want to REALLY modify the openKore and bot in your server, which is as low as 0.001% Chance)
  49. 1 point

    Change Server Language

    I figured it out... It is all about the NPCs script codification. Notepad++ sets it up to UTF-8 by default. You have just to switch the codification to ANSII and correct the roman characters, as they will be turned into senseless characters. This will fix the special characters issue in your NPCs, guys. I hope it helps. Thanks!
  50. 1 point

    2010-07-30 lua files

    Here is the lua file compatible with 2010-07-30 lua files.7z
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