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Posts posted by Takumirai

  1. Note:

    - I'm not the one who make this script, i just combine and search some script from [eathena,hercules,rathena]

    - I'm sorry if i post this in public for those who are using this as paid script.

    - Don't use this script to sell to other players.

    - Report any bugs/errors here.

    - Please give Thanks to all the effort of scripters out there. 

    - Don't Claim this script as yours.

    - Please Give Thanks before downloading. (i don't want the credits, your thank you is for those who give effort for making this script).



    - Party vs Party (you can set how many player in party)

    - Players who win and loss can obtain prize in random or desired prize.

    - It can check if your job is repeated.

    - Others can check if someone is playing.

    - If Idle or not attacking, script automatically call it a draw.

    - Automated Count  Down and Barricade.


    - @AnnieRuru Can you help optimize this script thanks.


    =================================== Party v.s. Party =============================================



    //== CONFIG START ==//	set $@charsymbol$,"#";									// Set the symbol of your char command ex. #		set $@npcname$,"^009966War Organizer^000000";						// Set NPC name	set $@party_mem,7;									// Set minimum members per party, if a party has 6 members below including the leader, leader can't register his/her party	set $@arena_map$,"guild_vs3";								// Set where you want the players to battle		set $@team1_arena_mapX,15;								// Set the starting X position of Team 1	set $@team1_arena_mapY,49;								// Set the starting Y position of Team 1		set $@team2_arena_mapX,85;								// Set the starting X position of Team 2	set $@team2_arena_mapY,49;								// Set the starting Y position of Team 2		set $@starting_map$,"quiz_02";								// Set where you want the players to be warped after the player was killed.	set $@starting_mapX,350;	set $@starting_mapY,379;	//== Set Winning Party Rewards ==//	set $@reward_winitem_qnty,0;								// Important, set to how many reward items you set below for the winning party	setarray $@win_itemid[0],0;								// Set the item id of the reward item	setarray $@win_itemname$[0],"Red Potion",						// Set the name of the reward item								"Orange Potion",								"Yellow Potion",								"White Potion",								"Blue Potion";									setarray $@win_itemnum[0],0;								// Set the quantity of the reward		//== Set Losing Party Rewards ==//	set $@reward_loseitem_qnty,0;								// Important, set to how many reward items you set below for losing party	setarray $@lse_itemid[0],0;								// Set the item id of the reward item	setarray $@lse_itemname$[0],"Red Potion",						// Set the name of the reward item								"Orange Potion";	setarray $@lse_itemnum[0],0;								// Set the quantity of the reward		//== Set Draw Rewards ==//	set $@reward_drawitem_qnty,0;								// Important, set to how many reward items you set below for draw result	setarray $@drw_itemid[0],0;								// Set the item id of the reward item	setarray $@drw_itemname$[0],"Yellow Potion",						// Set the name of the reward item								"White Potion";	setarray $@drw_itemnum[0],0;								// Set the quantity of the reward		//== CONFIG END ==//

    party war .txt


    prontera,154,186,6 script Daddy Christmas 718,{
    mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "Hello there!";
    mes "Ho! Ho! Ho!";
    mes "Have you been naughty or nice this year?";
    if (select("I've been nice,Daddy Christmas.:Naughty, you fat prick!.") == 2) {
                mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
                mes "See you around.";
    }else {
    mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "Very well then!Since you have been nice this year, I will let you enjoy the presents I have in my bag. Here, take a look:";
    mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "So which one would you like to have?";
    switch(select("10x Santa Bag:1x Goblin Egg:1x Santa Poring Hat")) {
        case 1:    
            mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "For the Santa Bag, you’ll need to bring me the following:";
    mes "^00FF0010x Well-baked cookie^000000";
    mes "^00FF0010x Candy Cane^000000";
    mes "^00FF0010x Candy^000000";
    mes "^00FF005x Poring Doll^000000";
    mes "^00FF001x Santa Hat^000000";
    mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "Let me check if you have all that I need.";
    if (select("Yes!:Not Yet!.") == 2) {
                mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
                mes "See you around.";
            if( countitem(2236) < 1 && countitem(538) < 10 && countitem(530) < 10 && countitem(529) < 10 && countitem(741) < 5 ) {
    mes "You don't have the requirements.";
    }else {
    mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "Exactly what I wanted. Here’s your present! Merry Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho";
            delitem 2236, 1;
    delitem 538, 10;
    delitem 530, 10;
    delitem 529, 10;
    delitem 741, 5;
    getitem 12132, 10;
        case 2:  
            mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "For the Christmas Goblin Egg, you’ll need to bring me the following:";
    mes "^00FF001x Santa Hat^000000";
    mes "^00FF0020x Star Dust^000000";
    mes "^00FF0020x Old Broom^000000";
    mes "^00FF0010x Witched Starsand^000000";
    mes "^00FF0010x Rainbow Carrot^000000";
    mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "Let me check if you have all that I need.";
    if (select("Yes!:Not Yet!.") == 2) {
                mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
                mes "See you around.";
            if( countitem(2236) < 1 && countitem(1148) < 20 && countitem(637) < 20 && countitem(1061) < 10 && countitem(622) < 10 ) {
    mes "You don't have the requirements.";
    }else {
    mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "Ho ho ho! *cough *cough";
            delitem 2236, 1;
    delitem 1148, 20;
    delitem 637, 20;
    delitem 1061, 10;
    delitem 622, 10;
    getitem 9029, 1;
    mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "Exactly what I wanted. Here’s your present! Merry Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho";
       case 3:
            mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "For the Santa Poring Hat, you’ll need to bring me the following:";
    mes "^00FF001x Santa Poring Card^000000";
    mes "^00FF0010x Wrapping Paper^000000";
    mes "^00FF0010x Wrapping Lace^000000";
    mes "^00FF00Santa Hat^000000";
    mes "^00FF001x Stellar^000000";
    mes "^00FF00100x Fabric^000000";
    mes "^00FF001x Event Ticket^000000";
    mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "Let me check if you have all that I need.";
    if (select("Yes!:Not Yet!.") == 2) {
                mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
                mes "See you around.";
            if( countitem(4005) < 1 && countitem(7175) < 10 && countitem(7174) < 10 && countitem(2294) < 1 && countitem(2236) < 1 && countitem(1059) < 100 && countitem(30802) < 1 ) {
    mes "You don't have the requirements.";
    }else {
    mes "[Daddy Christmas]";
    mes "Exactly what I wanted. Here’s your present! Merry Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho";
            delitem 4005, 1;
    delitem 7175, 10;
    delitem 7174, 10;
    delitem 2294, 1;
    delitem 2236, 1;
    delitem 1059, 1;
    delitem 3082, 1;
    getitem 5381, 1;

    can i ask a support where i am wrong in this script?



    Line 17: .register_count+++;  ( it have 3 '+' idk if it will gift diferent result so i change it to 2 '+' .register_count++;)

    Line 52: while ( .register_aid != getcharid(3) && .@i < .register_count ) .@i++;  (On this idk if it was right, firstly it was maam annie script and her script knowledge is superior than me and i didn't understand her way, so i change it to way i understand while (.@i < .register_count && .register_aid[.@i] != getcharid(3)) .@i++;

    Line 42: the condition to win and condition to spawning monster i think it colided, you should make if it was there more than one registered player on event map as spawning mob condition and if thereis only one left so script will immediately kill all monster spawned, so the script likely be changed like this, move killmonsterall .map$; in line 58 to line 48, i have updated the script in my previous post

    while (.register_count > 1) {	monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 0;	monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 1;	monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 2;	sleep 5000;}killmonsterall .map$;end;


    there's a problem again on the event, if in the next period of events , sometimes the NPC broadcast that the event is On but when player click the NPC it say  mes "Check Schedule NPC, Event is Offline."; but the NPC broadcast it's time for the event

  4. i just want to ask about this script if you don't mind



    prontera,146,231,5 script Run Or Die 100,{

    if ( !.start ) {

    mes "Check Schedule NPC, Event is Offline.";



    if ( .start == 2 ) {

    mes "Event in Progress..";



    if ( .register_count >= .register_limit ) {

    mes "this event has reach the maximum player participations";



    percentheal 100,100;

    warp .map$, 104,103;

    .register_aid[ .register_count ] = getcharid(3);




    // put all your start timer here





    if ( .start ) end;

    announce "Run or Die event registration start", bc_all;

    .start = 1;

    for (.@c = 3; .@c > 0; .@c--) {

    announce "Run or Die event registration is open in "+.@c+" minute", bc_all;

    sleep 60000;


    announce "Run or Die event registration close", bc_all;

    .start = 2;

    sleep 3000;

    mapannounce .map$, "Survive as long as you can !", bc_map;

    if ( .register_count < .register_min ) {

    announce "Not enough participants for Run or Die event", 0;

    getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1;

    mapwarp .map$, .@map$, .@x, .@y;

    goto L_reset;


    while ( .start == 2 ) {

    monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 0;

    monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 1;

    monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 2;

    sleep 5000;





    if ( !.start || strcharinfo(3) != .map$ ) end;

    while ( .register_aid != getcharid(3) && .@i < .register_count ) .@i++;

    if ( .@i == .register_count ) end;

    deletearray .register_aid[.@i], 1;


    warp "SavePoint", 0,0;

    if ( .register_count > 1 ) end;

    killmonsterall .map$;

    announce "Congratulations ~ the winner of Run Or Die event is "+ rid2name( .register_aid ), bc_all;

    getitem .reward_item_id, .reward_item_amount, .register_aid; // winner prize

    warpchar "SavePoint", 0,0, getcharid( 0, rid2name( .register_aid ) );


    deletearray .register_aid;

    .start = .register_count = 0;



    waitingroom "Run or Die",0;

    .map$ = "poring_w01";

    .register_min = 2; // minimum amount of players to start this event, or else it auto-abort

    .register_limit = 100; // maximum amount of players able to participate in this event

    .reward_item_id = 30802; // reward item id

    .reward_item_amount = 1; // reward item amount to the sole winner


    bindatcmd "runordie", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnCommand", 99,99;



    poring_w01 mapflag nosave SavePoint

    poring_w01 mapflag nowarp

    poring_w01 mapflag nowarpto

    poring_w01 mapflag noteleport

    poring_w01 mapflag nomemo

    poring_w01 mapflag nopenalty

    poring_w01 mapflag noicewall

    poring_w01 mapflag nobranch

    poring_w01 mapflag noskill

    the problem here, when all player die the npc didn't recognize the winner.

    - hope you can check the problem thanks

  5. - can anyone help me



    - script spawn -1,{
    if (getgroupid() < 2) end;
    if (@whispervar0$ == "mvp") {
    mes "Select one:";
    set .@m, select(.smenu$) - 1;
    } else {
      atcommand "@spawn " + .mobid[.@m] + " " + .mobam[.@m];
    // Spawn ID
    setarray .mobid[0],1511,1647,1785,1630,1039,1874,1272,1719,1046,1389,1112,1115,1418,1871,1252,1768,1086,1885,1649,1651,1832,1492,1734,1251,1779,1688,1646,1373,1147,1059,1150,1087,1190,1038,1157,1159,1623,1650,1583,1708,1312,1751,1648,1658;
    // Spawn amount
    setarray .mobam[0],1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1;
    set .smenu$,"";
    for(set .@s,0; .@s < getarraysize(.mobid); set .@s,.@s + 1) {
      // Skips an Monster if it does not exist in the db
      if (getmonsterinfo(.mobid[.@s],0) == "" || getmonsterinfo(.mobid[.@s],0) == "null") {
       debugmes .n$ + ": Mob ID " + .mobid[.@s] + " is not a valid ID.";
       deletearray .mobid[.@s],1;
       deletearray .mobam[.@s],1;
       deletearray .mobze[.@s],1;
      // else adding it to the menu
      set .smenu$,.smenu$ + "- "+getmonsterinfo(.mobid[.@s],0) + ( (.mobid[.@s+1] == 0)?"":":");


    - the script dont state what's the error in the script

    - when i pm mvp nothing happens


    - thanks in advance


    prontera,146,231,5 script Run Or Die 100,{
    if ( !.start ) {
    mes "Check Schedule NPC, Event is Offline.";
    if ( .start == 2 ) {
    mes "Event in Progress..";
    if ( .register_count >= .register_limit ) {
    mes "this event has reach the maximum player participations";
    percentheal 100,100;
    warp .map$, 0,0;
    .register_aid[ .register_count ] = getcharid(3);
    // put all your start timer here
    if ( .start ) end;
    announce "Run or Die event registration start", bc_all;
    .start = 1;
    sleep 10000; // registration timer here
    announce "Run or Die event registration close", bc_all;
    .start = 2;
    sleep 3000;
    mapannounce .map$, "Survive as long as you can !", bc_map;
    if ( .register_count < .register_min ) {
    announce "Not enough participants for Run or Die event", 0;
    getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1;
    mapwarp .map$, .@map$, .@x, .@y;
    goto L_reset;
    while ( .start == 2 ) {
    monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 0;
    monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 1;
    monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 2;
    sleep 5000;
    if ( !.start || strcharinfo(3) != .map$ ) end;
    while ( .register_aid != getcharid(3) && .@i < .register_count ) .@i++;
    if ( .@i == .register_count ) end;
    deletearray .register_aid[.@i], 1;
    warp "SavePoint", 0,0;
    if ( .register_count > 1 ) end;
    killmonsterall .map$;
    announce "Congratulations ~ the winner of Run Or Die event is "+ rid2name( .register_aid ), bc_all;
    getitem .reward_item_id, .reward_item_amount, .register_aid; // winner prize
    warpchar "SavePoint", 0,0, getcharid( 0, rid2name( .register_aid ) );
    deletearray .register_aid;
    .start = .register_count = 0;
         waitingroom "Run or Die",0;
    .map$ = "poring_w01";
    .register_min = 2; // minimum amount of players to start this event, or else it auto-abort
    .register_limit = 100; // maximum amount of players able to participate in this event
    .reward_item_id = 30802; // reward item id
    .reward_item_amount = 1; // reward item amount to the sole winner
    bindatcmd "runordie", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnCommand", 99,99;
    poring_w01 mapflag nosave SavePoint
    poring_w01 mapflag nowarp
    poring_w01 mapflag nowarpto
    poring_w01 mapflag noteleport
    poring_w01 mapflag nomemo
    poring_w01 mapflag nopenalty
    poring_w01 mapflag noicewall
    poring_w01 mapflag nobranch
    poring_w01 mapflag noskill


    - The problem is when the NPC Announce 

    announce "Run or Die event registration start", bc_all;

    - It will Announce 

    announce "Run or Die event registration close", bc_all;


    - Even if not yet 2 sec. or 3sec it close the registration, i want it 3 minutes registration before closing


    announce "Run or Die event registration is open in 3 minute", bc_all;

    announce "Run or Die event registration is open in 2 minute", bc_all;

    announce "Run or Die event registration is open in 1 minute", bc_all;


    announce "Run or Die event registration close", bc_all;



    - Thanks in advance.


    prontera,146,231,5 script Run Or Die 100,{
    if ( !.start ) {
    mes "Check Schedule NPC, Event is Offline.";
    if ( .start == 2 ) {
    mes "Event in Progress..";
    if ( .register_count >= .register_limit ) {
    mes "this event has reach the maximum player participations";
    percentheal 100,100;
    warp .map$, 0,0;
    .register_aid[ .register_count ] = getcharid(3);
    // put all your start timer here
    if ( .start ) end;
    announce "Run or Die event registration start", bc_all;
    .start = 1;
    sleep 10000; // registration timer here
    announce "Run or Die event registration close", bc_all;
    .start = 2;
    sleep 3000;
    mapannounce .map$, "Survive as long as you can !", bc_map;
    if ( .register_count < .register_min ) {
    announce "Not enough participants for Run or Die event", 0;
    getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1;
    mapwarp .map$, .@map$, .@x, .@y;
    goto L_reset;
    while ( .start == 2 ) {
    monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 0;
    monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 1;
    monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 2;
    sleep 5000;
    if ( !.start || strcharinfo(3) != .map$ ) end;
    while ( .register_aid != getcharid(3) && .@i < .register_count ) .@i++;
    if ( .@i == .register_count ) end;
    deletearray .register_aid[.@i], 1;
    warp "SavePoint", 0,0;
    if ( .register_count > 1 ) end;
    killmonsterall .map$;
    announce "Congratulations ~ the winner of Run Or Die event is "+ rid2name( .register_aid ), bc_all;
    getitem .reward_item_id, .reward_item_amount, .register_aid; // winner prize
    warpchar "SavePoint", 0,0, getcharid( 0, rid2name( .register_aid ) );
    deletearray .register_aid;
    .start = .register_count = 0;
         waitingroom "Run or Die",0;
    .map$ = "poring_w01";
    .register_min = 2; // minimum amount of players to start this event, or else it auto-abort
    .register_limit = 100; // maximum amount of players able to participate in this event
    .reward_item_id = 30802; // reward item id
    .reward_item_amount = 1; // reward item amount to the sole winner
    bindatcmd "runordie", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnCommand", 99,99;
    poring_w01 mapflag nosave SavePoint
    poring_w01 mapflag nowarp
    poring_w01 mapflag nowarpto
    poring_w01 mapflag noteleport
    poring_w01 mapflag nomemo
    poring_w01 mapflag nopenalty
    poring_w01 mapflag noicewall
    poring_w01 mapflag nobranch
    poring_w01 mapflag noskill


    - The problem is when the NPC Announce 

    announce "Run or Die event registration start", bc_all;

    - It will Announce 

    announce "Run or Die event registration close", bc_all;


    - Even if not yet 2 sec. or 3sec it close the registration, i want it 3 minutes registration before closing


    announce "Run or Die event registration is open in 3 minute", bc_all;

    announce "Run or Die event registration is open in 2 minute", bc_all;

    announce "Run or Die event registration is open in 1 minute", bc_all;


    announce "Run or Die event registration close", bc_all;



    - Thanks in advance.

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