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Posts posted by KeiKun

  1. Any importance of this?

    Server name and ip address of server seems to be little good for some scripts, but that can't be a reason to implement on repo, well, I just support for servername and ip


    i don't see why

    as long as people can create a PR about it and tested by core devs and got merged its fine


    So, could anyone of you point us to any alternate resources that cover Harmony in part or in whole?


    I'm sure most private server admins would be glad of having free alternatives to this and it'll be much better for anyone.


    I see only one alternative - it's make server-side security by delays for each feature:

    • item usage (potions/gears) & switching delays
    • Skill usage hard delays depens on the animation & aspd & other parameters.
    • Packet Encryption to protect against simple Bots like openkore.


    Server side protection by delays & etc, it's 80% against all cheats. The main sense it's make cheat software unusable.

    Client side is very hard to protect, and that is very dangerous and take a lot of time & money. 


    Protection for client must be next:

    • unique algorythm to check current version, size, signatures of the game .exe; Default hash-cheking feature can be bypassed by simple re-sending packet what contain inself a information about hash of the client. That mean, you can protect your .exe against any injections, but someone will make the same clear .exe and will make hash-sums spoofing (fake sending packet from 3rd party application about "real" .exe), and he will use clear .exe + will send to the server hash-sums of the original exe and he will use any cheat software what he want to use. That is very sad. (i know many exaples of that)
    • Rewrite WinApi Hooks to make system-calls to the worked process (application) not real, or to ignore our application. But it's takes a lot of money & time & admin skill. So that mean it's very hard to realease + that is very unstable, because this emulation can be bypassed by disabling or freezing extra dll for exe what contain  this functions, or some antivirus or another application will be always give a crash for Ragnarok .exe;
    • Write or apply (i already saw many ways (with sources) windows driver with official signature from Windows to make imposible to unload this driver from system when process is running + some self-protection functions & checks to check is security dll/exe are work or nope, freezed or nope, hided or nope, etc. But this method is very bad, because many people on this planet using pirate software (around 90% in the world), and each operation system from Windows Family have different configurations, pre-installed software, etc. So there is a big risk to get system unusable.
    • GRF Encryption - that can any GM, it's free and easy to make for each server.


    This is not full information, just a very small part, but the main sense of my message: need to make a server-side protection on the delay part to make unusable any spamming & in game world hacking.


    * dump ragexe Client create new one from scratch

  3. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[zsvrstatisticLog](	[index] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,	[date] [datetime] NOT NULL,	[zsid] [int] NOT NULL,	[player] [int] NOT NULL,	[npc] [int] NOT NULL,	[memory] [int] NOT NULL,	[totalmap] [int] NOT NULL,	[instantmap] [int] NOT NULL, 





    i don't see gdb hard to read




    >To be blunt, a stack trace or core dump should give you a general idea even if you can't figure out the exact cause. Needing something like this creates pointless overhead and really just means you should read your crash logs more carefully or work backwards with the information you do have (or use a different debugger)


    Some Times even Herc Devlopers or any other Developers ( rA , brA , 3ceam , eAthena ) can't know how the crash happened and can't do tests since the CoreDump give us general things so this log can help a lot,,,



    Read the gdb's freaking manual/doc??

    and its already helpful...

  5. possibilities:

    function is not define in .h files

    function has a return type but no possible return value

    function is not define in the .c file if its an static function

    function has a return type that is not compatible to the function data type

    function's parameter doesn't match with the definition 


    IMO.. :D




    damn you

    i was going to reply



    He's right



    // No new line :|



    Maybe we could add a display message that tells the player to relogin when they open the cash shop and their out of sync?

    For example:

    "Cash Shop has been updated, please re-login to view the updated list" 

    This wouldn't work, or most likely it's not efficient, I'd rather make all players log again, would be the same thing if I just re-start the server.


    I think you misunderstood my post. I'm saying if we could make it "pop-up" a message after clicking the cash shop button stating that the cash shop has been updated and they need to login again in order to view the updated list. They will always get that pop up message unless they login again.


    well a custom message in message.conf can do that

    not really a big deal if you want


    if i'm not mistaken on official they update stuff every maintenance

    though i like the idea but not really that important

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