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About Pandora.Hero

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  1. I wasn't very fond that someone just ripped my grf, be it pr3p or someone else. It took me years to gather all those hairstyles, but the actual work was to fix them when they weren't compatible with palettes or had floating heads, broken act, etc. which happens a lot, I'd say a third of them needed touch up of some kind. In the end it's not a huge deal. @@Aeromesi I sent you the proof you asked for. Unrelated side note the hairs start at number 24, because back when I started adding custom hairstyles (2007ish) the official ones stopped at 23, that's how long I've been doing this.
  2. Those are taken directly from my server and we never gave anyone permission to do that. Sure there are many hairstyles in there that are free releases, but not all, some were done by us or paid for as exclusive for heRO. I'd appreciate if you would remove the file.
  3. HeRO ~ A Heroic Experience of Ragnarok Main Page Forum Control Panel to register an account Download Links Pre-Renewal Base Exp - 5x Job Exp - 5x Drop Rates - 3x Quest Exp - 5x Regular pre-renewal Max levels (99/70 for trans, 99/50 for 2-1 and 2-2) Homunculus Intimacy - 2x Max Attack Speed - 190 Instant Cast - 150 DEX Resetter - Free until Lv. 40 Healer - Free until Lv. 50 Max Party Limit - 18 Extra 50% Exp per party member when in share Custom Headgears, Haircuts (100+), Hair Colors (10+) and Dyes (150+), Town & Dungeon Warper (Dungeon warps are to outside the entrance, or to the first floor. Players must visit the locations to unlock the warp. Unlocking towns is free.) Multiple Public or Private DB/BB Rooms Various PVP Rooms 5 Churches (Prontera, Lutie, Hugel, Rachel Sanctuary, Glast Heim Abbey) Same-sex Wedding supported Balanced Customs: No overpowered items. We take care to balance our customs, be it monsters or gears. Super Stable: HeRO has been up for 10 years, with no wipes ever. Nice, active staff and support ticket system always available! Wednesday Vanilla WoE - 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM (EST GMT-5) Sunday Vanilla WoE - Sunday 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (EST GMT-5) Sunday Retro WoE (Only non-trans classes allowed) - Sunday 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM (EST GMT-5) Commands: @rates, @autotrade, @exp, @me, @partyoption, @iteminfo, @ii, @help, @homtalk, @noask, @pettalk, @breakguild, @join, @@Main, @@whosell, @ws, @reject, @autoloottype, @alootid, @@who, @@who2, @changeleader, @time, @uptime, @channel, @showexp, @showdelay, @accept, @whereis, @@whodrops, @leave, @hominfo, @invite, @commands, @jailtime, @autoloot, @font, @homstats, @duel, @mobinfo, @mi Light vs Dark system: There is ongoing war and conflict between the followers of the light and the forces of darkness. The Light Allegiance is lead by Lady Thea, while the Dark Allegiance is Lead by Sir Melot. You can swear your allegiance to either of them and by completing certain quests, you'll earn allegiance points and unique gears. The Chronicle of The Heroes: The server's storyline! Watch as it unfolds with you as the characters! The Trial of Heroes: A monthly event where heroes gather to participate in a variety of trials: Monster Fighting, Item-Hunting, PVP, and Trivia. In the end, Light and Dark Allegiances clash in a mass battle. Those who obtain a certain score receive special rewards. Mission Board System: With this fully automated system, you can post the item you want and how much you're paying, and other players can hunt the item for you! Fishing System: By fishing, you can obtain bass, trout, salmon, etc, which heal HP/SP. Sometimes, you can even fish out other items. You You can earn points for fishing, as well as play a mini-game for items. Mining System: Mine for useful rocks and ores! You can obtain Oridecon, Elunium, and Lv 4 Weapon stones, among many others. You can earn points for mining, as well as play a mini-game for items. Nobility: The Kingdom of Rune-Midgard is running low on funds, and King Ernst is willing to grant noble titles on heroes who bring him gold. Nobles are rewarded with a special mid-headgear gem that boost a stat of their choosing. They also receive monthly rewards from the King. Orphanage System: Create a baby class without the need to be adopted! Seasonal content: We have many custom seasonal quests and different looks for Prontera and other parts of Midgard, depending on the season. Custom Dungeons: We have various custom dungeons such as Thanatos' Basement, Fairy Paradise, Warzone and True Poring Island, among others! Modified Renewal Locations: We have some renewal areas that are rebalanced to fit pre-renewal, such as Manuk Field, Splendide Fields, Scaraba Hole, and more!! Custom Monsters: HeRO is home to several unique monsters such as: Snow Bunny, Eralia, Autumn Leafcat, Selkie and Eye of Surtur. We also have many poring-types, like Sapling, Pandaring, Teddyring, Nekoring, Whispering and God Poring. In addition, we also have awesome custom MVPs, like Skoll, Surtur, Midnight Jack, Levia Lusca, Orcus, and many more! Custom Quests: There are countless quests to keep heroes busy and entertained. Sisterly Affection, Zodiac Gate, Wandering Spirit, Thanatos Party Quest, Guild Quest, Monthly Monster Extermination, Homunculus Quest and much more! Pets: HeRO has several custom pets, such as Teddy Bear, Siroma, Galapago, Aliot, Mavka, Violy. They drop their own tame and usually, their food as well. Light/Dark pets, such as Angeling, Deviling, Retribution and Observation, can be obtained via Allegiance Quests. Headgears: We have many custom headgears! They can be obtained from monsters, quests, events, vote for points or Mr. Hatter! Donations: Our donations are balanced. No over-powered items are obtained through donation. They are mostly chance items or items already available in game (OPB, Hat Voucher, Rough Enriched Ore, Allegiance Token) or GM Services (which can also be voted for) used to change name, gender or transfer locked items. GM Hosted Events: GMs host many different events, such as Monster Invasion, Hide & Seek, Trivia, PVP for Items, Flower Maze, and many more! Automated Events: In addition to GM-hosted events, if you have an Event Bag, you can start an automated event and have fun! There's different events, such as Poring Smash, Fabre Tame, Zombie Run, etc. Community: HeRO has the nicest people around, always answering questions on #main chat and willing to help newcomers get started. What are you waiting for? Join us and become a hero!
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