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Everything posted by JoWei

  1. I'm currently using TortoiseGIT and TortoiseSVN on the same computer right now and it doesn't seem to have any issues having them both on. But you should be able to checkout Hercule using https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules for SVN since it's a link provided by GitHub when selecting a clone.
  2. I haven't been able to post an introduction here but I can finally say I'm back on the scene!
  3. After a bit of research in the source, you can modify the field it reads inside of Hercules's /src/login/account_sql.c at line 525: "SELECT `account_id`,`userid`,`user_pass`,`sex`,`email`,`group_id`,`state`,`unban_time`,`expiration_time`,`logincount`,`lastlogin`,`last_ip`,`birthdate` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` = %d" just change `group_id` to `level`. It should be around the same place in eAthena (and other) source if you want to change the other emulator query instead.
  4. There's one way and that is to make Hercules read from database "level" field or make the other one read the "group_id" field through modifying source. However I'm unsure where in the source it's at. As for conflict, it would happen when an emulator goes through a field or require one that doesn't exist in either emulator. Personally, I wouldn't recommend sharing existing server database for second channel since it risks breaking down on future update from either emulator.
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