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About SlashGeeGee

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/24/1996

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    Core of Midgard
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  1. Great work ossi ! Can't wait for it. SlashGeeGee
  2. Thanks a lot Hercules Team ! SlashGeeGee
  3. Thanks , I just need to make sure. SlashGeeGee But according to official server I.e kro it was moved from 1863 to 1864.(atleast in 20130807, it is moved, I dont know exact date, when itwas moved.)So you can also change pc.c Find clif->msgtable_num(sd->fd, 0x746, e_tick + 1); // [%d] seconds left until you can use Change to clif->msgtable_num(sd->fd, 0x747, e_tick + 1); // [%d] seconds left until you can use Thats why if you see https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/Data/ we have kept latest msgstring at data folder and older msgstring are seperated in msgstring folder. Oh i see thanks i'll use this solution SlashGeeGee
  4. i suppose you mean the old style is the one where you put your entries here : item_bluebox and the new style is this one http://herc.ws/board/topic/1244-official-item-grouppackagechain/ am i correct ? SlashGeeGee
  5. there's no grf in the first version. I guess the second version was fixed. thank you SlashGeeGee
  6. Thanks , I just need to make sure. SlashGeeGee
  7. Hi Herc, Just wondering i've spammed using the "Halter Lead" and the message say's "Content has been saved in [saveData_ExMacro%d]#" is this correct ? I found this message in line 1863 of my msgstringtable. and on the next line the correct message has it "%d seconds left until you can use#" . So is it okay to remove line 1863 of my msgstringtable ? I'm using sir ossi's client side files by the way. SlashGeeGee
  8. I tested the map in BrowEdit r620 , there were many texture missing error. SlashGeeGee
  9. not that kind of conflict . I mean program conflict. but JoWei already said that there's no harm when installing tortoisesvn and tortoisegit in one pc.
  10. That is my repo as of the moment. but when i try to do SVN Update. all the branches are being added like bcrypt,rathena and others. How can i update the master branch only ? follow up . If i use TortoiseGit will it checkout only the master branch ? SlashGeeGee
  11. Hi Herc. 1st. ) I just relocated my repo in here "https:://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules" because this repository is no longer available anymore "http://svn.github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules.git" and when I update my Hercules using TortoiseSVN. all the branches are checked out. then i tried to relocate again to here " https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commits/master " it say's it's not the root of the repository. 2nd. ) I'm using TortoiseSVN to checkout the emulator and for the updates. but the problem is I get this problem. http://herc.ws/board/topic/130-notepad-format/ . so my question is. So how do I get to update my Hercules using TortoiseSVN ? Is it okay for me to install TortoiseGit on my pc to resolve problem no 2.. since I have TortoiseSVN already will that be a conflict ? Best Regards, SlashGeeGee
  12. on option 4 is P2P it's pay to play right ? SlashGeeGee
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