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About michaelsoftman

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  1. Just a quick question, are the docs included in 3CeAM Documents\2011 kRO Skills Information the list of 3ceam's 3rd class skill calcs as opposed to Renewal? If not, is there somewhere this info is listed?
  2. I have used 3ceam in the past and am starting up a new project. I read through the majority of update logs but I just had some questions about features not yet in 3ceam, but are in Herc / RA. For example, the random option system for weapons, I don't believe this is in 3ceam - https://rathena.org/board/topic/107018-random-option-system/ Are there any other client features like this which 3ceam doesn't support yet? I don't mind adapting the various code snippits myself. The client I'd be using specifically is 2018-06-20e RagexeRE.
  3. I think you edit num2cardillustnametable.txt. If it doesn't have an entry, no view button.
  4. I have finally decided to switch from RA to hercules, due to how many bugs are in RA at the moment, plus the fact that their servers have been down forever. I just had one question about a bug that has been on RA for a while. One of the Homun S has none of it's skills working, and trying to use them would lead to a potential server crash. I'm not sure if that was fixed there or not. Is it like that here in Hercules as well? Do all of Homun S have their skills working? Thanks in advance!
  5. I have one important question then. Can I somehow bring my changes over easily from rA to Hercules? I used TortoiseSVN for rA, I have a patch with all of my changes, but I can't bring it over because of incompatible versions (it checks for rA's SVN reversion).
  6. Sometimes I think that if a loop goes on for TOO long it's marked as infinite even if it's really not. I had that problem a few months back, I had to separate my code into 2 different loops.
  7. I've been designing a server project in my spare time in rA, but now that Hercules is here, I'm wondering if I should just switch over. From what I've seen Hercules updates and fixes many bugs far faster than RA, but the only reason I'm even wondering if I should is because rA just merges all of your changes in anyway. I have no idea which to use now. :/
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