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ljsb last won the day on January 13 2018

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  1. @caspe Sorry for the delay in the reply. I'm busy with things in life, but I plan to continue contributing to the Smoke plugin as soon as possible, maybe later this month. I suggest you open issues related to defeats, in the official repository, can make life easier for other contributors.
  2. Se pretende algum dia desenvolver seus próprios scripts e afins, curiosidade vai te ajudar bastante, o Google é nosso amigo. Todavia, montei a tabela pra você: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `viptable`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `viptable` ( `vipacc_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `vip_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `days` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`vipacc_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
  3. @astralprojection Apply this fix and make sure everything is fine. I did not test on newer clients, only < 2012.
  4. Please send me a complete 2015 client (data folder + hexed) through Google Drive so I can run the tests. I have no time to ride.
  5. @Smoke Answered. It is a pleasure to collaborate with this project! @astralprojection I'll check it as soon as I can.
  6. Fixed in pull #36, f963865 Awaiting @Smoke approval.
  7. Great plugin! I've just pushed an implementation so that team emblems are displayed on the character's head instead of swords.
  8. ljsb

    Bug bg_message

    O problema era fuga de memória na alocação dinâmica da string, realizei a alteração e testei novamente, agora as mensagens são exibidas normalmente. Criei um pull request no repositório do emulador e agora cabe ao pessoal a aprovação. Agradeço e podem fechar o tópico.
  9. ljsb

    Bug bg_message

    Apesar dos arquivos serem os originais do repositório vou dar uma verificada ainda assim e dou o retorno aqui!
  10. ljsb

    Bug bg_message

    Olá, pessoal. Efetuei todo tipo de teste, inclusive no emulador no que se baseia no Hercules (o brathena) e o problema se repetiu. Acontece quando executada a função visual bg_message, caracteres especiais são exibidos ao final da mensagem, conforme imagem abaixo: Testei com todas as langtypes, versões e até com diferentes hexeds, ainda assim o erro se repete (vezes com menos, vezes com mais caracteres esquisitos). Outra observação é que digitei coisas aleatórias e comandos antes da execução do bg_message, os últimos caracteres exibidos no cliente parecem ser somados à mensagem do bg_message, desse jeito: Inseri um ShowDebug no corpo da função p/ saber o que está sendo passado ao cliente e a mensagem é exibida normalmente no debug (sem caracteres adicionais). Acredito que seja problema com pacotes e, antes de publicar esse tópico eu busquei bastante sobre o assunto e não encontrei nada parecido. Estou utilizando: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hexed: 2010-07-30 Data, lua files: Client-Side oferecido pelo brAthena GRF: BRO Langtype: 12 (já testei todas) Version: 25 (já testei de 20 à 26) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desde já, agradeço a ajuda!
  11. ljsb

    Doubt Clif

    Actually these functions responsible for sending the single bitmap and area I already knew. My question was about positioning the bitmap above the character's head, but apparently I've ever encountered, because after disabling the lines quoted earlier emblem ceased to be displayed above the character's head. Something related to structuring packages and also the specific properties of the map configured through the MF_GVG (mapflag clif-> map_property (sd, MAPPROPERTY_AGITZONE), which causes the emblem is displayed above the character's head on maps with these characteristics. I'm going to analyze with more time to be sure. I appreciate the attention, greetings.
  12. ljsb

    Doubt Clif

    Apparently couldn't find: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/src/map/clif.c#L1003 https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/src/map/clif.c#L1051 https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/src/map/clif.c#L1052 I think those are the lines responsible for positioning the bitmap in the character's head. I appreciate the attention.
  13. ljsb

    Doubt Clif

    Hello everyone. I have a simple and direct question. What part of the clif is responsible for displaying the emblem of the guild at the top of the head of the character? (I mean in woe/battleground) I'm starting in-depth studies on the emulator and I had this curiosity. I appreciate since then.
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