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caspe last won the day on February 9 2018

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About caspe

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  1. Just a small advice if you are developer & know what ur doing then use this plugin. This plugin is not complete & does not suit for live server, if you are thinking of using it on live server & don't know about Source editing & other stuff, just don't go with this plugin. If u just want to test it, then i should be fine.
  2. Biggest issue after some time later array queue list get full and then no player is able to join, till reloadscript it shows ' queue is full ' error.
  3. hello @Dastgir does it restock item's after all item consumed? or does it restock item's which are consumed? e.g if u consumed 20 fly wing out of 50, it should restock 20 fly wing only. that way player will not run out of pot's in PvP & WoE else every time player has to check how much pot's left.
  4. @Kubix when player join BG queue and log out, it doe's not remove him from BG queue. Also i got this warning, when compile on Ubuntu
  5. right now the queue does not balance team, like when odd number of player's join BG e.g. 3 or 5 it recall all player's and divide players in 2-1 or 3-2. it is possible to make balanced team? also if possible to add AFK timer.
  6. @Kubix Thank you for this awesome release it still working fine with manual installation, i'm manage to make CTF working with this release. Thanks. .
  7. Can some one please fix issue with recalling players only one side players get recalled, it is the biggest issue. @Smoke
  8. Sometimes when some one join BG, it announce many time. using 2015-10-29aRagexe client
  9. Some serious Bugs 1. BG mode automatically changing, like running CTF Mode then for some reason Triple Inferno also start but CTF Mode was not ended also player stay on CTF map & BG start announcing Inferno statistics. (look like it is happening because of Battle Recruiter NPC) 2. hBG_balanced_queue not working, when 6 players join BG, many time it recall only 3-4 player's. 3. Guild Skill not working properly, many time Emergency Call crash server. @Smoke @Myriad @LucasBrito
  10. BG guild data not updating properly, if player was already in guild it shows position list of it's own guild, if player is not on any guild it shows blank. Look like Guild skills also having same issue conflicting with previous guild skills and crashing server. Also some times BG mode's get conflicted with each other (like running 2-3 Mode at once). This is a best & useful plugin but still not ready for live server, it need lot's of improvements and fixes.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    It is a small gift from me to the Ragnarok Community soularena is created for SoulRO and anyone can use it This map is created by me (caspe) & it is 100% free Request to users Do not claim other's work as yours Do not sell this map Give credit to the original creator all texture and models which are used in this map are created by Gravity.
  12. View File soularena BG Map (free) It is a small gift from me to the Ragnarok Community soularena is created for SoulRO and anyone can use it This map is created by me (caspe) & it is 100% free Request to users Do not claim other's work as yours Do not sell this map Give credit to the original creator all texture and models which are used in this map are created by Gravity. Submitter caspe Submitted 02/09/18 Category Maps & Textures  
  13. @Smoke this plugin having lot's of issue on ubuntu, @Myriad i'm getting emblem problem, which u have mentioned Also players need to use Shift to hit players. I was testing this plugin on windows 7 & using visual studio to compile, now after adding it to the server which is hosted on Ubuntu. many problem's start occurring. OR can anyone tell me how should i build this plugin on Ubuntu? i'm using make plugins command
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