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Posts posted by maxine02


    well yes.



    you can search  here at herc. there's a lot of them. one of them http://herc.ws/board/topic/13146-guide-create-your-server-client-201608/?hl=%2Bneo+%2Bpatcher


    Who do you think will attack you? I doubt somebody will ddos a starting server, unless you pissed somebody with a money to waste.

    well for those people who envy the server..

    Is this your first server?

    I see. Already bought a vps? buy a cheap one then  try and learn from it 


    do you already have a server running? if you want ddos protection , try buyvm.net


    may i ask a question?


    which product do you prefer on buyvm.net? and


    what's the difference between dedicated kvm slices and KVM VPS?


    dedicated kvm slices specs are better than kvm vps

    but kvm vps is more expensive than kvm slices


    They said their kvm slice is dedicated resouces. for more info, its much better to ask the provider than me. and their dedicated slice is newer than kvm vps



    sadly ovh and so youstart only have NA which is Beauharnois Canada (im from asia and it gives me 270 ping compared to vancouver with 217)


    my ping on vancouver is the same as los angeles ping. gonna take it if they have one lol

    from what country? I'm from PH and ovh / sys is 220ms here. if you want low ping with ddos protection. pick los angeles.

    im from ph and using pldt also but i got 270 on ovh and 207 on LA... i tried looking at digital ocean but i cant seem find the right product can you guide me?

    What do you mean by I can't seem find the right product? just choose the standard droplet.

  4. sadly ovh and so youstart only have NA which is Beauharnois Canada (im from asia and it gives me 270 ping compared to vancouver with 217)


    my ping on vancouver is the same as los angeles ping. gonna take it if they have one lol

    from what country? I'm from PH and ovh / sys is 220ms here. if you want low ping with ddos protection. pick los angeles.


    Does this also create a temporary guild? like the Red Team and Blue Team



    Does this also create a temporary guild? like the Red Team and Blue Team


    Read the topic pls :)

    Guys, after we release YARL I will make a plugin for latest Hercules. Gimme a time :)


    I re read the topic. sorry, I miss that :) thanks! 

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