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Posts posted by Sharpienero

  1. Hi all, thanks for looking at this...


    I'm facing a very funny problem with my items... I've introduced Item Sets on my server, meaning, a Set would comprise of Armor, Shield, Manteau and Boots, and having equipped all of them, would grant you a certain bonus.


    Well, it works fine as it is, a set of its own but the problem occurs when, I switch the Armor part of the set, and then the HP will drop. I assumed that the script somehow recalculated the bonuses, etc.


    The Set bonuses I've defined them in the item_combo_db.txt.


    Anyone here face the same problem as well? Is there a way to go about it?


    Thanks for everything...

    This is actually normal when equipping better gear. If you try to put on an armor with a tao, and then switch to a non-tao and see if your HP drops. it shouldn't (meaning the green-hp. Your total health will drop, of course.)


    actually its possible to move it via hexing


    How? :) guide would be greatly appreciated!

    Open the client with a hex editor, and edit the hex string. It will take a lot of tinkering. But I would like to think that it's working on some coordinate system through binary. Base16 to base 2. (Honestly, never looked at it before, so I'm just taking a guess.)





    now security maxtry resets every time you put correct number.

    Thank you! I am now waiting you update the security forgot password. :)
    well, give me a reason why adding forget password will be good idea(concerning that it's security plugin), if I find it correct, I will add it.


    Since I find this security shouldn't have any forget password type of thing...

    You're correct, Dastgir. From a security aspect, it would be completely silly to add a forgotten password. It would make it much easier for a "hacker" to recover his 'lost password'.


    Especially since if a hacker is already on his account, he more than likely has access to all accounts considering most people use universal passwords. I do not recommend adding a forgotten password to your plugin.

  4. Sorry for the lack of updates, both to this thread and to the repo.


    Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I'm still alive, still with Hercules.


    I was in the process of moving and had a few family issues come up that had taken me away from my life for a bit. I was able to work on a few things but nowere near the activity level I was doing.


    I'm back, and have a bit more time than I did so I should be getting back into this.


    I started working on an Official User Guide which will be in PDF form and will detail how to install and use the panel. I hope to have a version of it ready to use by October 15th. During this time I will of course push more regular updates to the GIT repo. look for more updates soon!


    Awesome news.

  5. Continuing with hair Pack:

    Fixing the male head #67 based in atual compiliation:







    Sprite stricture remains, but the quality of shading is increased alot, now it will be compatible with the standard hair colors

    Hey, I'm not sure if this is a dumb question - but where do I download your hairstyle pack?



    Check it without plugin.

    Sometimes plugin interrupts normal function

    Will do. I'll try to disable all of my plugins and report back. I've disabled all of the plugins and the issue isn't happening anymore. I'll have to isolate the issue later and figure out which plugin is causing the issue, but I believe it's the costume one. Thanks @@Dastgir Is it possible that a fix will be coming for your revision of the costume plugin?
    Do I have any costume plugin @_@

    I thought you had actually "revised" it and added it to your collection, but I assume I'm mistaken. 

  7. Much appreciated man ;) It's definitely good to be back... Can't wait to see what's changed and get back into the game!


    It's been a long time, but I have been told Herc is the new wave of the RO Future ;)


    Do you plan on getting into plugin development?

  8. Check it without plugin.

    Sometimes plugin interrupts normal function

    Will do. I'll try to disable all of my plugins and report back.


    I've disabled all of the plugins and the issue isn't happening anymore. I'll have to isolate the issue later and figure out which plugin is causing the issue, but I believe it's the costume one.


    Thanks @@Dastgir


    Is it possible that a fix will be coming for your revision of the costume plugin?


    Wedding rings are not inteded to be named  since KRO removed the names from it too ,  the Command @marry should still give out named rings , but not over the Wedding Script,



    a few more infos would be good , what kind of client date are you using ?


    what server version are you using ?

    The ring works regardless if it's going through the script or not. The skills are still linked to the partner - however, with the @marry command, it's still pulling the name incorrectly. I'm wondering how to fix it - but then again, that's not the only issue. The main issue is that he names aren't saving when logging out.


    It's not that big of a deal, but it's kind of annoying since it would be nice to actually have the name being shown. I don't know if this is relevant, but the "Costume" plugin still displays "Cotsume's" name correctly. 


    Also - this was working properly about a week ago. I don't know what could've changed to make it so that it would stop working properly.


    Most recent server version.

    2014-10-04 client IIRC. I'll have to check when I get home. I'm at university ATM.


  10. Hey everyone,


    I'm running into some weird issue with character names saving on items. Here is a video I recorded to try and show the issue exactly how it's appearing. The main issue is with the wedding rings not appearing at all.


    I've left putty on the side available to show that no errors are being thrown.



    If you need any additional information, please let me know.

    ---- Dumping data for table `inventory`--INSERT INTO `inventory` (`id`, `char_id`, `nameid`, `amount`, `equip`, `identify`, `refine`, `attribute`, `card0`, `card1`, `card2`, `card3`, `expire_time`, `favorite`, `bound`, `unique_id`) VALUES(4694, 150057, 2634, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 644489907535884);



    If you're shutting down your server, the connections have to be closed (I believe).

    Thats what I presume... When you shut down the server, you shouldn't have any connections left (hence, shutting down the server). Now, if you were to keep just the map server alive and kill the rest, you can do... which then can lead to your question regarding @kickall. 


    Dont work, if i need recompile the server or compile plugin need all services off.. :(


    >Try this plugin:


    I just made the @kickall -at which will not kick the players with @at

    Thx, i lets try :) but i need try now the problem off if i need "stop" the services, all @at dead :(



    If you're stopping all the services (to recompile..) the server needs to be completely off. No connections can be saved.


    Change that line to

    .@server_max_refine = (( RENEWAL )? 20:10 );

    Thank you.


    And how to change 512 (Apple) to 5ea Oridicon + 5ea Elunium for 20%


    You're asking how to change an apple into a "gift" that gives 5x Oridicon and 5x Elunium with a 20% chance?

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