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Posts posted by Hit`

  1. 47 minutes ago, meko said:

    the checkweight() command now checks for both weight and inventory space so you can use that instead of the custom checkspace()


    Btw your terminal font makes it very hard to differentiate between parentheses and angle brackets. You could try the following:

    If you use Powerline they also offer their own patched fonts:

    Hi, so I changed the checkspace custom command to checkweight and it solved the error I posted above but there's another error and I think it's because of the custom command storeitem/storeitem2.

    Btw here's the new error,

    Also, I am very sorry but I really do not know how to apply those fonts, bear with me please. Thank you!

  2. Hello,

    I was looking for a script about it to use along with Hercules' Battlegrounds and found one here (starts at line #644) but it has an error.

    Here's the error, 

    So I tried to PM one of the Script Developers for help and @Asheraf pointed out that the script uses custom script commands. My question is, is there a way for it to work and be compatible with Hercules? Like maybe change the part where custom commands are used and instead use Hercules script commands.

    Here's the script,

    // BG MALL
    // *********************************************************************
    prontera,155,115,2	script	Telma	1_F_MERCHANT_02,{
    	mes "[Telma]";
    	mes "Welcome, mighty warrior.";
    	mes "Do you need supply for your battles?";
    	mes "I can exchange you a nice amount for your badges or open the normal Chronos Supply Store for you.";
    	switch( select("^FF0000Terra Old Red Box^000000:^FFA500Chronos Supply Store^000000:^FF0000Battleground Exclusive^000000:^0000FFWar of Emperium Exclusive Boxs:War of Emperium Exclusive Items^000000:Other Items") )
    	case 1: // Terra Old Red Box
    		mes "[Telma]";
    		mes "You can exchange your BG partipation points, a full round of each won BG, for one ^FF0000Terra Old Red Box^000000.";
    		mes "Let me check your points...";
    		mes "Tierra EoS : ^0000FF" + BG_EoE + "^000000";
    		mes "Tierra Boss : ^0000FF" + BG_Boss + "^000000";
    		mes "Tierra Dom : ^0000FF" + BG_DOM + "^000000";
    		mes "Flavius CTF : ^0000FF" + BG_CTF + "^000000";
    		mes "Flavius TDM : ^0000FF" + BG_TDM + "^000000";
    		mes "Flavius SC : ^0000FF" + BG_SC + "^000000";
    		mes "Conquest : ^0000FF" + BG_CON + "^000000";
    		mes "Rush : ^0000FF" + BG_RUSH + "^000000";
    		mes "Triple Inferno : ^0000FF" + BG_TI + "^000000";
    		if( BG_EoE > 0 && BG_Boss > 0 && BG_CTF > 0 && BG_TDM > 0 && BG_SC > 0 && BG_TI > 0 && BG_CON > 0 && BG_RUSH > 0 && BG_DOM > 0 )
    			set BG_EoE, BG_EoE - 1;
    			set BG_Boss, BG_Boss - 1;
    			set BG_DOM, BG_DOM - 1;
    			set BG_CTF, BG_CTF - 1;
    			set BG_TDM, BG_TDM - 1;
    			set BG_SC, BG_SC - 1;
    			set BG_CON, BG_CON - 1;
    			set BG_RUSH, BG_RUSH - 1;
    			set BG_TI, BG_TI - 1;
    			getitem 5000,1;
    			mes "[Telma]";
    			mes "Here is one Box for you!!";
    			mes "I hope you can find inside it a big surprise.";
    			mes "Talk to me if you want to exchange more.";
    			mes "[Telma]";
    			mes "To exchange your points for a Box, you need at least 2 one of each Battleground.";
    			mes "Play all kinds of BG's!!.";
    	case 2: // Supply Store
    		mes "[Telma]";
    		mes "Close this window to open the Chronos Supply Store.";
    		callshop "ChronosShop",1;
    	case 3: // BG Supply
    		setarray .@Items[0],   547,  504,  505,  678, 7135, 7136, 7137, 7138, 7139,  715,  716,  717,12016, 1025, 7321,  662,12072,12077,12082,12087,12092,12097;
    		setarray .@Amount[0],  150,  100,  100,   10,   40,   40,   30,   30,   25,   50,  100,  200,   10,   40,   25,   10,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3;
    		setarray .@Value[0],     1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1 ,   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1;
    		set .@cID, getbattleflag("bg_reserved_char_id");
    		set .@Tarjet$, "Battleground";
    	case 4: // WoE Supply Boxs
    		setarray .@Items[0],  8916, 8917, 8924, 8929, 8935, 8934,             8926, 8927, 8962, 8961, 8925, 8928, 8930;
    		setarray .@Amount[0],    3,    1,    2,    2,    1,    1,                2,    1,    1,    1,    4,    1,    1;
    		setarray .@Value[0],     8,    4,    4,    8,   10,   10,                8,    8,    4,    2,    8,   10,    8;
    		set .@cID, 0;
    		set .@Tarjet$, "War of Emperium or GvG";
    	case 5: // WoE Supply Items
    		setarray .@Items[0],  7137, 7138,  662,12072,12077,12082,12087,12092,12097,14287,14288;
    		setarray .@Amount[0],   30,   30,   10,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    5,    5;
    		setarray .@Value[0],     4,    4,    4,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8;
    		set .@cID, getbattleflag("woe_reserved_char_id");
    		set .@Tarjet$, "War of Emperium or GvG";
    	case 6:
    		setarray .@Items[0],  8918, 8919, 8960;
    		setarray .@Amount[0],    1,    1,    1;
    		setarray .@Value[0],    15,   15,   15;
    		set .@cID, 0;
    		set .@Tarjet$, "Everywhere";
    	set .@Menu$, "";
    	for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@Items); set .@i, .@i + 1 )
    		set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + .@Amount[.@i] + " " + getitemname(.@Items[.@i]) + " (" + .@Value[.@i] + " badges):";
    	set .@j, select(.@Menu$) - 1;
    	mes "[Telma]";
    	mes "^0000FF" + .@Amount[.@j] + " " + getitemname(.@Items[.@j]) + "^000000";
    	mes "It will cost you " + .@Value[.@j] + " badges per pack.";
    	mes "Remember this can only be used on " + .@Tarjet$ + ".";
    	mes "[Telma]";
    	mes "But tell me first, where do you want to receive the items?";
    	set .@Destiny, select("Here, in my Inventory:Direct to my Storage") - 1;
    	mes "[Telma]";
    	mes "How many packets do you want to buy? (1..50)";
    	input .@total;
    	if( .@total < 1 || .@total > 50 )
    		mes "[Telma]";
    		mes "I am sorry, please input a value from 1 to 50.";
    		mes "Talk to me again when you do your selections.";
    	set .@vtotal, .@total * .@Value[.@j]; // Value of all Packages
    	set .@total, .@total * .@Amount[.@j]; // Total Amount of Items
    	if( .@Destiny )
    	// Check Storage Space Limit
    		if( .@cID )
    			if( checkspace(.@Items[.@j],.@total,1,0,0,254,0,.@cID&0xffff,(.@cID>>16)&0xffff) == 0 )
    				mes "[Telma]";
    				mes "It's seen your storage cannot accept more items.";
    				mes "Go to your store and check the free space.";
    			if( checkspace(.@Items[.@j],.@total,1,0,0,0,0,0,0) == 0 )
    				mes "[Telma]";
    				mes "It's seen your storage cannot accept more items.";
    				mes "Go to your store and check the free space.";
    	// Check Weight Limit
    		if( checkweight(.@Items[.@j],.@total) == 0 )
    			mes "[Telma]";
    			mes "It's seen you can't carry the stuff you want to buy.";
    			mes "Go and store some items on your Kafra Storage.";
    	if( countitem(7828) + countitem(7829) + countitem(7773) < .@vtotal )
    		mes "[Telma]";
    		mes "Required Badges: ^0000FF" + .@vtotal + "^000000";
    		mes "You do not have enough badges. Sorry...";
    		mes "Participate in Battleground arenas to receive it.";
    	set .@vcount, .@vtotal;
    	set .@i7828, 0;
    	set .@i7829, 0;
    	set .@i7773, 0;
    	// Bravery Badges
    	if( countitem(7828) > 0 )
    		mes "[Telma]";
    		mes "Required Badges: ^0000FF" + .@vcount + "^000000";
    		mes "Bravery Badges to expend:";
    		input .@i7828;
    		if( .@i7828 < 0 || .@i7828 > countitem(7828) )
    			mes "[Telma]";
    			mes "Invalid number... Sorry.";
    		if( .@i7828 > .@vcount ) set .@i7828,.@vcount;
    		set .@vcount, .@vcount - .@i7828;
    	// Valor Badges
    	if( .@vcount && countitem(7829) > 0 )
    		mes "[Telma]";
    		mes "Required Badges: ^0000FF" + .@vcount + "^000000";
    		mes "Valor Badges to expend:";
    		input .@i7829;
    		if( .@i7829 < 0 || .@i7829 > countitem(7829) )
    			mes "[Telma]";
    			mes "Invalid number... Sorry.";
    		if( .@i7829 > .@vcount ) set .@i7829,.@vcount;
    		set .@vcount, .@vcount - .@i7829;
    	// Heroism Badges
    	if( .@vcount && countitem(7773) > 0 )
    		mes "[Telma]";
    		mes "Required Badges: ^0000FF" + .@vcount + "^000000";
    		mes "Heroism Badges to expend:";
    		input .@i7773;
    		if( .@i7773 < 0 || .@i7773 > countitem(7773) )
    			mes "[Telma]";
    			mes "Invalid number... Sorry.";
    		if( .@i7773 > .@vcount ) set .@i7773, .@vcount;
    		set .@vcount, .@vcount - .@i7773;
    	// Final Checks
    	if( .@vcount != 0 )
    		mes "[Telma]";
    		mes "Sorry, not enough badges to pay the total value.";
    	mes "[Telma]";
    	mes "Are you ready to pay and receive your items?";
    	mes "Your payment details:";
    	mes "^0000FF" + .@i7828 + "^000000 Bravery Badges";
    	mes "^0000FF" + .@i7829 + "^000000 Valor Badges";
    	mes "^0000FF" + .@i7773 + "^000000 Heroism Badges";
    	if( select("Yes, let's do it:I am sorry... not this time") == 2 )
    		mes "[Telma]";
    		mes "Ok, come again if you change your mind.";
    	if( .@Destiny )
    	{ // Check Storage Space Limit
    		if( .@cID )
    			if( checkspace(.@Items[.@j],.@total,1,0,0,254,0,.@cID&0xffff,(.@cID>>16)&0xffff) == 0 )
    				mes "[Telma]";
    				mes "It's seen your storage cannot accept more items.";
    				mes "Go to your store and check the free space.";
    			if( checkspace(.@Items[.@j],.@total,1,0,0,0,0,0,0) == 0 )
    				mes "[Telma]";
    				mes "It's seen your storage cannot accept more items.";
    				mes "Go to your store and check the free space.";
    	{ // Check Weight Limit
    		if( checkweight(.@Items[.@j],.@total) == 0 )
    			mes "[Telma]";
    			mes "It's seen you can't carry the stuff you want to buy.";
    			mes "Go and store some items on your Kafra Storage.";
    	if( .@i7828 > countitem(7828) || .@i7829 > countitem(7829) || .@i7773 > countitem(7773) )
    		mes "[Telma]";
    		mes "What!?, are you a magician or a thief? What did you do with your badges!?";
    		mes "Get out of here!";
    	delitem 7828,.@i7828;
    	delitem 7829,.@i7829;
    	delitem 7773,.@i7773;
    	if( .@cID )
    		if( .@Destiny )
    			storeitem2 .@Items[.@j],.@total,1,0,0,254,0,.@cID&0xffff,(.@cID>>16)&0xffff;
    			getitem2 .@Items[.@j],.@total,1,0,0,254,0,.@cID&0xffff,(.@cID>>16)&0xffff;
    		if( .@Destiny )
    			storeitem .@Items[.@j],.@total;
    			getitem .@Items[.@j],.@total;
    	mes "[Telma]";
    	mes "Here it is... Now take care and fight for the honor and glory of your prince.";



  3. 1 hour ago, Myriad said:

    Your whole item_db2 is within comments /* */ you need to remove them.

    Thank you for pointing that out it got rid of the errors and I can finally interact with the NPC. I have one more question tho, do you know how to change the ratio for the consumables? Cause exchanges are 1:1, and what I wanted for example is, 1 War Badge:20 BG Whites and 2 War Badge:20 WoE Whites. I've attached the script for you to see. Again, thank you for helping me out!

    Edit: The script attached works like a cash shop btw. I got the idea on one of the servers I played and theirs work more like a dynamic shop, which I preferred more.


  4. 13 minutes ago, Myriad said:

    It means you haven't created the custom items required for that NPC.

    Hmmm. I did add the items on item_db2.conf tho and also I couldn't talk to the NPC, I can click on it but no interaction.


    I've attached my item_db2.conf if you need to take a look. List starts at line #639


    Edit: BG Weap/Armor/Acce NPC is working fine just the consumables aren't.

  5. 9 hours ago, Myriad said:

    This is a Hercules specific thing. Not sure if intentional. It happens for all skills and actions. According to herc, you can't be between a cell. If you hadn't finished moving to the cell you want to go to and perform an action, it will send you back to your old cell.

    I wish this wasn't the case. A config for this would be nice for this. Most players on my server hate that this happens, but I don't know the piece of code which causes this.

    Edit: I tried Playtester's "fix". It seems to stop the position lag thing from happening. but one thing it fails to do is correctly set your direction before the action takes place. Example: Click to your right while facing left and perform your skill. You are still facing left, despite your character appearing to face right. This is a problem for movement skills such as running and high jump.

    I'm not so sure if this is a Hercules thing cause I've tried using rAthena and this issue is still there. If you don't mind, can you guide me through on how to apply Playtester's fix?

  6. Forgive me if this is the wrong section, I don't really know where to post this.

    So, I have this weird interaction that whenever I cast a self-skill and click on a cell my character goes back to the cell where I was.

    I've tried searching for a fix here and rathena but I haven't found one. So I tried googling it and found this bug tracker or something: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues/1001

    The link provided above has a video to explain this issue further. And it seems that this issue has not been fixed yet.


    Here is a script I am currently using that might help you.


    // Healer
    // Author: Lulupard
    // Version: 1.0
    // Compatible With: Hercules
    -   script  Healer  FAKE_NPC,{
        // Check if heal delay has expired
        if ( healdelay <= gettimetick(2) ) {
            // Set heal delay, in seconds
            healdelay = gettimetick(2) + 30;
            // Remove negative status effects
            for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .debuffs ); ++.@i ) {
                sc_end .debuffs[ .@i ];
            // Repair equipment
            while( getbrokenid(1) ) {
            // Blessing
            specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING;
            sc_start SC_BLESSING, 240000, 10;
            // Increase agility
            specialeffect2 EF_INC_AGI;
            sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 240000, 10;
            // Kyrie Eleison
            specialeffect2 EF_KYRIE;
            sc_start SC_KYRIE, 120000, 0;
            // Impositio Manus
            specialeffect2 EF_IMPOSITIO;
            sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO, 60000, 0;
            // Gloria
            specialeffect2 EF_GLORIA;
            sc_start SC_GLORIA, 30000, 0;
            // Heal
            // Accounts for mana increase from Blessing
            specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2;
            percentheal 100, 100;
        else {
            // Add cutin
            cutin "ra_gwoman", 2;
            mes "[Priestess of Freya]";
            mes "Patience, child.";
            mes "Visit me again in " + ( healdelay - gettimetick(2) ) + " seconds.";
            cutin "", 255;
            // List of negative debuffs to be removed
    // Duplicates
    alberta,25,240,6    duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#alb  4_F_MADAME
    aldebaran,135,118,6 duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#alde 4_F_MADAME
    amatsu,200,79,4 duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#ama  4_F_MADAME
    ayothaya,207,169,6  duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#ayo  4_F_MADAME
    brasilis,194,221,6  duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#bra  4_F_MADAME
    comodo,184,158,6    duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#com  4_F_MADAME
    dicastes01,201,194,4    duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#dic  4_F_MADAME
    einbech,57,36,6 duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#einbe    4_F_MADAME
    einbroch,57,202,6   duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#einbr    4_F_MADAME
    geffen,115,72,6 duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#gef  4_F_MADAME
    gonryun,156,122,6   duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#gon  4_F_MADAME
    hugel,89,150,6  duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#hug  4_F_MADAME
    izlude,125,118,6    duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#izl  4_F_MADAME
    jawaii,250,139,4    duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#jaw  4_F_MADAME
    lighthalzen,151,100,6   duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#lhz  4_F_MADAME
    louyang,226,103,4   duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#lou  4_F_MADAME
    manuk,272,144,6 duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#man  4_F_MADAME
    mid_camp,203,288,6  duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#mid  4_F_MADAME
    moc_ruins,72,164,4  duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#moc  4_F_MADAME
    morocc,153,97,6 duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#mor  4_F_MADAME
    moscovia,220,191,4  duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#mos  4_F_MADAME
    niflheim,212,182,5  duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#nif  4_F_MADAME
    payon,179,106,4 duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#pay  4_F_MADAME
    prontera,152,191,6  duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#prtc 4_F_MADAME // Center
    prontera,159,326,4  duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#prtn 4_F_MADAME // North
    prontera,278,208,4  duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#prte 4_F_MADAME // East
    prontera,146,93,6   duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#prts 4_F_MADAME // South
    prontera,33,208,6   duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#prtw 4_F_MADAME // West
    rachel,123,117,6    duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#rac  4_F_MADAME
    splendide,201,153,4 duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#spl  4_F_MADAME
    thor_camp,249,74,4  duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#thor 4_F_MADAME
    umbala,105,148,3    duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#umb  4_F_MADAME
    veins,217,121,4 duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#ve   4_F_MADAME
    xmas,143,136,4  duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#xmas 4_F_MADAME
    yuno,164,45,4   duplicate(Healer)   Priestess of Freya#yuno 4_F_MADAME

    Sweet! But how do I remove ailments such as Stunned, Frozen, Stone Cursed? I've tried adding SC_STUN, SC_FREEZE and SC_STONE in the list but the NPC won't talk to me.

  8. Hello everyone. I would like to request for a healer npc that can heal, buff, identify, repair and removes negative status ailments.


    I've found several topics from here to rathena but it does not fit what I am looking, it's missing a feature or two.


    Or could someone please just kindly edit the default script made by Euphy to match the features missing.


    //===== Hercules Script ======================================
    //= Healer
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Euphy
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.2
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= Basic healer script.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.0 Initial script.
    //= 1.1 Aligned coordinates with @go.
    //= 1.2 Fix variables and character stuck at healing
    -	script	Healer	FAKE_NPC,{
    	.@price = 0;	// Zeny required for heal
    	.@Buffs = 1;	// Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no)
    	.@Delay = 0;	// Heal delay, in seconds
    	if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end;
    	if (.@price) {
    		message strcharinfo(PC_NAME),"Healing costs "+.@price+" Zeny.";
    		if (Zeny < .@price) end;
    		if(select("^0055FFHeal^000000", "^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) close;
    		Zeny -= .@price;
    	specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100;
    	if (.@Buffs) {
    		specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,10;
    		specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10;
    	if (.@Delay) @HD = gettimetick(2)+.@Delay;
    // Duplicates
    alberta,25,240,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#alb	4_PORING
    aldebaran,135,118,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#alde	4_PORING
    amatsu,200,79,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#ama	4_PORING
    ayothaya,207,169,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#ayo	4_PORING
    comodo,184,158,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#com	4_PORING
    einbech,57,36,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#einbe	4_PORING
    einbroch,57,202,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#einbr	4_PORING
    geffen,115,72,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#gef	4_PORING
    gonryun,156,122,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#gon	4_PORING
    hugel,89,150,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#hug	4_PORING
    izlude,125,118,5	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#izl	4_PORING
    jawaii,250,139,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#jaw	4_PORING
    lighthalzen,152,100,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#lhz	4_PORING
    louyang,226,103,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#lou	4_PORING
    manuk,272,144,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#man	4_PORING
    mid_camp,203,289,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#mid	4_PORING
    moc_ruins,72,164,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#moc	4_PORING
    morocc,153,97,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#mor	4_PORING
    moscovia,220,191,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#mos	4_PORING
    niflheim,212,182,5	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#nif	4_PORING
    payon,179,106,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#pay	4_PORING
    prontera,162,193,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#prt	4_PORING
    rachel,125,116,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#rac	4_PORING
    splendide,201,153,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#spl	4_PORING
    thor_camp,249,74,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#thor	4_PORING
    umbala,105,148,3	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#umb	4_PORING
    veins,217,121,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#ve	4_PORING
    xmas,143,136,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#xmas	4_PORING
    yuno,164,45,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#yuno	4_PORING
    // Duplicates (Renewal)
    brasilis,194,221,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#bra	4_PORING
    dewata,195,187,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#dew	4_PORING
    dicastes01,201,194,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#dic	4_PORING
    ecl_in01,45,60,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#ecl	4_PORING
    malangdo,132,114,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#mal	4_PORING
    malaya,205,205,6	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#ma	4_PORING
    mora,55,152,4	duplicate(Healer)	Healer#mora	4_PORING

    Hoping for your responses. Thank you!

  9. Hello everyone. Can someone please take a look at these http://imgur.com/a/6s8Rz


    Screenshot 1 and 2 is from 1st client opened ( SinX ) where I can both team's emblems and guild names.


    Screenshot 3 and 4 is from 2nd client opened ( WS ) where I can only see Red team's emblem and guild name.


    Screenshot 5, I made a change in bg_rush.txt to change ID 2107 which is E_FALLENBISHOP to the normal Emperium which is 1288. As seen where I can use skill to kill it. My question is, how do I make it behave like in WoE?



    EDIT: I am using 2014-10-22b as my client.


    Hit', about the bg_flavius_td.txt error :



    For deathmatch it's about this :


    set .@guillaume, hBG_get_data($@BG_Team1, 0);

    set .@croix, hBG_get_data($@BG_Team2, 0);


    i change to :


    .@guillaume = hBG_get_data($@BG_Team1, 0);

    .@croix = hBG_get_data($@BG_Team2, 0);


    and no more spam in console ^^


    i think there is an error in the pull request :


    change this :

    .@guillaume, hBG_get_data($@BG_Team1, 0);

    .@croix, hBG_get_data($@BG_Team2, 0);

    .@guillaume = hBG_get_data($@BG_Team1, 0);

    .@croix = hBG_get_data($@BG_Team2, 0);
    For the first error, you have to disable official BG npc ^^

    Thanks! Flavius TD and official BG is now fixed. What's causing this one here http://imgur.com/a/jqftO

  11. @hit, about this error :

    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2100.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 45 of "db/mob_avail.txt".

    have you add this in your mob_db.conf ?



    Yes, I was able to finally got rid of that. Also thanks to Sir @caspe for providing the fix I finally got to log back again on my server. Although there are still errors, here http://imgur.com/a/Lbp7k.

  12. @Hit`


    Add maps from "resnametable.txt" to your mapcache.

    If you don't know how, see this topic.



    1: When the player picks up the flag he should not be able to use any type of potions and skills and is able to use.

    A temporary solution to the skills, is to add this below of "disable_items;" lines in hBG\bg_flavius_ctf.txt:

    // Disable skill usage
    atcommand "@addperm disable_skill_usage";

    And add this below of "enable_items;" lines:

    // Enable Skill usage
    atcommand "@rmvperm disable_skill_usage";

    enable_items() and disable_items() only works when a NPC Script is running.


    Hello again. Unfortunately, I don't think it solved my problem cause the error still persist.


    Error Log :

    [Status]: Memory manager initialized: log/map-server.exe.leaks
                     Hercules Development Team presents
                    _   _                     _
                   | | | |                   | |
                   | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
                   |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
                   | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
                   \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
    [Info]: Hercules 32-bit for Windows
    [Info]: Git revision (src): 'd961ab29ed635fdf5ff4ffa1dcf1ebbd013e750e'
    [Info]: Git revision (scripts): 'd961ab29ed635fdf5ff4ffa1dcf1ebbd013e750e'
    [Info]: OS version: 'Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (build 7601) [x86_64]'
    [Info]: CPU: 'x86_64 CPU, Family 21, Model 48, Stepping 1 [2]'
    [Info]: Compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (v1910)
    [Info]: Compile Flags: N/A
    [Info]: Timer Function Type: ticks count
    [Info]: Server uses 'select' as event dispatcher
    [Info]: Server supports up to '4096' concurrent connections.
    [Status]: HPM: Loaded plugin 'HPMHooking' (0.2) built with HPMHooking support.
    [Status]: HPM: Loaded plugin 'Hercules Battlegrounds' (1.0a) built with HPMHooki
    ng support.
    [Status]: HPM: There are '2' plugins loaded, type 'plugins' to list them
    [Error]: conf/map/maps.conf:1280 - syntax error
    [Warning]: Not all IP addresses in /conf/map/map-server.conf configured, auto-de
    [Info]: Defaulting to as our IP address
    [Info]: Map Server IP Address : '' -> ''.
    [Info]: Char Server IP Address : '' -> ''.
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_enabled' in file conf
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_from_town_only' in fi
    le conf/map/battle.conf!
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_ip_check' in file con
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_idle_announce' in fil
    e conf/map/battle.conf!
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_idle_autokick' in fil
    e conf/map/battle.conf!
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_balanced_queue' in fi
    le conf/map/battle.conf!
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_reward_rates' in file
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_xy_interval' in file
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_ranked_mode' in file
    [Info]: Logging item transactions to table 'picklog'.
    [Info]: Logging chat to table 'chatlog'.
    [Info]: Logging commands to table 'atcommandlog'.
    [Info]: Logging item transactions to table 'picklog'.
    [Info]: Logging chat to table 'chatlog'.
    [Info]: Logging commands to table 'atcommandlog'.
    [Info]: Connecting to the Map DB Server....
    [Status]: connect success! (Map Server Connection)
    [Info]: [SQL]: Connecting to the Log Database ragnarok At
    [Status]: [SQL]: Successfully 'connected' to Database 'ragnarok'.
    [Status]: Loading maps (using db/pre-re/map_cache.dat as map cache)...
    [Info]: Successfully loaded '0' maps.
    [Error]: timer_add_interval: invalid interval (tick=1439936 00A48480[hBG_send_xy
    _timer] id=0 data=0 diff_tick=0)
    [Status]: Done reading '62' command aliases in 'conf/atcommand.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '4' channels in 'conf/channels.conf'.
    [Error]: load_translations: map server default_language setting '' is not a load
    ed language
    [Status]: Done reading '6163' entries in 'pre-re/item_db.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'item_db2.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '156' entries in 'item_combo_db'.
    [Status]: Done reading '42' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_group.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '4' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_chain.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '162' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_packages.conf' ©.
    [Status]: Done reading '186' entries in 'db/item_options.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '16' entries in 'db/cashshop_db.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '1120' entries in 'db/pre-re/skill_db.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '264' entries in 'db/produce_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '136' entries in 'db/create_arrow_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '205' entries in 'db/abra_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '17' entries in 'db/spellbook_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '23' entries in 'db/magicmushroom_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '133' entries in 'db/skill_reproduce_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '16' entries in 'db/skill_improvise_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '74' entries in 'db/skill_changematerial_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '13' zones in 'db/pre-re/map_zone_db.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_item_ratio.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '40' entries in 'mob_chat_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '1006' entries in 'pre-re/mob_db.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'mob_db2.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '5515' entries in 'db/pre-re/mob_skill_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_skill_db2.txt'.
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2100.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 45 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2101.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 46 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2102.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 47 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2103.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 48 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2104.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 49 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2105.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 50 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2106.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 51 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2107.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 52 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_avail.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '464' entries in 'pre-re/mob_branch.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '13' entries in 'pre-re/mob_poring.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '45' entries in 'pre-re/mob_boss.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '331' entries in 'mob_pouch.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '25' entries in 'mob_classchange.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '6' entries in 'db/pre-re/mob_race2_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '15' entries in 'db/pre-re/exp.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '4' entries in 'db/pre-re/attr_fix.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '175' entries in 'db/pre-re/statpoint.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '7' groups in 'conf/groups.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '134' entries in 'db/job_db2.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '3' entries in 'db/pre-re/size_fix.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '5' entries in 'pre-re/refine_db.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '392' entries in 'db/sc_config.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '116' entries in 'db/pre-re/job_db.conf'.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 17 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 18 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 19 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 20 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 21 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 26 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 27 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 28 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 29 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 30 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 35 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 36 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 37 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 38 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 39 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 44 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 45 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 46 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 47 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 48 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 53 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 54 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 55 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 56 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 61 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 62 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 63 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 64 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 65 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 70 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 71 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 72 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 73 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 74 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/castle_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '15' entries in 'db/guild_skill_tree.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '59' pets in 'pre-re/pet_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '0' pets in 'pet_db2.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '13' entries in 'db/pre-re/homunculus_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '99' levels in 'pre-re/exp_homun.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '82' entries in 'db/homun_skill_tree.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '61' entries in 'db/mercenary_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '157' entries in 'db/mercenary_skill_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '12' elementals in 'db/elemental_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '36' entries in 'db/elemental_skill_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '3044' entries in 'quest_db.conf'.
    [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/merchants/shops.txt', lin
    e '54'. Stopping...
     * w1=OnInit:
     * w2=
     * w3=
     * w4=
    [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/pre-re/merchants/shops.tx
    t', line '39'. Stopping...
     * w1=OnInit:
     * w2=
     * w3=
     * w4=
    [Error]: Missing 4 right curlys in file 'npc/custom/hBG/bg_flavius_td.txt', line
    [Info]: Done loading '531' NPCs:
            -'0' Warps
            -'0' Shops
            -'531' Scripts
            -'0' Spawn sets
            -'0' Mobs Cached
            -'0' Mobs Not Cached
    [Warning]: setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map 'rush_cas01', type 4, x1/
    y1 - 198,224 | x2/y2 - 207,233
    [Warning]: setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map 'rush_cas02', type 4, x1/
    y1 - 142,44 | x2/y2 - 151,53
    [Warning]: setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map 'rush_cas03', type 4, x1/
    y1 - 56,6 | x2/y2 - 69,17
    [Warning]: setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map 'rush_cas04', type 4, x1/
    y1 - 266,286 | x2/y2 - 275,295
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'Guillaume_Flag' (flag
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'Croix_Flag' (flag=0).
    [Warning]: setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map 'bat_c01', type 4, x1/y1
    - 50,124 | x2/y2 - 57,131
    [Warning]: setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map 'bat_c01', type 4, x1/y1
    - 142,52 | x2/y2 - 149,59
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to show a non-existing NPC 'Pointed Tree#rus11' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM03A' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM03B' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM02A' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM02B' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM01A' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM01B' (
    [Status]: Event 'OnInit' executed with '97' NPCs.
    [Info]: Hercules, Copyright © 2012-2016, Hercules Dev Team and others.
    [Info]: Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later.
    [Status]: Server is 'ready' and listening on port '0'.
    [Status]: Done reading 'Hercules Battlegrounds' v1.0a emblem data files. [By Smo
    [Status]: Hercules Battlegrounds v1.0a has been initialized. [by Smokexyz]
    [Status]: Attempting to connect to Char Server. Please wait.
    [Status]: Connecting to
    [Status]: Logging in to char server...
    [Fatal Error]: Connection to char-server failed 3.
    Map-Server has terminated abnormally.
    Restarting in 15 seconds, press Ctrl+C to cancel.

    What I did was:


    1. Opened WeeMapCache

    2. Clicked Cache button and opened map_cache.dat from my db/pre-re folder.

    3. Clicked RNT button and opened resnametable.txt extracted from my servertest.grf, prompted to overwrite and I clicked yes.

    4. Saved it as map_cache.dat and overwrite existing from my db/pre-re folder.

    5. Run mapcache.exe

    6. Compiled without errors


    Am I missing something? I'm very sorry, please bear with me. Thanks!

  13. @Hit`


    Add maps from "resnametable.txt" to your mapcache.




    1: When the player picks up the flag he should not be able to use any type of potions and skills and is able to use.

    A temporary solution to the skills, is to add this below of "disable_items;" lines in hBG\bg_flavius_ctf.txt:

    // Disable skill usage
    atcommand "@addperm disable_skill_usage";

    And add this below of "enable_items;" lines:

    // Enable Skill usage
    atcommand "@rmvperm disable_skill_usage";

    enable_items() and disable_items() only works when a NPC Script is running.

    Hi. Sorry for the very noobish question but how do I add maps into mapcache?

  14. Hello again. DLL problem has been fixed but I got new set of errors in my map-server. Take a look here:

    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM01A' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM01B' (
    [Status]: Event 'OnInit' executed with '97' NPCs.
    [Info]: Hercules, Copyright © 2012-2016, Hercules Dev Team and others.
    [Info]: Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later.
    [Status]: Server is 'ready' and listening on port '0'.
    [Status]: Done reading 'Hercules Battlegrounds' v1.0a emblem data files. [By Smo
    [Status]: Hercules Battlegrounds v1.0a has been initialized. [by Smokexyz]
    [Status]: Attempting to connect to Char Server. Please wait.
    [Status]: Connecting to
    [Status]: Logging in to char server...
    [Fatal Error]: Connection to char-server failed 3.
    Map-Server has terminated abnormally.
    Restarting in 15 seconds, press Ctrl+C to cancel.
    [Status]: Memory manager initialized: log/map-server.exe.leaks
                     Hercules Development Team presents
                    _   _                     _
                   | | | |                   | |
                   | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
                   |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
                   | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
                   \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
    [Info]: Hercules 32-bit for Windows
    [Info]: Git revision (src): 'd961ab29ed635fdf5ff4ffa1dcf1ebbd013e750e'
    [Info]: Git revision (scripts): 'd961ab29ed635fdf5ff4ffa1dcf1ebbd013e750e'
    [Info]: OS version: 'Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (build 7601) [x86_64]'
    [Info]: CPU: 'x86_64 CPU, Family 21, Model 48, Stepping 1 [2]'
    [Info]: Compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (v1910)
    [Info]: Compile Flags: N/A
    [Info]: Timer Function Type: ticks count
    [Info]: Server uses 'select' as event dispatcher
    [Info]: Server supports up to '4096' concurrent connections.
    [Status]: HPM: Loaded plugin 'HPMHooking' (0.2) built with HPMHooking support.
    [Status]: HPM: Loaded plugin 'Hercules Battlegrounds' (1.0a) built with HPMHooki
    ng support.
    [Status]: HPM: There are '2' plugins loaded, type 'plugins' to list them
    [Error]: conf/map/maps.conf:1281 - syntax error
    [Warning]: Not all IP addresses in /conf/map/map-server.conf configured, auto-de
    [Info]: Defaulting to as our IP address
    [Info]: Map Server IP Address : '' -> ''.
    [Info]: Char Server IP Address : '' -> ''.
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_enabled' in file conf
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_from_town_only' in fi
    le conf/map/battle.conf!
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_ip_check' in file con
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_idle_announce' in fil
    e conf/map/battle.conf!
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_idle_autokick' in fil
    e conf/map/battle.conf!
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_balanced_queue' in fi
    le conf/map/battle.conf!
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_reward_rates' in file
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_xy_interval' in file
    [Warning]: Missing configuration 'battle_configuration/hBG_ranked_mode' in file
    [Info]: Logging item transactions to table 'picklog'.
    [Info]: Logging chat to table 'chatlog'.
    [Info]: Logging commands to table 'atcommandlog'.
    [Info]: Logging item transactions to table 'picklog'.
    [Info]: Logging chat to table 'chatlog'.
    [Info]: Logging commands to table 'atcommandlog'.
    [Info]: Connecting to the Map DB Server....
    [Status]: connect success! (Map Server Connection)
    [Info]: [SQL]: Connecting to the Log Database ragnarok At
    [Status]: [SQL]: Successfully 'connected' to Database 'ragnarok'.
    [Status]: Loading maps (using db/pre-re/map_cache.dat as map cache)...
    [Info]: Successfully loaded '0' maps.
    [Error]: timer_add_interval: invalid interval (tick=15662063 00B58480[hBG_send_x
    y_timer] id=0 data=0 diff_tick=0)
    [Status]: Done reading '62' command aliases in 'conf/atcommand.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '4' channels in 'conf/channels.conf'.
    [Error]: load_translations: map server default_language setting '' is not a load
    ed language
    [Status]: Done reading '6163' entries in 'pre-re/item_db.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'item_db2.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '156' entries in 'item_combo_db'.
    [Status]: Done reading '42' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_group.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '4' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_chain.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '162' entries in 'db/pre-re/item_packages.conf' ©.
    [Status]: Done reading '186' entries in 'db/item_options.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '16' entries in 'db/cashshop_db.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '1120' entries in 'db/pre-re/skill_db.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '264' entries in 'db/produce_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '136' entries in 'db/create_arrow_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '205' entries in 'db/abra_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '17' entries in 'db/spellbook_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '23' entries in 'db/magicmushroom_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '133' entries in 'db/skill_reproduce_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '16' entries in 'db/skill_improvise_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '74' entries in 'db/skill_changematerial_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '13' zones in 'db/pre-re/map_zone_db.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_item_ratio.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '40' entries in 'mob_chat_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '1006' entries in 'pre-re/mob_db.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'mob_db2.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '5515' entries in 'db/pre-re/mob_skill_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_skill_db2.txt'.
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2100.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 44 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2101.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 45 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2102.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 46 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2103.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 47 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2104.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 48 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2105.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 49 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2106.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 50 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Warning]: mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id 2107.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 51 of "db/mob_avail.txt".
    [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_avail.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '464' entries in 'pre-re/mob_branch.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '13' entries in 'pre-re/mob_poring.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '45' entries in 'pre-re/mob_boss.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '331' entries in 'mob_pouch.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '25' entries in 'mob_classchange.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '6' entries in 'db/pre-re/mob_race2_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '15' entries in 'db/pre-re/exp.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '4' entries in 'db/pre-re/attr_fix.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '175' entries in 'db/pre-re/statpoint.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '7' groups in 'conf/groups.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '134' entries in 'db/job_db2.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '3' entries in 'db/pre-re/size_fix.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '5' entries in 'pre-re/refine_db.conf'.
    [Status]: Done reading '392' entries in 'db/sc_config.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '116' entries in 'db/pre-re/job_db.conf'.
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 17 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 18 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 19 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 20 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 21 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 26 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 27 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 28 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 29 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 30 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 35 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 36 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 37 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 38 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 39 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 44 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 45 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 46 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 47 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 48 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 53 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 54 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 55 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 56 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 61 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 62 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 63 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 64 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 65 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 70 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 71 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 72 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 73 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 74 of "db/castle_db.txt".
    [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/castle_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '15' entries in 'db/guild_skill_tree.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '59' pets in 'pre-re/pet_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '0' pets in 'pet_db2.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '13' entries in 'db/pre-re/homunculus_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '99' levels in 'pre-re/exp_homun.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '82' entries in 'db/homun_skill_tree.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '61' entries in 'db/mercenary_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '157' entries in 'db/mercenary_skill_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '12' elementals in 'db/elemental_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '36' entries in 'db/elemental_skill_db.txt'.
    [Status]: Done reading '3044' entries in 'quest_db.conf'.
    [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/merchants/shops.txt', lin
    e '54'. Stopping...
     * w1=OnInit:
     * w2=
     * w3=
     * w4=
    [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/pre-re/merchants/shops.tx
    t', line '39'. Stopping...
     * w1=OnInit:
     * w2=
     * w3=
     * w4=
    [Error]: Missing 4 right curlys in file 'npc/custom/hBG/bg_flavius_td.txt', line
    [Info]: Done loading '531' NPCs:
            -'0' Warps
            -'0' Shops
            -'531' Scripts
            -'0' Spawn sets
            -'0' Mobs Cached
            -'0' Mobs Not Cached
    [Warning]: setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map 'rush_cas01', type 4, x1/
    y1 - 198,224 | x2/y2 - 207,233
    [Warning]: setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map 'rush_cas02', type 4, x1/
    y1 - 142,44 | x2/y2 - 151,53
    [Warning]: setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map 'rush_cas03', type 4, x1/
    y1 - 56,6 | x2/y2 - 69,17
    [Warning]: setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map 'rush_cas04', type 4, x1/
    y1 - 266,286 | x2/y2 - 275,295
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'Guillaume_Flag' (flag
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'Croix_Flag' (flag=0).
    [Warning]: setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map 'bat_c01', type 4, x1/y1
    - 50,124 | x2/y2 - 57,131
    [Warning]: setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map 'bat_c01', type 4, x1/y1
    - 142,52 | x2/y2 - 149,59
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to show a non-existing NPC 'Pointed Tree#rus11' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM03A' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM03B' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM02A' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM02B' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM01A' (
    [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'KVM Officer#KVM01B' (
    [Status]: Event 'OnInit' executed with '97' NPCs.
    [Info]: Hercules, Copyright © 2012-2016, Hercules Dev Team and others.
    [Info]: Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later.
    [Status]: Server is 'ready' and listening on port '0'.
    [Status]: Done reading 'Hercules Battlegrounds' v1.0a emblem data files. [By Smo
    [Status]: Hercules Battlegrounds v1.0a has been initialized. [by Smokexyz]
    [Status]: Attempting to connect to Char Server. Please wait.
    [Status]: Connecting to
    [Status]: Logging in to char server...
    [Fatal Error]: Connection to char-server failed 3.
    Map-Server has terminated abnormally.
    Restarting in 15 seconds, press Ctrl+C to cancel.

    Also, here's my VS log http://imgur.com/a/4jcUG and my plugins.conf:


    //=       _   _                     _
    //=      | | | |                   | |
    //=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
    //=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
    //=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
    //=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
    //=            http://herc.ws/board/
    //== Topic Discussion ================================
    //== http://herc.ws/board/topic/549-introducing-hercules-plugin-manager/
    //== Description =====================================
    //The plugin system allows you to create customized scripts
    //outside of the source. These scripts won't conflict with any
    //future source updates - think of it as a /conf/import/ for the source.
    /* --------------- Format ---------------
    After you have listed your  plugin(s) in "quotations",
    you need to put in a comma, to separate the plugins.
    plugins_list: [
    Please note that your scripts need to be saved
    in the .c (source code) extension and placed in the /src/plugin/ folder.
    plugins_list: [
    	/* Enable HPMHooking when plugins in use rely on Hooking */




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