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About champzro

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    Sorocaba Brazil
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  1. so basically i dont able to use? My game client is 2014, shame =/ Anyway i'll try it !!! Tks @fxfreitas
  2. anyone solved ?? stuck with this problem too, with Akatsuki Suit... when equiped, still showing job class behind i don't want change the job with skills etc... Just want to change the sprite... like Priest wearing Akatsuki suit, still "Priest" with normal class just change sprite...
  3. @askafreedom hey can you share with me those files ?,
  4. ow, i want use it !!! is done ? Great job,
  5. yO... i made this script with a friend, and both can't find where we screw up... script works fine until we go to give all items to NPC, and get back the quest item !!! if we have all the required itens works fine, but... if we don't have 1 item exemple : needs 500 id = 607, we have 499 id = 607 the NPC remove all itens of the quest, and don't show any error !!! there he is : i Will be grateful if anyone can help me with that
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