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Posts posted by Thyr

  1. On 2/23/2017 at 7:20 AM, Pandaaa said:

    Bump.. getting error while compiling

    Error	3	error C2039: 'flag' : is not a member of 'map_interface'        \src\map\atcommand.c	4424	1	map-server
    Error	4	error C2039: 'flag' : is not a member of 'map_interface'	\src\map\battle.c	6704	1	map-server
    Error	5	error C2039: 'flag' : is not a member of 'map_interface'	\src\map\battle.c	6776	1	map-server

    got this error too

  2. Hello is this can work on Hercules?


    Index: socket.c
    --- socket.c	(revision 13725)
    +++ socket.c	(working copy)
    @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
     #ifdef WIN32
     	#include <winsock2.h>
    +	#include <time.h>
     	#include <io.h>
     	#include <errno.h>
    @@ -112,7 +113,54 @@
     		sock_arr_len = fd+1;
     	return fd;
    +#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
    +  #define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS  11644473600000000Ui64
    +  #define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS  11644473600000000ULL
    +struct timezone 
    +  int  tz_minuteswest; /* minutes W of Greenwich */
    +  int  tz_dsttime;     /* type of dst correction */
    +int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz)
    +  FILETIME ft;
    +  unsigned __int64 tmpres = 0;
    +  static int tzflag;
    +  if (NULL != tv)
    +  {
    +    GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
    +    tmpres |= ft.dwHighDateTime;
    +    tmpres <<= 32;
    +    tmpres |= ft.dwLowDateTime;
    +    /*converting file time to unix epoch*/
    +    tmpres /= 10;  /*convert into microseconds*/
    +    tmpres -= DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS; 
    +    tv->tv_sec = (long)(tmpres / 1000000UL);
    +    tv->tv_usec = (long)(tmpres % 1000000UL);
    +  }
    +  if (NULL != tz)
    +  {
    +    if (!tzflag)
    +    {
    +      _tzset();
    +      tzflag++;
    +    }
    +    tz->tz_minuteswest = _timezone / 60;
    +    tz->tz_dsttime = _daylight;
    +  }
    +  return 0;
     int sAccept(int fd, struct sockaddr* addr, int* addrlen)
     	SOCKET s;
    @@ -196,6 +244,9 @@
     time_t last_tick;
     time_t stall_time = 60;
    +uint32 max_frequency_warning = 12; //Max number of packets user can have that are within a certain interval of each other before the program kicks
    +int diff_tolerance = 7000; //In microseconds
     uint32 addr_[16];   // ip addresses of local host (host byte order)
     int naddr_ = 0;   // # of ip addresses
    @@ -317,9 +368,37 @@
     		return 0;
     	session[fd]->rdata_size += len;
     	session[fd]->rdata_tick = last_tick;
    +	// Anti-WPE script by Zohan
    +    if(!session[fd]->flag.server && (RFIFOW(fd,0) == 0x0438 || RFIFOW(fd,0) == 0x0116))
    +    {
    +       session[fd]->lastDiff = session[fd]->thisDiff;
    +       session[fd]->lastPacket.tv_sec = session[fd]->thisPacket.tv_sec;
    +       session[fd]->lastPacket.tv_usec = session[fd]->thisPacket.tv_usec;
    +       gettimeofday(&session[fd]->thisPacket, NULL);
    +       session[fd]->thisDiff = (((session[fd]->thisPacket.tv_sec - session[fd]->lastPacket.tv_sec) * 1000000) + session[fd]->thisPacket.tv_usec) - session[fd]->lastPacket.tv_usec;
    +       if(abs(session[fd]->thisDiff - session[fd]->lastDiff) < diff_tolerance)
    +       {
    +          session[fd]->warning_number++;
    +          if(session[fd]->warning_number > max_frequency_warning)
    +          {
    +            set_eof(fd);
    +          }
    +       }
    +       else if(session[fd]->thisPacket.tv_sec - session[fd]->lastPacket.tv_sec > 10)
    +       {
    +            session[fd]->warning_number = 0;
    +       }
    +       else
    +       {
    +           if(session[fd]->warning_number > 0)
    +           {
    +             session[fd]->warning_number--;
    +           }
    +       }
    +    }
     	return 0;


    Index: socket.h
    --- socket.h	(revision 13725)
    +++ socket.h	(working copy)
    @@ -83,6 +83,13 @@
     	size_t rdata_pos;
     	time_t rdata_tick; // time of last recv (for detecting timeouts); zero when timeout is disabled
    +    //Anti-WPE
    +    struct timeval thisPacket;
    +    struct timeval lastPacket;
    +    int thisDiff;
    +    int lastDiff;
    +    uint32 warning_number; 
     	RecvFunc func_recv;
     	SendFunc func_send;
     	ParseFunc func_parse;


  3. How can i make the monster gets aggressive, if their same monster is being attack by a player.

    Example: 10 Peco Peco in your screen and you attacked 1 Peco Peco the other 9 will gets aggressive and attack you.

    heres my monster script.


    	Id: 3180
    	SpriteName: "GRAND_PECO_1"
    	Name: "Golden Peco"
    	Lv: 98
    	Hp: 55000
    	Sp: 0
    	Exp: 889
    	JExp: 455
    	AttackRange: 1
    	Attack: [2097, 5049]
    	Def: 10
    	Mdef: 10
    	Stats: {
    		Str: 1
    		Agi: 50
    		Vit: 40
    		Int: 35
    		Dex: 69
    		Luk: 40
    	ViewRange: 10
    	ChaseRange: 12
    	Size: "Size_Small"
    	Race: "RC_Demon"
    	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
    	Mode: {
    		CanMove: true
    		CastSensorIdle: true
    		CanAttack: true
    		Detector: true
    	MoveSpeed: 250
    	AttackDelay: 1156
    	AttackMotion: 456
    	DamageMotion: 384
    	MvpExp: 0

    Thank You!

  4. Hello,

    I got a semi modified emulator runs, on a VPS. Yesterday i got this problem sometimes the map server gets disconnected in 4 hours or 7 hours of running in VPS. The edits I did before this sudden disconnection happens when i removed the tomb spawn of mvp which gets me error if its set true on my vps also made some edits on my own npc scripts.

  5. So the bot killer asks to solve math equations? that's... actually the thing bots are best at

    Since, my emulator have no Bot Shield or Guard. I looked for anti bot script that pops out everytime a player kills 100+ monsters. just to avoid openkore bots auto-farm. Hehehe

  6. Hello,


    I download the Hercules emulator from https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules and downloaded as ZIP.

    and then I order a Linux VPS to host it, then i used that as my emulator. When i found there's an update in hercules recently.

    I want to update it to the latest.


    My Hercules Emulator is currently running on VPS. using Winscp to view it. So in Putty

    I followed the guide Updating a working copy from  here

    Typed "git pull"

    and this error comes

    [root@ragnarok Trunk]# git pull
    fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git




  7. Im having problem that when i equip and items to my character and relog the item is gone in inventor and equipment but the item equipped still views on the character. This problem start when I changed the Emulator files with new sql-files,etc., 


    How can i change the ragnarok schema, to use the new emulators sql-files. Is it possible to overwrite it? tried using putty typing this  

     mysql -u root -p ragnarok < root/Trunk/sql-files/main.sql

    after using that no message, if it change just came back from the root and waiting for the next command on putty. (checked data on phpadmin ragnarok schema, nothing changed)

  8. Hello, just question. I've look to topics on how to use/add plugins to my running server (not yet up there's compiling errors).


    I saw people saying do "make plugins", so i tried to use it in my puTTy to compile my edited makefile.in in src/plugins right? 


    after typing the make plugins this message pops up.


    # make plugins
    make: *** No rule to make target `plugins'.  Stop.


  9. Well, that means compile process is done, and it's leaving plugin directory now

    Maybe if you have more plugins, you have edited Makefile to include those plugins.

    After leaving the plugin directory. There's no more compile, but no warning that it stops.

    then tried to start the emulator and it gets me error.

    [Status]: HPM: Loaded plugin 'HPMHooking' (0.2) built with HPMHooking support.
    [Fatal Error]: HPM:plugin_load: failed to load 'plugins/command.so' (error: plugins/command.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)!
    [Status]: HPM: Loaded plugin 'HPMHooking' (0.2) built with HPMHooking support.
    [Fatal Error]: HPM:plugin_load: failed to load 'plugins/command.so' (error: plugins/command.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)!
    [Status]: HPM: Loaded plugin 'HPMHooking' (0.2) built with HPMHooking support.
    [Fatal Error]: HPM:plugin_load: failed to load 'plugins/command.so' (error: plugins/command.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)!

    Then I also tried adding my plugins in Makefile.in


    this is the line right?


    # This is only needed if you want to build your plugin through       #
    #   'make plugins' or 'make all'. If you don't add it to this list,  #
    #   you will still be able to build your plugin through              #
    #   'make plugin.my_plugin'                                          #
    #                                                                    #
    # Note: DO NOT include the .c extension!!!                           #
    #                                                                    #
    #########  DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE!!!  ##################

    i Change it to this

    # This is only needed if you want to build your plugin through       #
    #   'make plugins' or 'make all'. If you don't add it to this list,  #
    #   you will still be able to build your plugin through              #
    #   'make plugin.my_plugin'                                          #
    #                                                                    #
    # Note: DO NOT include the .c extension!!!                           #
    MYPLUGINS = command koe security fcp_bypass
    #                                                                    #
    #########  DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE!!!  ##################

    Then compiled the emulator it get me repeating compile this is the repeating when compiled. after editing the makefile.in in src/plugin/

    Reconfiguring with options:
    config.status: creating Makefile
    config.status: creating src/common/Makefile
    config.status: creating 3rdparty/mt19937ar/Makefile
    config.status: creating 3rdparty/libconfig/Makefile
    config.status: creating src/char/Makefile
    config.status: creating src/login/Makefile
    config.status: creating src/map/Makefile
    config.status: creating src/plugins/Makefile
    config.status: creating src/tool/Makefile
    config.status: creating src/test/Makefile
    config.status: creating tools/HPMHookGen/Makefile
    config.status: creating tools/doxygen/Makefile
    make[2]: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/Trunk'
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/Trunk/src/plugins'
    make[1]: Entering directory `/root/Trunk/src/plugins'
    make[1]: Warning: File `Makefile.in' has modification time 2.3e+03 s in the future
    make[2]: Entering directory `/root/Trunk'
    make[2]: Warning: File `src/plugins/Makefile.in' has modification time 2.3e+03 s in the future







    plugins_list: [
    	/* Enable HPMHooking when plugins in use rely on Hooking */
    //	"whosell",

    How can i compile the plugins? Typed make plugins

    this thing pops out 

     make plugins
    make: *** No rule to make target `plugins'.  Stop.

  10. For this simply make a new item and in the script<> section use getitem() for each item you want to give, then use doevent() to call your npc script and in this npc before any dialog use delitem() to remove the box, then put your dialog that asks which item you want

    Hello made function, 


    How can i make this continue to the next package after the accessory given the npc didn't continues.

    //== GPACK ======================================
    function	script	M_Gpack	{
    	switch(getarg(0)) {
    	case 1:
    	mes "[ Guild Package Manager ]";
    	mes "So you are a guild member,";
    	mes "please choose your accessory.";
    		switch(select("Strength", "Agility", "Vitality", "Intelligence", "Dexterity", "Luk")) {
    			case 1:
    			getitembound 2771,2,2;
    			case 2:
    			getitembound 2770,2,2;
    			case 3:
    			getitembound 2766,2,2;
    			case 4:
    			getitembound 2768,2,2;
    			case 5:
    			getitembound 2769,2,2;
    			case 6:
    			getitembound 2767,2,2;
    	mes "[ Guild Package Manager ]";
    	mes "Please choose  your set..";
    		switch(select("STR", "AGI", "VIT", "INT", "DEX", "LUK")) {
    			case 1: //STR
    			getitembound 20002,1,2;
    			getitembound 20002,1,2;
    			case 2: //AGI
    			getitembound 20011,1,2;
    			getitembound 20020,1,2;
    			case 3: //VIT
    			getitembound 20001,1,2;
    			getitembound 20016	,1,2;
    			case 4: //INT
    			getitembound 20004,1,2;
    			getitembound 20019,1,2;
    			case 5: //DEX
    			getitembound 20003,1,2;
    			getitembound 20018,1,2;
    			case 6: //LUK
    			getitembound 20013,1,2;
    			getitembound 20017,1,2;
    	case 2: 
    		mes "Nothing";

  11. How can I make a Item Box that triggers NPC.



    Freebies Box, this box give 100 ygg,100 box of thunder, valkyrie set, and Stat Accessory [this thing will trigger npc to choice which type of accessory STR,AGI,VIT,INT,DEX,LUK.


    (The box still distribute items and then triggers NPC talk, to choose what kind of accessory.)

  12. Hello, How can I add Guild Level Requirement. Guild Level must be level 50.

    warcraft,215,170,3	script	Guild Package	4_M_EIN_SOLDIER,{	
    .@req_online = 10; // how many players need to online to claim. 
    .@req_lv = 255; // minimum level of .@online players that has to be. 
    mes "[ ^007fffGuild Package^000000 ]";
    mes "Hello, I'm incharge for the Guild Package!";
    mes "Here are the Requirements:";
    mes "10 Members must be online to be able get our server Guild Package";
    mes "All members must be level 255";
    mes "^ff0000(Minimum of 15 Members)^000000";
    mes "^ff0000WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!^000000";
    mes "^ff0000Same IP Detection/Abuser^000000";
    mes "^ff0000@autoban  Goodluck!!~^000000";
    mes "[ ^007fffGuild Package^000000 ]";
    mes "^007fff--- Guild Leader ---^000000";
    mes "- ^ff0000100x^000000 ^009a4dBerry Box^000000";
    mes "- ^ff000050x^000000 ^009a4dBox of Thunder Box^000000";
    mes "- ^ff000050x^000000 ^009a4dPoison Bottle Box^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00002x^000000 ^009a4dTurtle General Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dGhostring Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dThara Frog Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dOrc Hero Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dEvil Snake Lord Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00002x^000000 ^009a4dPhreeoni Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dRaydric Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dGeneral Egnigem Cenia Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dSilver Valkyrie Helm^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dHollow Mask^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dSilver Valkyrie Armor^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dSilver Valkyrie Manteau^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dSilver Valkyrie Shield^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dSilver Valkyrie Shoes^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff0000500x^000000 ^009a4dSuperb Fish Slice^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff000050^000000 ^009a4dCredits^000000";
    mes "- ^ff0000500^000000 ^009a4dVoting Proof Ticket^000000";
    mes "[ ^007fffGuild Package^000000 ]";
    mes "^007fff-- Each Member --^000000";
    mes "- ^ff000050x^000000 ^009a4dBerry Box^000000";
    mes "- ^ff000050x^000000 ^009a4dBox of Thunder Box^000000";
    mes "- ^ff000050x^000000 ^009a4dPoison Bottle Box^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00002x^000000 ^009a4dTurtle General Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dGhostring Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dThara Frog Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dOrc Hero Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dEvil Snake Lord Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dRaydric Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00002x^000000 ^009a4dPhreeoni Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dGeneral Egnigem Cenia Card^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dSilver Valkyrie Helm^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dHollow Mask^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dSilver Valkyrie Armor^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dSilver Valkyrie Manteau^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dSilver Valkyrie Shield^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff00001x^000000 ^009a4dSilver Valkyrie Shoes^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff0000500x^000000 ^009a4dSuperb Fish Slice^000000 ^ff8000(Bound)^000000";
    mes "- ^ff000050^000000 ^009a4dCredits^000000";
    mes "- ^ff0000500^000000 ^009a4dVoting Proof Ticket^000000";
    if ( !getcharid(2) ) 
    mes "[ Guild Package ]";
    mes "You must have a guild";		
    if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) 
    mes "[ Guild Package ]";
    mes "You are not a Guild Leader";		
    getguildmember getcharid(2), 1;	
    getguildmember getcharid(2), 2;	
    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@guildmembercount; .@i++ )		
    if ( isloggedin( $@guildmemberaid[.@i], $@guildmembercid[.@i] ) )			
    .@online++;	if ( .@online < .@req_online ) 
    mes "[ Guild Package ]";
    mes "Your Guild must have "+ .@req_online +" guild members online";		
    	.@origin = getcharid(3);	
    		for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@guildmembercount; .@i++ ) 
    		if ( isloggedin( $@guildmemberaid[.@i], $@guildmembercid[.@i] ) ) 
    			attachrid $@guildmemberaid[.@i];			
    			if ( BaseLevel < .@req_lv ) 
    			.@deny_name$[.@c] = strcharinfo(0);				
    }	attachrid .@origin;	if ( .@c ) 
    			mes "[ Guild Package ]";
    			mes "^ff0000"+ .@c +"^000000 of your Guild member does not meet the ^ff0000255^000000 level requirement";		
    			mes implode( .@deny_name$, "," );		
    			for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@guildmembercount; .@i++ ) 
    			if ( isloggedin( $@guildmemberaid[.@i], $@guildmembercid[.@i] ) ) 
    				attachrid $@guildmemberaid[.@i];			
    				if ( #guild_package_claimed ) 
    				.@deny_name$[.@c] = strcharinfo(0);				
    		attachrid .@origin;	if ( .@c ) 
    		mes "[ Guild Package ]";
    		mes "there are "+ .@c +" members already claimed this package within their account";		
    		mes implode( .@deny_name$, "," );		
    		}	if ( query_sql( "select account_id as aaa, ( select last_ip from login where account_id = aaa ) as last_ip from guild_member where guild_id = "+ getcharid(2) +" group by last_ip", .@aid, .@ip$ ) < .@req_online ) 
    		mes "[ Guild Package ]";
    		mes "same ip detected";		
    		.@nb = query_sql( "select name, account_id as aaa, ( select last_ip from login where account_id = aaa ) as last_ip from guild_member where guild_id = "+ getcharid(2), .@name$, .@aid, .@ip$ );		
    		for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ )			
    		mes "[ Guild Package ]";
    		mes (.@i +1)+". "+ .@name$[.@i] +" ("+ .@ip$ +")";		
    		mes "[ Guild Package ]";
    		mes "Congratulations! Your Gpack has been claimed!";	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@guildmembercount; .@i++ ) 
    		if ( isloggedin( $@guildmemberaid[.@i], $@guildmembercid[.@i] ) ) 
    		attachrid $@guildmemberaid[.@i];			
    		if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != $@guildmembercid[.@i] )	
    		getitembound 13517,100,1; // Yggberry Box	
    		getitembound 13517,50,1; // Yggberry Box
    		getitembound 14524,500,1; //SUPER B	
    		getitem 7227,500; // Voting Proof Ticket
    		getitem 20030,50; // Credits
    		getitembound 30110,50,1; // Box Of Thunder Box
    		getitembound 13973,50,1; // EDP Box
    		getitembound 4305,2,1; // Turtle
    		getitembound 4121,2,1; // Phreeoni
    		getitembound 4047,1,1; // Ghostring
    		getitembound 4352,1,1; // Gen Egnihem
    		getitembound 4058,1,1; //Thara Frog
    		getitembound 4143,1,1; //ORC HERO
    		getitembound 4330,1,1;//ESL
    		getitembound 4133,1,1; //Raydric
    		getitembound 20023,1,1; //Hollow
    		getitembound 20009,1,1; //SilverV
    		getitembound 20008,1,1; //SilverV
    		getitembound 20007,1,1; //SilverV
    		getitembound 20006,1,1; //SilverV
    		#guild_package_claimed = 1;		
    	attachrid .@origin;	close;
    waitingroom "Guild Package? Claim it now!",0;


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