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About clydelion

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  1. clydelion


    o/ Hi I'm Asian. Err. I'm Clydelion
  2. Why not add this in conjunction with Lilith's skill damage modification. I think they would work hand in hand. This mod is a necessity nowadays.
  3. OMG, This is too awesome! (drops jaw)
  4. Oh right. Missed that. Anyway, this is a great addition to the emulator.
  5. Here's some of them. https://support.warpportal.com/KB/a276/what-is-the-ragnarok-vip-package.aspx
  6. Here's a global solution to your problem. Add 5-45 minutes of delay to BOSS monsters after a restart/reloadscript(random for every one) + display the remaining time for it to spawn(@mobsearch). http://pastebin.com/frRFwCq4
  7. I'm gonna CC my reply from the other forum to here.
  8. Class for players is Job ID, for monsters it is mob_id. i.e. Assassin Cross = 4013 Poring = 1002 bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1002,50; +50% bonus damage against Poring class.
  9. This should work(in theory) getpartymember getcharid(1),0; getpartymember getcharid(1),1; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; set .@count, $@partymembercount; copyarray .@name$[0], $@partymembername$[0], $@partymembercount; // list the party member names for (set .@i,0; .@i < .@count; set .@i, .@i+1) { if ((readparam(Class,.@name$[.@i]) == 4075 || readparam(Class,.@name$[.@i]) == 4076) && isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i]) //THE PARTY HAS A WANDERER/MINSTREL! //THE PARTY HAS A WANDERER/MINSTREL! //THE PARTY HAS A WANDERER/MINSTREL! } close; Uses readparam script command. The actual readparam usage is readparam(<type>{,"<character name>"}); type can be StatusPoint, BaseLevel, SkillPoint, Class, Upper, Zeny, Sex, Weight, MaxWeight, JobLevel, BaseExp, JobExp, NextBaseExp, NextJobExp, Hp, MaxHp, Sp, MaxSp, BaseJob, Karma, Manner, bVit, bDex, bAgi, bStr, bInt, bLuk
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