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About madtoyz

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  1. what and amazing work you do NeoMind. after this designer will make some sprite of shield and jobs
  2. What do you mean about "lua file for the quest information" ?
  3. it mean,need clean the castle table from database and then run the script resetcastle right ?
  4. How to do quest that hunting monster. example. npc will asking player to kil 100 orc warrior. then will popup 1quest mission (alt + U) after finish kill monster,talk to npc back and the npc will giving prize items
  5. after im change 90000 become 100. the buff icon is missing and still cooldown.
  6. im i correct ? bonus bAllStats,3; bonus2 bSubRace,7,10; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"MG_SAFETYWALL",1,2; if(readparam(bStr)>=100) { bonus bBaseAtk,20; };bonuse bAllStats,2; bonus2 bAddRace,7,15; bonus2 bSubRace,7,-7; bonus bMaxHPrate,2; bonus bMaxSPrate,2; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"NPC_CRITICALWOUND",1,30;bonus bAllStats,2; bonus bLongAtkRate,7; if(readparam(bStr)>=105) { bonus bLongAtkRate,3; }; if(readparam(bDex)>=85) { bonus bLongAtkRate,5; }; bonus bMaxHPrate,2; bonus bMaxSPrate,2;
  7. How to disable cool down on Inspiration skill im i correct ? db/re/skill_cast_db.txt //-- LG_INSPIRATION2325,2000,2000,0,30000:45000:60000:75000:90000,0,540000:480000:420000:360000:300000,1000 change become like this ? //-- LG_INSPIRATION2325,2000,2000,0,30000:45000:0:75000:90000,0,540000:480000:420000:360000:300000,1000
  8. sorry because i just try at 3ceAm.. working already on my Hercules server
  9. How to make this script can exchange any ammount player want. 100 poring coin = 30 cashpoint. //===== eAthena Script =======================================//= Cash Point Exchanger//===== By: ==================================================//= Happ5//===== Current Version: =====================================//= v1//===== Description: =========================================//= exchange coins into point//============================================================izlude,160,149,4 script Point Exchanger 714,{ mes "[Point Exchanger]"; mes "Hi there..i can exchange Poring Coins into points?!"; next; menu "500 Poring Coins to 10 Point",-, "1000 Poring Coins to 30 Point",L_Bl,"Cancel",L_Cancel; mes "[Point Exchanger]"; mes "Good good, let me just check"; next; if(countitem(7539)<500) goto L_NoMake; delitem 7539,500; mes "[Point Exchanger]"; mes "wait a second....."; next; set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS+10; mes "[Point Exchanger]"; mes "Total " + #CASHPOINTS + " Cash Points."; close;L_NoMake: mes "[Point Exchanger]"; mes "You don't have enough gold coins to exchange.."; close;L_Bl: mes "[Point Exchanger]"; mes "Good good, let me just check"; next; if(countitem(7539)<1000) goto L_NoMake; delitem 7539,1000; mes "[Point Exchanger]"; mes "Give me a second....."; next; set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS+30; mes "[Point Exchanger]"; mes "You now have " + #CASHPOINTS + " Cash Points."; close;L_Leave: mes "[Point Exchanger]"; mes "Maybe another time?"; close;L_Cancel: mes "[Point Exchanger]"; mes "Aw, what a shame"; close;}
  10. Reduce damage taken from DemiHuman monster by 10%..Add a chance of auto casting Level 1 Safety Wall when dealing physical damage(0.02%).Allstat +3..str more than 100(without modifier) add damage/attack 20% Increases physical attack against DemiHuman monster by 15%..Receive Physical Damage From Demi-Human 7% ...allstat +2..Hp/Sp Increment 5% ...Autocasting lvl1 Critical Wound while melee Attacking Add Range Damage 7% .. Str More Than 105(Without Modifier) Add 3% ...Dex More Than 85(Without Modifier) add 5% ..AllStat +2 Hp/Sp Increment 3%
  11. function script Henshin { set @sr,1; specialeffect2 EF_HEAL; specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; unittalk getcharid(3),"Henshin!!"; disguise 1785; percentheal 100,0; sleep2 10000; undisguise; set @sr,0; end;} ya..when use this, player will disguiese then hp will restore 100% back,. and i want add some new effect in this function,when player disguise + hp restore 100%. player recieve BERSERK skill 10second/until dead.
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