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Everything posted by Disgaea

  1. But I want the max color only for doram, all classes have the normal max color, but doram can go only on max hair color 4 and max hairstyle 10
  2. How to put max hair color for 4 and hair style 10 for doram when he go in the stylist?
  3. Can someone help me how to know the sizes? in the configuration file there is Left=121 Top=43 and Width=826, thats for the "news" Height=545, I'll put here the original image
  4. It worked, really thanks for all the help!
  5. wow dude it worked thx <3, only 1 question more to finish, when I say in the beginning "no" he dont say nothing, its blank, it stay like this @Legend
  6. And When I say that I have the items it get bugged, there is no close button
  7. Nvm I solved the error, btw can you tell me how to but that when I click that I have the items, she say something like "you dont have the items"? because if I say that I have even if I dont have she says congrats, if you already did that it doesnt work @meko
  8. Now I cant talk with the npc xd, he just dont talk, this npc really dont want to work
  9. Another thing xd, could u just tell me how to put "You dont have the items!", when I say that I have the items but i dont have? because now even if i dont have the items she says congrats
  10. But in the wait whats the material for, even if I have the items or not, when i click it just resets, he dont say nothing, And when I say "no" in the beginning it get bugged
  11. When I click the that question it just resets and dont happen nothing, and if i put that I have the items it says 2 things at the same time
  12. When I talk with him he only say this xD
  13. einbroch,55,200,4 script Herald 123,{ if( !#onetimeitem ){ set #onetimeitem,1; mes "Hello youngster. Want to know a secret?"; next; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: mes "[Herald]"; mes "You made the right choice. Do you know that the toughest material in Rune Midgard is called Mithril? The best part is, I know how to get it."; next; mes " If you're willing to prove me you can handle a tough excursion, I'll direct you to my friend, and from that moment on, you're his problem. Will you do it?"; next; OnMenu: switch(select("Yes I will do it!:Wait, what's the material for?")) { case 1: mes "[Herald]"; mes "Outstanding! I will need you to collect two pieces of Pure Bradium, an excellent mineral from Bradium Golems in Manuk Fields. Bring me these two, and I will give you something so that my friend grants you passage to the mines."; next; mes "So ,do you have the items?"; next; switch(select("Yes,Here They are:No")) { case 1: mes "[Herald]"; mes "Well done, I wasn't thinking you could do it. But be careful, the place where you'll be headed is very tough."; if (countitem(512) < 20) delitem 7233, getbounditem 1244 1 close; } mes "[Herald]"; mes "Let me know when you're done. I will reward you for your efforts."; close; } case 2: mes "[Herald]"; mes " Don't make me regret this. Bring me the damn Bradium!"; close; case 2: mes "[Herald]"; mes "I can't properly answer that. You will have to find someone willing to use it on anything. But hey, it's the toughest material in Rune-Midgard, it's gotta be useful, right?"; goto OnMenu; } } } } What Am I doing wrong? my head is just literally on fire right now, I dont even know what I'am doing anymore lol
  14. // credits to Annieruru function script ValueConvert { set .@num, atoi(""+getarg(0)); if ( .@num == 0 || .@num >= 2147483647 ) return getarg(0); set .@l, getstrlen(""+.@num); for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@l; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { set .@num$, .@num % pow(10,.@i+1) / pow(10,.@i) + .@num$; if ( (.@i+1) % 3 == 0 && .@i+1 != .@l ) set .@num$, ","+ .@num$; } return .@num$; } - script Stylist -1,{ OnTalk: mes "[^0055FF ::: Adv. Stylist ::: ^000000]"; mes "I can change your appearance."; if( .cost_size ){ mes " "; mes "^777777[ SERVICES PAYMENT ]^000000"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .menu_size; .@i++ ) if( .npc_mode & ( 1 << .@i ) ) if( .cost[.@i] ) mes "^0055FF"+.menu_name$[.@i]+" : ^777777"+ValueConvert( .cost[.@i] )+" "+.currency_name$[.@i]+"^000000"; else mes "^0055FF"+.menu_name$[.@i]+" : ^777777Free of Charge^000000"; } next; @style = ( select( .npc_menu$ ) - 1 ); @style_value = getlook( .look_type[@style] ); deletearray .@blacklist; switch( @style ){ Case 0: .@blacklist$ = ","+getd( ".blacklist_hairstyle_"+Sex+"$" )+","; break; Case 1: .@blacklist$ = ","+getd( ".blacklist_haircolor_"+Sex+"$" )+","; break; Case 2: .@blacklist$ = ","+getd( ".blacklist_cloth_"+Sex+"$" )+","; break; default: break; } .@style_number = .min_style[@style]; addtimer 1000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnPCLogoutEvent"; do{ message strcharinfo(0),.menu_name$[@style]+" : "+.@style_number+"th"; .@removed = 0; if( compare( .@blacklist$,","+.@style_number+"," ) ){ message strcharinfo(0),"[ REMOVED ] "+.menu_name$[@style]+" : "+.@style_number+"th"; .@removed = 1; // setlook .look_type[@style],.min_style[@style]; }else{ setlook .look_type[@style],.@style_number; } .@next = .@style_number + 1; .@prev = .@style_number - 1; if( .@next > .max_style[@style] ) .@next = .min_style[@style]; if( .@prev < .min_style[@style] ) .@prev = .max_style[@style]; @select = prompt( (( .@backward )?"Backward":"Forward" )+" - [ ^777777"+(( .@backward )? .@prev:.@next )+"th Style^000000 ]", (( !.@backward )?"Backward":"Forward" )+" - [ ^777777"+(( !.@backward )? .@prev:.@next )+"th Style^000000 ]", "Jump to a Style", ( .@removed )?"":"^0055FFOkay, I want this "+.menu_name$[@style]+"^000000" ); if( @select == 2 ) .@backward = !.@backward; switch( @select ){ Case 1: Case 2: .@style_number = (( .@backward )? .@prev:.@next ); break; Case 3: message strcharinfo(0),"Available Style : "+.min_style[@style]+" ~ "+.max_style[@style]+"."; input .@style_number,.min_style[@style],.max_style[@style]; break; Case 4: .@atoi_currency = atoi( .currency$[@style] ); if( @style_value == .@style_number ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Swt..that is your original hairstyles."; break; } else if( .@atoi_currency ){ if( countitem( .@atoi_currency ) >= .cost[@style] ){ .@success = 1; delitem .@atoi_currency,.cost[@style]; } }else{ if( getd( ""+.currency$[@style] ) >= .cost[@style] ){ .@success = 1; setd( ""+.currency$[@style] ),( getd( ""+.currency$[@style] ) - .cost[@style] ); } } if( .@success ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Enjoy your NEW "+.menu_name$[@style]+" !!"; @style_value = .@style_number; }else{ mes "You dont have enough "+.currency_name$[@style]+" to change this "+.menu_name$[@style]+"."; mes "Cost : ^777777"+ValueConvert( .cost[@style] )+" "+.currency_name$[@style]+"^000000"; close2; } default: setlook .look_type[@style],@style_value; break; } }while( @select != 4 && @select != 255 ); mes "Come back again next time. ^^"; @select = 0; close2; deltimer strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnPCLogoutEvent"; OnPCLogoutEvent: if( @select ) setlook .look_type[@style],@style_value; end; OnInit: // NPC Mode ( Bitmask ) // 1 - Enable Hairstyle // 2 - Enable Hair Color // 4 - Enable Cloth Color .npc_mode = 7; // Menu Name setarray .menu_name$, "Hair Style", "Hair Color", "Cloth Color"; // Payment Currency + Cost // Can be ITEM ID or Any Variable. setarray .currency$, "Zeny", // Hairstyle - Ex. need Zeny "Zeny", // Hair Color - Ex. need Zeny "Zeny"; // Cloth Color - Ex. need Zeny setarray .cost, 10000, // Hairstyle ( 10,000 Zeny ) 10000, // Hair Color ( 10,000 Zeny ) 10000; // Cloth Color ( 10,000 Zeny ) // Blacklisted Style for each style and each gender. // --- Female --- .blacklist_hairstyle_0$ = "2,4,6"; .blacklist_haircolor_0$ = "1,3,5"; .blacklist_cloth_0$ = "1,2,3"; // --- Male --- .blacklist_hairstyle_1$ = "3,5,7"; .blacklist_haircolor_1$ = "2,4,6"; .blacklist_cloth_1$ = "4,5,6"; // Dont edit setarray .min_style,getbattleflag( "min_hair_style" ),getbattleflag( "min_hair_color" ),getbattleflag( "min_cloth_color" ); setarray .max_style,getbattleflag( "max_hair_style" ),getbattleflag( "max_hair_color" ),getbattleflag( "max_cloth_color" ); .menu_size = getarraysize( .menu_name$ ); .cost_size = getarraysize( .cost ); setarray .look_type,LOOK_HAIR,LOOK_HAIR_COLOR,LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR; for( .npc_menu$ = ""; .@i < .menu_size; .@i++ ) .npc_menu$ = .npc_menu$ + ( ( .npc_mode & ( 1 << .@i ) )? .menu_name$[.@i]:"" ) +":"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .cost_size; .@i++ ){ .@atoi = atoi( .currency$[.@i] ); .currency_name$[.@i] = ( ( !.@atoi || getitemname( .@atoi ) == "null" )? .currency$[.@i]:getitemname( .@atoi ) ); } end; } // NPC Lists prontera,155,181,5 script Adv. Stylist#main 878,{ doevent "Stylist::OnTalk"; } prontera,115,181,5 duplicate(Adv. Stylist#main) Adv. Stylist#1 878 prontera,115,181,5 duplicate(Adv. Stylist#main) Adv. Stylist#2 878 prontera,115,181,5 duplicate(Adv. Stylist#main) Adv. Stylist#3 878 How to put Max Hair color 4 only for doram?
  15. And when I want to merge other branch I need to choose the branch and then pull? I dont need to click stash or stash pop?
  16. Wow thx! what program are you using? tortoise?
  17. I'll see the video, thx for the help man
  18. With that 2 videos I can learn how to keep the emulator updated?
  19. No matter what it just dont work :/ , you can do it step by step with screenshot? If necessary I pay , I really need to learn how to do this <-<
  20. I've seen some topics about this but I just dont understand, I have a clone of the repository, but how I put my current emulator files into the clone to keep it updated? im using git desktop/sourcetree
  21. Hello everyone, my apologies if im posting in the wrong section. I can't seem to find Warg Strike's (Currently Wug Strike) location to change it, I want to increase it's after cast delay. As in, it's cooldown, from one to possibly three or four. The problem is, I cannot find it in skill_cast_db. Can anyone help? I managed to change it's damage, though.
  22. Update 2: FAQ: http://tristonro.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3-tristonros-faq
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