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  1. im sorry if my request from eathena site and here hercules more active dev pls understand .. requesting no dual login for 20100730 please
  2. youtube

    PK area

    any place in prontera
  3. youtube

    PK area

    pk area please...
  4. example normal npc is heal for normal players and to VIP members like this #prm Vip members full buffs Vip-----------> vip player = you are VIP members -------- >get full buffs | ----------------- not vip player = sorry you are not members ---> close.
  5. how can make guild recall command for GL?
  6. can suggestion . example i have VIP buffs 1 character only change to whole account the VIP buffs and commands
  7. every 12pm ramdom summon of mobs in prontera like poring poporing and drop.
  8. where can put the map?
  9. good day can i request about cashpoint details one party name PARTYLIST 5members when i kill this mobs 1514 my partymembers got cashpoints20 all members same like my points and annouce the partyname kill this mobs and 1609 i kill this mobs i got 50cashpoints and my party members and annouce the party members this party kill this mobs
  10. please share a client i try use 2013 and her . please name : full guard ragnarok online
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