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Posts posted by Huitzilopotchli

  1. Finaly find it, it come from this:
    In status.c, status_calc_regen, minimum value is 1, means all job whatever if they have skill or sitting regen bonus, will display this "1" heal regen

    	if (regen->skill != NULL) {
    		regen->skill->hp = cap_value(regen->skill->hp, 1, INT16_MAX);
    		regen->skill->sp = cap_value(regen->skill->sp, 1, INT16_MAX);
    	if (regen->sitting != NULL) {
    		regen->sitting->hp = cap_value(regen->sitting->hp, 1, INT16_MAX);
    		regen->sitting->sp = cap_value(regen->sitting->sp, 1, INT16_MAX);

    We've change for this and it's work fine

    	if (regen->skill != NULL) {
    		regen->skill->hp = cap_value(regen->skill->hp, 0, INT16_MAX);
    		regen->skill->sp = cap_value(regen->skill->sp, 0, INT16_MAX);
    	if (regen->sitting != NULL) {
    		regen->sitting->hp = cap_value(regen->sitting->hp, 0, INT16_MAX);
    		regen->sitting->sp = cap_value(regen->sitting->sp, 0, INT16_MAX);


  2. Hit', about the bg_flavius_td.txt error :



    For deathmatch it's about this :

    set .@guillaume, hBG_get_data($@BG_Team1, 0);
    set .@croix, hBG_get_data($@BG_Team2, 0);

    i change to :

    .@guillaume = hBG_get_data($@BG_Team1, 0);
    .@croix = hBG_get_data($@BG_Team2, 0);

    and no more spam in console ^^

    i think there is an error in the pull request :


    change this :

    .@guillaume, hBG_get_data($@BG_Team1, 0);

    .@croix, hBG_get_data($@BG_Team2, 0);

    .@guillaume = hBG_get_data($@BG_Team1, 0);

    .@croix = hBG_get_data($@BG_Team2, 0);
    For the first error, you have to disable official BG npc ^^

  3. Hi, i don't know how use the pull request, i'm on github since somes day for my server ^^
    And for the immunity check it doesn't work ^^'.
    So after many try and research(i'm bad in C ^^'), i've finaly fix it

    	struct mob_data *md;
    	struct block_list *mbl;
    	struct hBG_mob_data *hBGmd;
    	int id = script_getnum(st, 2),
    	flag = script_getnum(st, 3);
    		if (id == 0 || (mbl = map->id2bl(id)) == NULL || mbl->type != BL_MOB) {
    			script_pushint(st, 0);
    			return false;
    		md = (TBL_MOB *)mbl;
    		if (!(hBGmd = getFromMOBDATA(md, 0))) {
    			CREATE(hBGmd, struct hBG_mob_data, 1);
    			addToMOBDATA(md, hBGmd, 0, true);
    		hBGmd->state.immunity = flag;
    	return true;
    int battle_check_target_post(int retVal, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int flag) {
    	if (retVal == 1 && target->type == BL_MOB) {
    		struct hBG_mob_data *hBGmd;
    		if ((hBGmd = getFromMOBDATA((TBL_MOB*)target, 0)))
    			if (hBGmd && (hBGmd->state.immunity > 0)) {
    				return -1;
    	return retVal;

  4. Hi ! for the After cast delay of guild skill i've fix it :

    int skillnotok_pre(uint16 *skill_id, struct map_session_data **sd)
    	int16 idx, m;
    	nullpo_retr(1, *sd);
    	m = (*sd)->bl.m;
    	idx = skill->get_index(*skill_id);
    	if (idx == 0)
    		return 1;
    	if (map->list[m].flag.battleground && *skill_id >= GD_SKILLBASE && *skill_id <= GD_DEVELOPMENT)
    	if ((*sd)->blockskill[idx] || !(map->list[m].flag.battleground)) {
    		clif->skill_fail(*sd, *skill_id, USESKILL_FAIL_SKILLINTERVAL, 0);
    		return 1;
    	return 0;
    	return (map->list[m].flag.noskill);

    but for the hBg_monster_immunity flag, i've tryed somethings but it result nothing ^^'


    I mean latest commit of the hBG repository.

    Can you maybe extract it again and try?

    >I find another think, when you take a Flag or a Stone, i see that you can use skill and normaly it's not possible. I find this :


    i don't know if you can add this in your plugin. 


    i've add this in my emulator and it work nicely !


    This is a separate function. Maybe another plugin could incorporate this. I'd like to keep hBG as free of unrelated things as possible.


    Nice work, no more map crash.


    I have some other issue .


    -Rush: If a team break the Emperium, the other team may be warp to the therapist, no ?




    I think it's about this ^^


    -Bossnia: MvP are not immune when the center flag is neutral. 

    Error in console is :




    And the MvP name is not the same as MvP Sprite. For this it's just in mob_avail.txt


    -Guild Skill have no ACD

    These look like simple script issues, maybe someone could push a PR with fixes (if they are so generous). Or if in the future I find the time for it I will add it in.


    For console error, yes it's "easy" to fix it, maybe i can give you the line that i've add ?

    But for the after cast delay of guild skill i think it's in the hBG.c :


    line 3702: guild->block_skill(sd, skill->get_time2(*skill_id, *skill_lv));


    It's special acd for guild skill, but i don't know how to fix it in the plugin ^^'


    And for monster immunity, it look like to be in hBG.c too : because in the script, the command script hBG_monster_immunity is correctly config.

  6. Nice work, no more map crash.


    I have some other issue .

    -Rush: If a team break the Emperium, the other team may be warp to the therapist, no ?




    I think it's about this ^^

    -Bossnia: MvP are not immune when the center flag is neutral. 

    Error in console is :




    And the MvP name is not the same as MvP Sprite. For this it's just in mob_avail.txt


    -Guild Skill have no ACD

  7. I've disable this line too and when i arrow shower on my traps, traps knockback normaly but i do damage on and sniper is not suppose to do damage on his traps.

    I've try another think when "nullpo_ret(bst);" is enable :
    -It's to put marine sphere card on my sniper, and when i cast magnum break on my traps i do damage on it, and it knockback normaly.


    So i don't know what is wrong.

  8. Hi, i've the same error when i use arrow shower on traps and i don't use any plugins.

    Setting: pre-renewal

    Error :


    [Error]: --- nullpo info --------------------------------------------
    [Error]: skill.c:12185: 'bst' in function `Unkown'
    [Error]: --- end nullpo info ----------------------------------------

    Line in skill.c:


                     tstatus = status->get_status_data(bl);
                     bst = status->get_base_status(bl);
    12185->    nullpo_ret(bst);
                     type = status->skill2sc(sg->skill_id);
                     skill_id = sg->skill_id;
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