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Everything posted by Amalgam

  1. Can anybody help me add a delay of 60 seconds before using the command again. Thanks! /*========================================== * @storeall by [MouseJstr] * Put everything into storage *------------------------------------------*/ACMD_FUNC(storeall){ int i; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if (sd->state.storage_flag != 1) { //Open storage. if( storage_storageopen(sd) == 1 ) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You can't open the storage currently."); return -1; } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (sd->status.inventory[i].amount && sd->status.inventory[i].equip == 0) { if(sd->status.inventory[i].equip != 0) pc_unequipitem(sd, i, 3); storage_storageadd(sd, i, sd->status.inventory[i].amount); } } storage_storageclose(sd); clif_displaymessage(fd, "It is done"); return 0;}
  2. Only Trans and Extended jobs are allowed to enter.
  3. Hello, Anyone can teach me on how to set a npc that only allow transcendent jobs and extended jobs(Ninja, Gunslinger, Soul Linker, Taekwon, Star Gladiator) with base lvl 99? Thanks!
  4. Hello, I'm really noob at scripting can I request a job checker and base job checker? I want a npc to only allow Trans Job, Super Novice, Gunslinger, Ninja, Soulinker, Star Gladiator to be able to warp to a certain map. Thanks.
  5. Im really having a problem when I open the storage using @storage and then use @refresh. My character will be stuck. How can I put a check if storage is open and @refresh command cannot be used. There will be a message saying "Please close your storage first before using @refresh". Thanks!
  6. Hello, How to make this last for 3 minutes clif_specialeffect(bl, 679, AREA); or how to make it display when a specific status is set? Because I want to create a scroll for aura. If they use the scroll they have a effect that will last only in 3minutes. Example is this. int skill_enchant_elemental_end (struct block_list *bl, int type){ struct status_change *sc; const enum sc_type scs[] = { SC_ENCPOISON, SC_ASPERSIO, SC_FIREWEAPON, SC_WATERWEAPON, SC_WINDWEAPON, SC_EARTHWEAPON, SC_SHADOWWEAPON, SC_GHOSTWEAPON, SC_ENCHANTARMS }; int i; nullpo_ret(bl); nullpo_ret(sc= status_get_sc(bl)); clif_specialeffect(bl, 382, ALL_CLIENT); if (!sc->count) return 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(scs); i++) if (type != scs[i] && sc->data[scs[i]]) status_change_end(bl, scs[i], INVALID_TIMER); return 0;} The problem is the effect will be lost if you try to warp or use flywings. I want the effect to last until a certain time.
  7. Can anybody help me. I've been figuring out how to put this effect when they used this Fire elemental scroll. The effect is from Amplify Magic Power. I want the equipment animation with shining effect.
  8. Amalgam

    NPC Talk color

    Hello guys, I just want to ask if its possible to change the color of the npctalk npc script. help me pretty please.
  9. Thank you so much again!
  10. Thank you so much! KeyWorld, one more question. This is okay to the server right?
  11. Okay so the other option is okay right? but im having some compilation errors. srcmapclif.c(9874): error C2065: 'guild' : undeclared identifiersrcmapclif.c(9874): error C2223: left of '->search' must point to struct/unionsrcmapclif.c(9876): error C2065: 'clif' : undeclared identifiersrcmapclif.c(9876): error C2223: left of '->guild_notice' must point to struct/union
  12. Hello, Can anybody help me to make the guild message to be the last to load? I mean I have a login notice(using dispbottom), but the Guild message is popping out first. I want it to be the very last to appear.
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