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Posts posted by Mhalicot

  1. At last, I figured out what your problem is.


    Check this out, this is my login img


    The thing is you are trying to login using your server account and password


    ..You need to create a new Account. That could solve your problem


    The first Authentication is for the server side. the second is for the character account.


    GoodLuck :)

  2. Just a missing curly at the top of Rebellion, you can add it manually..


    but there's still error on db/pre-re/job_db1.txt


    [Error]: sv_readdb: Too many columns in line 283 of "db/pre-re/job_db1.txt" (found 30, maximum is 29).

    Because it is on their database, when you update your Server you can encounter that error.




    Could you please file a bug report on our bug tracker? This way, devs will read and fix it way quicker on bug reports than here in the forums.


    Thanks a lot!


    For some reason I cant start a topic there.. Maybe its a bug thing again.. I will try to put it on Bug Tracker tomorrow.

  3. Missing "}" curly Bracket at db/re/skill_tree.conf


    }Oboro: {	inherit: ( "Ninja" );		skills: { 		KO_YAMIKUMO: {			MaxLevel: 1			NJ_KIRIKAGE: 5		}		KO_RIGHT: 5		KO_LEFT: 5		KO_JYUMONJIKIRI: {			MaxLevel: 5			KO_YAMIKUMO: 1		}		KO_SETSUDAN: {			MaxLevel: 5			KO_JYUMONJIKIRI: 2		}		KO_BAKURETSU: {			MaxLevel: 5			NJ_KUNAI: 5		}		KO_HAPPOKUNAI: {			MaxLevel: 5			KO_BAKURETSU: 1		}		KO_MUCHANAGE: {			MaxLevel: 10			KO_MAKIBISHI: 3		}		KO_HUUMARANKA: {			MaxLevel: 5			NJ_HUUMA: 5		}		KO_MAKIBISHI: {			MaxLevel: 5			NJ_ZENYNAGE: 1		}		KO_MEIKYOUSISUI: {			MaxLevel: 5			NJ_NINPOU: 10		}		KO_ZANZOU: {			MaxLevel: 5			NJ_UTSUSEMI: 1		}		KO_KYOUGAKU: {			MaxLevel: 5			KO_GENWAKU: 2		}		KO_JYUSATSU: {			MaxLevel: 5			KO_KYOUGAKU: 3		}		KO_KAHU_ENTEN: 1		KO_HYOUHU_HUBUKI: 1		KO_KAZEHU_SEIRAN: 1		KO_DOHU_KOUKAI: 1		KO_KAIHOU: {			MaxLevel: 1			KO_KAHU_ENTEN: 1			KO_HYOUHU_HUBUKI: 1			KO_KAZEHU_SEIRAN: 1			KO_DOHU_KOUKAI: 1		}		KO_ZENKAI: {			MaxLevel: 1			KO_KAIHOU: 1			KO_IZAYOI: 1		}		KO_GENWAKU: {			MaxLevel: 5			NJ_UTSUSEMI: 1		}		KO_IZAYOI: {			MaxLevel: 5			NJ_NINPOU: 5		}		OB_ZANGETSU: {			MaxLevel: 5			KO_GENWAKU: 1		}		OB_OBOROGENSOU: {			MaxLevel: 5			OB_AKAITSUKI: 3		}		OB_AKAITSUKI: {			MaxLevel: 5			OB_ZANGETSU: 2		}	}Rebellion: {


  4. You can youse 20130807 without running loki client.. 


    download this diff 




    and add this


    Restore Login Window

    REstore 1 log 1 type parameter

    Cancel to window Login



    then run the client directly..


    for more info this is the originaL Link



  5. How can I add 3rd job Skills and skillpoint in Explode/implode?


    something like this


    Not working with 3rd Jobs, Baby 3rds, Expanded Super Novice, and Kagerou/Oboro, Rebellion

    //Store Charexplode( .@Saved_Array$,SAVED$,"@" );    explode( .@Saved2_Array$,SAVED2$,"@" );        explode( .@Stats_Array$,.@Saved2_Array$[0],"-" );    explode( .@Class_Array$,.@Saved_Array$[0],"#" );    explode( .@Skill_ID_Array$,.@Saved_Array$[1],"#" );    explode( .@Skill_LV_Array$,.@Saved_Array$[2],"#" );    explode( .@Skill_FLAG_Array$,.@Saved_Array$[3],"#" );getskilllist;                for( set .@i,0; .@i < @skilllist_count; set .@i,.@i + 1 )                    if( @skilllist_id[.@i] ){                        set .@Temp_Skill_ID$[.@i],@skilllist_id[.@i];                        set .@Temp_Skill_LV$[.@i],@skilllist_lv[.@i];                        set .@Temp_Skill_FLAG$[.@i],@skilllist_flag[.@i];                    }                set .@Class_Array$[.@Slot],Class;                set .@ClassSkillID$[.@Slot],implode( .@Temp_Skill_ID$,"-" );                set .@ClassSkillLV$[.@Slot],implode( .@Temp_Skill_LV$,"-" );                set .@ClassSkillFLAG$[.@Slot],implode( .@Temp_Skill_FLAG$,"-" );                                    setarray .@Temp_Stats$[0],BaseLevel,JobLevel,StatusPoint,SkillPoint,readparam(13),readparam(14),readparam(15),readparam(16),readparam(17),readparam(18);                    set .@ClassStats$[.@Slot],implode( .@Temp_Stats$,"-" );                                set .@Saved$[0],implode( .@Class_Array$,"#" );                set .@Saved$[1],implode( .@ClassSkillID$,"#" );                set .@Saved$[2],implode( .@ClassSkillLV$,"#" );                set .@Saved$[3],implode( .@ClassSkillFLAG$,"#" );                set SAVED$,implode( .@Saved$,"@" );                set SAVED2$,implode( .@ClassStats$,"@" );                                //Load Char        jobchange atoi( .@Class_Array$[.@Slot] );                        set BaseLevel,atoi( .@Load_Stats$[0] );                set JobLevel,atoi( .@Load_Stats$[1] );                set StatusPoint,atoi( .@Load_Stats$[2] );                set SkillPoint,atoi( .@Load_Stats$[3] );                for( set .@i,13; .@i <= 18; set .@i,.@i + 1 )                    statusup2 .@i,( atoi( .@Load_Stats$[.@i-9] ) - 1 );                                explode( .@Load_Skill_ID$,.@Skill_ID_Array$[.@Slot],"-" );                explode( .@Load_Skill_LV$,.@Skill_LV_Array$[.@Slot],"-" );                explode( .@Load_Skill_FLAG$,.@Skill_FLAG_Array$[.@Slot],"-" );                                for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .@Load_Skill_ID$ ); set .@i,.@i + 1 )                    if( !atoi( .@Load_Skill_FLAG$[.@i] ) && atoi( .@Load_Skill_ID$[.@i] ) )                        skill atoi( .@Load_Skill_ID$[.@i] ),atoi( .@Load_Skill_LV$[.@i] ),0;




    But unfortunately this code didn't store 3rd Jobs Skills, it returns empty skillpoint and unfilled skills.


    The stats and statpoint is good. My problem is just the 3rd job skills.. 



    Thanks in advance,

  6. Armor> Showing Weapon equip

    Weapon> Showing Armor equip.


    same alson when mouseover to the Armor icon it shows "Weapons" and for Weapon icon it shows "Armors"

    I think its on msgstringtable.txt but there are 2 weapon# and 2 armor# I don't know what to switch or is it the right to place..


    I am using 20130807

  7. I have already setup the correct version for both my client and server.


    Client Folder










    Tried many other version but always get rejected from server. How now :| 


    and yes I did recompile server every time too.


    Have you read 


    // Comment the following line if your client is NOT ragexeRE (required because of conflicting packets in ragexe vs ragexeRE).#define PACKETVER_RE


    That Should be 


    // Comment the following line if your client is NOT ragexeRE (required because of conflicting packets in ragexe vs ragexeRE).//#define PACKETVER_RE

    Clean and rebuild..


    wish it solves your problem.


  8. Error. I am using 20130807 client


    Can't apply the patch


    Exception Source:      mscorlibException Type:        System.IO.EndOfStreamExceptionException Message:     Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.Exception Target Site: ReadByte   at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadByte()   at xDiffPatcher.DiffFile.ApplyPatch(DiffPatch patch, Byte[]& buf, BinaryReader r)   at xDiffPatcher.DiffFile.Patch(String inputFile, String fileName)   at xDiffPatcher.frmMain.btnSave_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)Additional info:Diff File: 2013-08-07aRagexe.xdiffPatches:[x] Enable Custom Jobs[x] Enable Custom Shields

  9. the data folder in client translation rev37 will be convert become grf right ?.

    i dont see any of idnum2itemdesctable/idnum2itemdisplaynametable/idnum2itemresnametable txt at there,which mean the hexed will read on data.grf/rdata.grf (kro) right ?.


    and how about if i want to add some new items ?need i to create a new idnum2itemdesctable/idnum2itemdisplaynametable/idnum2itemresnametable txt or copy back idnum2itemdesctable/idnum2itemdisplaynametable/idnum2itemresnametable txt from kro data ?

    just extract it using grf extractor then when you've done to edit, Add and repack.. :)


    for more info click >> Custom_Items

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