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Everything posted by DiegoHelio

  1. Sorry for the friends error, I found that using userid and passwd in the same map-server.confi file in char-server.conf works. I had disabled them, thinking it was communicating with the database. map-server.conf inter: { // Interserver communication passwords, set in the login server database userid: "user" passwd: "pass" char-server.conf inter: { // Server Communication username and password. userid: "user" passwd: "pass" Thanks again @Dastgir, your response worked perfectly as desired!
  2. Thanks for the help @Dastgir, it worked for the login, but the error in the ma-server when connecting in char-server. map-server
  3. Exactly, I need all servers to use the same database for login, just login. Char / map each server will have your. By doing this, I create only one account, and I use it for all servers, just like I already do on rAthena, and the same is done on the official one.
  4. Only the accounts, the rest will not be migrated, and let's say I start the servers from scratch, I get all the servers log in the same database, but load the characters and all other rest? To facilitate what I need to do .... Server 1 Login: Char, map, etc: Server 2 Login: Char, map, etc: Is that what I need to do at Hercules too, with you? And thanks for your support so far ^^
  5. Yes, I have already looked, but I do not know how to do so that only the login is done on another server. Database_names: { Account_db: "login" Login_db: "loginlog" These need to connect to a different database from the other tables. Because? I want to migrate my accounts from rAthena to start using Hercules, but in rAthena I used 1 account for all the servers, you know?
  6. Good afternoon friends, I need to configure the login table and loginlog in a different database, for example: Myserver_login: login, loginlo Myserver_1: char, storage ..... etc Myserver_2: char, storage ..... etc I did this with rAthena using the "inter_athena.conf" // MySQL Login server Login_server_ip: Login_server_port: 3306 Login_server_id: *** Login_server_pw: *** Login_server_db: *** // MySQL Character server Char_server_ip: Char_server_port: 3306 Char_server_id: *** Char_server_pw: *** Char_server_db: *** Etc ... I can do the same in Hercules? Thank you : )
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