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Found 13 results

  1. Hello Community! That's my first server. I just put my server online on a host, but for some reason, my patch doesn't connect to char selection screen, it does log in correctly, you can select the server and click on 'ok botton', but it doesn't load the character selection screen, idk why, can someone please help me? I'll upload a screenshot of my clientinfo.xml! Thanks a lot! OBS: In LocalHost it runs normally!!! PrintSreen of clientinfo.xml: Selecting the server normally: Long waiting for Character Selection Screen: Cant Connect! Host:
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Place it in your À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º folder
  3. RO Credentials About Simple and tiny client launcher+login. Has no prerequisites and runs on all Windows versions. Known Issues [aavc] This tool is not safe for computers running Avast Anti-Virus. Download binary, reference source Q & A Is it customizable? Yes. How? With resource editing tools, such as ResourceHacker. All text and icons can be customized. Settings can be edited in an INI file, instructions on how to do that are provided in the example files together with the launcher. What is "reference source"? You cannot compile it (unless you provide the missing components), but see what functionality the latest binary contains. I want it to be xyz.exe, but it does not read the INI file. Why? You have to match the INI name to the EXE name. rocred.exe -> rocred.ini mytest.exe -> mytest.ini How can I embed an INI file into the EXE? Add the INI file as RCDATA resource named CONFIG with ResourceHacker. How do I use background skinning? Create a file named bgskin.bmp (magenta #ff00ff is considered transparent). You can also embed the file as BITMAP resource with the name BGSKIN. Window size is adjusted to the bitmap size, position of controls must be set in the INI. Buttons can be skinned as well, see the INI for names. Can I add custom buttons, if so, how many? Yes, see the INI template for details. There is no defined limit on how many, the only constraints are available memory, GDI resources and INI size limit on some platforms. By the way, custom buttons can be skinned as well. Why does the client not auto-login when I press "Start" / Why do I have to login twice? The client must be 2010-08-04aRagexeRE or newer and must not have the "Restore Login Window" patch and should have the "Use SSO Login Packet" patch. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.
  4. Version v5 @r99


    StarGames Control Panel is a Control Panel used for Private Ragnarok Online Servers. It's integrated with it's very own Community Board System, Self Locking System, Server Status, and a Bug Report / Contact System. Before installing Stargames Control Panel on your webhost, you need to make sure your webhost provider offers you: * PHP 5.2 * PDO and PDO-MYSQL extensions for PHP5 (including PHP_MYSQL support) * MySQL 5 * GD2 (for guild emblems and registration CAPTCHA) * Tidy (for cleaner HTML output) * Optional: mod_rewrite support for UseCleanUrls feature You can view this demo by going to this link: http://sgcp.hostei.com/index.php?act=idx
  5. File Name: StarGames Control Panel for Hercules 3rd Job File Submitter: OnNplay File Submitted: 30 Jul 2013 File Category: Web Resources StarGames Control Panel is a Control Panel used for Private Ragnarok Online Servers. It's integrated with it's very own Community Board System, Self Locking System, Server Status, and a Bug Report / Contact System. Before installing Stargames Control Panel on your webhost, you need to make sure your webhost provider offers you: * PHP 5.2 * PDO and PDO-MYSQL extensions for PHP5 (including PHP_MYSQL support) * MySQL 5 * GD2 (for guild emblems and registration CAPTCHA) * Tidy (for cleaner HTML output) * Optional: mod_rewrite support for UseCleanUrls feature You can view this demo by going to this link: http://sgcp.hostei.com/index.php?act=idx Click here to download this file
  6. Primeiramente, desculpas se abri o tópico no lugar errado. Alguém pode me ajudar com esse erro? Ao fazer login, aparece a tela pra escolher qual servidor, e quando "entra" aparece "Recusado pelo servidor." e o seguinte erro no "login-server". AQUI. A versão do meu hexed: 2015-11-04 E estou usando a ultima versão do Hercules. mmo.h Agradeço a todos.
  7. Can I change the size of the login box? I have already tried to edit the image and increase its size but it is limited to 280x120 I would like to increase it to 280x200 for example. Thanks in advance !! this box >>> http://imgur.com/a/O2bjZ
  8. Good afternoon friends, I need to configure the login table and loginlog in a different database, for example: Myserver_login: login, loginlo Myserver_1: char, storage ..... etc Myserver_2: char, storage ..... etc I did this with rAthena using the "inter_athena.conf" // MySQL Login server Login_server_ip: Login_server_port: 3306 Login_server_id: *** Login_server_pw: *** Login_server_db: *** // MySQL Character server Char_server_ip: Char_server_port: 3306 Char_server_id: *** Char_server_pw: *** Char_server_db: *** Etc ... I can do the same in Hercules? Thank you : )
  9. //===== EinherjarRO Scripts ================================== //= Daily Prize, OnPCLoginEvent //===== By: ================================================== //= Stolao //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.59 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= A reward system for players who play more frequently //===== Comments: ============================================ //= Maybe Make .MinWait an array mins,days,weeks,months,years; //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= For Older See Forums //= 1.51 Changed set .@g formula and move lower into script //= 1.52 Replace all disbottom -> message //= 1.53 Changed Format to Include minuets instead of just hours //= 1.54 Made Time till next rewards display dynamic //= 1.55 Changed a forgotten .PointType$ -> getd(.@TT[1]) //= 1.56 changed .@XT -> .@XT$ //= 1.57 Added Atoi where nessisary //= 1.58 Fixed a swapped .@x and .@x+1 //= 1.59 Serveral Edit Undocumented to fix //===== Contact Info: ======================================== //= [Stolao] //= Email: [email protected] //============================================================ - script LOGIN -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: OnLoginCmnd: OnPCLoginEvent: sleep2 1000 + .Rest * 60000; set .@i, (gettime(7) * 365 * 24 * 60) + (gettime(8) * 24 * 60) + (gettime(3) * 60) +gettime(2); if(.@i >= (#LastDailyReward + .MinWait)){ if(.@i < #LastDailyReward + .MaxWait){ set #DRewardCon, #DRewardCon + 1; } else { set #DRewardCon, 1; } set .@g, (#DRewardCon > getarraysize(.Rewards$)) ? (getarraysize(.Rewards$)-1) : #DRewardCon; explode(.@XT$,.Rewards$[.@g],"|"); for(set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.@XT$); set .@x,.@x + 1){ set .@TT[.@x], atoi(.@XT$[.@x]); } if(.Mode & 1 && .@TT[4]){ //[Note]: I need to figure out a checkweight for all items tired atm lol, for now ill leave it missing for(set .@x,4; .@x < getarraysize(.@TT); set .@x,.@x + 2){ getitem .@TT[.@x], .@TT[.@x+1]; message strcharinfo(0),"Recived "+ .@TT[.@x+1] +" "+ getitemname(.@TT[.@x]); } } if(.Mode & 2){ if(.@TT[0]){ set Zeny,Zeny + .@TT[0]; message strcharinfo(0),"Recived "+ .@TT[0] +"z"; } if(.@TT[1]){ setd getd(.Points$[0]),getd(.Points$[0]) + .@TT[1]; message strcharinfo(0),"Recived "+ .@TT[1] +" "+.Points$[1]; } } if(.Mode & 4 && (.@TT[3] || .@TT[4])) getexp .@TT[3], .@TT[4]; if(.Mode & 8){ for(set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.BuffInfo); set .@x,.@x + 4){ if(#DRewardCon % .BuffInfo[.@x + 1] == 0) sc_start .BuffInfo[.@x], .BuffInfo[.@x + 2] * 60000, .BuffInfo[.@x + 3]; } } message strcharinfo(0),"You have collected your daily reward, for "+#DRewardCon+" day"+((#DRewardCon > 1)?"s":"")+" in a row."; set #LastDailyReward, .@i; } else { set .@days,(#LastDailyReward + .MinWait - .@i)/60/24; set .@hours,((#LastDailyReward + .MinWait - .@i)/60)%24; set .@mins,(#LastDailyReward + .MinWait - .@i)%60; message strcharinfo(0),"You have "+ ((.@days) ? .@days +":Days " : "") +""+ ((.@hours) ? .@hours +":Hours " : "") +""+ ((.@mins) ? .@mins +":Minutes " : "") +"till your next reward"; } end; OnInit: //Basic Settings // 1: Item | 2: Points | 4: Exp // 8: Gain Buffs Every X Consecutive Days logged in // (a bit value, e.g. 3 = Items & Points from Multi) set .Mode,1 + 2 + 4 + 8; //To Enable @ Command '@loginreward' unslash next lines // * Needs extra commands for typos bindatcmd("relog" ,"LOGIN::OnLoginCmnd",0,99); //Minimum Minuets Between Collecting Daily Reward // Day: 22*60 - 24*60 // Week: 10080 //set .MinWait,1320; set .MinWait,1320; //Minuets Before Lose Consecutive Daily Reward // Day: 48*60 - 50*60 // Week: 20160 //set .MaxWait,3000; set .MaxWait,3000; //Number of mins after logging before collecting prize set .Rest,60; //Point Type // [0] Points earned // [1] Point name in mes setarray .Points$,"#CASHPOINTS","Cash-Points"; // Consecutive Days Buff // Each buff contains 4 variables (32 Total Max) // <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 1 // <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 2 // ...; // // Example: 188,7,45,3 // -Every 7th consecutive day logged in Player gains +3 Str for 45 mins // // Type is 188, which references which SC_ to use, SC_INCSTR in this example // -For a full list of SC_ visit the db/const.txt // Days is days buff is applied, in this example 7, so every 7th day, 14,21,28.... // Duration is buff duration is Minuits, in this example 45 mins // Rate is buff strength, in this example player gains 3 Str setarray .BuffInfo ,260,2,360,1 // Life Insurance for 360 Mins Every 2nd Day ,198,3,120,10 // +10% Hp for 120 Mins Every 3th Day ,196,5,120,25 // +25 Flee for 120 Mins Every 5th Day ,257,7,240,50; // +50% Exp for 240 Mins Every 7th Day // Daily Prize items (max 128 days): // "<Zeny>|<Points>|<BaseExp>|<JobExp>|<itemID-1>|<amount-1>|<itemID-2>|<amount-2>...etc", // Day 1 // "<Zeny>|<Points>|<BaseExp>|<JobExp>|<itemID-1>|<amount-1>|<itemID-2>|<amount-2>...etc" // Day 2 // ...; // Total length of any days string must be 255 or shorter // * If players login longer than the last set // day, they will keep getting the last prize. setarray .Rewards$, "100", // Day 1: 100 Zeny "0|0|0|0|501|5", // Day 2: 5 Red Potion "0|0|0|0|503|5|506|5"; // Day 3: 5 White Potion + 5 Green Potion end; } Anyone help me where to add message to char, You have to wait 60 minutes before claim the reward. An npc, that when player click, display waiting time 40 minute. The time will reduce until minute 0, and player can redeem the reward.
  10. File Name: 2 Login Screens + 7 Loading Screens (RagnaHosting) File Submitter: Conflicts File Submitted: 27 Mar 2015 File Category: Other Graphics Hello Everyone. I am sharing some login screens and loading screen. These are given to RagnaHosting customers by default, on their generated clients. Feel free to use these on your server. Visit our website, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more free stuff. https://ragnahosting.com/ https://facebook.com/RagnaHosting https://twitter.com/RagnaHosting Click here to download this file
  11. Hello, based on topic title. I'm using nemo patcher. I try to use the Custom Aura Limits and getting error upon login. May I know why this happen ? My server running 255, currently my aura is level 99. I want to display aura on level 255. Besides that, someone can explain what is this ? C:\Users\Client\NEMO-master\Input\auraSpec.txt ############################################################################## # # Format # --------- # <jobid ranges>: # <level_l>-<level_h> => index, # # jobid ranges is a comma seperated list of id ranges and/or single ids. # ############################################################################# 0-30,4001-4052,4114-4119,4121-4126,4128,4130,4131,4133-4139,4141,4142,4144-4147,4149,4150,4152-4172,4181,4183-4196,4199,4200,4203,4204,4207,4210-4217: 99-255 => 1, 4053-4113,4120,4127,4129,4132,4133,4140,4143,4148,4151,4173-4180,4182,4197,4198,4201,4202,4205,4206,4208,4209: 99-149 => 1, 150-159 => 2, 160-255 => 3, Should I modified it or not ? Hope someone will help me. Thanks you.
  12. Version 1.0


    Hello Everyone. I am sharing some login screens and loading screen. These are given to RagnaHosting customers by default, on their generated clients. Feel free to use these on your server. Visit our website, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more free stuff. https://ragnahosting.com/ https://facebook.com/RagnaHosting https://twitter.com/RagnaHosting
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