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Everything posted by x13th

  1. version 2.0 i still need to clean it up :3
  2. My first thor patcher design :3 its kinda dirty.... so, feel free to rate and comment. version 2.0
  3. I can't connect to my server. I follow this guide: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Buffalo/WCR-GN/Ragnarok_Online_Server.htm Here's my config. map_server // Character Server IP// The map server connects to the character server using this IP address.// NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on// a machine with multiple interfaces.char_ip: // The map server listens on the interface with this IP address.// NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces// while using the same ports for each server.//bind_ip: // Character Server Portchar_port: 6121 // Map Server IP// The IP address which clients will use to connect.// Set this to what your server's public IP address is.map_ip: 121.xx.xxx.xx // Map Server Portmap_port: 5121 char_server // Login Server IP// The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.// NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on// a machine with multiple interfaces.login_ip: // The character server listens on the interface with this IP address.// NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces// while using the same ports for each server.//bind_ip: // Login Server Portlogin_port: 6900 // Character Server IP// The IP address which clients will use to connect.// Set this to what your server's public IP address is.char_ip: 121.xx.xxx.xx subnet subnet: clientinfo.xml <address>121.xx.xxx.xx</address> <port>6900</port> <version>30</version> <langtype>0</langtype>
  4. Nope if no what client does support iteminfo.lub?? 2012-07-16 Ragexe support iteminfo.lub Is 2012-07-16 stable client?
  5. Does 2012-04-24Ragexe client supports iteminfo.lub? If no what client does support iteminfo.lub?
  6. Can anyone share the right packet for 20120424ragexe? EDIT: Nevermind. Got it.
  7. No one knows the answer?
  8. Run on all windows version?
  9. How to fix this unknown map? The problem is where ever I go (all map e.g prontera, payon..) its the same, it says unknown area.
  10. Please refer to my post here: http://herc.ws/board/topic/1712-highness-heal-not-working/ my skill_db.txt 1023,11,6,16,6,0x21,0,5,1,yes,0,0,0,magic,0, AB_HIGHNESSHEAL,Highness Heal //CHECK Info shows this has magic attack.
  11. Good day everyone. After I edited the skill id of "Highness Heal", I can't cast it anymore to myself/other char but if I cast it to undead monster it can cause damage. Here's what i've done: Server Side: skill.h AB_HIGHNESSHEAL = 1023, AB_CLEARANCE = 2052, skill_db.txt 1023,11,6,16,6,0x21,0,5,1,yes,0,0,0,magic,0, AB_HIGHNESSHEAL,Highness Heal //CHECK Info shows this has magic attack. skill_cast_db.txt //-- AB_HIGHNESSHEAL 1023,1000,1000,0,0,0,3000 skill_require_db.txt 1023,0,0,70:100:130:160:190,0,0,0,99,0,0,none,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //AB_HIGHNESSHEAL#Highness Heal# skill_tree.txt 8,1023,5,70,7,12,7,54,4,74,3,28,10 //AB_HIGHNESSHEAL#Highness Heal# Client Side: skillid.lub AB_HIGHNESSHEAL = 1023, skilltreeview.lub {"AB_HIGHNESSHEAL", 1023; Pos = 21, MaxLv = 5, NeedSkillList = {6, 20, 9, 1}},
  12. One more thing. After I edited the skill id of Highness heal, I can't cast it anymore to myself/other char but if I cast it to undead monster it cause damage.
  13. Thank you maluffet. I changed your code to: clif_skill_damage(src,bl,tick, status_get_amotion(src), 0, -30000, 1, 2040, skill_lv, 6);
  14. I tried it using clif_specialeffect(&sd->bl,721,AREA); but instead of showing the skill animation on target, the skill animation will come out on the caster. What should I change?
  15. Hi Everyone. I tried to change the skill id of Adoramus skill. Everything works except for one thing, the skill effect/animation was gone. I don't know why. Screenshot: Here's what i've done skill.h AB_ADORAMUS = 1025,AB_CLEMENTIA = 2041, skill_db.txt 1025,11,8,1,6,0,0,10,-10,yes,0,0,0,magic,0, AB_ADORAMUS,Adoramus skill_cast_db.txt //-- AB_ADORAMUS 1025,2000,500,0,6000:7000:8000:9000:10000:11000:12000:13000:14000:15000,15000:20000:25000:30000:35000:40000:45000:50000:55000:60000,2000 skill_require_db.txt 1025,0,0,20:24:28:32:36:40:44:48:52:56,0,0,0,99,0,0,none,0,717,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //AB_ADORAMUS#Adoramus# skill_tree.txt 8,1025,10,79,1,77,7,0,0,0,0,0,0 //AB_ADORAMUS#Adoramus# skillid.lub AB_ADORAMUS = 1025, skilltreeview.lub {"AB_ADORAMUS", 1025; Pos = 23, MaxLv = 10, NeedSkillList = {25, 16}}
  16. How to enable Warg for SniperJob? I already added Skill "Warg Mastery" but when I use it with warg flute, the warg doesnt come out. Can anyone help me?
  17. EDIT: Nevermind. Got it
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