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About serverkid

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  1. will this make the vendor immune to monster's attacks? case MC_VENDING: if (sd) { //Prevent vending of GMs with unnecessary Level to trade/drop. [skotlex] if ( !pc_can_give_items(sd) ) clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); else { sd->state.prevend = sd->state.workinprogress = 3; sd->state.monster_ignore = 1; //will this work? clif->openvendingreq(sd,2+skill_lv); } } break;
  2. serverkid

    map crash

    how to install debuginfos to see full stacktrace. (gdb) bt full#0 0x00000000004b5468 in skill_cell_overlap ()No symbol table info available.#1 0x00000000005995c4 in bl_vforeach.114343 ()No symbol table info available.#2 0x000000000057592d in map_vforeachincell ()No symbol table info available.#3 0x00000000005759fb in map_foreachincell ()No symbol table info available.#4 0x00000000004972ba in skill_castend_pos2.part.25.192696 ()No symbol table info available.#5 0x00000000004a9b0a in skill_castend_pos2 ()No symbol table info available.#6 0x00000000004a911c in skill_castend_pos ()No symbol table info available.#7 0x00000000004130f6 in do_timer.3198 ()No symbol table info available.#8 0x0000000000405a94 in main ()No symbol table info available.
  3. i just added sd->state.monster_ignore = 1; after setting autotrade to 1 in @autotrade atcommand.
  4. sd->state.autotrade = 1; sd->state.monster_ignore = 1; but it wont work.
  5. hi, is there a way to run the patcher as admin by default?
  6. close the files (login, char, map) before recompiling
  7. changed this. kyeme could you try something for me? which tab is monkey circlet stored in your databased? it should be armor right? but it's on the weapon's tab. applied the fix above. so it should be working properly but not.
  8. this is src edit if im not mistaken
  9. if im not mistaken, rejected from server can be fixed if you change the packetver to match your client. and the 2nd error in message box check Quest_function.lub for any problems or easier method is download a newer version or data files for your client date.
  10. which is better, getting the last_map from database or attaching the account_id (from sql) then doing something like getmapxy(.@qmap$,.@qmapx,.@qmapy,0);
  11. yeah, save_map is where your character is saved. i'm looking for the field where you're character is currently at.
  12. isn't save_map field is where you're character is saved. what i mean is the character's current location. last_map is only updated when you warped to another location or when the player relogs.
  13. like the title says.. where is user's current map saved in database?
  14. some players are reporting that @noks doesn't work with the mvp listed above. i tried with red_plant and it also doesn't work.
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