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Posts posted by milk



    I have 1GB of RAM...


    It's just a VPS server for testing...Soon I will get a better one.


    shutdown every service you have and use every ram for compiling in the old day i have face it, and rebooting the vps do me the favor befor compiling try it in that time i have 512 Ram for my vps

    How to do that?

    To reboot your VPS just type "sudo reboot"

    You can use htoputility to check which process is using RAM in Linux.

  2. How about transfer them to another repo?

    Most of them are quite useful as example for development, but in most cases not needed in production folder.

    If somebody wants, they could Pull Request this repo with their fixes.


    I'm also not sure about need in maintaining basic ones (Healer, Bank etc).

    Current versions being modified on most popular servers anyway, because they are not enough technically advanced, and direction of this improvement being determined by server's policy (which couldn't be unified for everyone).


    If beginner would need some NPCs from customs, he could find appropriate topic at Scripts board (matching all his needs), or to develop himself on the codebase of customs-repo.


    I think, it would be better to add custom scripts to another repo.



    As it is now it isn't compatible, most places that were changed have things that are only available in Hercules, if you need it to be compatible with eAthena just provide a revision number and I'll 'convert' this diff to it.

    Thank you! eAthena rev. 15234

    I think there is need to add some checks for flag in clif_sitting / clif_standing functions, right?


    There's no need to do that, all sitting requests pass trough ActionRequest_sub.

    Here is the new diff: http://pastebin.com/uMgV81Db

    Note that can_sit_anywhere is the minimum gm lvl to sit anywhere. Haven't tested this diff in-game, but there where no build errors.

    Thank you, Pan. I will test it soon! 

  4. As it is now it isn't compatible, most places that were changed have things that are only available in Hercules, if you need it to be compatible with eAthena just provide a revision number and I'll 'convert' this diff to it.

    Thank you! eAthena rev. 15234

    I think there is need to add some checks for flag in clif_sitting / clif_standing functions, right? 


    I coded it for you:


    Just do the changes that are depicted in this diff file, save and rebuild your map-server.

    I've also added a new group setting:

    Just add it to all groups that can bypass 'nositting' restrictions.


    Oh, and only player controlled sitting is blocked (e.g. using insert), i.e. if a skill makes a player sit, it'll still do that even with the mapflag enabled, ok?



    Thank you very much, Pan! This is what I need.

    One more question: Is it compatible with eAthena code? 

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