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Posts posted by karazu

  1. Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Can someone please make it an automated event?

    According to  Goddameit its working in Hercules.




    //////	Author		Goddameit//	Version		2015/06/10//	Web		http://goo.gl/0vY9GV//////-------------------------------------------------------////-------------------------------------------------------////---------------------Reward Setting--------------------////-------------------------------------------------------////-------------------------------------------------------//ordeal_1-1, 149, 149, 4	script	#DevilSquarewarp2zoon6	1324,{	warp "prontera", 150, 180;	getitem 607, 1;	end;}//-------------------------------------------------------////-------------------------------------------------------////---------------------NPC location----------------------////-------------------------------------------------------////-------------------------------------------------------//prontera,150,180,4	script	Another Devil Square	100,{	callsub OnPlayerClickNPC;//-------------------------------------------------------////-------------------------------------------------------////---------------------Level Setting---------------------////-------------------------------------------------------////-------------------------------------------------------//OnSpawnMob:	switch(getarg(0,0)) {		case 1:			switch(getarg(1,0)) {				case 1:					callsub OnTimeLeftAnnounce, 100;					callsub OnSMob, 234, 61, 245, 52, 1002, 2;					break;				case 2:					callsub OnTimeLeftAnnounce, 100;					callsub OnSMob, 234, 61, 245, 52, 1002, 1;					callsub OnSMob, 234, 61, 245, 52, 1083, 1;					break;				case 3:					callsub OnTimeLeftAnnounce, 100;					callsub OnSMob, 234, 61, 245, 52, 1002, 10;					break;				case 4:					callsub OnTimePauseDelay, 30;					enablenpc "#DevilSquarewarp2zoon2";					break;			}			break;		case 2:			switch(getarg(1,0)) {				case 1:					callsub OnTimePauseDelay, 10;					enablenpc "#DevilSquarewarp2zoon3";					break;			}			break;		case 3:			switch(getarg(1,0)) {				case 1:					callsub OnTimePauseDelay, 10;					enablenpc "#DevilSquarewarp2zoon4";					break;			}			break;		case 4:			switch(getarg(1,0)) {				case 1:					callsub OnTimePauseDelay, 10;					enablenpc "#DevilSquarewarp2zoon5";					break;			}			break;		case 5:			switch(getarg(1,0)) {				case 1:					callsub OnTimeLeftAnnounce, 100;					callsub OnSMob, 140, 140, 160, 160, 1099, 3;					break;			}			break;					default: // Game Over, go to reward			mapannounce "ordeal_1-1", "[Devil Square]: You win!!", bc_map, 0x00FF00, 400, 18;			enablenpc "#DevilSquarewarp2zoon6";			stopnpctimer;			sleep2 5000;			callsub OnEndd;			break;	}	if(.wave_complete == 1) { // No more wave on this level		.game_level++;		.game_wave = 0;	}	return;//-------------------------------------------------------////-------------------------------------------------------////-------------------------------------------------------////-------------------------------------------------------////---I guess you don't need to care about below things---////-------------------------------------------------------////-------------------------------------------------------////-------------------------------------------------------////-------------------------------------------------------//OnPlayerClickNPC:	if(getgroupid() >= 99) {		switch(prompt("Active", "End", "Nothing")) {			default:				break;			case 1:				callsub OnEndd;				.game_status = 1;				announce "[Devil Square]: GM active this game.", bc_all, 0x00FF00, 400, 18;				break;			case 2:				callsub OnEndd;				announce "[Devil Square]: GM close this game.", bc_all, 0x00FF00, 400, 18;				break;		}	}	if(.game_status == 0) {		mes "This game doesn't be actived yet.";		close;	}	if(.game_status >= 3) {		mes "This game is running";		close;	}	for(.@i = 0; .@i < .game_player_num; .@i++) {		if(.game_player_name$[.@i] == strcharinfo(0)) {			mes "You have already joined this game";			close;		}	}	if(prompt("Join", "Leave") != 1) {		close;	}	if(.game_status == 0) {		mes "This game doesn't be actived yet.";		close;	}	if(.game_status >= 3) {		mes "This game is running";		close;	}	if(.game_player_name$[0] == "") {		.game_player_num = 1;		.game_player_name$[0] = strcharinfo(0);		query_sql "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_SECOND, "+.time_joining+", NOW( )), '%T'), CURTIME( )", .@time_fstr$, .@time_nstr$;		announce "[Devil Square]: Game will start at "+.@time_fstr$+" (Now: "+.@time_nstr$+")", bc_all, 0x00FF00, 400, 18;		.time_delay = gettimetick(2) + .time_joining;		.game_status = 2;		initnpctimer;	} else {		.game_player_name$[.game_player_num] = strcharinfo(0);		.game_player_num++;	}	mes "Done";	close;	end;OnTimer5000:	if(.time_delay <= gettimetick(2)) {		if(.game_status == 2) { // Warp player to zone 1			.game_status = 3;			killmonsterall "ordeal_1-1";			for(.@i = 0; .@i < .game_player_num; .@i++)				warpchar "ordeal_1-1", 186, 112, getcharid(0, .game_player_name$[.@i]); // zone 1 enter			.game_level = 1;			.game_wave = 1;			callsub OnSpawnMob, .game_level, .game_wave;		} else if(.game_status == 3) { // Loop check level and wave			if(.wave_complete == 0) {				mapannounce "ordeal_1-1", "[Devil Square]: You lose!!", bc_map, 0x00FF00, 400, 18;				.game_status = 0;				sleep2 30000;				callsub OnEndd;			} else {				.game_wave++;				callsub OnSpawnMob, .game_level, .game_wave;			}		} else			;	}	if(.game_status != 0)		initnpctimer;	else		stopnpctimer;	end;OnSMob:	areamonster "ordeal_1-1",getarg(0),getarg(1),getarg(2),getarg(3),"--en--",getarg(4),getarg(5),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill";	return;OnMobKill:	if(.game_status == 0)		end;	sleep2 1000;	.@left = mobcount("ordeal_1-1", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill");	if(.@left <= 0) {		.time_delay = 0;		.wave_complete = 1;	}	mapannounce "ordeal_1-1", "[Devil Square]: Remain "+.@left+" Mob"+(.@left > 1 ? "s" : ""), bc_map, 0x00FF00, 400, 18;	end;OnTimeLeftAnnounce:	sleep2 1000;	query_sql "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_SECOND, "+getarg(0)+", NOW( )), '%T'), CURTIME( )", .@time_fstr$, .@time_nstr$;	mapannounce "ordeal_1-1", "[Devil Square]: Level:"+.game_level+"-"+.game_wave+" will end at "+.@time_fstr$+" (Now: "+.@time_nstr$+")", bc_map, 0x00FF00, 400, 18;	.time_delay = gettimetick(2) + getarg(0);	.wave_complete = 0;	sleep2 5000;	initnpctimer;	return;OnTimePauseDelay:	query_sql "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_SECOND, "+getarg(0)+", NOW( )), '%T'), CURTIME( )", .@time_fstr$, .@time_nstr$;	mapannounce "ordeal_1-1", "[Devil Square]: Game will start at "+.@time_fstr$+" (Now: "+.@time_nstr$+")", bc_map, 0x00FF00, 400, 18;	.time_delay = gettimetick(2) + getarg(0);	initnpctimer;	return;OnEndd:	disablenpc "#DevilSquarewarp2zoon2";	disablenpc "#DevilSquarewarp2zoon3";	disablenpc "#DevilSquarewarp2zoon4";	disablenpc "#DevilSquarewarp2zoon5";	disablenpc "#DevilSquarewarp2zoon6";	killmonsterall "ordeal_1-1";	deletearray .game_player_name$;	.game_player_num = 0;	.game_status = 0;	.time_delay = 0;	.wave_complete = 0;	.game_level = 0;	.game_wave = 0;	getmapxy .@m$, .@x, .@y, 1, strnpcinfo(0);	mapwarp "ordeal_1-1", .@m$, .@x, .@y;	stopnpctimer;	return;OnInit:	callsub OnEndd;	.time_joining = 100; // How long that game will start after first join. (second)	end;}ordeal_1-1, 245, 51, 4	script	#DevilSquarewarp2zoon2	45,3,3,{	warp "ordeal_1-1", 98, 148;	end;}ordeal_1-1, 26, 150, 4	script	#DevilSquarewarp2zoon3	45,3,3,{	warp "ordeal_1-1", 149, 98;	end;}ordeal_1-1, 150, 25, 4	script	#DevilSquarewarp2zoon4	45,3,3,{	warp "ordeal_1-1", 201, 150;	end;}ordeal_1-1, 274, 150, 4	script	#DevilSquarewarp2zoon5	45,3,3,{	warp "ordeal_1-1", 149, 149;	end;} 

    Thank you!




    do you really want it as source code when you can do the very same thing with just a few lines of script? :P


    -	script	kdjshfksdjfh	-1,{OnInit:	bindatcmd "identifyall", strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onaaa",0,99;	end;Onaaa:	getinventorylist;	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) {		if ( !@inventorylist_identify[.@i] ) {			delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i], 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;			getitem @inventorylist_id[.@i], 1;			.@c++;		}	}	dispbottom .@c +" items identified";	end;}

    by annie ruru

    I will test it, Thank you!


    Today marks the day we say goodbye to Ind



    It's been a pleasure working with Ind for several years. He has been a great asset to Hercules and the Ragnarok Community over the years. For now, we bid a good farewell to an awesome developer of the Ragnarok Community. Ind will be leaving the RO scene for personal reasons, but may come back in the future. Although Ind is leaving Hercules, Hercules will not die. Hercules will now be lead by Haru and I. Myself and the rest of the staff would like to thank Ind for all of his hard work and dedication throughout the RO emulator projects!



    With this change in mind, there had to be a domain change (herc.ws). The old domain (herc.ws) will still be available for the time being, but we recommend using herc.ws and changing all your bookmarks. We believe herc.ws was the best way to go for a domain change... pretty much 'cause all other domains were taken, or were too long then what we wanted (i.e. hercules-emu.org).



    Thank you very much IND.


    And just noticed the changes after I read it. 


    [Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:156: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_sp'[Error]: --- end failed assertion ----------------------------------------[Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:153: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_range'[Error]: --- end failed assertion ----------------------------------------[Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:156: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_sp'[Error]: --- end failed assertion ----------------------------------------[Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:153: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_range'[Error]: --- end failed assertion ----------------------------------------[Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:156: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_sp'[Error]: --- end failed assertion ----------------------------------------[Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:153: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_range'[Error]: --- end failed assertion ----------------------------------------[Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:156: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_sp'[Error]: --- end failed assertion ----------------------------------------[Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:153: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_range'[Error]: --- end failed assertion ----------------------------------------[Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:156: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_sp'[Error]: --- end failed assertion ----------------------------------------[Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:153: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_range'[Error]: --- end failed assertion ----------------------------------------[Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:156: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_sp'[Error]: --- end failed assertion ----------------------------------------[Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:153: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_range'[Error]: --- end failed assertion ---------------------------------------- 

    What is this all about?


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