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About Siberian

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  1. Can anybody help me to setup a proxy server? I pay in paypal. Thank you!
  2. These are applied, but in-game are still visible Hide Achievement Button Hide BG Button Hide Booking Button Hide Quest Button Does anyone have the hexadecimal code to manually change?
  3. I'm trying diff the hexed: 2017-06-14bRagexeRE But some diffs are not working. ERROR: Failed in Step 1 - No Packet Key Patterns matched Packet First Key Encryption Packet Second Key Encryption Packet Third Key Encryption These are applied, but in-game are still visible Hide Achievement Button Hide BG Button Hide Booking Button Hide Quest Button how to solve this? Thanks guys.
  4. Hi, Does anyone know how to increase the maximum time in rentitem command? I put 90 days = 129,600 minutes, the emulator changed to 58,017 minutes. Thanks.
  5. Hi, Does anyone know how to increase the maximum time in rentitem command? I put 90 days = 129,600 minutes, the emulator changed to 58,017 minutes. Thanks.
  6. Bom dia, Estou com um problema que não sei resolver, já tentei tudo, desde alterar o langtype até efetuar o diff milhares de vezes e o problema persiste. Hexeds testados: 2013-08-07a 2014-02-05b 2014-03-05b Se eu estiver com uma arma equipada consigo visualizar a descrição de helms, armaduras e etc, mas se eu tentar visualizar a descrição de outra arma o Hexed crasha, o mesmo ocorre com um helm ou armadura, se eu estiver com o item equipado e tentar visualizar um item que equipa no mesmo lugar o Hexed Crasha. Alguém já passou por isso e sabe como resolver ? Obrigado. Atenciosamente,
  7. I would like to take a doubt, I always compiled using ./configure --disable-64bit ... You currently recommend compiling in 64bits or 32bits like I'm doing? What is the best and correct to compile the emulator on CentOS? Thanks !
  8. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.#0 vending_searchall (sd=0x124637a0, s=0xffb50e50) at vending.c:394394 if( !sd->state.vending ) // not vendingMissing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.12-1.107.el6_4.4.i686 keyutils-libs-1.4-4.el6.i686 krb5-libs-1.10.3-10.el6_4.4.i686 libcom_err-1.41.12-14.el6_4.2.i686 libgcc-4.4.7-3.el6.i686 libselinux-2.0.94-5.3.el6_4.1.i686 libstdc++-4.4.7-3.el6.i686 mysql-libs-5.5.33-1.el6.remi.i686 openssl-1.0.0-27.el6_4.2.i686 zlib-1.2.3-29.el6.i686(gdb) bt full#0 vending_searchall (sd=0x124637a0, s=0xffb50e50) at vending.c:394 i = <value optimized out> c = <value optimized out> slot = <value optimized out> idx = <value optimized out> cidx = <value optimized out> it = <value optimized out>#1 0x081b0049 in searchstore_query (sd=0x10c2c778, type=0 '000', min_price=0, max_price=0, itemlist=0xdf4854ab, item_count=13, cardlist=0xdf4854c5, card_count=0) at searchstore.c:189 i = <value optimized out> pl_sd = 0x124637a0 iter = 0xdfd1016c s = {search_sd = 0x10c2c778, itemlist = 0xdf4854ab, cardlist = 0xdf4854c5, item_count = 13, card_count = 0, min_price = 0, max_price = 0} store_searchall = 0x8195c50 <vending_searchall> querytime = 1379431045 vending_db = 0xdfab0574 __FUNCTION__ = "searchstore_query"#2 0x08064450 in clif_parse_SearchStoreInfo (fd=44, sd=0x10c2c778) at clif.c:16001 itemlist = <value optimized out>---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- cardlist = <value optimized out> type = 0 '000' min_price = 0 max_price = 0 packet_len = <value optimized out> count = <value optimized out> item_count = 13 card_count = <value optimized out> info = <value optimized out>#3 0x08070b8e in clif_parse (fd=44) at clif.c:16825 cmd = 2073 packet_ver = 43 packet_len = 41 err = 7 sd = 0x10c2c778 pnum = <value optimized out>#4 0x081bc8be in do_sockets (next=50) at socket.c:870 rfd = {__fds_bits = {0, 4096, 0 <repeats 30 times>}} timeout = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 20351} ret = 0 i = <value optimized out>#5 0x081bab3d in main (argc=1, argv=0xffb510f4) at core.c:371 next = <value optimized out> How fix it?
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